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  1. OK Lipstick Lady... here's one.. I did not tell my husband's family. They live 1000 miles away. However my husband told his mother. Now this lady has never had a weight problem in her life.. she is simply too self disciplined and full of nervous engergy to become over weight, and I am sure, thinks anyone else should be able to control their own weight also. She is also very OPINIONATED and has on more that one occasion told me what she thinks... Once told me I was an alcoholic.( I am not). I wont see her until next Summer, a full YEAR after my surgery. And I avoid talking to her on the phone. However my husband calls her a couple times a month and I know they talk about me. He will even holler at me " HEY, how much have you lost?" to tell her. And Yes I have told him not to discuss me with her. I am a pretty private person, and I don't discuss my health with my mother in law. But it will come up when we go there. She won't leave it alone, I know her. She LIVES to Gossip about people. What can I say to this 80 year old woman? I can't be rude, but I do not want to be the topic of conversation while we are there. HELP!
  2. SuzeMuze

    Does bypass ever not work?

    Gastric Bypass is a physical tool to help you lose physical weight. Assuming you follow your surgeon's suggestions regarding diet and exercise, you'll physically lose weight. However, gastric bypass isn't a "cure all" for the emotional weight many folks carry- i.e. food addiction and/or transfer addictions, (a weight loss patient becoming an alcoholic after surgery, for example). This is one of the reasons why the psychiatric evaluation is so important to have and to answer honestly before the procedure. It could be very eye opening as to why the weight issues are there in the first place. Your surgeon can re-route your insides and force them to comply, but if people aren't willing to re-route their mindset, the old eating habits & dependencies won't change. I think it's also important to have a thorough understanding and vested interest in your overall health throughout this process. Try to learn as much about your body & the chemical balances (or imbalances) you might have. It would be terrible to have such a major surgery and find yourself set up for failure because of a metabolic (or other) disorder you didn't even know you had that will impeded weight loss.
  3. Kindle

    Post op nutrition

    I'm 11 months out and I simply eat healthy, balanced meals.....Protein, veggies, fruit, fiber and grains. I do avoid white carbs like bread, pasta, rice, and alcohol, but have any and all of them on occasion...probably 3-4 times/month (a lot more when on vacation). I don't measure my portions or count calories, carbs or fat. I have a 30-40g protein smoothie everyday so I don't have to worry about hitting my protein goals and I keep a running tally in my head so I know I'm hitting my fluid requirements. Been maintaining 10-12 pounds under goal for over 3 months, so gotta say this is the easiest "diet" I've ever been on.
  4. leanora27801

    Addiction issues

    I want to thank you all for sharing your experiences, because I never heard about transferring additions and the chances of being an alcoholic. Its an eye opener and now that I'm aware of this possibly I can work on it!
  5. Georgia

