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Found 17,501 results

  1. KathyLev

    April 2023 GSV updates?

    I had mine in May of 2023. I'm doing great , thanks for asking ! I've been eating low carb ,very small portions and except for a months long stall, everything is going a-ok I haven't had any carbonated drinks or alcohol so far, but I don't miss it. My stomach handles everything good with no problems. I'm down 2 sizes and couldn't be happier ! All my lab work have been perfect and I'm off 3 meds that I took for a long time. Diabetes is no longer in my future ! How have you been since your surgery ? You lost a ton !!!!!
  2. I'm almost 9 weeks post-op and trying to figure out if I'm on track. I started my 2 week diet at 239 and was 223 the day before surgery. Since surgery, I am down to 204. (So much slower since surgery!) Here's where it gets tricky. If my goal weight is 155 lbs and I use my starting weight from the day I began my 2 week diet, I had an 84lb weight loss goal and am currently at around 41% of excess weight lost. But if I use my day of surgery weight, I had a 68lb goal and am at only 28% lost. This feels like a big difference. I've seen some sources say count your weight loss during the immediate pre-op diet, and others say no, don't count it. Are there any actual rules, or is everyone just making this stuff up as they go?
  3. TransformingTana

    March 2024 Surgery Buddies!

    Had my sleeve done 3/13! Just over two weeks post op
  4. SleeveToBypass2023

    Time off work?

    When I had my sleeve, I took 2 weeks off (desk job). When I had my revision to bypass a year later, I felt fantastic and only took a week off. I had a harder time with the sleeve than I did they bypass, but everyone is different. A week is absolutely essential, 2 weeks seems to be the average, some even take 3 weeks off. Personally, I had my doctor write a note saying I needed 2 weeks off, that way I knew I had it. I needed all of it with the sleeve, but I was able to go back after a week with the bypass so I just had my doctor write a new note saying I was cleared to go back after a week.
  5. So I talked to another nutritionist today and she has only been working with my dr for 6 momths but was kind of surprised I wouldn’t have a liver shrink diet. I decided that I’m just going to do one week just to be safe. It will be one less thing for me to be anxious about if nothing else.
  6. As the title says, I hit my 3 week stall about 2 days ago. I have been through this before, so I know not to check my weight for a week now. The stalls are the worst part of all this, and as time goes on, they get longer and longer. But I've already been to this dance, so at least I know what to expect. My gerd is getting bad. I had to go up to 40mg every day and see how that works (going to every other day caused issues, so today starts every day again). I was really hoping that I would be able to get off PPI with this revision, but so far, no. At least I've gone from 80mg daily to 40. If I could get down to maybe 20mg I could learn to be ok with it. I guess time will tell. I was given the ok to try some ground turkey and HOLY CRAP I FOUND THE RESTRICTION!!!!!! I can eat scrambled eggs, avocado, hummus, refried beans, even cheese cubes....nothing. But I had 2 tbsp of ground turkey and HOLY MOTHER OF GOD there was ALL KINDS of restriction!!!!! I've never had this before. It's awesome!!!! I was told my stomach is the size of a golf ball, and I found it hard to believe before, but oh man I believe it now!!!
  7. Arabesque

    Road trips post op

    Instead of snacking as you’re driving, try stopping & having a proper meal - salad, soup, grilled/steamed fish, etc. At three moths you'll have a few more options. Even picking up some yoghurt or pack some protein shakes & have them in a park. It may take you a bit longer to get where you’re going but it should reduce your desire to mindlessly snack in the car. Remember that’s just head hunger - eating out of boredom as you sit in the car. Travel safely.
  8. ShoppGirl

    Off Track and Discouraged

    I second the protein coffee. I had sleeve three years ago and heard all about it but never tried. Now I’m pending revision and decided to give it a try and I love it. To the point I have to be sure I don’t get too much protein because it’s so good. I got out of the swing of taking my vitamins as well and I’m working on a routine now. I take my multivitamin right after my morning coffee (just be sure it’s a whole protein shake or it may not be enough in your stomach to keep the vitamin down). I keep my multivitamin in the kitchen cabinet with the cups I use for coffee now to remind me to grab them. I sit them right next to my iced “proffee” as I’m drinking it so I don’t forget (I’m pretty bad so yes it does take that many reminders). Then I return the empty cup and the vitamins to the kitchen. As far as the calcium I haven’t gotten back into the swing of that yet but I intend to take it with lunch and dinner to make things easy. I think maybe alarms on my phone may be necessary untill I get back into a routine.
  9. czelek

    Protein help!

