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Found 1,208 results

  1. I had a revision for GERD/hiatal hernia repair/esophageal dysmotility 7/13. The goal with my revision was to continue maintaining my weight. I had been in maintenance for 7 months the day of my revision. I was 144 pounds the day of my revision. At two weeks post op my weight was down to 133. I met with my dietitian who gave me a goal of 600-800 calories a day initially and to work towards getting back to 1200. She gave me meal plans for puree and soft foods Week 3 I had gained back to 137. I was alarmed but thought maybe the initial weight loss was just water weight and it would even out. However it didn't stop. Week 4 I was back up to 139 and this week (week 5) 141. My fear is that if this continues i will be heavier than the day of my revision. I am not constipated and am having regular bowel movements thanks to miralax. I asked in a revision "support" group on Facebook but got mostly blame filled posts telling me to go back to my dietitian and that I must be eating too much or ridiculous suggestions to ask my doctor for phentermine. I am diligent about weighing and measuring food and tracking what I eat. I was successfully maintaining my weight post sleeve so it is infuriating to be gaining weight while eating less. I am still struggling with esophageal dysmotility and vomiting due to that. I can't get over 800 calories a day because of it and am weak and tired. I did see my gastroenterologist this week and was told I need a esophageal manometry done but we have to wait until I am fully healed from the bypass. I am still eating soft foods. I have a follow up with my surgeon next week. I want to add that I am not interested in losing more weight. I can't physically eat more and I do not buy into the idea that eating too little would cause weight gain. I just want to maintain my weight. I am really trying to eat as much as my dietitian has suggested but it's hard.
  2. I had a gastric sleeve on Tuesday, August 3. Have felt tired and drained since. Today was the first day I have weighed since surgery. I have gained 2 pounds since surgery. I am following the post op diet to the letter. Has this happened to anyone else?
  3. I had a Roux en Y procedure done in 2010 and lost about 85 lbs total. Over the years I've maintained my weight pretty well but during this past 6 months I've gone off the rails. I'm not sure if Covid stress finally caught up to me or my new meds are the culprit, but if anyone has any advice, good words, etc... I could use them. Thanks
  4. Fanessa53

