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Found 17,501 results

  1. NickelChip

    May 2024 surgery

    I was so happy to have chicken soup flavored "shakes" to offset all the sweet stuff (until they started to taste like chemicals after surgery, lol). I was also able to put unflavored protein powder in tomato soup, and that was so nice! I would do a coffee flavored shake at breakfast, chicken soup shake for lunch, and tomato soup for dinner, plus sugar free jello. It wasn't too bad after the first several days. Mine lasted 2 weeks. Take it easier if you can, and get lots of fluid and sleep.
  2. NickelChip

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    Had a rough day yesterday with food. I had a little bite of mango at lunch that set my tummy off and caused quite a bit of pain before finally having to vomit. And my right hip is suddenly in pain for no reason. It's excruciating when I climb stairs, or when I have to shift my leg from the accelerator to the brake, as I discovered while driving. Today I'm sticking with a smoothie for lunch and some soup for dinner. I'm so frustrated that everything seems to make me sick. And I've been stalled at 204.4lbs for three days now, which just adds insult to injury. But, I've done very well with increasing my activity level. I've only missed one day of hitting my 10k step goal, and that was a day when I was doing a long drive with little chance to stop and walk. As for being cold, I was freezing yesterday! Spring is taking its time and my hands are always so cold.
  3. SleeveToBypass2023


    I agree with @BlondePatriotInCDA. Definitely check out the NSV thread. That's what got me through when I was needing motivation or when I needed to get through stalls and feeling frustrated.
  4. SleeveToBypass2023


    So for me, I've had stalls last anywhere from 2 weeks to 6 weeks. I tend to gain 2-4 pounds during a stall and then drop like 5-6 pounds when it breaks. Once I see I'm in a stall, I stay off the scale. Normally I weigh myself 2-3 times per week. When I'm in a stall, I do it once per week, just to see when it breaks. I stick with my diet, I change up my workout to "confuse" my body (if you do the same thing at the same time al the time, your body gets use to it and the exercises become less effective), and I focus on NSVs (Non Scale Victories) such as how I look, how my clothes fit, how my rings fit, if I've dropped inches, if I can fit into seats/booths better, etc...
  5. Zingor

    May 2024 Surgery Buddies 😁

    I have been told I don't need to do the LRD, but will probably start next week anyway. Finding liquid protein i can stand has been my biggest hurdle. I like the hot savory ones from unjury, so might stick with those.
  6. Them tests and being off PPi’s for a week do not sound like fun. Hopefully all that is a means to an end, though and you get scheduled for your revision very soon.
  7. Chips are slider foods. Most people can technically eat more of them than other foods and anyone can eat a pretty good bit when they are “grazing” Which is eating little bits multiple times throughout the day. Try really hard to avoid grazing because that will can definitely get you into trouble. Not sure if you’ve seen me on here but I had sleeve three years ago and I lost a quite a big chunk of weight but I did regain my weight just as fast. I was able to eat more than I expected at every stage but even still if I had been eating healthy options three times a day that would not have allowed me to gain the amount of weight I gained. I gained my weight by sneaking in the not so healthy foods from near the beginning since I was eating so little i thought it was okay because I was still losing. When my hunger came back my portions got a little bigger and eventually I was eating bigger portions of less that ideal food more often than prescribed. Since I never really took advantage of that honeymoon phase to actually change my eating habits to healthy foods this is when things went off the rails. The surgery will not do all the work. My recommendation is to take this time where your tool is really working for you to try out some new healthy options and recipes and find a variety of things that you like so when the actual hunger comes back you will have changed your habits.
  8. I had sleeve done on March 27th. I was amazed how well it went, really no pain. The first 10 days were a breeze. But then, everything started tasting overly sweet. I couldn’t drink protein drinks or protein water without gagging. Not getting my liquids. I was very dizzy and nauseous. I ended up severely dehydrated and had to get IV’s at home for 3 days. Turns out my blood pressure had dropped and no longer needed the meds. This caused the dizziness and led to the nausea. Even though I only lost 30# between pre-op and 2 weeks post-op, it was enough to no longer need the meds. IV was removed 2 days ago and I stopped BP meds. Appetite back, still having a hard time with protein drinks, but am doing high protein yogurt and chicken. If you are on blood Pressure meds, check your blood pressure!
  9. summerseeker


