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  1. I know I'm not addicted to alcohol or cigarettes, although I do enjoy alcohol occasionally and years ago smoked socially. However, I do have trigger foods--the more of which I eat, the more of which I want. Those are highly processed foods made from sugar, flour, oils, butter, cream and include chocolate, cake, ice cream, Cookies, breads, pizza, and pastas. They "light up" the parts of my body and brain that are not satisfied with just one taste but want to be numbed. Is that addiction?
  2. Interesting off topic discussion.....So what defines an addiction? I, too, ate whatever I wanted in large quantities my entire life. No problem in HS or my 20's. But then I turned 30 and gained 50 pounds. Then I turned 40 and gained another 50 pounds. I could usually lose 20-40 but then gain it back plus some. And yes, I ate to celebrate, I ate when I was sad, I ate when I was bored. And my brain NEVER said, "that's enough, you're full now". I overate every time I ate. Let's talk about alcohol....Starting in college, I drank to celebrate, I drank when I was depressed, I drank when I was stressed, I drank when I was bored. Nearly every social and recreational event involved alcohol. I drank every single day for a year and a half after my brother died. By every definition out there, that made me an alcoholic. And now for smoking....I'd say I was more of a "social" smoker because I mostly only smoked when out with friends when we were drinking. Occasionally I'd smoke after a stressful day at work or on my way to a board meeting. Probably not more than 1-2 packs/month depending on my social calendar. Then I decided to have WLS and to get healthy. I stopped smoking cold turkey 3 months before surgery and haven't touch a cig since. I quit drinking the day I started my 2 week preop diet, followed my pre and postop diets to a tee and had no cravings for all the bad stuff I used to eat. I no longer drink or eat when I'm stressed or depressed. I don't use food or alcohol to celebrate or make myself feel "better" when I'm down. I have an alcoholic drink maybe 2-3 times a month, (except when I went on vacation) and I never drink after a bad day at work. I stick with a food plan that works for me and have no problem getting "back on the wagon" after eating off plan while on vacation or over the holidays. It's been a little over a year and I did all of this without the help of a nut, a counselor, a therapist, or rehab. I simply decided to do it and I did. So whose to say if I had a food or alcohol addiction.....maybe I just liked the taste of food and liked to be buzzed. Seems to me it would have been harder to stop if it was truly an addiction. Or maybe I'm just in denial ????
  3. MisforMimi

    help! so nervous! advice?

    xmaleengyx, sometimes I worry about people being nervous about upcoming stressful events they want to trim down for. I would say to refocus your thoughts on being well. This decision is for you. I'm sure your friends would rather see you healthier and thinner rather than unhealthy, fat, inebriated for the sake of "having fun." There will be other parties and so many other things to celebrate in this life. You are relatively young and if you can't envision a life with alcohol as the focal point of a party or celebration (for life) maybe talking more time to think isn't a bad idea.
  4. JustWatchMe

    did you tell people?

    You know, I definitely have food issues and consider myself an addict. I was raised by overeating non-drinkers who were raised themselves by alcoholics. Food addiction is all around me. I live with my mom right now, and it's a challenge. We don't eat together. She's a retired widow. I wanted to have supper together when I get home from work at 5pm, but we tried that for a few weeks after I moved in, and she got angrier and angrier at me. Finally I got the reason out of her. She said it's the "3 bites" of food I eat that makes it not worth her waiting for me. She eats "one big meal" at around 2pm each day. Ok. Not a problem. We will just eat separately. Well, one day I came home after half a day at work and let's just say I got between her and her food. Just by showing up, I interrupted her "big meal". Holy crap is all I can say. Seeing this flashed me back to my childhood. I haven't lived with my parents since I was around 21 years old. It all came back. Every one of us would hole up in our respective bedrooms with loads of food each night. We each had a tv as well. Now I literally can't eat with my mom unless we're at a restaurant or unless it's a holiday with company. And that's okay. It is what it is. I go to OA and I get what I need there. She supports my WLS for the most part, but we can't eat together peacefully. HOWEVER. My best friend has been a normal size her entire life until recently. She is cute, my height and wears a size medium top and has a nice waist. She has never. Dieted. A. Day. In. Her. Life. Never ever ever. I don't think she would even know what to do if she was handed a diet. Her older sisters have been both morbidly obese their entire lives. Not my friend. Small top, cute waist. Wide hips. She has her mother's build. "Birthing hips", they used to say. My friend has gained about fifty pounds since her wedding 28 years ago until today, going through menopause at age 55. Every ounce of it is in her rear. She's not happy about it, but she's never once expressed a desire to diet. Right now she weighs more than I do. She pointed that out because I've shared my WLS process and progress with her every step of the way. She's my number one supporter and always loved me, fat or thin. She does not have food issues. She has a fat butt. She'd like to wave a magic wand and make it thinner, but other than that, issue closed. So she's a person raised with obese overeaters, technically obese herself, but free of food issues and addictions and free of any desire to change her eating. So I'm a food addict. But my friend -- nope.
  5. *Lexie*

