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Found 1,239 results

  1. InfiniteButterfly

    Hit a stall 3 wks out. GRRRRR!

    The three-week stall sucks. Especially after how fast the weight seemed to fall off those first two weeks. I've had two stalls so far, and each lasted maybe 6-8 days? Not fun, but just stay the course and the weight will start falling again in no time.
  2. lessismore67

    Attention ! Australian Sleevers

    I'm interested though how much everyone lost on average every week? I'm not trying to compare myself to anyone just interested if there is a big variance in weekly averages. Hi Ditdee.Mine varied and I am currently in the middle of a three week stall after gaining then losing 1kg over Xmas My monthly losses approx after July 2013 when I was sleeved are: Aug 7kg Sep 5kg Oct 5kg Nov 3kg Dec 3.5kg Aiming to break the stall even if only by 1kg.I have lost 60% excess weight which is surgical goal but hope to lose another 20% which doesn't look likely atm.
  3. A "three week stall" is so normal with this surgery that it is a cliche. Just keep following your plan and wait it out.
  4. A three week stall broke! I dropped four pounds in the last four days. :D

    1. Treadmillwalker


      Congratulations! I hope you and Mrs. LittleBill had a wonderful Christmas and New Year's.

    2. highfunctioningfatman


      As much as I hate to say this I went slightly off track a couple of days ago when I got sick and I had chicken noodle soup. I don't know if was just a coincidence or if the carb cycling broke my stall but I have dropped like a rock since.

    3. LittleBill


      Thank you Treadmillwalker, and Happy New Year to you folks too!


      HFFM, they say chicken soup has healing qualities for all sorts of things. Maybe it works for stalls too. ;-)

    4. Show next comments  90 more
  5. Bufflehead

    slow weight loss?

    You're upset about losing 15 lbs in 17 days? What were you expecting? Are you expecting that you will keep losing almost a pound a day? Because, I wish I had a way to say this gently -- you won't, unless you are some kind of freak of nature. Seriously, you are doing great with weight loss. Hang on because you may be about to hit the three week stall (if you don't know what that is, use the search function here and you will learn tons!). I don't want to freak you out, I just want to reassure you that if it does happen, it's completely normal and you are not doing anything wrong. As for the hunger, are you on a PPI? I am not sure what surgery you had -- your profile says lap band, but you are posting on the sleeve forum. Most sleeve patients are prescribed a PPI by their surgeon due to excess stomach acid after surgery. Excess stomach acid feels just like hunger. If you are on a PPI, you may need a stronger dose or a stronger PPI -- consult with your surgeon. Also, you are likely in an early eating phase. When you get to more solid foods, you may feel more sated with your meals. Finally, if you are feeling doomed and depressed, I hope you can reach out to your medical care team. No one should feel that way. A contributing factor can be that you are losing weight very quickly (you really are, despite your perspective on it -- I promise you!). Fat cells are where your body stores hormones, and right now your body is emptying out fat cells and dumping hormones into your blood stream. That can make many people feel extremely emotional, weepy, depressed, and even angry. Also, just the trauma of surgery poses a huge stress to your body and can make you feel sad and overwhelmed during recovery. I'm not a medical professional so I can't diagnose you or anything (even if I was a medical professional I couldn't diagnose you over a message board) but I can say I have seen a lot of people feeling similar to you right after surgery posting here. Hang in there, you are doing great.
  6. eclecticwingtips

    3 week stall.....

    So im dealing with the dreaded three week stall. It is VERY annoying and although i know it will pass it is still a little frustrating. How long did your three week stall last????
  7. catwoman7

    1st stall

    Just stick to your plan - it *will* pass. And try to stay off the scale! My three-week stall lasted for two weeks, but it did end!!
  8. Proud2BMe


    Three week stall. Most people hit their first stall at this point. Continue on as normal, assuming you are following the diet.
  9. I was prepared for the three week stall. I have read numerous threads about it and know it happens to everyone. I weigh myself once every few days, sometimes up to five days. I last weighed myself on Saturday. I was 270. This morning, I am 271.4. I am still on a liquid diet, getting about 75 to 80 grams of Protein. I drink about 50 ounces of Fluid, working to get to 64 ounces. My goal is to have a lymphatic massage to release toxins and detox. Is weight gain also normal during the stall? Sent from my SM-G360T using the BariatricPal App
  10. What you're going through is completely necessary and normal! Don't stress! It happened to most of us at the same time post surgery! Google "Three Week Stall" and it will explain everything. Like @@jane13 said, stay on course and embrace the stall! It's supposed to happen
  11. catwoman7


    yes. So common that there's an unofficial name for it - "The Three-Week Stall" (doesn't necessarily always fall on week 3, but somewhere around there)
  12. Bufflehead