    I had so many, they lasted from a few days to 3 weeks in the first year. The second year they lasted much longer, I had one lasting 3 months and I thought I had finished loosing. I stepped on the scale one morning and found that a whopping 5 pounds had fallen off me. Just hold your nerve and follow your plan, good luck
  10. Arabesque


    Stalls tend to last 1-3 weeks and you’ll likely experience a few of them while you’re losing. They’re actually an important part of your weight loss. It’s the time when your body shuts down to reassess your new needs based on your weight loss. Your body works out what it needs now in regards to digestive hormones, metabolism, etc. When it’s done this & it’s ready to move forward again, your stall will break. Stick to your plan. Don’t make any additional changes other than what your plan requires - don’t stress your body more.
  11. Many surgeons use an internal scaffolding type stitch around your larger incision through which they removed your tummy. This stitch eventually ‘pops’ around 4-8 weeks (individual healing times). My thought is this was the pop you felt. But always good to check with your medical team.
  12. ((I have already sent message to my health care team)) I was in the restroom and pushes a bit, and I felt this pooping sensation internally, on my right side near the large, stitched area. It does not hurt at the moment or anything, but I am panicking that I may have done something bad! I am 4 weeks out from RNY. Has anyone experienced this? What was your outcome?
  13. Afowler80


    My surgery was 1/30/24, I’ve lost 48lbs since surgery and it’s been a week and I’m stuck at the same wait or up a few lbs.
  14. K Ramirez

    Bad pain any time I eat

    I ended up at the hospital. I have extreme pain but no explanation as to why. My nutritionist doesn't know why either other than I ate phase 3 in phase 2. (Cottage cheese and black beans). Yes I was in pureed stage but even with the beans and cottage cheese mushed well... My tummy didn't like it. So I'm going back to just protein shakes, jello, broth and Greek yogurt for another week. Going to try pureed food in a week again. So far, I still can't drink any water/shakes without extreme pain. Shoots through my chest and shoulder still. Still unsure from anyone as to why unfortunately
  15. summerseeker


    Hello Amanda, Just trust the process, it really works. Hold your nerve. Try to not look for ways to break the stall. Your body needs the small rest to begin dropping again.
  16. @wendywitch7, at 6 months post op, i was at about 700-800 calories a day. BUT i am also 7 inches shorter than you, AND i weighed about 130 lbs at the 6 months post-op mark (started at 235 lbs, so that was a loss of just over 100lbs in 6 months). i was losing about 2 to 2.5 lbs a week pretty much steadily starting month 3 postop until i about a month after reaching goal (i dropped the most weight the first 2 months after surgery)...then i dropped a couple more lbs after that and stabilized at my current weight since then.
  17. SleeveToBypass2023

    Bad pain any time I eat

    What surgery did you have? Moving through the stages SLOWLY is so important, especially the first 4 weeks. Eating slow, not drinking while you eat, chewing food until it's mush, and being very mindful to stick to the diet is so, so important.
  18. BeanitoDiego

    Bad Knees and excercise

    At the beginning of my fitness journey, I joined a national chain gymnasium for a little over $10 per month. It rhymes with Janet Witness, and had a variety of low impact and muscle building machines to try out. Pushing towards 300 pounds, I had to work up the courage to be there but soon found that everyone was in their own little zone, paying me no mind. I took advantage of their membership benefit that allows one to meet with a trainer to plan a custom routine. Three years later, I am still a member of this gym and am grateful for the healthier lifestyle seeds that they helped me plant.
  19. They decided I needed an upper GI and noticed that I had a very small hiatal hernia and that I'm beginning to develop cricopharyngeal hypertrophy. Because of the test results of that, I am now scheduled for a motility study with impedence using manometry and a 24 hour impedence ph study. Can't wait to get these tests over with so I can take my omeprezole again. This GERD is killing me since I can only take Tums right now. Have to be off the ppi medicine for a week. This should help to get my revision scheduled.
  20. Arabesque