    Long term regrets?

    @Aprile3211 Great post, I completely agree. @xmaleengyx - I did have a catheter but they put it in after I was under anesthesia and removed it before I woke up. And ask your doctor about it if it makes you that nervous. Also, if you are really anxious about surgery, there's no shame in asking your doctor to prescribe something to help calm your nerves that you can take even up to the morning of surgery. Surgery and recovery is such a brief part of this that you forget about it very quickly. As for the alcohol and such, my psych said there is nothing we can't have (once we're healed) but there are things we shouldn't have. You will not explode if you have alcohol within a year of surgery. I am choosing not to drink alcohol because I don't really like it and it's not worth the calories but that's just my personal choice. You will not die if you drink diet soda after surgery. Doctor's generally say we should stay away from it but some people choose to have it again once they are healed. Same with caffeine. I think taking tiny bites is important early on but I think they get a little bigger than a eraser size as time goes on. It is important to chew well and I'm trying to break myself from a lifetime habit of not chewing my food up well. When I don't, I do get sick because the food gets stuck and it's a little painful. Some people never have a problem with this but I am a slow learner so I'm still working on it. I take one Multivitamin a day and my 3 month labs came back with everything completely in the normal range. It's something I really should have been doing before so I don't look at it as difficult. Hang in there and do a lot of reading on this site. It really helped calm my nerves about a lot of things.
  6. rschndr


    My doc told me a year before any alcoholic beverages
  7. CloverBlue


    I use them. I do not tolerate artificial sugars and do not want to switch bad habits for other bad habits (chemical laden artificial sugars), and I HATE the taste of stevia. I do err on the side of caution and use as little as possible because extracts typically contain 2-3% alcohol.
  8. Monica77


    My nut said wait about 3 months to drink alcohol or eat out. But everything she said about alcohol was more precautionary about the empty calories & getting drunk fast. Nothing specific about it being a problem medically.
  9. hdd55146

    1st birthday post op

    I've been wondering this as well. I was sleeved on 12/29 and my birthday is 1/28. I have no idea what to do to celebrate. I'll only be 4 weeks post-op so I'll still be limited in what I can eat and drinking alcohol is out (which is typically how I celebrate). Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Happy (early) birthday @Qtpie28!
  10. beachgurl84


    I don't remember the logic behind it. I just remember it was something about when your body is losing weight this rapidly the alcohol can cause neurological problems. Maybe that doesn't mean brain damage exactly but it's a heck of a lot easier to spell. I already gave up smoking to have my surgery, alcohol is a no brainer (lol) for me. It's just not worth it. I've heard a lot of people on this site talk about the alcohol setting them back on weight loss. To each his/her own i guess.
  11. evanter


    I also plan on not drinking until I hit goal. I am concerned about how the alcohol will affect me so I plan for that first drink to be around my family!
  12. living55


    Interesting, I was told 3 months for caffeine, 6 for alcohol. I for one will and can wait. I would not want to harm my sellf for anything on this planet. I have been obese for what feels like forever, 6 months alcohol free is nothing.
  13. aclinton16


    Nah, I went Monday for my 3 week check up and that was one of my questions. When can u have alcohol. Doc told me 6 weeks out.
  14. beachgurl84


    WOW I got a huge lecture from my doctor about the brain damage alcohol can cause while your body is in the intense weight loss mode. I was told at an absolute minimum 6 months after surgery but they'd prefer at least 8. Wonder if my doctor is being over protective or if the other doctors aren't aware of the possible risks.
  15. My doc said to wait til little over a month after surgery to enjoy an alcoholic beverage. And I'm getting the sleeve done. Now, I'm not a big drinker but do enjoy the occasional beverage. But any recommendations on non carbonated/low sugar cocktails? Besides an alcohol and water! Lol
  16. Be sure to watch any sugar alcohols like Xylitol, mannitol etc. Alot of those things are diarrhea inducing and they are in anything sugar free. Also, some people become lactose intolerant after surgery so you may want to cut out diary for a week or so to see if that is the culprit. On a personal question, did anyone who had frequent diarrhea before surgery now have constipation issues or at least have regular BMs?
  17. xmaleengyx

    Long term regrets?