    Emotional breakdown

    I'm sorry no one told you to expect a stall for a couple of weeks starting about three weeks post op, but that's what happens to the vast, vast majority of people after weight loss surgery. You aren't doing anything wrong. Keep following your program, stay off the scale for a couple more weeks, and you'll find yourself dropping weight again. Seriously, use the search function here and look for "three week stall" "third week stall" or something like that. You can even Google "three week stall weight loss surgery" or "week three stall post-vsg" and you'll see tons of people posting about it all over the internet, not just here. Don't have a breakdown! Again, I am really sorry no one thought to tell you about this but it is perfectly normal and you will do great. Keep going.
  13. Peggylou


    I have had reflux for years. Took Nexium I had a upper GI and was diagnosed with Barrett's Esaphogus I am in early stage no dysplasia. First thing he told me was to lose weight. Not easy cause I'm also a diabetic high cholesterol sleep apnea and high blood pressure. Lots of meds made me tired. He told me I needed to lose 70 pounds. I went to see a doctor about gastric surgery. He and my gastro doc talk and decided the sleeve would work for me. I had surgery the 13 of sept and have lost 15 pounds. I'm off all of my meds. Oh BTW they found a hiatal hernia whie in there. What a difference that made getting that puppy fixed. I do get Gas. Not the same as reflux I use gas x strips. No reflux. Mainly I'm sure is because my diet has changed so much. Both doctors told me my acid levels would drop. Not all doctors would agree the sleeve is good when you have Barrett's but both my doctors felt it was a good choice for me. Wishing you luck!! I'm down to 183. Enduring what everyone refers to as the three week stall. I'm gonna up my walking tomorrow and switch up some of the liquids soups proteins ect.. To get my metabolism moving again. Take care!!
  14. Day 20, sounds like the infamous three week stall I recently learned about but it happens to so many people here. I had it as well. It lets up. Just be patient. Congrats on the 20 pounds.
  15. I would phrase it much more nicely now that I'm not feeling as frustrated, but everything in my rant about ridiculous expectations applies here. 1) Surgery hurts, be prepared for discomfort. 2) Losing weight doesn't happen overnight, so please try not to weigh daily post op or you'll make yourself insane. It should take a lot less time to reach goal than it took to pack on enough pounds to need surgery, but it doesn't all fall off in just a few months, so try to be patient. Also, I'd add that it's important to scrap any expectations about the pace you'll lose before you even have surgery. You'll lose at the pace your body sets, and it's unlikely that you can affect that pace much. 3) Eating will be a challenge for a while. You'll lack energy until you can eat. You might feel like you're "hungry" when you're stuck on a liquid diet. This will all pass eventually and it's normal. 4) PPI, PPI, PPI. Take one. Be proactive. Lots of "hungry" folks just need better acid control. 5) Remember that the sleeve will help you lose weight, but only you can choose to overcome whatever obstacles or issues in your life made you obese in the first place. It's fully possible to graze and binge post op if you want to, so you have to keep that in mind and work on those issues right out of the gate if you want an easy time in maintenance. VST is here for support and advice. Joining a group of people sleeved at the same time will be beneficial as they'll be right where you are in your journey. You shouldn't be afraid to ask questions or look for support, but remember that every question you have has also likely been asked before, so don't be afraid to search out old threads, too. Trust me - the three week stall was the same for us sleeved years ago as it is for folks sleeved last month. Don't miss out on a wealth of useful information that's out there because you might only get two or three quick replies to a question if it's a common one, but you'll have hundreds of answers to choose from if you go searching. Most of all, good luck. I do not regret my surgery at all, even if the journey took a bit longer than I thought it would and had it's moments of frustration for me. Do the work and you get to enjoy the results for a lifetime. ~Cheri
  16. I am now 3 weeks & 2 days post and I am pretty sure I have hit the INFAMOUS three week stall (or plateau). I hate that inner me that needs to know that the scale is moving. My follow-up with surgeon is Tuesday and I would really like to be below 240 by then...2 lousy pounds. I have, for some unknown reason, had it in my head since the appt was scheduled that I wanted to be in the 230's and I haven't made it and its driving me nuts. I have already had a couple of small NSVs and its awesome but the scale thing is something I have fought since my twenties. Anyone else out there a scale junkie? How are you coping? I moved it out of sight and am not getting on it but every third day. "Taylor" (scale manufacturer) and I will meet up on Sunday morning (sans clothes, of course) and hope I have made some progress.
  17. enigmachik

