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Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters
TracyinKS replied to TracyinKS's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
I've just returned home from my local support meeting... MAN I HAVE A BIG MOUTH! Several in the group.. said "YOU ARE TRACYinks???????" LOL........... yes people I have a BIG MOUTH both in real life AND online! I love my band.. it is no secret... One of the ladies Marcia, and I have tentative plans for lunch. and I met a really nice lady that goes by LapHappy... both were just banded a couple weeks ago....... Oh and NSV........ I wore my size 12's AND I COULD BREATHE! ohhhhhhhhhhhh 209 lbs today! 3 weeks and finally saw 209... 199 HERE I COME!!!!!!!!!!! As to the DSS.............. I was already told to put the EAP on the back burner by DH, until DSS moves here.......He doesn't want to overload exwife, because she is a basket case as it is.. and I can completely understand....... its her son.....her first born..... DSS is so dam smart......... but is not considered gifted .... he is failing ADVISEMENT (teacher fault so he says) LAZY is what I say........ I mean the boy DOES his homework, and then doesn't turn it in! If he gets kicked out again it will be for 180 days.......... His mom doesn't want him going back to the school so that means he could very well be moving as early as next weekend! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH His room in our home is very small........ I converted my office for him 3 years ago, so that he COULD have his own space in my home..... we went to NE furnature mart last night and looked at Loft beds for him............ (LIKE I NEED ANOTHER BILL! ) but we found one that is a full size bed pretty tall and can hold 300lbs........ the entire underside of it is a really cool desk.. it would fit into his room and .. and would double his space!.. ok dh is in here wanting to leave..... wish me luck -
Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters
Daisalana replied to TracyinKS's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
I bought spanx from once.. Even the biggest size (3x/4x), I couldn't get up my legs. I found something somewhere else, that is like a girdle for your thighs.. its spandex shorts with lots of spandex-y.. I wear that when I have to wear skirts so I don't chaff my thighs.. I wore them with jeans once, and from the gut holding in, it made my pants fall down constantly. Without getting into the detail, husband and I had our biggest fight in 3 years last night! I was feeling so horrible, I wanted to eat and eat and eat. Luckily, I didn't.. I just smoked half a pack of cigarettes in 30 minutes! Yuck. Paid for that this morning. And my eyes are swollen like crazy. I've been looking down a lot so people don't notice. I was in the bath last night till about 3am. Woke up an hour late for work No one said anything thank god, I didn't feel like coming up with some excuse. It's officially time for smaller jeans. I had this one pair of jeans I loved how they fit.. so I had bought 5 pairs, and I wore them 5 days a week. Well, they officially DO NOT fit. Belts make me break out in a rash, so I can't wear one all day... and these jeans..when I stand up, they slide down.. when I walk, I feel them moving down my butt. I ordered 3 new pair of pants from Alloy (thats where i get them.. they have the long inseams).. Normally, they have 2 brands that are super small (one is the NSV jeans I'm waiting to wear, lost since I moved, so they may fit, I don't know).. and 1 brand that was small but not too small.. So I always wore size 25 (the 5 jeans I have I always wear).. I ordered 1 22 and 2 23. I bought shorts before Vegas, and I got 20-22's that fit fine. Woowoo. I was knocking on size 30's door before the surgery, and now I'm into 20/22's. Still haven't weighed myself, I don't know why I forget when I go to my parent's house. I guess I'll just be surprised on Aug 6. Wedding Reception is saturday.. just finished up the final plans for the cake. It's going to be 3 tier, rounded corners, and round.. pale blue (delphinium) buttercream icing, with white swirly patterns all over.. and some blue baby's breath and white carnations on it (fake flowers). The tier we freeze is buttercream icing and filling, almond pound cake. The middle tier is fresh raspberry filling in almond pound cake with the buttercream icing. Bottom tier is half coconut-cream, half caramel buttercream, almond pound cake with the buttercream icing. Hungry yet? LOL We couldn't decide if we wanted caramel buttercream or strawberry, so the cake lady brought samples of both at 9am the other day, so I tasted it.. and it was so delicious.. and I made a point to take small bites.. despite the fact she brought about 1 cup of cake! Then she's like 'this is yours, eat it!'. I kept nudging husband to eat it for me. I had a couple more bites.. ho hum. Jen- Good luck on prospective new job :scales: Tracy-Your face is looking so skinny! Time to go fill my water bottle up.. -
Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters
Jennifur replied to TracyinKS's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