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Well, to say the least, I've been "absent." So much going on in my life, good and bad, that I haven't had time to really get on and enjoy my 5:2 friends. First, welcome Lynda! I've long been a fan of yours from your level headed approach and kindness. With that said, I'm also just a "wee bit" glad that you are here with us because now maybe I'll get my mojo back on and kick the pounds to the curb! Sarah, you look soooo thin! (which you obviously are at 128!!!) And I'd kill to go to Cabo about right now! Denise, so glad to hear that you are doing better after the horrors of your surgery aftermath. FYE, MODELING! Wowzers! You go, Girl! Cathy, so sorry to hear about your house which you just got finished with!! And thanks for checking in on me. My other buds, CGJ, Coops, Swizzly, Wanda, M2G, Florinda (if I missed any I apologize) I've tried to read all your entries and keep up with everything. Yep, I'm about 12 pounds over goal - all in the last 4-5 months or so. And lately, it's just gone from bad to worse! Junk, junk, junk! I'm surprised it's not more so THANK GOD for my sleeve because as I analyze my eating not eating too much FOOD just piling on the "comfort" foods (as usual when I hit a low or get stressed!) On the good side, I am going to have not one but TWO new "grands" in the next few months. Both my daughter ( ) and my Daughter in love ( ) are preggers! Within about 4 weeks of each other. The daughter and hubby were kinda surprised even though happy (after initial shock) and I found out the very next day that my DIL was also expecting (been trying unbeknownst to me) and it really made my day!! So Mid-May to Mid-June should be a very hopping time around the Smith/Crochet homes! Another good note - my son, who will soon hit 3 years sobriety from drugs and alcohol (as well as a severe chain smoker), was chosen Employee of the Year at his Company this past Saturday. Made this Mom very proud! God is so good! The not so good and very stressful part right now has been, as you know my daughter has been endeavoring to finish nursing school for the past three plus years. Got LPN, worked a year, went back last Jan into the accelerated program to finish RN. It has been a real struggle for ALL of us! At 37 (now 38) with two girls and a single Mom at the time, we were ALL in the throws of it! Then she met Jeremy, quickly wed and wound up finding out she was prego in October (IUD fell out!) and has been experiencing SEVERE all day "morning" sickness. Even with all that, still managed to struggle through to the last two finals. Well, last Tuesday she failed (by one point!) the first final and is now out of RN program. At consultation, she was told that because they are "short staffed" she also could not go right back into program in January and will have to wait til July to "redo" last semester (with a one month old baby!) I would like to say I'm "rolling with it" all, but I'd be lying. Very heartbreaking for her and us. I tell myself to, in the words of the infamous song, "Let it go..." but somehow I eat myself up and worry, worry, worry which then leads to bad eating which I know I should stop but am so physically and mentally tired, I don't even care. Yep, I know this is a big 'ole pity party. It is what it is right now. LOL Oh, and I forgot! On the way home from Branson, MO Thanksgiving trip with hubbie we hit a deer that came out of nowhere - front end of brand new Prius a mess plus the deer With all that said, I intend to have a MERRY CHRISTMAS and want to wish all of you the same! My stuff seems small when I stop and look around. As my friend says, "Blessed and Highly favored!"
  6. Bob B

    Food Industry Vets, Identity, and WLS

    Sorry if I wasn't clear... I'm not really worried that the customers will have a problem with it. I am worried about my sense of self-worth and my identity. I'm the "food guy," both personally and professionally. It's what I do for a living AND what I have done socially and as a hobby for about 30 years. I know that there are people out there who do things other than eat food, sell food, talk about food, and research food, but I'm not that person. My biggest fear is "losing myself." I know that this is addict talk. I've heard alcoholics and drug addicts wonder aloud what they would do with their time if they couldn't drink, but I know this is the right decision for my health. So has anyone had issues with identity struggles after surgery?
  7. Derek Campbell


    I know this sounds weird but witch hazel wipes really help. After you wipe clean, use a witch hazel wipe and things will start feeling better and get better over continued use. If you cant find wipe you can use liquid witch hazel on toilet paper for the same effect. Both can be typically found in the pharmacy section at Wal-Mart near rubbing alcohol or at a similar store. Hope it helps :-)
  8. alwaysvegas

    Psychiatric Evaluation

    My therapist was wonderful. We talked for about an hour and covered: weight history, successes, failures exercise plans support system sleeve expectations alcohol/drug history relationship with SO and family eating triggers emotional wellness It was a wonderful experience. The therapist runs the bariatric support group twice a month and I always attend. It's very inspirational.
  9. sarsar

