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Found 1,239 results

  1. Jb1176

    Stall nine weeks out

    Update. Finally last week I lost 4.5 lbs after being in a stall for three weeks. I didn't change my eating routine or my exercise routine and if anything cut back my walking by half. My lesson learned is to be patient, keep to the program, and just wait out the stall. This was my second stall but it lasted much longer than the typical three week stall I experienced.
  2. Thanks I'm so new to this so it helped to hear of a three week stall. It is a process. I laugh when I tell my family I need to learn when I'm full again. Yes,3 short days left!
  3. SmilingBeauty


    I was sleeved on May 26th and weighed 300 lbs. I am 5 weeks out and weigh 271 lbs. Fotunately I did not hit the dreaded three week stall or maybe I did and just didn't realize it. My relationship with the scale has definitely changed. I still weigh myself almost daily but I have found that the number no longer sends me into a frenzy. I think reading so much here I finally realized that the scale does not make or break success. I am on soft foods and dabbling with some regular foods. Had chicken and some pulled pork. No beef. I really want a salad and some fresh fruit. Waiting to here back from NUT. I truly have found that this forum prepared me for surgery and post-op.
  4. I had my surgery on June 10th, too, @@BizzyB! I'm at a three week stall. (Actually, I gained a pound.) SO glad it's normal. I was so aggravated. They (nurses, surgeon, nutritionist, anyone!) should tell you about that pre-op. Jeeze.
  5. megmom757

    North Carolina

    I had my surgery at Chesapeake Regional. They were fantastic. I did well up walking the same day of surgery. I had surgery early on a Wednesday and went home Friday morning. I had gained ten pounds in the hospital from fluids, but they quickly came off. Two weeks out I lost 27 lbs now I'm in the dreaded three week stall. I'm having some issues with drinking water. My pouch feels like it kinda seizes and revolts against water. So I'm using broth to try and reach fluid goals.
  6. TrialAtty

    June Sleevers!

    Sleeved on June 2. Dropped a quick 30, then hit the three week stall. I think I've punched through it by some heavy cardio and gym work, so now Im down about 35 in less than a month.
  7. It's normal to stall around that time. Your body is just playing catch up. It's so normal actually, I'm kind of surprised nobody warned you about it. Either search here or Google "The Dreaded Three Week Stall" and you will see it happens to 98% of us. You're doing just fine. As a matter of fact, you're even a little ahead of the game with what you've lost so far. Keep doing what you're doing and the stall will pass.
  8. rosepose

    Week 3 discouragement

    Oh I was really frustrated my first week!!! It felt like I didn't lose anything for days at a time and then only a pound and then nothing again! I think my system was in shock and went into lock down. I'm only 11 days out now but things have started moving. I think I have to put the scale away - the three week stall sounds crazy making.
  9. So I'm starting to believe that the three week stall is real. My surgery date was 6/2 and my starting weight was 398. One week post op I was 370 now I'm 360 and I know it's great but I've been stuck at 360. And suggestions and also good work out suggestions?
  10. GmaPam

    May 19th Sleevers

    I am so discouraged! I had my gastric sleeve on May 20th and initially lost 34 pounds, now I have started gaining weight. I started eating solid food a week ago and this is the second week that I have gained. I drank two protein shakes a day the first three weeks but they make me really sick so I am trying to get my protein from food. I just realized there is something called a three week stall, apparently I have been on it for two weeks and going downhill. What can I do to reverse this set back? I really appreciate any help I can get.
  11. Bufflehead