    Things have changed a whole lot since my surgery in 2010! The diet plan I had to follow was one Ensure Protein [and I am know it was not the 30gr/carton variety] and water. That was it. On the hour, 2 oz of protein then 2 oz of water every 15 minutes. I even bought a set of eight pretty 2 oz shot glasses that my husband would use for my meals. At the top of the hour, he brought me one with protein and three with water. Start over at the top of the hour and continue until you went to bed. Slider foods, those that are pureed like mashed potatoes, canned refried beans, tuna with mayo, hot cereals, etc were for weeks 4-6 back then. Of course every practice has their own requirements and so much has changed. To up your protein, add some to your cereals or your yogurt. They make flavorless proteins. Find the protein that you can tolerate. Also, you can look into the clear liquid proteins that are out there. Many companies make them. Stalls are your body's way of trying to figure out just what you are trying to do to it. It naturally does not want you to starve to death so it will hold onto those pounds for as long as it can. Then, you will suddenly lose two pounds overnight, lose for a while and then begin another stall. This is the first of many stalls - just keep doing what you are supposed to be doing and don't let that stall get to you. Yes, that is hard, the "not letting it get to you" part. Remember that your surgery is just another tool in your toolbox and not a magic bullet. For the constipation, which is really common after this surgery because of the high protein intake, I would add Miralax to your water or any liquid or hot cereal. One capful mixed in 8 oz of water, for example. You won't know it is there. I now mix one capful of Miralax with my morning decaf coffee. You could also add stool softener as well. If after adding those, and not getting relief, absolutely speak with your surgeon. There are prescription meds out there that can help.
  10. Afowler80


    My surgery was 1/30/24, I’ve lost 48lbs since surgery and it’s been a week and I’m stuck at the same wait or up a few lbs.
  11. lark188613@comcast.net

    Down Time

    My doctor originally wanted me to take 6 weeks. I I've been out 9 weeks so far and counting. I have had a lot of complications and am about to have a feeding tube placed so it's not a common result at all
  12. Bypass2Freedom

    A Happier Week

    Congratulations on your loss so far! On the topic of tea - I know that everyone gets different recommendations, but I was told to either have weak or decaf tea in the first 3 weeks, and then after that I was okay! I have been having tea and coffee as normal now! Yorkshire Tea is best though 😍
  13. @NickelChip It has been hard for me. A lot of pain and uncomfortableness the first 3 weeks.
  14. Had an appt with my Dietician and I am so irritated, like so bothered! I told her that I weight train 6x a week on top of cardio 6x a week. Went over how much I ate and what type of foods and she told me I am eating too much protein, and I need to stop drinking my proffee in the morning only have decaf coffee. She said I need to eat under 100g of protein even though I am weight training. I could not respond, I am not trying to be thin my goal is to get fit and shapely which is why I weight train. My multivitamins I have to adjust which I knew I needed to. I feel so discouraged by what she said, she told me that the 1000 cal is "ok". I asked what that meant, she said I am on the higher scale of what I should eat at 5months post op, I told her but I workout for an hour plus a day? If I ate less I would pass out from exhaustion. My post surgeon team completely left me to figure this all out on my own. I was supposed to have a 6 week and 3 month group appt which she asked why I didn't attend....I told her because your team never called me to set them up and I didn't know that was even a thing. So I have been on my own since week 2. I thought I was kicking ass and taking names, now I am so bummed. Just venting
  15. Bypass2Freedom

    Where to start (in the UK)?

    Heya! I am also in the UK and I had a gastric bypass almost 4 weeks ago, privately with Simon Monkhouse. I'd advise making booking a consultation with Simon (it is free!) and just getting some advice there! https://www.simonmonkhouse.com/ I honestly cannot recommend him enough
  16. I'm not at all hungry on this liquid pre-op diet, but I miss the sensation of chewing. It's been about two weeks––surgery is in two days––and I can't imagine how I'll feel a couple of weeks post-op. Tonight, I randomly stumbled upon a mukbang channel on YouTube, and it was strangely soothing... is it just me, or is this a thing? 

    1. NickelChip


      I actually watched cooking shows during my pre-op, like Great British Baking Show. It was a little bizarre, but didn't make me hungry. I think it was also soothing in a way.

    2. NovelTee


      I love that show! I'm glad I'm not the only one. :779_heartpulse:

  17. SleeveToBypass2023

    Am I behind?

    I lost 79 pounds in 4 months. That averages out to roughly 20 pounds per month, or 5 pounds per week. I was 388 on surgery day. You're doing great. Don't compare yourself to others. Rome wasn't built in a day, so just stick to the diet, move your body, and you'll get there.
  18. Hop_Scotch

    summer journey in fitness

    Unfortunately for me (and others in the southern hemisphere) winter is coming. I have a treadmill in my garage for morning walks and I head to the gym 2 to 3 times a week for weights.
  19. jmorrisbp

    18th June surgery date.