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Kim, how nice that they asked you to model for them! I also am not open to the public about how I have lost weight. Some ppl know but I'm not one who shares it with everyone. Cathy, oh no! That stinks. Like you said, they are just things. Still hard to deal with. You had asked if I am happy with my plastics results. I am very happy with my results. I am over 5 months out and in the last month I finally feel really good. Finally I can do all my normal workouts and I am getting more and more used to my new body. It has changed a lot and continues to take shape as time goes on. My dr told me my body will continue to change in the first year after surgery. My favorite part is my completely flat stomach. I love it!! I need to do my inner thighs next. My dr wouldn't do them with the LBL. I'm sure I could've found a dr that would but as soon as I had my consult with him I knew he was the one for me so I stayed with him. I really need to take some pics and post them. After surgery I was so sure I would take pics every month to see the changes but this recovery has been very emotional for me and I didn't want to take pics all the time. Denise, I'm so glad you are feeling better. You've had a rough road. Did Bill stick around and help you or were you on your own all the time trying to deal with this? Sheryl, I can understand why you are hesitant with moving into a serious relationship with someone. Sounds like Kevin is feeling the same. Do you want to be loved and in a loving relationship for the future? I know you didn't have that with the ex. But, the future can be different for you. Don't feel like you have to rush into a decision. I, too, don't understand how some ppl can fall in love quickly. Take your time and you will know what to do when the time comes. Just don't let the fear of being and giving love hold you back from allowing it to happen. It can be a wonderful thing! Mexico was beautiful. We were in Cabo for a trip my husband earned through work. It's hard to come home to WI after being in such was weather and beautiful sunshine. Oh well, back to reality! I'm looking forward to 5:2 this week after eating whatever I wanted whenever I felt like it for 4 days. I don't drink alcohol so thankfully I didn't have any of those extra calories to contend with! The food though, delicious food anywhere and everywhere whenever I wanted it. Thankfully I could only fit in a few bites of everything. But a few bites all day long adds up. It's all good though I'll be back on track this week.
  10. I was on 40mg for two months and then 20mg for a couple weeks. My surgeon said if I had no acid reflux problems to go ahead and stop it. Which I did. I have, however taken a 10 day course after a vacation where I ate a lot more sweets and alcohol than normal. My tummy hurt a bit, and the Prilosec helped. I also took it (per my surgeon's instruction) when I had to be on steroids for a compressed nerve in my neck. Talk to your surgeon, But no sense taking it if you don't have reflux.
  11. macman

    Food Industry Vets, Identity, and WLS

    Hey Bob Congratulations on your decision to have surgery and good luck to you! As a long time consumer of restaurant fare I can tell you that it matters not what you look like. If you have a great product and treat your customers right, you'll be successful. I have never not visited a restaurant due to the weight of the manager or owner. The tough part is being around food all day. Having discipline will be key. I am in my 12th month from surgery. I eat out 2-3 times a week. I can always find food that is sleeve and diet friendly. If not, restaurants will always prepare food the way I want it. They have been very accommodating. Alcohol can also be tough, especially in social situations, It is all about choices. Owning a restaurant, you can prepare food the way you want it! I don't think that your profession matters to your success but I do think it will present challenges to you. I am a big proponent of personal choice. No one makes you choose the foods you eat. I did not make great choices with food, that is why I had surgery. Sometimes I think we do not place enough emphasis on the mental side of this equation. It is probably the most important. A year out, I still track everything I eat. I weigh and measure a lot of the time and I am careful around my food triggers. Try to find time to eat mindfully, get away from the hustle and bustle when it is time to eat and make good choices. You will do great!
  12. maggie0210

    Sugar vs Sugar Free

    My dietician told me not to consume sugar alcohols. Splenda is okay to use. But I use real sugar in small amounts. So far no problems and one year out this week. I make iced tea at home so you can use the amount you want. And of course water is good for staying hydrated. Fruit juice is really sweet and could cause problems. But the sugar alcohols really makeme sick. You have to find what works for you as we are all different. Good luck.
  13. Freebird14

