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Found 1,239 results

  1. bogglesauce

    November sleevers here

    Finally out of the 260s and into the 250s - weighed in at 259.8 on Saturday. I was stuck at 260.5 for three weeks! Stalls are so frustrating but I have to remember that they're a part of this experience and not to get so hung up on numbers, just how I feel.
  2. feedyoureye

    Stall all ready

    Hang in there, it is not uncommon to stall early out. Look up three week stall. I stalled at two weeks for three weeks. Use the logical part of your brain... you can not stay the same forever at 500 calories a day. You are still under the influence of the IV, the drugs, getting your stomach cut out and your body is pissed and/or confused about what you have just done to it! In a while, whenever she is ready, she will let some weight go. Drink your water, follow rules and chill out. Its going to be a successful ride, if you follow the rules, but weather you enjoy it or not, depends on you! Its not going to be just how you want or imagine it to be!
  3. sharonraley12

    60+ sleevers please help

    I wish I could be like you. I exercise 4 times a week and ride my bike on my off days. Just got bad news yesterday. I am having knee surgery on the 25th. I am a below the knee amputee and the sugery is on my good leg. I hope this will not effect my weight loss. I just got off a three week stall. I am so unhappy. Do not think I will ever be thin.
  4. Right???!!! I thought the three week stall was a myth. The Lochness monster of the WLS world, if you will. Then BAM! Three week stall, right on schedule.
  5. Tarheel79

    December 2013 Sleever Pounds Lost Log

    HW: 285 SW: 266 CW: 230 Three week stall over! One pound lost and I'll take it!
  6. catwoman7

    Cross post: 2.5week stall?

    it's the infamous "three-week stall". I had mine weeks 2 and 3. It broke week 4, and I dropped like 6-8 lbs practically overnight. Just follow your plan and it'll break - I promise!
  7. catwoman7

    Is this a stall?

    sounds like the infamous three-week stall...
  8. MaddieJ

    July 2013 sleevers

    I heard that there was a three week stall, does anyone know what's that about? When does it usually end? I got to my third week and I've only lost half a pound after four days. I hate to call it a stall because I can tell my stomach looks smaller and my clothes keep getting looser.... it's just frustrating that the scale numbers won't budge especially because I had a short term goal of 169 by the 7th and I'm still 5 pounds away.
  9. You are sabotaging yourself by reverting back to liquids and lowering your calories. You're putting your body into starvation mode and teaching it how to survive on less and less calories. This is unhealthy and certainly not conducive to weightloss and especially long term maintenance. Not sure what kind of expectations you had, but 9 pounds in one month is a good rate of loss. Plus you are right about where most people experience the infamous "three week stall". Do a search and you will find hundreds of posts on it. Totally normal and part of the process, as is gaining a few pounds along the way. You say you drink water till you're nauseous. How much are you drinking? It should be 1/2 your body weight in ounces. If you are having a hard time with water (I couldn't drink plain water for over 6 months), you can try herbal tea, sports drinks, water flavor drops, infused water, milk, or any other non carbonated, low cal beverage. How about protein? Every program is different, but 80+ g/day works for me. just stick with the program and stay off the scale for a month if you need to. Gauge your progress with NSVs and how your clothes fit.
  10. catwoman7

    Weight loss stall

    I lost 16 lbs the first month and started at 373 lbs. And I ended up losing over 200 lbs. You are doing fine. also, like the above people said, you are likely in the infamous "three week stall". If you do a search of this site at that, you will find over 17,000 posts on it. And no, I am NOT kidding. Happens to the vast majority of us.
  11. catwoman7

    Stopped Losing Weight

    you're probably in the infamous three-week stall, as a couple of others suggested. Those typically last 1-3 weeks. Nothing you can do other than stick to your plan and stay off the scale if you need to. As long as you follow your surgeon's plan, the weight loss WILL start up again. as for worrying that you're eating too much, stick to what you're supposed to eat. You likely had some nerves cut during surgery, so your stomach isn't talking to your brain just yet. Thus, you're unlikely to experience a "full" feeling for awhile. Also, for many of us, "full" feels different than it did before surgery, and it can take awhile to recognize the new "full" cues. So you need to follow your plan rather than your brain for awhile. Weigh/measure and log your food - and stick to the plan.
  12. Latrell

    Stopped Losing Weight

    Just wanted to give you guys an update. The weight loss has started up again. At the time I wrote this I was 308. I am now 294. I also drank some Smooth Move tea. The three week stall is real! For those going through it just be patient stick to your plan and don’t give up!
  13. Jencovi

    Any February 2014 Sleevers?