    Confused and Panicking

    It is very common to have a stall at the stage you're at. Most people experience their stall between weeks two and three after the surgery, but for some it doesn't hit until four or five weeks out. You are actually only about 3.5 weeks out so I'd say you are in the normal three week stall so don't panic! I would say at this early stage you might want to consider one protein shake a day. I agree that it's best to get most of your protein from real food, but you are still really early out so one shake a day should help you keep your protein to recommended levels. Don't worry, the weight will come off when it's ready to.
  18. 30 lbs the first month is possible, but it's definitely at the high end of the range. It seems like a lot of people here lose 15-25 lbs (some more, some less). So her expectations sound high to me. I only lost 16 lbs my first month, and I've lost almost 200 lbs altogether. regarding your second issue - a stall during the first month is super common. Almost everyone experiences that. It's called the "three week stall", but it can happen any time in the first month. Mine lasted two weeks (weeks 2 and 3 post-op). I just stuck to my plan and dropped something like 6 or 8 lbs during week 4, when the stall finally broke.
  19. I had a huge case of the blues after surgery. It's normal..and it's normal to hit a three week stall...you're right in that time frame. Defiantly stop weighing! You will start feeling better soon. And unlike with weight watchers...this actually helps KEEP the weight off!
  20. Hi everyone. I was sleeved on 9/30/15 at a weight of 205. I'm down to 173.8 as of this morning. Overall, I am pleased with the pace of my weight loss. I did encounter the dreaded three week stall (that lasted for nearly three weeks) but I'm out of it now. The first month after surgery was really easy to lose weight. The way of eating was new to me so it was different and easy to stick to. Over the past few weeks, I have grown tired of the same old things and have found myself trying things like bread, Pasta, and even Cheetos. I've not had any trouble from eating these foods. I think the only reason I'm continuing to lose weight is because of how little I am taking in. Even though my sleeve can tolerate bad foods, it can only tolerate a tiny amount of them. The problem is I don't want to continue like this. I want to be someone who eats lean meat and veggies but I can't picture that in my head. My mom let me eat badly from a very young age (she would go get me Mcdonalds if I didn't like what she made for dinner) so I feel like I am conditioned to only like the bad, processed, foods. I have tried many different types of vegetables and asparagus literally made me gag. I'm not trying to be dramatic but my taste buds just don't like the healthy stuff. The healthy things I DO like are few and far between. I need to find ways to eat healthy and actually like the taste of what I'm eating. I've heard many people say that you won't crave carbs once you're off them but that's not been the case for me. I'm still craving things that I haven't had for months. I'm hoping you all can give me some tips on how to get back on track. I need to "reset" my way of eating. I know that if I don't get a grip on this now, I will just gain all the weight back. I take my Vitamins religiously but I don't always get my 64 oz Water or 80 grams Protein in. Any tips for increasing this? My plan requires no Fluid 30 minutes before a meal or 30 minutes after a meal. Each meal is supposed to take 30 minutes so that's 90 minutes that I can't have water anytime I eat, whether it be a meal or a snack. I'm eating three meals per day and two Snacks so that's 5 times per day that I can't have any water for an hour and a half. I've found it incredible challenging to get all my water in with this type of restriction. Any tips are greatly appreciated.
  21. First off, you are not healed. It takes months for your stomach to completely heal, not 17 days. Healing is your body's top priority in these first few weeks. Nothing about your weight is going to be accurate for at least a month post-op. Second, as far as your weight loss goes, you are just in the "three week stall" that almost all WLS patients go through. Google it. You'll see plenty of anecdotal information out there. That being said, you need to make meeting your protein and water goals your full time job right now, and stay off of the scale. If you stick to your plan, the weight will start to come off in its own time. This journey is a marathon, not a sprint, and the weight isn't going to come off rapidly in a linear fashion. Wishing you the best!
  22. Wheetsin

    Having A Stall.....help

    3 weeks post-op I started a stall that lasted... about 10 weeks. It sucked! It finally broke about a week ago. My best suggestion would be to do a search for "three week stall". It's something most people go through. Generally lasts 1 - 3 weeks, occasionally 4. Virtually everyone goes through it. So the best advice is to be patient and not freak out, don't try to change everything you're doing because you think it's your fault... don't let it get you down. Just remember it will pass.
  23. First picture was May 2013. High weight 290 and a size 24. Had surgery September 2013 at 263. Today (second pic) is me at 224 and in a size 14 jeans! This included a three week stall. Things are looking up!
  24. It would be useful if you filled in your profile: weight and height, helps with context to some questions/posts. I wouldn't say it was slow either, 6kilos in three weeks is good, you are doing great. Your body has been through a surgery, there is swelling and inflammation, its healing. If you read through a lot of the posts here or use the search link for stalls you would see that stalls are a common factor in weight loss surgery even in the first few weeks. The infamous three week stall that can happen at two or four weeks too, for some people the first stall may last a short time for others it can be a few weeks. There will be other stalls along the way. If you lost a lost of weight pre surgery in the pre op diet, this typically lessens the weight loss in the immediate post op phase as you've already lost all the bloat and fluid retention.
  25. catwoman7

    Infamous stall?

    yep - the three-week stall - right on time! It usually lasts 1-2 weeks (mine was two weeks), but I know one woman whose three-week stall lasted for 3.5 weeks! (although that long is kind of unusual....). Just stick to your program and it'll eventually break - stay off the scale if you have to!

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