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Found 17,501 results

  1. I'm a professional trumpet player and got the sleeve on April 5. My doctor told me to wait 2 weeks to play which I will do (outside of the occasional 1 note long tone to prove to myself I still got it). Any other musicians out there? Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  2. Has anyone else had nausea after drinking water? I'm creeping on 4 weeks PO and over this last weekend I dealt with nausea after drinking water??
  3. Keep in mind that most nutritionists, it's their job to tell you to stay within certain limits that were decided by prior care teams who-knows how many years ago, based on individuals who could be much different than you. Those limits may be absolute BS, but they have to cover their own ass and give you these 'healthy guidelines'. In my care team, I have three different nutritionists I've seen so far. One of them seems very open, very with it, and all her advice so far has been really helpful. The other two have been absolutely useless. (Ironically, one is constantly looking at my food logs and saying things like "and where do you see that you could have added more protein here" even though I'm usually already in the 80-100g range -- and I DO NOT work out) For what it's worth, I think you're doing exceedingly well. Every time I see you post around here, I pay attention because you really seem to be in tune with your own body. If you're not having any protein over-consumption symptoms and your labs are good, I would take what's useful from the NUT and throw the rest away. (Are they sending you for bloodwork routinely, or has that fallen through the cracks too?)
  4. February 29th 2 weeks post op
  5. I've never counted carbs - whole or net. My program stressed eating balanced meals (not low-carb, like many of them do), and also, I'm not very carb-sensitive (I know a lot of people ARE). two weeks isn't that long for a stall. They usually last 1-3 weeks, and sometimes they can go ever longer as you get closer to goal. (the last few months I kept thinking, "well, this must be it...", but then I'd drop a couple of pounds). You can't really break a stall - it's part of losing weight. Your body has to stop and recalibrate every once in a while. The best thing to do is make 100% sure you're sticking to your program, and only weigh yourself once a week or so until it breaks. you may be far from over. I kept losing weight until month 20. But those last few pounds were a bear to get off...
  6. My program is counting from the preop appt weight, 3 weeks before surgery, I had already lost 25 lbs at that point.
  7. Arabesque

    50 and over crowd?

    Your body is healing & the tiredness & lethargy as a result is very common. If your body wants you to rest or nap, do rest or nap. It takes about 8 weeks to fully heal from the surgery but you will notice slow improvements in regards to how tired you are as the weeks pass. You may find there are times in the future while you are losing you experience drops in energy. This too is pretty common & again be a bit easy on yourself & your energy levels will rise again when your body is ready. I often wish I could still justify an afternoon nana nap. LOL!
  8. Me too!!!! Two weeks to go
  9. NickelChip

    Weight Comparison 2 Month.jpg

    Whoops, disregard the label on this one. It's 4 weeks and 2 months, not pre-op. Going to redo the graphic with the right label but I can't delete this one!
  10. Just hitting 2 weeks post, constipation has set in and had some blood in stool I talked with my surgeon he said start to introduce stool softners only and try to increase more water anyone else run into this any other suggestions, tips or tricks ?? Just feel miserable right now
  11. Lily2024

    50 and over crowd?

    I'm 51, 9 weeks post op. I was working out regularly before surgery, doing well post op for the most part. Pretty sure I'll be feeling even better in another few weeks.
  12. MLC3409

    Something feels off

    Yeah. It just says fluid. And I usually have a cup of decaf tea in the morning that is equivalent to three cups. I never put that in my tracker. I am just figuring what I count in my tracker which is more 8 oz cu I use to drink. From my large water bottle (64oz). I’m sure it will be fine. It will all work out. I just have to watch fats that I am taking in. Even if it is “healthy “ fats
  13. K Ramirez

    Needing some encouragement

    I have thought of taking measurements instead. Something I was going to talk to my nutritionist this coming week. Thank you 😊 I do appreciate your comment
  14. Sophay

    Send help

    Hey! Very very new here however not new to the band! (Banded Oct 2022) when I first had it fitted I lost most of the weight I wanted to. Took a good couple of months and 1 fill of 1ml (taking me from 5.5-6.5ml in a 10ml band) I was happy. The weight was coming off, people were noticing, I felt better in my body (less weight to carry around and I felt loads more confident in my appearance too!) over the summer months I really struggled to eat anything with the weather being hot I put a lot of it down to that.. I had 0.5ml removed taking me down to 6ml in total. During winter I debated having some back in but figured with Christmas approaching I wasn’t overly concerned with my weight. I stepped on the scales a few week back and realised I’d regained a whole stone. So I booked in for a fill. I only had 0.25 put in 6.25 total) and I’ve realised very quickly that I literally cannot eat anything!! I can have two bites of a sausage and be done because anymore I’m at the toilet with regurgitation! :( this obviously is not healthy and so far my weight has stalled but I don’t know what to do for the best as if I have some removed, I’m going back to weight gain… can anybody offer any advice on what is the best thing to do?
  15. Dawn Gant

    How much protein is too much?