    I don't know if I have hit a stall yet. I got so worried about the dreaded three week stall and the frustration and anxiety that could come it that I stopped weighing at my three week mark. I will weigh in again this weekend or at my 5 week point. I'm four weeks out today and feeling great. I can notice a difference in my energy level no matter if I get enough sleep or not. I am very happy with my sleeve!
  14. A "three week stall" is so normal with this surgery that it is a cliche. Just keep following your plan and wait it out.
  15. LookingForward22

    August surgery buddies!

    So my first week big loss… next three weeks stall… they suggested I up my calories and protein… now I gained! 🤦🏽‍♀️ This is really frustrating! Im tracking everything - weigh and measure every bite. I’m hoping there’s going to come a point where my body just gets it together and everything clicks… I’m just wondering when that will be. Right now I’m feeling very bloated and constipated (things moving, but slowly).
  16. Veronica Page

    January Sleevers ❄️

    Taking time away from the site. I have nothing new to report and to be honest. I'm a whats now going on a three week stall. In fact I even gain 7lbs. I don't have a clue how and I thought it was water weight but I've been flushing my system with water enough to know it is not. I just need to go back to basics and do a pouch test. So when I break my stall I'll be back!
  17. catwoman7

    July 2020 Surgery anyone?

    do I search on this site for the "three week stall". There are 17,501 posts on here about that early stall (usually the third week). And no...I am NOT kidding. 17,501 posts. We get that question at least twice a week. Almost EVERYONE has that early stall.
  18. Roseib

    Monday Morning Weigh In

    385.6 H 6/14/10 366.5 Surgery 6/29/10 Current: 322 Had three week stall weeks 5-7 but also added more calories and protein and lost 16lbs in past three weeks.
  19. Trcyprkr70

    Macho Cheese Doritos

    I agree with butterthebean....I actually laughed at some of the post...laughter is good for the soul....everyone here really want to see people succeed. I fell off because for some reason I stop wanting meat & only wanted soft stuff, such as macaroni salad, mashed potatoes...I got back up & dust myself off....I started back to protein shakes to get back on track. I was doing the happy dance today after I got on the scale & down three more lbs after a three week stall...yayyy me
  20. trinarehl

    December 2013 Sleevers Come In!

    I had my sleeve on December 10th, and not sure of my regerts just yet. If you would have asked me a week ago I would've told you yeah I regret the surgery its painful it's slow going its hard during the holidays umm everyone tells me that eventually it's going to get better. I'm finally back at work today my back is just killing me sitting in a chair but I know I need to work through this its just right now it sucks. Why the heck does your back hurt so much? Also I gained 2lbs??? I have heard of the three week stall does this make sense?
  21. Kapoorvilla

    All of my December sleevers...

    I too was sleeved 12/5. I was down 20 lbs but gained 2 and and have stalled since 12/21. I do see inches coming off but I wonder what my doctor will think when I see him on Thursday. 1st 2 Weeks loose 20 and second 2 weeks I gain 2. The three week stall seems to be holding on to me.
  22. blizair09

    Week 3 Weight Loss Stall

    It happens to almost everyone. Google "three week stall."
  23. I hit the three-week stall at 2 weeks. Mainly because my body was taking Water back in after being dehydrated and recovering. I hit 3 weeks yesterday and the scale is going down again. I started weighing myself every day, but I am learning to let go and not do that every day. I think I am going to weight once or twice a week at specific times of day. I went crazy worried that this wasn't going to work, but it is and I am so glad I had the surgery.
  24. feedyoureye

    Addict over the edge

    Have you looked up "Three week stall"? Many people have a stretch of time where they do not lose weight. It does not mean they are doing anything wrong. The body needs time to catch up, and the three week stall is part of that. Are you writing down everything you eat? Do that, even if you are not eating on plan. This at least keeps you accountable for what is going down the hatch. You may not be eating too many calories... but pleas be careful about eating rough foods, foods that swell up, foods that over extend the tiny tummy. You don't want to bust a stitch. I have trouble with water too.. I tell myself whats up with that! How hard is it to get in enough water...still I struggle. Congratulations on your weight loss, I think you are doing great. 22 pounds in a month? When is the last time you did that!? Its takes time to lose the weight. The part of this sleeve process that is the hardest is the maintenance part after a year or three... keep working on getting strategies in place that you can take with you into the future. Exercise that you LIKE. Snack strategies, keep a log of what you eat even if you are off plan....Maintain consciousness. drink your water. I'm there with you on that one...
  25. InfiniteButterfly

    Hit a stall 3 wks out. GRRRRR!

    The three-week stall sucks. Especially after how fast the weight seemed to fall off those first two weeks. I've had two stalls so far, and each lasted maybe 6-8 days? Not fun, but just stay the course and the weight will start falling again in no time.

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