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Found 17,501 results

  1. I am so ready for chewing again. Christmas Eve is the day! I’m thinking boiled chicken and black beans to start. How did your first soft foods experiences work out for you?
  2. So, I recently posted about hair loss. While I'm not happy that this is a side effect, it's comforting to know that some of you have gone thru this as well, and for most, your hair grew back. I'm taking all kinds of supplements in addition to the "regular" vitamins required post-op. I've added liquid iron, prenatal vitamins, biotin, and collagen. The first question is about stalling - again. I've been bouncing between 181-184 for over a month now. I'm not eating much due to the discomfort (I posted about this also). I'm desperately trying to get my protein in, but I simply can't eat enough to do that. I'm also taking the Unjury powder (which I can barely tolerate due to the taste even though I mix it into food/liquid), but still can't get anywhere near what I'm supposed to. I'm supposed to be getting in 60g-86g protein/day. Unjury only accounts for 22g/day. I can only eat enough to get about 40g-50g/day. My doctor is aware. How do I kickstart this weight loss again? Secondly (sorry to the men in the group), I'm 48 and suddenly started getting my period again. I'm on a medication that is supposed to stop it completely due to a previous medical issue, but obviously, something has changed so much with my body, that the medication, which has been effective for several years, is no longer working. I emailed my dr. and she started me on estrogen for 10 days but isn't sure why the previous medication stopped working. Have any of you ladies had this issue?
  3. Day one of pre op diet, two weeks before surgery.  I'm excited to start,  and know that this is a fundamental lifestyle change. 

    On 30 December 2019 I gave up a heavy drinking habit for 30 years.  No regrets, only successes; even through the turmoil of 2020 ☠💪💣💥

    2021 will be the year I regain my physical and mental health, and the start of the rest of my life.  To say I am a determined person is an understatement.  One day I want to writea book just for my family.  It will make for a lot of laughs, many tears, and a lot of enlightenment as to why I am the way I am.  I've been on a blog called Living Sober all year, and I have decided to extract all my posts for the last 12 months and read iver them again during my post surgery recovery time.  It will reassure me I am ok, I can (and must) do this.

    Happy day 1 to you from me x

    1. GreenTealael


      Congratulations ♥️

    2. Neensyb


      Day 1 down and about to go to bed. I am exhausted and know I will sleep well. My headache is banging though, despite all the neurofen I've had. Grrrr.

      But a couple of hours in the pool early evening was such a nice relaxing time. I'm ready for zzzzz now. Bring on day 2!

  4. So I’m barely three weeks out and hit a stall as early as the second week.... I only lost like 6 lbs the first week and one pound the second week... gained a pound mid third week and then lost it.... but that’s it! I think my surgeon didn’t calibrate me properly... I asked for maximum restriction (bougie 32) and he said that was too much for me... he said he would probably do a 36... I’m concerned it’s not enough restriction I can eat almost normal so I must exercise a lot of willpower... I feel so frustrated and defeated... I feel like this is just another hard diet to do and I’m right back at the same place like when I would diet, stall, binge and on and on we go.... I weigh 198.8 and that’s were it seems to want to stay...
  5. I am really about to lose it. I had the gastric bypass on October 28th. I lost 31 lb in the first 5 weeks. The last 2 weeks I've actually gained 2 lb, which really frustrates me because I haven't even been eating. Just a couple bites of greek yogurt here and there. I got ulcers after my surgery, so EVERYTHING hurts to go down. I know I don't drink enough water. I've never liked water and I try to drink it but I have a really hard time. I just don't understand how I could actually gain 2 pounds!! Anorexic people never eat, yet they lose weight, so I don't understand the whole, eat to lose weight concept.
  6. I've heard of the 3 week stall. But I stopped losing weight at 1 week. I lost 10lb during my 1 week pre op diet and 10 lb the week after my surgery. My surgery was 11/30. I haven't lost anything since 12/7. I use a Bariatric app to track all my food/water/vitamins. My calories have gone up over the past 2 weeks (as expected) from around 300 to 600 and my carbs are higher than I would like (around 35 avg), but I'm finding soft foods are limited. I am not meeting my water goals of 64 oz. I'm getting about 30 oz. If I do too much moving around, my incision sites get really sore so I have not started walking but I do a lot house work and go into my office a couple days a week (not just a couch potatoe, like week 1). Anyone else experience this? Sent from my SM-N975U using BariatricPal mobile app
  7. PresInTheATL