    Thank you for the insight. Im glad to hear you can still eat and drink what you want but in smaller portions. I'm totally fine with being able to do that from time to time on those special occasions.I was worried that I'd never be able to enjoy a birthday party or the holidays or any special event ever again. Or that id make other people uncomfortable for not being able to participate or join them. The pre op nutrition class left me weary. The nutritionist said for the rest of my life I can only eat food that is cut into pencil eraser top sizes and chew each tiny piece 30-40 times before swallowing...I mean what's the point? Might as well opt for a liquid feeding tube. It sounded exhausting to always eat this way and that it would take hours to finish one meal. Also, I was disappointed when the nutritionist told me I could never eat certain foods again. she also discussed the medication for life afterwards. It would be a Vitamin 3 times a day with calcium in between each one. maybe this varies by state and doctors. But this makes me a bit nervous that I'm going to be at risk for health issues like malnourishment. Also, im in 4 weddings this year in which I am maid of honor for 2, which has me stressed. my window for the preop 2week liquid and surgery recovery is small. the doctor has told me I cannot drink alcohol for a year! which concerns me when it comes to not missing out on bachelorette parties they are once in a life time experiences. I feel as if I will be ruining my sisters and best friends experience bc we won't be able to make the traditional memories they are expecting. To have my surgery I will have to sacrifice a lot for my health,but I feel my health should come first. It's just that all these scenarios and dilemmas are weighing heavy on my heart.I think it would be more important to my sister that i look good for her wedding standing next to her than making bachelorette and bridal shower memories. Thank you all for your responses!! I felt alone. I think my biggest fear is the surgery in general. I just need to be strong and work hard to keep my nerves aND anxiety in check.I'm 26 but hospitals and needles make me a 2year old baby crying for my mom....it's always a scene getting blood drawn and my edoscopy done and it's ALWAYS embarrassing! Lol. Last question, do they make you use a catheter? Because If so, I honestly don't think I could go through with it. My dear and anxiety couldn't handle that violating and painful situation.
  18. joatsaint

    can I be disgusting for a minute?!

    Sugar alcohols will cause me to have loose BMs. Years ago, when I was doing Atkins, I took 6 sugar free pecan turtles (yes, the experience made such an impression, I remember it 10 years later! ) to the movies. I ate all 6, and in 30 minutes, I was running to the bathroom. Lesson learned.
  19. chubbsey1

    can I be disgusting for a minute?!

    Yep those sugar alcohols can be the Devil! Maltitol from a sugar free cookie almost caused a Level 111 meltdown in my shorts while on quite a long subway ride into the city. ????????
  20. BeagleLover

    can I be disgusting for a minute?!

    When I was diabetic, sugar free hard candies and gum gave me problems due to the sugar alcohols in them... not an uncommon problem.
  21. Tori Loukas

    help! so nervous! advice?

    The hospital did put a catheter in me. It was inserted in my vee for urine output---once I was peeing on my own the next morning they took it out. I don't know what your hospital's protocol is regarding that. I'd say don't be afraid---I never even felt it and it was inserted while I was still out under anesthesia before they took me out of post-op recovery and to my room. It was absolutely no problem at all for me. As for your events--my advice is to just go and enjoy yourself. Alcohol and food aren't what make a good time. Sure, they contribute to the fun, but you can have plenty of fun without them, they're not necessary. I'm willing to bet too that your friends and family will accommodate you with whatever you have to do for the sake of your health and what you're trying to do. Just tell them, explain it to them. They'll understand. I don't think it'll ruin anyone's time! They'll just appreciate the fact that you are there celebrating with them. Drinking alcohol does not make memories---it's YOU that make memories. How do I know? I'm a recovering alcoholic for 21 years and have gone to many important events and not drank and no problem for anyone!
  22. xmaleengyx

    help! so nervous! advice?

