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Found 1,239 results

  1. don't increase your calories unless you're already sure you are not eating enough. Stick to your program and the weight loss WILL start up again. You are in the infamous "three-week stall", that's all. (it doesn't always happen the third week post-op - but sometime within the first month or so after surgery, almost all of us hit our first major stall. It can last anywhere from a few days up to three (or more..) weeks). Just hang in there and remain 100% compliant. Your weight *will* start dropping again. When my first stall broke after two long weeks of nothing, I dropped like 6-8 lbs within a couple of days....
  2. Biddy zz 🏳️🌈

    Stalled since week 2

    Hi there Be patient my friend - the “three-week-stall” can happen any time from day 3 to month 3! Three weeks is common, but 10 days is as well. Stick to your programme and suddenly, you’ll see the weight drop away. Even better advice - start measuring.make careful note of WHERE exactly you measure (take photos, side on, of where the tape lies!) - often in a stall, that is when I drop a pants size or shirt size, so being able to measure other than with a scale is useful! X
  3. alissajs

    January 2020 Surgery Folks

    Hey! I had the sleeve done 1/7/20. I’m official down 60 pounds! I did just come off a three week stall which was so frustrating, but then I lost 7 pounds in 4 days 😂 crazy how this works. I don’t get all my fluid, but I try to get close. Only food I’ve had a problem with are the greasy meats. Sausage, bacon, brats, etc. other than that things have been great!
  4. UPDATE: Happy to report for the last 4 days, I've lost a pound each day, so looks like the "three week stall" is a real thing, and I was a victim <grin>. Not expecting to maintain this pace forever, but glad to go along as long as it does.
  5. Others said it already but yes the three week stall is a thing. Just keep doing what you are doing. Stay off the scale for a while if that helps and trust the process. The loss will pick back up shortly.
  6. InfiniteButterfly

    Hit a stall 3 wks out. GRRRRR!

    The three-week stall sucks. Especially after how fast the weight seemed to fall off those first two weeks. I've had two stalls so far, and each lasted maybe 6-8 days? Not fun, but just stay the course and the weight will start falling again in no time.
  7. Officially Not Fatty Matty


    Also the famous three week stall (not always right at three weeks), glycogen storage (needs lots of Water for the body to store it)… if the scale fluctuations bother you there are a few options… one, just weigh once a week. Do it after your morning bathroom routine so it’s consistent with your daily pattern.. two: if you want to weigh each day take today’s weight and subtract it from your weight seven days prior. This will give you a rolling average of your weekly loss, it’s handy for spotting true stalls / slow downs etc.
  8. Seastars

    Late June Sleeve Buddies?

    Not everyone has pounds melting off. You have lost 34 pounds total and that is a lot of weight. Your body doesn't know preop from post op weight loss. It is healing and adjusting. Make sure you are getting your Protein, Water and enough calories in so your body doesn't go into starvation mode. I average 125g protein, no worries! Only 800-1000 cals (max 1200 on a heavy workout day), but that is per my dietician's precise instructions. Your take on "Your body doesn't know preop from post op weight loss" is interesting. I lost 21 pounds in the month before surgery, so it sure seems like post-op - with reduced hunger and forcibly smaller portion size, not to mention a two-week liquid diet - I'd be losing MORE than that, you know? I mean, the surgery is meant to make us lose weight, not just maintain it. But that didn't happen. The loss I had was mostly from crazy cardio. I just didn't think losing weight with the sleeve would be this hard. I read posts about the three-week stall, but that's AFTER someone loses, like, 30 pounds or so! I guess my frustration is exacerbated by the fact that I self-paid. This was a very, very expensive 12 pounds. :/
  9. MaddieJ

    July 2013 sleevers

    I heard that there was a three week stall, does anyone know what's that about? When does it usually end? I got to my third week and I've only lost half a pound after four days. I hate to call it a stall because I can tell my stomach looks smaller and my clothes keep getting looser.... it's just frustrating that the scale numbers won't budge especially because I had a short term goal of 169 by the 7th and I'm still 5 pounds away.
  10. Jencovi

    Any February 2014 Sleevers?