    Bad pain any time I eat

    So you’re in your third week which generally is purée. Can you give us an idea of what you’ve been eating. Yes, some take longer to heal & therefore need to move through the stages more slowly so move back a stage for a few days. Like the purée you’ve eaten is still too thick for you yet. Try thinning them with water, stock, milk, etc. Some allowed foods can still be too heavy for our tummy yet & you may experience discomfort though I wouldn’t say pain as you’ve described. And yes, eating too quickly can cause again discomfort. You can even have the foamies if something is too heavy, coarse or you eat to quickly but you’ve haven’t experienced that. I’d still check with your surgeon or go to a hospital because you really shouldn’t be experiencing pain as strong as you’ve indicated.
  21. Marzy0153

    ESG January 2024 Buddies??

    Congrats on the weight loss and lower cholesterol in your first month! I am three months out and I’ve always struggled with hitting the recommended calories… I’ve hit almost two weeks now where I haven’t lost anything, but the dietitian told me that’s completely normal. Trying not to let it get to me! Curious if anyone a little further out has experienced this yet? I am down 56lbs after three months and started around your SW weight as well. Are you currently doing a blended/pureed diet? When I hit that phase, I think I was still consuming two protein drinks a day (I like Fairlife Nutrition Plan or Premier Protein) which gave me 60g protein total (30 each) and 300 cals total (150 or 160 each). I would try to have three meals a day. For meals, I would make a yogurt smoothie with a little bit of fruit, milk or water. The pre-made Chobani Zero Smoothies are also good if you need something quick. I would have half of one for a meal. Fat free refried beans were good at that phase. I also made a lot of cooked, mashed carrots and sweet potatoes. Ricotta or cottage cheese blended with fruit or lemon juice, tomato sauce, etc.
  22. BigZ

    Navigating Eating Out

    I worked out of town all week, so every meal was at a restaurant. Even the sandwich place we went to, I just told them to keep the fries, and only give me veggies and the meat, no bread. I got strange looks, and it was discounted at all, but it works. I also had a birria taco, and just scraped out the meat/cheese, and left the tortilla. Grilled chicken at the steak place. Luckily I talked them out of a burger joint But if we would have gone, i would have got the burger, just no bun etc. I was still able to keep my calories under 1K per day!
  23. BigZ

    Raw vegetables?

    I could at 6-8 weeks. Nothing ever bothered me, just make sure to chew it all up.
  24. 1. F (with an asterisk, NB on low dose testosterone), 35 now, 34 on surgery date, 5'7" 2 . 27.2 lbs (I had lost 54 lbs in the 6 months prior to that, but stalled due to last supper eating, losing 20 pounds in my 2 week pre-op) 3. 276.0 4. 256.6 5. 228.0 6. 188.0 7. 147.0 8. Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass I'm a few days short of a year out, but I don't want to forget to post.
  25. You will look lighter than you are. A few weeks ago i was talking to a coach who's been working with strength athletes for decades, a guy who knows what weight looks like on bodies. He looks at me and is like, you're what 120 pounds now? I was just barely into the 150s. I'm in the 140s now and I'm practically skeletal. I'm much, much thinner than when I was this weight as a teenager. I had initially set a goal of the highest calculated ideal weight for my height and am now thinking that if I actually reach it I'll need to buy clothes from the kids section. Which.... I mean, there's way more dinosaur print options so I'm not necessarily complaining. So let that influence your goals.

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