    Weight gain

    I had Sutton 2006 I have gained about 50 back from the 130lbs that I lost. Any suggestions on losing weight at this point.
  5. I am still within 10lbs of my goal, but I've gained 25 lbs during this COVID fiasco. I'm convinced it's all wine calories from the lock downs! I maintained under my goal weight for 3 years and now here I am... creeping. So - getting back at it. I'm paranoid, no correction... terrified of regain. You can see the first pic shows where I am today and the second shows where I was two years ago. People around me are "fish toshing" me, but this is where it starts. This is where you have to get a grip and get on track. It only gets worse from here if you don't. So - I'm gonna get back to it... NOW. Any suggestions for "getting back to basics?" I do well with plans.
  6. A brief video on how different medications affect your weight
  7. Hello All, after being away for quite some time I am BACK to inspire, motivate, encourage and to be encouraged. I had my gastric bypass in Sept of 2015 and today I weighed myself and the SHOCK of seeing the scale read 201after 5 years was a SLAP in the face. Now today I need to lose 35 pounds. I need all of your help and encouragement. How do you lose weigh post gastric bypass? Can my stomach shrink? Has anyone else had this experience? Help need to reach my goal weight again. Please see recent photo below.
  8. Hello friends! I'm feeling a bit devastated this morning. I just went to my fifth of six required appointments for my insurance. I had gained four pounds 😭. I am two days from "that time of the month" and am SUPER bloated. I can go up 7-10lbs this week of the month easily due to bloat. My previous few appts had been phone visits, so this is my first recorded weight in the office since Feb. I asked the doctor if she thinks I will get denied by insurance. She said maybe. She said she does see them take into account the final weigh in and compare it to the first, but they could deny me for this one weigh-in. She did note that my weight on my scale at home was lower than theirs and I was bloated. She said she couldn't make any promises. Don't get me wrong, I do blame myself 100% for this. I am just frustrated because I have been making positive changes. I have been being careful about not overeating and choosing healthier foods, I walk 15-30 mins each day and have been tracking about half the time (I need to work on this). I've been cooking healthier dishes, swapped to a smaller plate and utensils, dropped almost all of the sugar out of my diet, but the scale just doesn't like to move for me unless I go to extreme measures. This has always been the case for me. I have been making food and non-food changes to set myself up for success - ex. - I recently changed jobs to take a less stressful position because I recognized my previous job was allowing no time to think/act on healthier changes (was working 60 r weeks). I am in the second week of this new job. So, I am just feeling incredibly disappointed in myself and really sad that all of this work the last five months may come down to these stupid four pounds. Again, I own it - I'm not blaming anyone but myself. This is just hard. And it SUCKS. So, I've cried my eyeballs out and now am trying to move forward and make this last month really count. I am determined to drop 10-15lbs before my next appt. Has anyone else gone through this? I have Premera BCBS through Amazon. I am in NC. If my end weight is lower than the first do you think I will get denied? Come hell or high water I WILL weigh less next month! Thanks for listening ❤️
  9. Hello! It’s been a long time since I’ve been on these boards! I was sleeved in 2011 and am now scheduled for revision to MGB in June. my question is directed to those of you who chose revision due to weight gain, not because of GERD, not that I don’t appreciate the view points of you all who revised due to GERD but because I really want to hear form folks whose primary reason for revision was to address weight regain. i am almost back up to my highest weight pre sleeve and I see such mixed results. What has your experience if you had revision to actually lose weight? Was it worth the expense? Did you get the results you were hoping for?
  10. I am almost 5 weeks post op. I lost A LOT right after surgery. I really didn't eat the first week, and barely the second week. After week three, I am not losing, sometimes gaining. This is freaking me out. I know it can be sodium, the fact that I am soooooo not regular, but, shouldn't I be losing?! I find it impossible to drink protein shake, water, and get all the protein in. All I had was a few ounces of chicken for dinner last night and couldn't drink a drop after. I am definitely dehydrated. I am coming up with ways to force me to drink, like alarms on my phone, but I would need to set an alarm every few minutes! Most days, I get one protein shake in, 20 onces of water, & one actual meal that is small. Ugh.
  11. My surgeon requested that I not gain more than 5 lbs prior to getting my bypass. I’m still a month out and noticed that I’ve gained 10 lbs since my last appointment. Has anyone else experienced weight gain prior to their surgery date? I have been lenient with my food choices recently since I will be starting the pre-op diet on 4-16...and know my future diet will be very constrictive. I am actually thinking of starting the pre-op diet sooner to counter the weight gain I’ve experienced. I’m curious to know if others have experienced these issues! Thank you in advance for any advice you may have!
  12. Hey everyone! I'm back on here, looking for motivation and advice. Long story short, I've just had my first surgery following my final cancer treatment and the biopsy came back all clear! Looks like I beat the odds and tackled esophageal cancer in 16 months. I did not go through chemo, therefore the stress of the situation drove me back into bad eating habits and I put on 30 pounds. I'm 4 years and 3 months post-bypass. I've maintained at 200 pounds (down from 369 at my biggest) and was very proud of myself until recently. I have packed this weight on over the last 4 months. Winter. Holidays. Cancer. COVID. It all conspired to make for a rough patch, but I'm on the other side of the mountain now and determined to get back down to 200 which is where I'm happy and looking healthy. Thoughts? Advice? Words of encouragement?
  13. Going through Dr. Kia in Flint, Michigan. Did my 6 weigh ins and consistently lost 1-2 lbs every month. In December was put on Depakote and began to gain weight. Was just denied due to the gain and even worse was told none of my weigh ins count and I’m starting over. I’m devastated. Going to appeal. Anyone have advice? Mclaren Health Plan.
  14. victoriaciminelli111