morning gals still in the dumps so kind of quiet Terry - love the top Tracyks - great NSV Gina - you opened your ss? I was going to put mine under my tree for xmas I don't get presents to open Tracyk- As of right now I have to long weekends planned, one in march for my Bday w/ the kids to an indoor waterpark at our SixFlags and May. As for my dbf... no gift giving between us, we use to but no more, not in the budget I had so much more i wanted to say yesterday but i got home late. work is trying right now, it is so busy. I was going to be sent home early last night and then the delevery guy pd me $10 to take the rest of his night, so with my tips and what he gave me, I made$30, not much but I'm going to get my mp3 player with it so I can start walking again. I am a lazy slug and have gained 10lbs, i feel like a failure and a pc of shit. Tomorrow morning I'm getting up, doing shakes and going to the gym. who cares if I don't walk as fast as everyone else, I just need to walk for 30 mins to get back into the swing of things, I felt so much better doing it. My work week and schedule has been out of control for the last 3 weeks, and Tomorrow starts a new week, and it is a normal week, Monday & Tues off, So what better time to start than a new week? Right? I am having a scrapbooking party Tuesday night which should be interesting. I need to practice self control. As for holiday parties, i don't get to go to one this year, my step mom will have a bowling party or something silly in January, so maybe I'll beable to justify a new pr of jeans for that. well, I'm off to finish getting ready for church. -
Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters
TracyinKS replied to TracyinKS's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
GOOD MORINING ALL! Happy Good Friday! I am off work today and my sons daycare is closed so it is just the two of us.. and after all our 80 degree days.. it is now SNOWING as I type this... WEIRD WEATHER.. all my tulips are frozen and laying on the ground... If you check out my ticker.. I am down yet again today.. making it 10 lbs since Monday.... the water weight I believe is done now and my loss will slow down.. although I had a really nice NSV.... A few weeks ago, I was disgusted with the lack of clothes in my closet that fit, and so when I saw a pair of size 22 jeans on the clearance rack for $6.00 so I bought them.. they looked big enough, but when I got them home I couldn't zip them up without laying on the bed and they were too tight to wear them at all, plus they were soooo uncomfortable I was afraid I'd bust out the zipper....... so I put them up.......... well for grins I tried them on today and they zipped RIGHT UP and I am wearing them as I type this! (I might add they are NOT stretchy) All of our bandsters that have posted: YAY!!!!!!!! It is your posts that keep me strong on this liquid diet. THANK YOU. To answer some questions: 1. I threw out the leftover dinner last night... YAY ME 2. I have not TRIED the Isopure Water yet.... I just ORDERED it BLINDLY.. and now I'm a little scared that I may have wasted my money, but I know that they do offer 40 oz of protein per bottle and my inability to WASTE things I know I will be drinking them during my clear stage.... I will evalute the taste of each one (since I bought a variety pack) 3. I bought them from I checked them out at my local store first, and then I bought them off the website for a lot better price..... I am still waiting for them to be delivered. 4. I did start my PRE-OP diet EARLY. I wanted to jumpstart my loss and put my stupid eating to an end. I really really really want to be in some of my old clothes by summer.... I'm hard headed and I just set my mind to do this... and the jeans I'm wearing today are just the beginning! Right now my son is wanting his breakfast, so I'll check back in a bit. -
Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters
TracyK replied to TracyinKS's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
YAY MICHELLE!!! -50 I am so happy for you!!! Congrats on the NSVs as well. Mel-I am SO happy for you and your family!! I did not see anything on channel 13 about it but my prayers have been with you! I am so happy! Everyone have a great evening! By the way, I know you are all dying to have a "panties update" from me...LOL. Well, I am now in a size 8 !!!!! I haven't worn that small in a long long long time!! That is my NSV... :confused: -
Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters
Daisalana replied to TracyinKS's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
I had another.. opposite of NSV. This month I've been tracking my calories, staying between 1,100-1,900. I know I feel restriction. I threw scale away so don't know the weight. Haven't taken my measurements since June 6. So, since I'm anxious, I know I've lost weight, I can feel it.. I took my measurements last night. Not a single inch has changed since June 6. :rain::think :faint: How is this even possible? -
Food Before and After Photos
ms.sss replied to GreenTealael's topic in General Weight Loss Surgery Discussions
Back from vacay (where 90% of my intake consisted of over easy eggs and alcohol) and i finally get to enjoy a decent bowl of food: Smoked salmon, seaweed salad, horseradish aioli and a bit of Gorgonzola. #yum 320 calories, ate it all. P.S. I’ve always disliked the food served at All-Inclusive resorts down south, so I had very low expectations, which were met, lol. I actually packed 3 bags of those salad kits from Costco (to deal with my salad addiction), which were total life-savers! P.S.S Side-note NSV…i am the same weight I was when I left…BUT I haven’t pooped yet so i’m gonna guess once I get these 12 days 😳 of food out of my intestines, i may drop a few pounds. P.S.S.S I asked Mr. to make me a steak tonight cuz i miss meaty meat 🥩🤤 -