    Week 2 Postop

    From the album: Before/Weight Loss/After


    © PJ3

  8. PresInTheATL

    Week 2 Postop

    From the album: Before/Weight Loss/After


    © PJ3

  9. PresInTheATL

    Week 1 Postop

    From the album: Before/Weight Loss/After


    © PJ3

  10. PresInTheATL

    Week 1 post op

    From the album: Before/Weight Loss/After


    © PJ3

  11. Had bypass 4 months ago and my weight loss has pretty much stalled for the past 3 weeks. I have also noticed I am feeling much hungrier most days, and portion sizes are creeping up. Not significantly, but noticeably. Oh, and I am definitely missing my protein targets. By a lot. I am having big problems with food (just been diagnosed with avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID) which essentially means I have an incredibly small range of things I can eat. This not only makes meals extremely boring after a while, I have become quite reliant on relatively unhealthy foods (e.g. I use ragu sauce from a jar rather than making my own). Also, I slipped and had a small amount (but still too much) of cake and crisps. That said, this past week has been healthier and yet the weight loss is still stalling. I'm not sure if this is just a periodic stall, the effect of not a very good diet in recent weeks, or if the effects of the operation are already wearing off? Does anyone have any similar experiences?
  12. I'm 15 days post op and my doctor has advised me to lose 40 lbs my first 3 months, then another 40 the following three months. Here's the catch....I still feel awful. I am recovering very slowly. Walking 20 minutes per day so I am not stagnant but the incision pain keeps me up at night (hard lump and pulling, doc said is normal) and I am not resting well because of it. I do not want to be on pain meds but the soreness makes me sluggish. Anyone else slow to heal? There are so many people whom have jumped straight into their weight loss routine and I am not ready to start mine. Tired of the recovery phase......
  13. rlmontgomery

    1 week post op

    From the album: 1 week post op

    1 week post op

    © Rm 2020

  14. rlmontgomery

    1 week post op

    1 week post op
  15. I’m a bit bummed! I weigh myself on Sundays, and last week I was 189, This week - get ready for it! 188!!! Anybody else have the 4th week slump? I guess I should be glad I didn’t GAIN!  It’s not the ultimate worst thing, just thinking of how hard it is to go through all this and find I lost so little. I know one big  thing has changed from before surgery. I used to do better going to the bathroom, but since being on these vitamins with iron, things have quickly changed. So I’m in the middle of changing my multivitamin and adding magnesium which I took presurgery, so I’m hoping I  will begin to lose better again. I’ve also changed to a lower protein shake, and that may be affecting it as well. I have begun to add flavorless protein to some of my food, so I hope that will help as well. 
    Does anyone else have some words of wisdom they could share with me, and have many of you gone thru this same phenomena as well, please chime in! Misery loves company!😫🎉🤣  Still tryin! And thanks ahead of time!

    1. Changingmylife2020


      It happens to all of us. I went 2 weeks with no loss and I was doing everything that I was supposed to. Yes I also had/have problems with the iron. Might need to add a stool softener as iron causes constipation for most people. Keep on doing everything that you are supposed to (water, protein and vitamins etc..) and you will eventually start losing again. If you read thru these forms, there are lots of people who stall. Usually around the 3rd or 5th weeks. Hang in there! Dee

  16. My surgery date got pushed up a week. I'm sprinting toward the finish line right now. Today is day 4 of my liquid diet. Telehealth appointments with the bariatric team and Dr. Azagury done yesterday, anesthesiology team this afternoon....additional blood work to be done and covid test this weekend. Post surgery meds on order with the pharmacy. Surgery on Tuesday! I have to say my Stanford bariatric team is amazing and so thorough. I feel a bit overwhelmed, but super excited to be on the other side of this!

