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Found 2,865 results

  1. Hello 3 week stall, I've been waiting for you.....

  2. Yay! My 3 week stall has passed! Down another 2 lbs!

  3. Is experiencing the dreaded 3 week stall....UGH!

  4. Only lost .6 today....wondering if I am at the dreaded 3 week stall?

  5. Still on my 3 week stall. It's been 7 days and no weight loss.

  6. Susanjoyce392

    Week 3 Stall (also ovulating..)

    Very normal-- you are probably losing fat, just "restocking water"! That 3-week stall article on here explains it really well.
  7. Almost everyone goes through the 3 week stall. It appears to be related to your body moving from the liquids/ mushies to solid foods and your body is adjusting. Just stay on the program and you will break your stall- I promise. Hang in there!!
  8. Stevehud

    Weight Stall, help!

    can you give us an idea of what you are eating , calories dont provide what type of calories your eating. Also you may just be in the dreaded 3 week stall, happens to almost all of us. Your body is still getting used to what has happened.
  9. Started liquids 9/4, sleeved 9/19. Lost 14 pre-op, 6 post-op, but scale hasn't budged. Is this the stall I hear about? I'm not freaking out or upset, just mind blown to stall one week post-op!
  10. kisersassy

    2nd stall?

    I have a 2-3 week stall every month! I will be 6 months post op on the 29th
  11. OutsideMatchInside

    Diet & Exercise Regimen

    This is your 3rd week. You are in the 3 week stall. Just wait.
  12. KristinJ78


    I know my 3-week stall started before week 3 and it's coming off slowly... Sent from my iPhone
  13. Djmohr

    Weight Lost

    Hi there! Most people lose weight very very fast during pre op diet and the first week or two following surgery. You should expect that to slow down drastically. For me I lose on average 3 lbs per week. The thing is, some weeks I don't lose anything and then the next I lose 4 or 5 lbs. As long as you are losing overall you are in good shape. Some people weigh every day and some people weigh weekly, monthly or only when they go for check ups. They do this to avoid the frustration of the scale. I weigh once a day religiously but I don't get stressed when the scale doesn't move. Most of the time you are still losing inches. There is also the dreaded 3 week stall, but if you keep following the plan, I promise you will begin to drop those pounds again. You just cannot expect that you will lose as fast as the first couple weeks every week. Good luck!
  14. I think I will join you in putting the scale away for awhile-I am in the midst of a 3 week stall (it started at week 5). I am getting about 800 calories per day, usually hit my protein and water goal and am working out (lightly)...Jeez body what more do you want!
  15. I've heard of the 3 week stall. But I stopped losing weight at 1 week. I lost 10lb during my 1 week pre op diet and 10 lb the week after my surgery. My surgery was 11/30. I haven't lost anything since 12/7. I use a Bariatric app to track all my food/water/vitamins. My calories have gone up over the past 2 weeks (as expected) from around 300 to 600 and my carbs are higher than I would like (around 35 avg), but I'm finding soft foods are limited. I am not meeting my water goals of 64 oz. I'm getting about 30 oz. If I do too much moving around, my incision sites get really sore so I have not started walking but I do a lot house work and go into my office a couple days a week (not just a couch potatoe, like week 1). Anyone else experience this? Sent from my SM-N975U using BariatricPal mobile app
  16. Suko, first off, congratulations! It sounds like you're doing great! Now, for your concerns: stalls are perfectly normal, and they don't mean that you have failed in any way. You've probably hit the infamous 3-week stall that happens to a lot of people. If you track your measurements, you may find that they are still going down even though your weight isn't changing. If you aren't tracking your measurements (and you really should - other stalls will probably happen!) you may notice your clothes are getting looser or fitting differently. Your body is basically catching up right now. Be patient, stick with your diet and the exercise you're doing, and keep drinking. The stall will break, and all of a sudden your weight will start moving again. Good luck!
  17. In the search box, if you type in "3 week stall" you will see it is normal for sleevers. hope this helps. (It's a lot of reading that will pop up!!)
  18. KindaFamiliar

    Not losing weight

    G'day @@hannaciousp Guess what.. You're normal!!! You're on about week 3... That's when something generally happens... It's called "The 3 Weeks Stall".. There's a post in here somewhere titled "Embrace the Stall".. Find it and have a read... You lose good weight for the first couple of weeks... And then, sh*t gets all outta whack!!! Forget all of your expectations and forget what you've heard others lose... You are YOU... You're gonna be different to everyone else... We each were... The important things to do are keep up your Protein and keep up your Water... Everything will fall in to place... And when you need to, come in here and have a vent... Good luck to you... Let us know how you go...
  19. Butterthebean

