Linda and Laura, great pics, both of you. You ladies are looking good, and so are kids and family, cakes and aprons.
So sorry about Merry. Hope surgery goes well and prognosis is good.
My daughter's guinea pig died. Her just-turned-3 year old was holding him inside his little sleeping bag. She was cooking and when she came to check and put him back in his cage, he was dead on the floor inside the bag with blood coming out his mouth. She has no idea what happened but she felt so guilty for not supervising (though Josh had handled the pig many times before safely and seemed to have no clue what had happened) that a few days later she adopted what appears to mostly be a male poodle but they think is also a Bijon Frisee(sp).
She wanted that mix because they're not supposed to shed and she and Joshua have asthma and are allergic to dog hair or the saliva on the hair or whatever. The dog had had surgery for a salivary gland cyst. He was a stray but the doc thinks he's about 3. David named him Frankie. Great dog so far. Doesn't yip or bark, comes when called, stays right by whomever. Followed the boys out the door last night and jumped into my car right after them without an invitation. Stood on David's lap to see out the window then came to the front and stood on my husband's lap and arm to see out but didn't bother me since I was driving. Seems very smart.
But he's shedding and my daughter's afraid because Josh's asthma is kicking in but it started before they got the dog and she's hoping its weather related. Dog days of August are notorious for triggering asthma in this part of the country. Hope the dog fares better than the guinea pig. Fortunately, David, who got the pig as a Christmas present, was at my house staying the night.
We held the funeral the next day. David wanted a cross to mark the spot. He doesn't know that somehow his brother was responsible. He keeps asking questions about what happened and we keep saying we don't know. Mom just found him dead. He's not too good at expressing emotion because of his autism, but he fed the pig everyday and spent time petting him and holding him on his lap. His name was Possum Pete. RIP Possum Pete.
A couple of days ago I saw a fawn get hit by a car and thrown across the street. When I got close enough to see what had been hit, the fawn moved and tried to get up. I flagged down a car on a side street and had them call the police. The fawn was trying to get back to the other side of the road into the forest preserve. I stood there crying until an officer came. The officer kind of walked and shoved the fawn back into the forest preserve and helped cars go around it and then shot it once it was back "home". I wish he'd done it right away. It was very hard to watch it struggle.
By the way, some of the stories of things people have said to you in stores about being fat have been horrific. I do comfort myself knowing that what goes around, comes around. It's a natural law that God has somehow worked into his plans for people's lives. I am a firm believer in natural consequences. People either learn from them or they don't. But the shame is always on them.
And we are no longer letting other's thoughts and opinions and assinine behavior drive us into the food. NSV.
Had a great day at the Indiana State Dunes for my granddaughter's birthday yesterday. The humidity cleared out of the air and the sky was very clear. We could just see the Chicago skyline across the lake. Very tiny. The sun got to be intense, but we could cool off in the water.
Laura, glad your mom and dad are doing better. I hope nothing has happened to your missing neice(?). Going off to see someone she's never met and not communicating back would have me worried. Hope she gets in touch soon and is OK. Who's the tall guy in the pics? or was he the uncle? Just looked different standing up. And the two young ladies?
Beautiful day today, too, but too hot to be outside without a pool or a lake to dive into. I've got Dr.s apptmts and tests sceduled just about every free moment next week (mammogram, bone density, vein Dr., endocrinologist).
Finishing up IM training with 2 students Monday, testing incoming students on Tuesday, in meetings Weds, Thurs., and Fri., and start teaching the following Weds., the 28th. Where'd my summer go? Oh yeah, I didn't have one. LOL.
Sang today both morning church services for my exercise. If it cools down this evening I'll try to walk. Walked an hour Thurs, Fri, and Sat. early morning before the bad heat.