    August post op sleevers: Check in

    I honestly have not strayed from my surgeon and NUT's instructions regarding food and drink, I've not consumed any carbs other than some green veggies and some fruit (mostly bananas and apples), no sugar, no alcohol, no bread, etc., I take vitamins, omega 6 and calcium chews daily, I Jazzercise 5-6 times per week (including 2 strength training Jazzercise classes) and walk 5 miles 1-2 days per week. I snack mostly on turkey jerky and WW string cheese.
  14. December 18th here! I don't text or facebook tho, so I'll just post here. The time is FLYING now - seems like just last week I started thinking about doing this whole thing! Been researching my pre op diet today and making meal plans. My husband is joining me on it to be supportive and also to lose some weight too. So we start it next Friday (doc only wants a 7 day pre op diet) and I think it isn't going to be as bad as I thought since I get to have some "real" food in there. I can have three Protein (powder in water) drinks a day, and two meals consisting of 5 oz. of a meat or eggs, and 1 cup cooked (or 2 cups raw) of a list of approved veggies. No dairy, no breads, no fruit, no Pasta or carbs of any kind. And no alcohol either! Oh, and I'm allowed either a sugar free popsicles or Jello cups as Snacks. So I'm using the last of the thanksgiving turkey to make a broth to use for post op diet, I have a few ideas for my pre op diet and heading out to the story tomorrow to do the shopping. I have to track down some threads on things to take with to the hospital, but I'm only there one day (hopefully). So is everyone more excited than scared at this point? The more I read, the better I'm feeling about this decision and I'm really looking forward to getting control of food for the first time in like EVER instead of it controlling me!
  15. Petunia1


    Im Just 15 days post op . But my doctor said 6 months no alcohol so your new stomach can heal bc Thats how long it takes . But i do have friends that have started sooner i would Just say wait it out , after so much that we aré going through i think its worth the wait
  16. sofianoemi


    Does anyone know when we can have a glass of wine again and if you have did it go down well for you ?
  17. gowalking

    Why Does Everyone Want To Be A "Food Addict?"

    I wonder if the good doctor has ever been fat. Has he ever struggled to not eat what he knows is not good for him? Sort of like an alcoholic knows a drink is not good for him. My eyes (and brain) light up like the Empire State Building when I pass a restaurant and think about the wonderful things cooking away in it. I have no issue walking past a liquor store, a casino, or saying no thanks to a friend passing the weed... Shall I continue? I take full responsibility for my situation. So much so that I talk to my therapist about it constantly. This does not mean I am not a food addict. Substitute food for any other addiction, and that's me. Eating in secret? Not being able to stop even when you know you are so full that you want to throw up? Eating things that will keep you up at night with GERD and having your throat burn with it? If that's not addiction, I don't know what is.
  18. Tori Loukas

    Why Does Everyone Want To Be A "Food Addict?"

    Doctor, this is an informative article. I totally agree that overeaters need to take responsibility for their habits and behaviors and not resort to excuses. But what of the OA model based on the 12 Steps? I know that doctors are scientifically minded but many appreciate and recommend this program for drug addiction, alcoholism, and many other addictions as you know. "food Addiction" does often exist in the form of compulsive overeating where not willpower is called to be employed, but surrender to the fact that food addicts are powerless over their "drug of choice"--food. How to perform this tricky feat when we all need food to survive? The 12 Steps are a prescription for living that indeed any individual can use to create a better quality of life. In my own experience, having the VSG done is only one of a variety of tools I use to treat my disease of addiction. I use a spiritual connection, a community of like-minded individuals in recovery, and abstinence from the thoughts and behaviors that cause me to overeat---not just avoiding triggers. It's work, yes--difficult, but doable, and only one day at a time. I personally have to "abstain" from certain foods, yes, but also from my tendency to eat over stress, celebration, depression, what have you. I can no longer use food as a substance, not unlike a drug, to avoid feeling. Not if I want to survive, have a good life, and enjoy good health. So, the points in your article are great, especially those 7 things successful people do to maintain weight loss. However, I feel that addressing the underlying causes of overeating (including the engineered foods that foster addiction outright) as well as the avoidance of uncomfortable feelings are key to not only losing weight but keeping it off and managing addiction. Addiction will always be with me, but I can live my life not being controlled by it any longer. I just have to pick up the tools and use them. That's just my two cents! Thanks for the article.
  19. bobbyswife

