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Found 17,501 results

  1. Hi, I had a VSG on October 27th and have just been moved to soft food. I am following the nutritionist recommendations for food and portions. Over the last week I have not lost any weight and this morning am up 2lbs. Is this normal? Sent from my SM-G981U1 using BariatricPal mobile app
  2. I had surgery on Oct 26th, I will be 4 weeks post op on Monday. I have been losing very well, my weight on surgery day was 292.4 and I'm down to 269.7. But all this week, not even an ounce has been lost... is this normal? Its very frustrating..

     I'm 3 weeks post op and  altogether i  did  lose 43 lbs.. but the pain is  awful! i can't sit up or  focus.

    1. the lap band lady

      the lap band lady

      So sorry to hear that. I'm having shoulder pain but my doctor said it would go way by Day 10. What did your doctor say you should do?

  4. Temperature still normal. No symptoms. One week is over. Both my colleague and I are doing fine.

  5. I had ESG on 9/25/2020. I'm just over 6 weeks. I lost 10 pounds the first two weeks (I was very ill the first two weeks), but only 10 in the next four weeks. So, 20 pounds in 6 weeks. I expected to lose the weight faster than I am. Were my expectations unrealistic. My starting weight was 205, BMI 31 or 33. I'm 5'5".
  6. There are some days when my tank runs completely out of gas. Most days actually. I am in the purée stage. I am thinking maybe I need to add the genepro protein to all of my foods. I am have the MOST difficultly getting lots of water in. It’s like by the time I drink, it’s time to eat, and my stomach doesn’t have enough space for the water 20 minute later. I used to try to drink most my fluids at night but sometimes I fall asleep. I am taking the multivitamin daily. I try to go on 20 minute walks 3 days a week because I certainly don’t want to lose my stamina for exercise later. I am 156lbs. And I have stalled there for 2 weeks. I am 4 weeks post op. Anyone else feeling lethargic??
  7. I had my surgery last Thursday and I am on my liquid diet. I am constantly questioning if my sleeve is small enough. I am basing my food intake on protein as much as possible, but is it normal to get cravings? I didn’t think it was. I also can eat 1/4 c of food already. Everyone else I have heard about has like two bites and is really full. I’m just worried and unsure. I need to get healthier. I have already lost 9.2 lbs, and that is great! I just would hate for my sleeve to be too big and it to not be the tool it’s supposed to be to help me. I am not giving in to cravings and am following my diet. Any advice/ input would be appreciated.
  8. Anyone else next week, I’m 11/9 for a bypass. Just looking to see if anyone wanted to be a little support group for each other, motivators for one another. I imagine it’s nice to converse with people at the same place in the journey :)
  9. Mrs Spoon

    2 weeks post op

    Hello everyone. I'm 2 weeks post op and feeling great! I'm having a hard time drinking more that 2 bottles of water a day and I'm a little dehydrated. Any tricks to getting more water down? Sent from my SM-J260T1 using BariatricPal mobile app
  10. I lost 33 lbs after 1 week and now 30 days later I’ve gain 8lbs. What am I doing wrong??
  11. I have not lost any weight since October 14. My surgery was September 14 and I did lose over 30 lbs in the month after surgery. I am tracking my foods and exercising and I’m getting 500-700 calories a day. Trying to get 60 g of protein but not always getting there and the shakes are intolerable to me. This is very frustrating. Help!
  12. After a very long and anxiety-filled stall, I finally broke into the 270s - first milestone only 20lbs away!

  13. Why do I feel like I have a stall every month? Is that possible? Maybe I'm not doing something right. This is frustrating at times. I try to stay off the scale but it's hard. Surgery 6/9/20 as of today 90lbs down. I feel like i should be losing more every month i stay at the same weight for maybe 2weeks or more smh. Sent from my LM-Q710(FGN) using BariatricPal mobile app
  14. I had my ESG in mid August and proceeded thru all the diet phases with no problems. I now can eat "anything" altho I am only supposed to eat 3 oz per meal - 3 meals and 2 snacks per day. At first I was fine with the small amounts, but as I healed I felt hungrier and started moving my meal sizes up. I am not gorging by any means but I typically eat 4-6 oz per meal. Usually 900-1100 calories per day. This lets me have a few oz of veg along with my few oz of protein. My question is really about feeling hungry. I was told the ESG would greatly reduce hunger and cravings, unfortunately I am not feeling that. I wasn't hungry the first month or so, but its been a problem since. Did you feel free of hunger for some period of time, if so how long?
  15. Vateacher2016