    I bought 1 oz glasses at Walmart (they’re the size of a shot glass and are 97 cents in the baking aisle). I bought 12 of them. I used 6/hour. I drank 1/2 ounce every 5 minutes. I got up and walked a lap around my downstairs after every ounce I drank. I rotated between protein shakes, protein water, regular water, fiber water (not too much at first!), popsicles, jello, collagen coffee, and Propel. This allowed me to get all my fluids and protein for the day. My first fluids every morning were 6oz of decaf coffee with collagen mixed in. BIGGEST thing to do after surgery: Get your protein, water, and movement. You do those three things and you’re good! As soon as they have you start your multivitamin and calcium, take them as directed. Take your multi and your calcium at least two hours apart. Your body can only absorb up to 500mg of calcium at a time so take calcium four hours apart. What I do, I take my multi at lunch (12:40) (because I tend to have yogurt or cottage cheese with breakfast: calcium), and I take my calcium during my 1st and 2nd snack (10:40am and 3:00 pm).
  20. Zingor

    May 2024 Surgery Buddies 😁

    Does anyone know what is involved in the pre-op appointment? Mine is Monday (April 29), and they told me it would be about 4 hours long, but it didn't occur to me to ask what will happen. I mostly work from home, but had to dig out work clothes for a week in the office last week. Every evening I would come home and think "well, that's probably the last time I will ever wear that." I am having more clothes funerals than food funerals.
  21. renae97006


    Hi June folks, Im hanging in there. I think we all have are good days and bad days but I try to focus on the good and why I decided to do this. I think once we all make it closer to that 1 year mark things will become alot easier. I have my stalls as well and it use to get to me but now I just stay consistent, make adjustments from time to time and continue to work out. During those stalls I still notice a change in my clothes, so eventho i didnt loose weight or gained a few pounds clothes are still getting closer, its weird. For those having stalls for long periods of time try tracker your food, I stay away from Protein power and anything that says Keto. That made a difference for me. Hang in there guys.
  22. For me now I am still trying to get into a routine of what I can and cannot tolerate but it is usually; Breakfast - pot of greek yogurt, tsbp of cinnamon (good for inflammation) and a 1/2 cup of granola or oats. (approx 20g protein). At weekends I do a protein pancake with fresh fruit. (15g protein) During the morning/afternoon - coffee with a scoop of collagen powder (10g of protein in the scoop) * 2 (20g protein) Lunch - usually a soup I have made in my slow cooker, at moment red lentil, chili & carrot which is delicious. (5g to 10g protein depending on the soup) Dinner - again something homemade in my slow cooker like a beef goulash, bolognese or chicken dish. I don't usually have a side with them, as not eating enough to sacrifice stomach space for a non protein element, but I do include some veg within the cooking process so I am happy with that. A few times I have had rice with the dishes but at the most 1/2 cup each time. Sometimes I will have the same thing for lunch and dinner as I batch cook so much my freezer is overflowing. The protein amounts very from about 8g to 25g depending on the food, for example a peanut butter (protein) chicken dish I made only has 241 calories, 8g fat, 14g carbs and a whooping 26g protein. On a Friday I treat myself to a 1/4 of a frozen protein vegan pizza (11g protein). It is the one thing really that I don't prepare myself. During the day if I remember to eat I might also have a protein bar, some nuts or 2 squares of dark chocolate. I am trying to get some fruit in also but it is hard to find the stomach space and the time (considering not being able to eat 30 mins either side of a drink). On activity, I have started the One & Done 7 minute exercise program, it is just three times a week as I am a beginner. I do 45 minutes of aqua aerobics once a week so that is four active days more than I did pre-op I try to get a walk in a couple of times a week also but find it hard to be motivated to do that unless it is around the shops which is then dangerous for my wallet!
  23. Wildflower Bohême

    October 2023 surgery buddies

    I'm happy today because I have lost 109 lbs from my high weight! I downloaded a coloring page from Etsy to track my weight loss, and once I hit that goal (literally on New Year's Day), I downloaded another one with my next goal. It's fun to color with crayons (and kids water colors, when I couldn't find my crayon box for a while) I keep them on my big magnetic white board. When I'm in a stall or gain a couple of pounds, I don't/can't remove any pounds, because they're already colored in. I just wait until I can color in new spaces. I recommend trying something like this, if it resonates with you!
  24. Zazu_89

    Pre op diet

    Im from London. Semi skimmed milk with 2 tablespoon skimmed milk powder. I use Hartley 10 cal jelly pot. I've been doing normal because I lost weight fast and because il lost weight in last 3 weeks in liver reduction diet when it's just soup and yogurt.
  25. No matter how discouraging this is know that it will pass. Mine lasted 2 weeks. I just kept on doing the deal and it eventually passed with a 2.5 pass.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