  17. Joce1523

    3 week stall

    I had my surgery 3 weeks ago i was dropped about 1 1/2 lbs a day and now it stopped ... the scale will not move at all and it’s killing me . I know i shouldn’t be weight my self everyday but it’s a bad habit i have to break . I’ve been following everything and counting my macros but idk what is going on 😭
  18. So, I am 5 weeks post up. I had the bypassed done. I am 23 years old female 5’5 starting weight 252lb surgery weight 248lb current weight 220lb. So pretty much I’ve only lost 30 pounds so far and I’ve been at a stall for about two week and half I tried everything but nothing is changing my weight idk what to do. It’s pretty frustrating! Any tips or advices to overcome the stall? Will I eventually start loosing again? I’m assuming I’m a slow looser. 🥺
  19. Prior to surgery my anxiety and depression were very well controlled by Zoloft and Lamictal. I was doing great until about a week ago when I started experiencing withdrawal type symptoms like dizziness, visual issues, and anxiety. I have been reading articles about bioavailability of meds post RNY. I’m 6 wks post op from revision to RNY. My doc wants me to try liquid Zoloft. Anybody have any experience with this? I’m scared and frustrated I was not warned of this possibly happening after surgery.
  20. amunguia01

    Week 2 eggs

    My week 2 says scrambled eggs, cottage cheese and Greek yogurt I’m still considered liquids. How do you I liquify scrambled eggs? Can I just boil an eggs and put a tad mayo and blend it? I’m so confused why scrambled eggs is on my week 2 😂 I don’t have my post op nutrition visits until the 14th
  21. It will be 4 weeks Friday that my niece had gastric sleeve in Tijuana Mexico. We watched the video and the surgery went well.. She has not been able to keep anything down. Throwing up black nasty stuff and poop is black as well...Been to the ER twice and they ran , all kinds of test on her, find nothing... She is weak and dizzy and not getting better. The doctor in Mexico keep saying your body has to adapt...I get that but not able to even keep water down...Anyone else experiencing these symptoms?
  22. Hello everyone, I am 2 weeks post-op for my bypass. I have lost about 30 pounds since my pre-op diet and am feeling really good right now. I am much more comfortable in my own body from just 30 pounds! Only 150 more to go! 😄😆 I had nausea the first day after the operation, but none since. I did have excess gas and some diarrhea (no pain involved) but GasX and Benefiber have helped with that. I have some pain on my lower right side where the main incision was which they said was normal. That pain has gotten a lot better. Going to see my surgeon tomorrow and pick up the vitamins. I will start pureed today with cottage cheese. Has anyone heard "Anything is pureed if you chew it enough" ? Is that advisable? So far, so good. I have not cheated a bit and I hope my healing continues to go well. I got a selfie stick to take before pics, even though I'm a little late with that, but I want to remember what I looked like and most of all how I felt, physically and emotionally. What questions did you ask at your first post-op appointment? I ask because I always seem to leave something out at the doctor. I wish you all well!
  23. Hello guys how do you guys feel with just liquid diet 2 week before surgery as for me im only allowed protein shakes, I am feeling light headed and nauseous is this normal the first days im on day 2?
  24. I'm miserable when it comes to eating.. Or should I say drinking broth... I took it upon my self to start on pureed foods a week early or else I would've died of starvation. However I'm doing pretty good.. I've started walking up to a mile and a half everyday. I had surgery on Nov. 3, 2020. Before surgery my weight was 245 now I'm 225... I'm sure I lost some weight pre-op due to the 2 week liquid diet. Anyway the Journey continues. Sent from my moto g fast using BariatricPal mobile app

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