    Do you all buy any of bariatric pal foods? I’m about 3 days away from my 4 month post op. The bariatric foods hep me a lot to stick to my 60+ mg of protein a day still drink one shake a day because I get about 40mg protein in one shake. I usually drink around 4-6 pm so with my meals and snacks. I get the rest or more of protein through out. I too have sm stalls depending on if my right leg is swollen or I need to have a good bowel movement sorry TMI but I’m on pain management with chronic constipation. But I’m losing steady not as fast as first surgery but since I’m more sedentary then prior it’s expected but losing. Day of surgery was 304 now 272
  16. SleeveToBypass2023

    weight stall

    That's 15 pounds per month, or 3.75 pounds per week. You're more than on track. And I'm glad to hear you're doing well. I know the feeling about being anemic. I've been fighting that since 8th grade. Thanks for updating!!!
  17. Arabesque


    I didn’t while losing & still don’t. I’ve tried bread & pasta a couple of times in the last 4 years as a test but they still sit heavily so I expect rice will do the exact same thing. Don’t mind because of the their low nutrient content (rather eat something nutritionally dense) & don’t miss them either (& I used to eat a lot of all three). I have a friend with a sleeve & she can eat all three so … 🤷🏻‍♀️ You can only give it a go when your plan okays it & see how you go.
  18. I'm almost 9 weeks post-op and trying to figure out if I'm on track. I started my 2 week diet at 239 and was 223 the day before surgery. Since surgery, I am down to 204. (So much slower since surgery!) Here's where it gets tricky. If my goal weight is 155 lbs and I use my starting weight from the day I began my 2 week diet, I had an 84lb weight loss goal and am currently at around 41% of excess weight lost. But if I use my day of surgery weight, I had a 68lb goal and am at only 28% lost. This feels like a big difference. I've seen some sources say count your weight loss during the immediate pre-op diet, and others say no, don't count it. Are there any actual rules, or is everyone just making this stuff up as they go?
  19. ShoppGirl

    Off Track and Discouraged

    I second the protein coffee. I had sleeve three years ago and heard all about it but never tried. Now I’m pending revision and decided to give it a try and I love it. To the point I have to be sure I don’t get too much protein because it’s so good. I got out of the swing of taking my vitamins as well and I’m working on a routine now. I take my multivitamin right after my morning coffee (just be sure it’s a whole protein shake or it may not be enough in your stomach to keep the vitamin down). I keep my multivitamin in the kitchen cabinet with the cups I use for coffee now to remind me to grab them. I sit them right next to my iced “proffee” as I’m drinking it so I don’t forget (I’m pretty bad so yes it does take that many reminders). Then I return the empty cup and the vitamins to the kitchen. As far as the calcium I haven’t gotten back into the swing of that yet but I intend to take it with lunch and dinner to make things easy. I think maybe alarms on my phone may be necessary untill I get back into a routine.
  20. So I talked to another nutritionist today and she has only been working with my dr for 6 momths but was kind of surprised I wouldn’t have a liver shrink diet. I decided that I’m just going to do one week just to be safe. It will be one less thing for me to be anxious about if nothing else.
  21. KathyLev

    April 2023 GSV updates?

    I had mine in May of 2023. I'm doing great , thanks for asking ! I've been eating low carb ,very small portions and except for a months long stall, everything is going a-ok I haven't had any carbonated drinks or alcohol so far, but I don't miss it. My stomach handles everything good with no problems. I'm down 2 sizes and couldn't be happier ! All my lab work have been perfect and I'm off 3 meds that I took for a long time. Diabetes is no longer in my future ! How have you been since your surgery ? You lost a ton !!!!!
  22. NickelChip

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    Had my 4-week post-op appointment with my dietician today. She wants me to start aiming for 80g protein and 800 calories per day. Currently I'm averaging closer to 65g and 600 calories. We'll see how it goes this week!
  23. TransformingTana

    March 2024 Surgery Buddies!

    Had my sleeve done 3/13! Just over two weeks post op
  24. Bypass2Freedom

    A Happier Week

    Congratulations on your loss so far! On the topic of tea - I know that everyone gets different recommendations, but I was told to either have weak or decaf tea in the first 3 weeks, and then after that I was okay! I have been having tea and coffee as normal now! Yorkshire Tea is best though 😍
  25. SleeveToBypass2023

    Time off work?

    When I had my sleeve, I took 2 weeks off (desk job). When I had my revision to bypass a year later, I felt fantastic and only took a week off. I had a harder time with the sleeve than I did they bypass, but everyone is different. A week is absolutely essential, 2 weeks seems to be the average, some even take 3 weeks off. Personally, I had my doctor write a note saying I needed 2 weeks off, that way I knew I had it. I needed all of it with the sleeve, but I was able to go back after a week with the bypass so I just had my doctor write a new note saying I was cleared to go back after a week.

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