    Alcohol effects after sleeve

    @@SciFiGuy My doctor doesn't allow alcohol for a YEAR! I guess the idea is that too many people replace one addiction for the other, but... To the OP..... If you are really sincere, I suggest professional help. There's no one on this board (I hope) that is going to help you justify your alcohol abuse. Our shock, disbelief and utter concern should tell you that this is a serious problem that you have, and you desperately need to seek help. If you need help selecting the therapist, please contact me via private message and I'll help you find someone.
  20. SciFiGuy

    Alcohol effects after sleeve

    So, is it for sure this person got a sleeve? I could see this effect coming from a bypass where there's less opportunity for the intestine to absorb alcohol, in which case this makes more sense. This also sounds like a huge health hazard though, right? The no alcohol rule in the first month isn't a matter of calories, it's a matter of shock to your stomach, particularly along the suture line.
  21. emsgirl114

    Alcohol effects after sleeve

    11 days out and I can't even think about a drink of coffee! I will say I had a band before this and in the beginning alcohol didn't effect me the same. I think I was so paranoid I'd get stupid drunk or vomit I tricked my brain to stay sober. But seriously. Alcohol is just sugar calories. What's the point?
  22. SuperDave

    Water vs. Herbal Tea

    The rules from my nutritionist are that any non carbonated, non caffeinated, non alcoholic and non caloric beverage counts toward your total. That basically leaves decaffeinated coffee and tea, herbal tea, Crystal Light (or equivalent), and Water.
  23. VSGAnn2014

    Alcohol effects after sleeve

    Regardless of whether you "feel buzzed," after two hours of drinking 8 shots (12 ounces) of hard liquor (50% / 100 proof), your blood alcohol level was 0.34%. I used this blood alcohol level calculator, estimating your weight at 300 pounds: http://oade.nd.edu/educate-yourself-alcohol/blood-alcohol-concentration/bac-calculator/ At 0.25% - 0.39% blood alcohol levels, you will experience "alcohol poisoning; loss of consciousness." At 0.40% BAC, you will experience: "onset of coma; possible death due to respiratory arrest." Reference for these facts: http://oade.nd.edu/educate-yourself-alcohol/blood-alcohol-concentration/ You might want to do some more study about how massive amounts of alcohol can kill you. Or not. Your choice.

    Carbonated beverages

    I agree, you probably won't crave it after a few months. My "forbidden foods" list after surgery are soda, alcohol, gum, seeds, nuts, and popcorn. These are not forever forbidden and it is different for everyone. You need to take it day by day and not focus too much on never having it again. You may find that giving up soda (even diet soda) helps you to lose weight.
  25. Katcloudshepherd

    Artificial Sweeteners?

    A fear years ago I switched to stevia from all the other artificial sweeteners. I'll use them if I have NO OTHER CHOICE. I use Stevia. Some people say it has an after taste. It comes from a plant from Asia--I believe. I've grown them in the summer. They love heat and hate cold. I've never processed the leaves into stevia but they have tiny white flowers when they bloom. I don't like artificial sweeteners because I don't know what the chemical combination will do to my body with heavy long term use of them. I've noticed some food companies are advertising their food is sweetened with stevia. I'll buy those products even if they cost more than the chemical sweeteners. I realize most people on a strict budget don't have that option. For my gut flora, I drink a 1/2 bottle of Kombucha every day. It's a fermented beverage that has to be refrigerated. It has a very slight alcohol content and has a vinegar taste. I'm used to the taste, some people can't get beyond it. It is chock full of pro-biotics. The brand I use costs $3.49 a bottle at Whole Foods. So it's not an inexpensive proposition. I also take a pro-biotic capsule twice a day. I find if I get my Water in every day and drink the 1/2 bottle it helps me to not get constipated. Maybe it's just the water consumption and exercise I do but that's my personal experience. Blessings, Kathleen

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