    5wk post-op no loss for 3wks

    It's perfectly normal. Do a search on the forums for "three week stall." You are right on track. If you are following your program and not making your protein shakes with peanut butter and ice cream or doing other crazy things with your diet, the weight loss will start again, Just keep doing what you should and maybe stay off the scale for a couple of weeks. Checking in your dietician to make sure you understand the basics and aren't unintentionally veering wildly off course is fine and should help you feel better about what you are doing, but don't be depressed. What you are going through is normal and I promise it will not last forever. Truly, if the scale is stressing you out and making you sad, put it away! The only thing you can control is how well you are following your program. Focus on that and not on stalls or your rate of weight loss. Unfortunately our bodies are in control of that and there isn't much we can do about it, as long as we are following our programs strictly and mindfully. Good luck!
  12. Yes the three week stall is true for most of us, but you will see during this time that the inches are coming off instead of the pounds. Keep the faith.
  13. I am four weeks out. I made my husband hide my scale because it didnt move in four days and I freaked out. I googled and it seems lots of people talk about a three week stall. Did any else experience this? I am going to the gym 5 times a week and trying to get all my protien in. I am just not sure what to do?
  14. I am four weeks out. I made my husband hide my scale because it didnt move in four days and I freaked out. I googled and it seems lots of people talk about a three week stall. Did any else experience this? I am going to the gym 5 times a week and trying to get all my protien in. I am just not sure what to do?
  15. Bufflehead

    Week 4 and concerned

    This is so normal that I didn't even have to open your post to know what it said. Anything titled remotely close to "week 4 and concerned" is going to say something like "I lost a lot of weight in the first couple of weeks and haven't lost anything since. What am I doing wrong?" Seriously, do a search on this forum for "three week stall" or "week 3 stall" and you'll see multiple posts about it almost every single day. The best thing you can do is stay off the scale for a few weeks and keep following your plan. As the others have said, your weight loss will start up again and everything will be fine, but jumping on the scale frequently won't make it happen any faster! Rest easy in knowing that you are perfectly normal and doing everything right
  16. Bufflehead

    Week 3 weight gain?!?!

    Virtually everyone stalls out at the third week post-surgery. Do a search here for "three week stall." You'll see. Going up a few pounds is not a big deal -- probably Water weight, constipation, some minor fluctuation. Keep following your plan faithfully and the scale will start going down again. You may want to stay off the scale for a few weeks if a stall is going to drive you nuts though! PS losing 16 lbs in one week is crazy fast -- don't get discouraged if that doesn't happen again, as it is extremely unlikely.
  17. @@boosh10 - I just got out of my three week stall. I don't want to do another one :/
  18. I'm so frustrated.... In the middle of the dreaded three week stall. Cash paying for the sleeve, two bites of an egg and I'm stuffed (which is fine by me) supplementing with my protein drinks. Walking at least a mile a day and I gain four pounds. I feel like I have failed at weight loss surgery and I am destined to be a fat girl
  19. Hello all, I was sleeved on 3/24/15 and what a journey it has been in just two short months. I went from the early stages of thinking "What the hell have I done to myself" to the dreaded three week stall, to testing out my pouch, finding out it is made of steel then falling off the wagon with sweets a few times. Another stall and now I am in kick ass mode and dropping weight like crazy! I read these pages like they are my bible and have only posted a couple of times. I wanted to post about sweets and sugar because they are DEFINITELY my weakness and I apparently have no aversion to them post surgery. Also, being sleeved in March, I hit my 6 week sold food phase right when my daughter's birthday came, Mother's Day, my wedding anniversary, hubby's birthday and now coming up....my birthday. So what have these events taught me.... 1) I am a full blown sugar/sweets addict. This is an important realization because pre surgery, I was insulin resistant and on diabetes medication. My blood sugar would drop all the time so I had sweets around when this happened. Post surgery, I'm no longer on medication and my hypoglycemia is gone. So all that's left is my head addiction to sugar! 2) I can "fall off the wagon" but also get back on as often as I want. It is in my control. I prefer to be on the wagon in terms of carbs ad sweets! 3) I have to come up with a plan for celebrations because having left over cake in my house is a DISASTER!!!! I did some research and found a bakery that makes gluten free AND sugar free cakes and the best part, they make bite size samplers (about 4-5 ounces). I went in and had a sample and it is really good! So for my upcoming birthday, everyone is getting a bite sized cake and the best thing, NO LEFT OVERS!!!!! Just thought I would share some of my experiences as I know reading others' posts helps me out tremendously!
  20. I sometimes take tiny sips with meals because my mouth gets dry very easily (even when I'm past my Fluid goal!), and I drink with a straw because it's easier to take in less air for me. I'm following everything else (calories, Protein, etc). Eating for twenty minutes and then sitting an hour after a meal with no liquid at all makes my throat too dry and gives me a hacking cough that turns into heaving, so it was a choice I had to make. I decided I had to do what I needed to do in order to prevent myself from getting to that down point. I'm losing weight, not as fast as I'd like (also hitting that three week stall), but I'm doing good, I think. Meeting goals, dropping weight, and losing inches with ease.
  21. Ello everyone! I finally kicked the scale to the curb today. I entered the three-week stall and just have been getting frustrated, so I'm now only weighing weekly instead! I should have known this stall was coming because there was a lot of hormones in my body because of my period! Hopefully this stall ends soooon, it's a little frustrating.
  22. Sreeves