    I don't know if I have hit a stall yet. I got so worried about the dreaded three week stall and the frustration and anxiety that could come it that I stopped weighing at my three week mark. I will weigh in again this weekend or at my 5 week point. I'm four weeks out today and feeling great. I can notice a difference in my energy level no matter if I get enough sleep or not. I am very happy with my sleeve!
  11. catwoman7

    July 2020 Surgery anyone?

    do I search on this site for the "three week stall". There are 17,501 posts on here about that early stall (usually the third week). And no...I am NOT kidding. 17,501 posts. We get that question at least twice a week. Almost EVERYONE has that early stall.
  12. I hit the three-week stall at 2 weeks. Mainly because my body was taking Water back in after being dehydrated and recovering. I hit 3 weeks yesterday and the scale is going down again. I started weighing myself every day, but I am learning to let go and not do that every day. I think I am going to weight once or twice a week at specific times of day. I went crazy worried that this wasn't going to work, but it is and I am so glad I had the surgery.
  13. bogglesauce

    November sleevers here

    Finally out of the 260s and into the 250s - weighed in at 259.8 on Saturday. I was stuck at 260.5 for three weeks! Stalls are so frustrating but I have to remember that they're a part of this experience and not to get so hung up on numbers, just how I feel.
  14. My three week stall seems to have officially ended! It started just shy of three weeks post op for me and lasted for about 3.5 weeks.
  15. Kapoorvilla

    All of my December sleevers...

    I too was sleeved 12/5. I was down 20 lbs but gained 2 and and have stalled since 12/21. I do see inches coming off but I wonder what my doctor will think when I see him on Thursday. 1st 2 Weeks loose 20 and second 2 weeks I gain 2. The three week stall seems to be holding on to me.
  16. Tarheel79

    December 2013 Sleever Pounds Lost Log

    HW: 285 SW: 266 CW: 230 Three week stall over! One pound lost and I'll take it!
  17. A "three week stall" is so normal with this surgery that it is a cliche. Just keep following your plan and wait it out.
  18. Lissa

    Slow Weight Loss :/

    More Water, less walking time. You definitely need to get in your Protein, water and some calories, but you're having a couple of issues. One, you're in the classic three week stall. Search for it here, you'll see that almost everyone has this issue. Two, muscle weighs more than fat and walking 2 miles a day definitely builds muscle. So, you're actually doing a good thing with the walking. It also will boost your metabolism and help prevent sagging skin down the road. Patience is the number one thing we all have to learn. Don't weigh yourself every day and enjoy the journey! That last one I'm learning from other posters here, like FavoredOne. It's a great lesson to aspire to learn.
  19. lessismore67

    Attention ! Australian Sleevers

    I'm interested though how much everyone lost on average every week? I'm not trying to compare myself to anyone just interested if there is a big variance in weekly averages. Hi Ditdee.Mine varied and I am currently in the middle of a three week stall after gaining then losing 1kg over Xmas My monthly losses approx after July 2013 when I was sleeved are: Aug 7kg Sep 5kg Oct 5kg Nov 3kg Dec 3.5kg Aiming to break the stall even if only by 1kg.I have lost 60% excess weight which is surgical goal but hope to lose another 20% which doesn't look likely atm.
  20. Roseib

    Monday Morning Weigh In

    385.6 H 6/14/10 366.5 Surgery 6/29/10 Current: 322 Had three week stall weeks 5-7 but also added more calories and protein and lost 16lbs in past three weeks.
  21. trinarehl

    December 2013 Sleevers Come In!

    I had my sleeve on December 10th, and not sure of my regerts just yet. If you would have asked me a week ago I would've told you yeah I regret the surgery its painful it's slow going its hard during the holidays umm everyone tells me that eventually it's going to get better. I'm finally back at work today my back is just killing me sitting in a chair but I know I need to work through this its just right now it sucks. Why the heck does your back hurt so much? Also I gained 2lbs??? I have heard of the three week stall does this make sense?
  22. Auntvick

    Albany, New York....?

    I was beginning to think I was the only one here! Doing great on this end. I have really had no issues or complications. I went through the "three week stall" and came out unscathed. Steadily dropping, with no hunger and no food issues. I'm glad you are excited, you're like 9 days away! Anxious.....yup, been there too. I just wanted the surgery over so I could start this journey. This has been life changing for me, even at just shy of 2 months post-op. This site has been a Godsend, my life line to the sleeved world. I am so excied for you!
  23. LookingForward22

    August surgery buddies!

    So my first week big loss… next three weeks stall… they suggested I up my calories and protein… now I gained! 🤦🏽‍♀️ This is really frustrating! Im tracking everything - weigh and measure every bite. I’m hoping there’s going to come a point where my body just gets it together and everything clicks… I’m just wondering when that will be. Right now I’m feeling very bloated and constipated (things moving, but slowly).
  24. Veronica Page

    January Sleevers ❄️

    Taking time away from the site. I have nothing new to report and to be honest. I'm a whats now going on a three week stall. In fact I even gain 7lbs. I don't have a clue how and I thought it was water weight but I've been flushing my system with water enough to know it is not. I just need to go back to basics and do a pouch test. So when I break my stall I'll be back!
  25. CA712


    Hang in there folks, we have been told about these stalls we would have along the way but when it finally happens to you, it really is a bummer. Two or three week stalls are so emotional for all of us. Thank the good Lord we have each other for support. I have come to the conclusion the CARBS are on my worst enemy list.

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