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Found 1,239 results

  1. liannatx

    Two week stall?

    A stall is super common a few weeks after surgery. It is so common that it is referred to as the "Three Week Stall" , your stall just hit a little early. It can be frustrating, but if you keep getting in your Protein and fluids the loss will resume!
  2. Babbs

    Stalling so soon?

    Yup. So normal it has a name. The Dreaded Three Week Stall. And you are right at 3 weeks. Many, many threads about it in this forum if you want to read up about why it happens. Just keep doing what you're doing, and it will pass. Good job on your weight loss so far!
  3. I had a bmi of 35 on the day of surgery which was a month ago. I have lost 25lbs so far including pre op and 18lbs since surgery. I am now in the three week stall which is soooo frustrating! I am hoping things will start moving this week! I also didn't feel any restriction when I was on the liquid phase...I have just started softs and I can definitely feel it now! Well done everyone on all the lbs lost!! X
  4. So I'm two weeks out officially today and I weighed myself this morning and I lost 1 lb Jesus Help! My last week weigh in I lost 14 lbs and I thought that was how every week was going to go. Is this the three week stall everyone talks about. ???????? frustrated!!
  5. Veronica Page

    January Sleevers ❄️

    Taking time away from the site. I have nothing new to report and to be honest. I'm a whats now going on a three week stall. In fact I even gain 7lbs. I don't have a clue how and I thought it was water weight but I've been flushing my system with water enough to know it is not. I just need to go back to basics and do a pouch test. So when I break my stall I'll be back!
  6. Surgery was 3/24. I weighed 230 before pre-op liquid diet (only 2 days). Currently weigh 211 but I haven't lost in over a week due to the three week stall;)
  7. alwaysvegas

    Anybody else losing slowly?

    Losing 5 pounds a week is slow? You're doing fantastic! And as @@HighHeelShoes said, you might be on the dreaded three-week stall/plateau that most of us hit. Just keep to the eating/exercise schedule and you'll do fine! And don't knock yourself by comparing how fast other people are losing. Congratulate yourself for how much you have accomplished!
  8. Djmohr

    Lost to much weight?

    Also I would not count on stalls to slow you down. Following the three week stall that lasted 3 weeks, I have not had any real stalls to speak of and I am now 6.5 months along. Sometimes I get a week where I lose and gain the same pound a couple of times but then all of a sudden I will drop 5 lbs making up for that week where I went back and forth. If he is saying something to you I am guessing he is concerned about how fast you are losing for many reasons.
  9. Weighting2BeFree

    Too much food?

    I know white carbs are bad and i normally avoid them. We were at a restaurant with a very limited menu. I'm still losing weight ( about .75 lbs a day) so no complaints. I'm supposedly in the three week stall but still losing. My diet mostly consists of a protein shake, cottage cheese, and tuna packs with a side of soup occasionally. I will email my nut and see what she says
  10. Alex Brecher

    Not losing anything? ?

    Sounds like you’ve hit the three-week stall! The only thing to worry about is if you get discouraged and stop eating like you’re supposed to. Otherwise, you’re doing fine! Keep eating right, and let your stomach keep healing, and you’ll start losing again.
  11. foreversleeved08

    Not losing anything? ?

    Never mind I just read up on the three week stall and it does include gain. Pulling myself together and continuing my plan! I wouldn't know what to do without this site!
  12. McButterpants

    Not losing anything? ?

    Search three week stall and you'll find out very quickly, you're not alone. Keep in mind - you're still recovering from major surgery...you removed most of a major organ. You're consuming MUCH less food than you did a few weeks ago. You're moving your body. So your body is like, "what the heck is going on? What are you doing to me?" Be kind to your body - you've put it thru a lot. It's going to continue to recover and realize that things are OK and let loose of some weight. Be patient!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. liannatx

    Not losing anything? ?

    It is very normal, and yes it happens to the majority of people post op. So common it has been named The Three Week Stall.
  14. LisaPunkinHead

    Not losing anything? ?

    Welcome to the three-week stall!
  15. Okiebon


    Do a search on here for Three Week Stall. It's very common and has been posted about countless times. Some of those threads have excellent explanations of why it happens to us. Congratulations on your progress, that's wonderful!!
  16. My HW before pre-op diet was 282. I'm now down to 199 in eight months. I'm pear-shape and carry my weight in my legs (I have a circulatory condition) and my butt, which I think is harder to lose than apple-shaped, stomach/bust weight, but even though I'm slower than some on this list, the losses have been steady and my eating is at a very sustainable pace. I don't feel that I'm dieting or that I'm deprived. With the help of Mr. Sleeve, I perceive myself as eating like a "normal" person - I eat, get full, and stop eating. Before surgery, I never got full unless it was Thanksgiving dinner! Unlike some others on this list, I don't have any forbidden foods. I eat out at restaurants often due to the nature of my work but choose lean Proteins and only eat half portions. I even eat dessert sometimes - eating one cookie can satisfy me now rather than 6 (or 12?) Cookies. The first two weeks are by far the hardest. The three week stall is hard too. But after that, I hope it is as smooth for you as it's been for me.
  17. sallyomalley67