    3 Week Stall

    For those of you who have had or are having the 3 week stall, I found a great article that explains the reason why this happens. It's about plateau's in general, but it really sheds some light on the 3 week stall. It doesn't use that exact phrase, but you'll know it when you read it. The author uses the phrase," the inevitable stall"....here is the crux of it. "A "stall" a few weeks out is inevitable, and here's why. Our bodies use glycogen for short term energy storage. Glycogen is not very soluble, but it is stored in our muscles for quick energy -- one pound of glycogen requires 4 lbs of Water to keep it soluble, and the average glycogen storage capacity is about 2 lbs. So, when you are not getting in enough food, your body turns first to stored glycogen, which is easy to break down for energy. And when you use up 2 lbs of glycogen, you also lose 8 lbs of water that was used to store it -- voila -- the "easy" 10 lbs that most people lose in the first week of a diet. As you stay in caloric deficit, however, your body starts to realize that this is not a short term problem. You start mobilizing fat from your adipose tissue and burning fat for energy. But your body also realizes that fat can't be used for short bursts of energy -- like, to outrun a saber tooth tiger. So, it starts converting some of the fat into glycogen, and rebuilding the glycogen stores. And as it puts back the 2 lbs of glycogen into the muscle, 8 lbs of water has to be stored with it to keep it soluble. So, even though you might still be LOSING energy content to your body, your weight will not go down or you might even GAIN for a while as you retain water to dissolve the glycogen that is being reformed and stored." http://www.dsfacts.c...or-plateau.html
  20. Caribear

    Help in a Stall

    It sounds like you are in the infamous 3 week stall. It is very, very common and it will pass.
  21. After 1 week pre-op diet and 2 weeks post-op I had lost 38lbs but like almost everyone else I'm stuck in my 3 week stall. How long did yours last?
  22. blizair09

    Laying The Groundwork

    I couldn't like this post more!!!! I started my journey at 397 pounds in March, and I lost 99 pounds during my six-month, insurance-required diet program. It was the BEST thing I ever did for myself, and I think that it is AWESOME that you are taking that same path. There are so many benefits (health-wise and otherwise). And think how great it will be when the 3 week stall hits (and it will hit) and you will have lost 60 or 70 pounds by then rather than just 10 or 20 pounds if you waited on the surgery to begin. The mental save of that piece alone is a big reward. (I would never have handled my 3 week stall as well as I did if I had lost 20 pounds at that point rather than 120 pounds....) Congratulations. Good for you!!
  23. F4T-TRAP

    Dreaded Stall, 3 wks out...

    I just got over the 3 week stall. Mine lasted about a week. Doctors and everyone here assured me it would correct itself, so I didn't change my eating habits any.
  24. I don't feel like I've lost fast but I've lost pretty consistently over the last 10 months. Just this morning, I went through my journal from the date of surgery to present. I noticed that I didn't lose that much the first week. The second week, I had a pretty strong weight loss and then week 3 - 6, I hit that 3 week stall and everything shut down. I remember at my 6 week visit, the doctor was concerned that I hadn't lost as much as they expected. From then on, my weight loss has been pretty steady. I agree with previous posters that you have IV fluids in you and not to mention that pain meds can shut down business in the bathroom. All sorts of factors there. These early weeks are no indication of how you will lose long term.
  25. God4me

    Not as much restriction as expected!

    Hello I am a revision as well. Often as having a revision, we compare restriction with the band as I did. Having our type of surgery as I did in the same surgery (revision) having scar tissue plays a part in that. The Sleeve is a sterner master and I was worried when I could eat more after a month. Liquids do go down quicker and each food type has the ability to have different type of restriction. Liquids= no restriction/ Soft food= moderate restriction/ Solid foods depending on what kind= restriction. I am 2 months out and have been a slow loser with the 3 week stall and for my age and pre-menopause, taking BP pills ALL have played a part in my weight lost. Not to forget your "bougie" size, the measuring device used to measure your new stomach size. ALL of these factors play a part. Drink plenty of Water, Protein a must and watch slider foods that will not support your weight lost. The sleeve works you just have to work with it and not compare yourself with others. Remember this is no the band , thank God and we have a new stomach that we have to get use to. I have restriction and I weight out my food and STOP willfully when I feel the full signal, Over eating with the sleeve is out of bounds as it is nothing like the band, as stated this is sterner master and will not allow you to get away with eating around it. Work the Sleeve it is truly a great tool! I remember being angry as I was 2 months out and only 15lb loss. Well since then I have lost 4lbs and it just came off.

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