    Week 5 concerns

    Today is week 5... Some days I feel the restrictions while eating and other times I don't feel anything, but I stop at my portion size. Is that normal? It makes me wonder if something is wrong. Also. I haven't had any trouble eating soft veggies and such. I am getting liquids in quickly, but not too fast without trouble. What I am getting to is this... I seem to be doing ok, but is something wrong for me to be doing good and for tolerating things that others might not? TIA
  16. Vateacher2016

    Week 5 Res

    Today is week 5... Some days I feel the restrictions while eating and other times I don't feel anything, but I stop at my portion size. Is that normal? It makes me wonder if something is wrong. Also. I haven't had any trouble eating soft veggies and such. I am getting liquids in quickly, but not too fast without trouble. What I am getting to is this... I seem to be doing ok, but is something wrong for me to be doing good and for tolerating things that others might not? TIA
  17. JomaraElizabeth

    2 week stall... HELP

    Im 12 days post op rny and I have not lost any weight for 5 days... im hiting my Protein and Water goal and I exercise (focused) for at least 30 min a day (the last 2 days I've been doing an hour) the only thing that comes to mind that could be why im stuck already is that my period is about to come in and ive always gained before it starts. Anyone gone thru something similar♡♡ Sent from my SM-N950U using BariatricPal mobile app
  18. Im 12 days post op rny and I have not lost any weight for 5 days... im hiting my protein and water goal and I exercise (focused) for at least 30 min a day (the last 2 days I've been doing an hour) the only thing that comes to mind that could be why im stuck already is that my period is about to come in and ive always gained before it starts. Anyone gone thru something similar♡♡ Sent from my SM-N950U using BariatricPal mobile app
  19. Hi friends! This is my first time posting/asking a question. I am 8 weeks post VSG surgery and I'm struggling with food. I know this isn't a new story and everyone struggles in some way. I find myself struggling to force myself to eat. I don't feel hunger (that I know of) yet I feel nauseous when I *do* eat and nauseous when I *do not* eat. I think my sense of smell is heightened as well so any cooking that I have to do or even opening up the refrigerator is causing a nauseous sensation as well. Has anyone experienced this? What did you do to overcome this? Thankfully I'm still losing but I know the loss won't continue if I can't get my metabolism kick started. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
  20. Im 1 week post op and coming down with a sore throat and cough any recommendations on what I can have that could help and won't kill my stomach or cause dumping. On the brighter side ive lost 3 kgs in a week. Sent from my SM-N986B using BariatricPal mobile app
  21. Donleonrst

    5 week post op

    I am beginning my fifth week postop and I’m starting to eat a little bit of solids I am a little concerned on what I can and what I should and should not eat. Especially now my wife has been drying for me to take her to dinner. Any suggestions? I do feel more hungry more often so I’m a little concerned
  22. Happy Sunday Everyone! Just wanted to get some advice and see if anyone has had a similar experience. I dumped tonight for the first time and man oh man was it unpleasant. Pretty much felt like my body evacuated all stored or working to pass BM’s. It was a wild experience. My stomach hurt suddenly so I went to the bathroom. Then my mouth started watering like I was about to vomit (thankfully that passed) I was wearing my apple watch and my heart rate spiked from 58 resting to 95bpm. I started shaking uncontrollably. such a strange experience. It has since passed but i’m worried it will happen again. 3 hours prior I had eaten a 1/3 of a banana. 1 hour prior I had high protein almond crackers with hummus. all chewed very well and without a drink. Has anyone had a similar experience with these foods? I don’t think it was the banana but any insight is appreciated. Good news is I feel cleaned out... lol. Hope everyone enjoys the rest of their sunday!
  23. Yesterday I started to feel hungry. And today too. Sure it was easy to handle, an ounce of protein, but isn't it too early? I heard people waited months to feel hungry...
  24. Hey all!! I have my vsg scheduled for Nov 6. I feel like I need to be preparing, but I have no idea what to prepare for. I am flying to San Diego on the 6th and having surgery the same day in Tijuana at Hospital BC. I am so nervous and excited! I could use any advice you have. What to bring, what to prepare at home before I leave, anything! My Dr put me on a 3 day liquid diet. What did you all drink during that time? What did you love to eat afterwards? What should I buy now to stock up for after surgery? Please help!
  25. So...prior to having Gastric Bypass, I heard stories of people losing 15lbs a week. I was 297 lbs on day of surgery (09.08.2020). Today I am 267. Im curious as to the whether this is normal. I was hoping for more. My surgeon, nutritionist and fitness coach have assured me that I am progressing well. However, when I get on this forum I see people who have lost much more. Thoughts? I am eating my protein. I walk about 6000 steps a day. I am optimistic as I write but I just want to make sure I am successful. On a happy note, I know that I am losing inches because my skinny jeans literally fell off the other day

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