    @@BLERDgirl Thank you for the insight. Im glad to hear you can still eat and drink what you want but in smaller portions. I'm totally fine with being able to do that from time to time on those special occasions.I was worried that I'd never be able to enjoy a birthday party or the holidays or any special event ever again. Or that id make other people uncomfortable for not being able to participate or join them. The pre op nutrition class left me weary. The nutritionist said for the rest of my life I can only eat food that is cut into pencil eraser top sizes and chew each tiny piece 30-40 times before swallowing...I mean what's the point? Might as well opt for a liquid feeding tube. It sounded exhausting to always eat this way and that it would take hours to finish one meal. Also, I was disappointed when the nutritionist told me I could never eat certain foods again. Also, im in 4 weddings this year in which I am maid if honor for 2, which has me stressed. my window for the preop 2week liquid and surgery recovery is small. the doctor has told me I cannot drink alcohol for a year which concerns me when it comes to not missing out on bachelorette parties they are once in a life time experiences. I feel as if I will be ruining my sisters and best friends experience bc we won't be able to make the traditional memories they are expecting. To have my surgery I will have to sacrifice a lot for my health,but I feel my health should come first. It's just that all these scenarios and dilemmas are weighing heavy on my heart.I think it would be more important to my sister that i look good for her wedding standing next to her than making bachelorette and bridal shower memories. Thank you all for your responses!! I felt alone. I think my biggest fear is the surgery in general. I just need to be strong and work hard to keep my nerves aND anxiety in check.I'm 26 but hospitals and needles make me a 2year old baby crying for my mom....it's always a scene getting blood drawn and my edoscopy done and it's ALWAYS embarrassing! Lol. Last question, do they make you use a catheter? Because If so, I honestly don't think I could go through with it. My dear and anxiety couldn't handle that violating and painful situation.
  23. theresa.guth

    Dear veterans...... Need help..... :)

    I've had the same exact issues, but decided not to get any fluid removed. I noticed specifically what I was eating was contributing to my band becoming inflamed (alcohol seemed to contribute a lot, ugh). But I know exactly how you feel and although I was able to get back to normal by changing my diet a bit, that feeling of sickness and reflux is one of the most uncomfortable things I have ever experienced. I would say try to eat more filling foods, such as oatmeal, and maybe incorporate small healthy snacks throughout the day (like fruits and vegetables) to keep that feeling of "full." I also understand your paranoia to get a fill and my advice is try to tweak your diet before getting a fill. Keep a diary of your foods, too, if you're not doing that. I hope you are able to keep going strong without a fill (or if you get a fill, that terrible reflux doesn't return!!). Try not to get discouraged, you've come so far! all the best! Theresa
  24. vincereautmori

    Who is scared to give up food?

    Look, food can't replace real freinds and lovers, you just want it that much and that's an addiction. Just like an alcoholic or drug user the addiction drives you and controls you and all you know is you need it. Fear of failing or succeeding? Probably more likely afraid to take the first step on the journey you know you need to make, and that you can't come back once you make that decision. I had a lot of the same fears, but now I'm about 5 months out and I couldn't be happier. Now I control my relationship with food and not the other way around. I still enjoy many of the foods I love, but I can't abuse them, my sleeve won't let me. I'm still in the early part of my journey, what I didn't realize until I got here, is that the path behind me is darker than the path ahead. Good Luck to you.
  25. Hey Gang! I went to a support group meeting and wanted to share info with you. One of the Administrators of our program did a college research project on people who had wls between 2009 and 2013 - basically, people who were over 1 year out from surgery. She categorized the group into 3 segments. 1. Those who maintained their weight. 2. Those who marginally gained weight (1 - 10 pounds from their lowest or target) 3. Those who regained (11+ pounds). The key factors that people stressed to stay the course are: 1. Have a solid support group - bariatric pal was mentioned as a great source, plus the ones through your physician's office, and, family/friends 2. Continue to journal your food 3. Exercise 4. Even though your stomach limits your intake, make sure your intake is good stuff. (Protein bar in one hand, jelly donut in the other.... pick the protein bar!) 5. Keeping your appointments with the doctor and nutritionist 6. Don't fall back into old habits 7. Alcohol - although many of the maintainers said they do drink alcohol, they limit it to one or two drinks once a week or less I don't have the stats with me regarding what percentage maintained, marginally gained and really gained. But, when I get them I will share with ya'll! (And, no, I am not from the south. Just felt like saying ya'll).

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