    Weight gain post op

    Has anyone gained weight post op duodenal switch? I hear it's near impossible and you have to try very hard to gain weight after surgery.
  15. Had gastric sleeve surgery 11-29-2016. Went from 398 lb, down to 210. I'm currently 250 and it was what I called "covid" pounds because of staying home and eating small meals but too frequently during the day. Has anyone else had these weight gain issues and how did you address it?
  16. Hi everyone, I am new here and I have finally decided to go through with doing the Gastric Sleeve. My surgeon told me that my insurance requires a 6 month medically supervised weight loss with my primary care provider. I am scheduled March 24th for my surgery, but I have gained 8 pounds within the last two months of my supervised weight loss. The nurse told me try not to gain, and insurance can deny me if I do gain. I have tried to get answers from my insurance company, but nobody has been able to answer my question. I am located in New York, and my hospital plan is city of New York Blue Cross Blue Shield ppo. I am supposed to go on 2 week liquid diet on March 10th, and I believe I'll lose the weight I gained from that. I am just really nervous of denial, and was wondering if anyone has my insurance, or has been denied for weight gain on the supervised weight loss? Thanks!
  17. Had DS urgery april 2018 .. lost a lot of weight . and well since covid hit I gained almost 20 lbs back in a year i cant believe this happened. what do i do? I am making appointment with surgeon ASAP. I have no idea on how to lose this again and fast! Im sorry I let this happen. 20 lbs is a lot!!!!!
  18. Hi all! Just needed a little encouragement. I just got denied (first time) for my VGS because I gained eight pounds during my three-month supervised weight loss. The reason I gained weight is that I was a "lightweight" at 205/5'2 and my nutritionist told me not to lose too much weight or I might be denied. Eight pounds isn't a big deal, I know, and they said I just need to come in and weigh when I have lost that. So now I think I'm going to try to practice the liquid liver-shrinking diet I'll need to do pre-surgery to drop those pounds. It's day one and only breakfast and I am starving, lol. Any tips or tricks to get yourself through the liquid diet? TIA.
  19. i had by pass 6 days ago ,still have swelling and pain on left wound site and weigh more than I did pre op help!!
  20. Hello sleevers. it has been a while since I have posted anything, I think since my sleeve in 2019. I have been busy with life as i am sure as everyone else has. to make a long story short, being busy with life and the latest life change for everyone in our great world....the pandemic, God willing this passes quickly and we will see the sun shine once again....i have gained weight this passed year after a steady weight, i have gained about 20 lbs but have lost 2 lbs after stopping benadryl and other antihistimine for allergies. I also take anti depresents and have switched due to assuming they were causing weight gain....buprorion which is to have less affect on weight and cymbalta for chronic pain which did decrease appetite decreased my appetite. All of a sudden at the beginning of 2020 my appetite for sweets not food increased, mid you i also started taking anti histimines, not thinking of the hisitmines for the year and after switching medications assuming weight gain increased sweet tooth, it dawned on me about anti hiistimines causing weight gain , i realized this going over my sons medications in which he took cyproheptidine to manage migraines and to increase his appetite due to adhd meds decreasing his appetite. I looked up benadryl as well other antihistamines to see if they cause weight gain, and low and behold they cause an increase in weight gain if taken regulary/ daily for long time use. Has anyone else experienced weight gain by being on antihistamines? BY KNOW MEANS AM I DOCTOR/ MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL, OR ADVISING ANYONE TO STOP TAKING MEDICATIONS. I am just curious to know if anyone has experienced this or even aware. When going to see my provider, this is one medication i forget to tell them about, but will be sure to mention it at my next appointment. I have lost 2 lbs since stopping them last week and switched to nasal as needed. please excuse typos..
  21. 2 pounds up this morning on the 3 week anniversary of surgery. No change in diet of course... I heard about a dreaded stall, but weight gain? And how long did your stall last?
  22. This is my third month after gastric sleeve total weight loss till now 40 pounds I started at 248 I’m stuck I don’t lose weight anymore and gaining one pound and losing it the following day this pattern been for two weeks I don’t eat sugar or carbs only focusing on protein I drink my water also some days I feel I can’t eat nothing at all but other days I eat up to 800 calories but most days 500 calories I’m so stressed I wonder if I’m going to lose the rest or what am I doing wrong could you please help me and provide me with what you eat in your day thank you
  23. Would love some BTDT success stories. I had a successful VSG 2.5 years ago and initially lost 70lbs. Sadly with the pandemic I have regained 25-30 lbs. I am crushed. I think my pouch is still small as I cannot eat large amounts of food but I’m afraid I’m addicted to sugar. Anyone able to get back on track after weight gain. ☹️
  24. I'm 6 weeks post op and have gained about 6lbs. I'm thinking its from not reaching my water goal but not really sure. I get about 2/2.5 16 oz. bottles down a day. Which I know is definitely not enough. Anyone have any ideas on how to get more water in? I use the flavor packets but its still hard to get down.
  25. I’m about 5 and a half weeks post-op, and my period showed up about a week ago. I haven’t seen a period in roughly 3 years (very irregular). The issue is this: sweet/salty cravings have surfaced, I’ve gained 2 lbs during this week that my period has been on. I’ve had horrible pms symptoms, my flow has been super heavy 😩. Has anyone else experienced weight gain this early on? Please tell me that I haven’t messed anything up. It’s very discouraging to see the scale go up when I was losing just fine. At 1 month post-op I was down a little over 30 lbs total from my highest weight. I’m just hoping to see the numbers on the scale start to go down again. Especially after my period has gone off; should the weight I’ve gained go away? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Happy New Year 🎆!!

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