    February sleevers

    Well. I officially hit the dreaded three week stall. Glad i knew it might happen. Not an issue. Im still down 28 lbs so woo hoo!!$
  18. I think our obsession with stalls (by any name) is understandable. We start out as WLS patients with mega-losses real fast. Then we hit the (pretty common) three-week stall. Then, depending on how heavy we were to start with, we settle down to a 10-15 or even 20 pound monthly weight loss for 3-6 months. Then things slow down. But along the way, when we're weighing daily, we see a graph line (or imagine one) that looks like a trail made by a drunk chicken stumbling up and downhill on his way to the river. And here's a simple conclusion about why the graph looks like a drunken chicken's trail: Our bodies are not robots. Nor are they gas engines that always get X miles per gallon (or X pounds lost per daily calorie intake). Our bodies are complex carbon oxygen machines that are constantly producing hormones and running fancy and changing biochemistry combustions and repairing our bodies and losing weight and none of those things is linearly coordinated. Our bodies produce 60-70 hormones that have specific functions. But those aren't all produced at the same rate all the time and vary according to our ages, activities, diseases, times of the month, times of the day, and they can produce interactions among them, too. For instance, here's just one of the simplest things about Water weight most of us do know about. Remember the pre-op diet that most of us had to do for a couple of weeks? The point of that diet was to reduce the size and slickness of our multi-lobed livers so our surgeons could operate on our stomachs located right next to the liver. The heavier and slicker the liver, the harder it is to man-handle it during surgery and the likelier it is to get nicked or torn during the experience (nicked or torn liver = very, very bad thing). Anyway, the point of that pre-op diet was to use up all the glycogen (look it up) that's stored in the liver. And when the glycogen is used up, we also lose a large amount of water in which that glycogen is stored. Hence, our very rapid weight loss during the pre-op diet (and that's lost at the beginning of almost every diet in the world). Here's another thing: I think about the number of extra capillaries and nerves that my body grew when I was fatter but that I no longer need now that I've lost 77 pounds. What happened to those things? At what point does my body break those down? And when and how are those waste products excreted? And how does that process affect the arc of my weight loss graph? I got lots more questions, too! So here's the bottom line: Our bodies do not lose weight in a straight, linear progression to goal. That is a fact. We all know that. Why not? Because (as Elode said), it's complicated. It's very, very complicated.
  19. (See graph below! You can click the picture to make it larger. I also added as an attachment as some people seem to have trouble viewing picture.) Oodles of people have asked what the weight loss is like before/after surgery. I've been keeping track on MyFitnessPal for over a year. Unfortunately, I can only show up to one full year back. My starting weight is Dec 13/Jan 14 was 315lbs. I began changing my eating/exercise even before my first weight loss surgery consultation. My weight on my surgery date (July 28, 2014) was about 245lbs. I had lost about 50lbs before surgery (about 20 during the pre-op!) The weight loss after being sleeved is pretty darn rapid. I've been eating about 1,000 calories per day and exercising 3-5 times per week and burning (according to heart rate monitor) between 400-700 calories per workout. As you can see...stalls happen, they're normal, and they do end. I typically weigh myself once per week. I hit the dreaded three-week stall right at three weeks post-op and it lasted about a month. It sucked, but ended. I am now around 165lbs. That's about 140 lbs since I started my healthier lifestyle in mid-January 2014 and about 7 months since being sleeved. Best of luck to everyone on their journey.
  20. MoosieGirl


    What were your reasons for getting surgery before talking to your boss? Remember those. Remember everything you learned while researching the different surgeries. You need to choose for you. I was sleeved three weeks ago and even though I sometimes eat too fast and regret it, and even though I'm tired of shakes, even though i know there are always risks, and even though I hit the three week stall a week early, I'd do it again in a heartbeat. I did this for my health. Not anyone else's. You need to choose for you. You can do this! Good luck!!
  21. I'm in the same boat. I had my three week stall at 2 weeks and I was frantic. The boards really helped since it seems to be normal. The scale budged again so I'm hoping I'm past the stall. Keep doing what you're doing and make sure you get enough water and protein.
  22. june61

    How much loss 5 weeks out?

    Im at the end of my fourth week post op. I lost 14 pounds in the first 2 weeks. I have not lost any since. Im not concerned because I was aware of the three week stall.
  23. mandyboo

    How much loss 5 weeks out?

    Oh crikey! I had heard of the three week stall but didn't realise it was the norm. Not looking forward to that :-) Thanks for the warning :-)
  24. Mrs. Reid

    GOOOOOOOAL! (w/Pix)

    Where is the three week stall post? I can't seem to find it.
  25. Veronica Page

    January Sleevers ❄️

    @@Eurogirl10 Dreaded three week stall...FINALLY broke mine today. It is sooo brutal but just keep doing your thing. I was moaning and groaning all week long driving people insane. I hope you break yours soon. I had to go back to liquids only for a couple of days to break mine and really get my water intake going.

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