    Firt mini goal reached!

    I am now 7 weeks 2 days postop. Before surgery I had a mini goal in mind: I wanted to lose the weight of my granddaughter. At the time she weighed 45 pounds (she's 6). I did not give myself a time limit because,, frankly, I was not sure how fast or slow the weight would come off this time. After the dreaded "three week stall," which, appropriately, lasted almost 3 weeks, I was not sure I would EVER reach this goal. I was wrong. I am now 45 pounds down. WOOT! Unfortunately, my granddaughter hit a growth spurt these past few months and she now weighs 49 pounds. Still, MY goal has been reached. I expect to lose another 4 pounds in the next week or 2 so then I will feel another small victory. Next actual mini goal: I want to weigh less than my husband, who is 220 pounds. I am within 5 pounds of what I weighed when we got married 10 years ago, so YAY! All these NSVs are what is keeping me motivated right now, and that is a wonderful feeling. Success is not always measured by the scale but for those times that it is, I am a happy loser!
  23. I am now 3 weeks & 2 days post and I am pretty sure I have hit the INFAMOUS three week stall (or plateau). I hate that inner me that needs to know that the scale is moving. My follow-up with surgeon is Tuesday and I would really like to be below 240 by then...2 lousy pounds. I have, for some unknown reason, had it in my head since the appt was scheduled that I wanted to be in the 230's and I haven't made it and its driving me nuts. I have already had a couple of small NSVs and its awesome but the scale thing is something I have fought since my twenties. Anyone else out there a scale junkie? How are you coping? I moved it out of sight and am not getting on it but every third day. "Taylor" (scale manufacturer) and I will meet up on Sunday morning (sans clothes, of course) and hope I have made some progress.
  24. Bufflehead

    Someone please answer!

    --there is no average, there's only what's right for you. As long as you are following your plan faithfully, don't worry about how fast you are losing or how fast other people are losing. I think you are doing great. --you have hit the "three week stall." Not everyone hits it, but close. Yes, your weight loss will pick up again as long as you are following a good program and not doing something like making your protein shakes with peanut butter and ice cream. --what are you eating? How much you can eat will vary depending on what you are eating. I am concerned that you are eating "way more" than four ounces of anything, though. Are you supposed to be eating that much? That's a bit different from most typical post-op plans that I have seen. Drinking more than four ounces, yes, eating more, that seems weird, unless you are eating high-carb slider foods like oatmeal or mashed potatoes.
  25. Babbs

    Longest stall?

    6 weeks at 6 months out. This is probably your first (The Dreaded Three Week Stall that most get) and it won't be your last. Just keep getting your protien, fluids, stay low carb and move a little and it will pass. Stalls still suck, though

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