GOOD MORNING GANG I AM BACK............................ 800 miles between Friday and Sunday :thumbup:... Good to see my Sister and my neices & nephews - I hadn't been up north for a couple of yrs (my sis was here last nov) they where shocked about my weight loss and I guess it's showing in a pic that I will post in a bit from my GD graducation - you will get to seen my 2 gk & son I went to the gym friday before I left then gs and i went to the mall and he gave me a great NSV - when we use to go to the mall he would be 10 steps a head of me - well on friday he said LaLa why are you running (walking so fast really) as I was a head of him - I said I am just walking.... Then we went to target and I didn't look for a parking space close to the store - took the first one I saw - he said - you really have changed:biggrin: At my sisters on Saturday morning I did one mile with my BIL - an ok speed then I did 2 more miles at a very good speed by myself. Hope all that countered the 2 1/2 cookie and wine I had :thumbup: Yes you guys were quite - I remember looking at page 700 when i posted on Friday - so that I would know what page I had to go back to - well 701 -- I wanted to sleep in but dogs had me up at 7 - which is better than 5 - well woke me up at 5 put took Angel potty and went back to bed. I think I need to go do my 3 miles this morning since I am off and then I meet my training partner at 5 - my trainer is gone this week so it's just us girls :thumbup: I am going to go see if I can post the pic - it's been a while since I have done it... CBL
Yeah, the whatever... cioppino?? Was great! And yes, I remember those days... like my daughter last night. Dinners came with soup OR salad and she wanted both. She wanted clam chowder, but she also wanted the salad with ranch dressing. So she told me not to order ala carte (which the waitress had gotten permission to do for me) because she would eat my salad. So she had all that, and some bread, and her fish and chips, and then she was in the BR w/cramps, ETC like 3X before we left the restaurant... no gall bladder + fried rich clam chowder...lots of cream and butter in it I"m sure.. and she already was not feeling well... sinus thing going on... so she was miserable when we left the restaurant. Yeah, I used to do things like that!! Sorry you are having such drama in your life!! Sounds like our oldest daughter! She is having teenage problems with an almost 18 yr old. They went to a movie together last night. Then they got in a big fight over something stupid. So she "moved out" , but then her friend called at like 1 a.m. because she was taking DGD to ER with severe back pains & 102 fever, etc! So she was at the ER with her all night and now she's back home. She has to take her at 9 p.m. tonight for an MRI of her back!! I'll tell you what I keep telling her... "this too will pass"!! Sometimes when I want to really get her attention, I remind her of something SHE did to ME when she was a teenager!! Congrats on the shopping NSV!! Thanks, Linda! NO cable, satellite signal or antenna signal here, BUT we do have free Wi-Fi. They must have improved it since we were here in Nov because then I could only get the signal when we were parked in front of the office. It's good and strong at our RV site tonight! So here I am again!! We're going to be watching old recorded stuff on our TiVo tonight. And we're having a special bottle of wine for DH's 65th birthday today. Good suggestions!! FIGHT! FIGHT!! FIGHT!!! NO COOKIES So glad you finally got some good news... found the right person, got the right answers!! That's wonderful!!
Hi Gang - just doing my morning catch up since i wasn't on the computer last night. Just want to share a NSV 3 miles in 1 hr last night. That's pretty good for a 52 fat couch potato who 2 wks ago could barely do 30 minutes :confused: Lynette - I tried the hip hop abs - but my dvd had terrible audio and my knees just couldn't do it - but agan i am twice your age. I lwanted a dance excerise so it didn't seem too much like work.. Laurend & Ruby - OMG - I am sorry that your parents were so forceful in making you eat things you didn't like. I guess i was lucky - there was only 1 thing my mom ever made that i didn't like (baked tomaote w/cheese) and she was drunk and was very instance that i eat it - i might have taken a bite but that was it. I have never force my son or grandkids to eat something thing they don't like - The 3 yr old is the only one who isn't picky - my son & grandson - meat & potatoes kinda guys no veggies. I really don't understand people who force other to eat things they don't like - we are all individuals and we eat have different taste. Anna - I too want to feed the world and ALWAYS over cook - last night was trying to make 2 portion of dinner ( 5 oz ground white turkey, onions, bell pepper, 1/2 small cabbage 5 tiny red potatoes - with some garlic & BAM Spices) weighed an measured every thing - but when i cooked it - it came out enought for 3 servings... Dini - Congrats on the small - size 12 usa clothes - I am starting to fit into some of my 14/16's. Lindaa - I feel your pain - all the gathings i go to have Food & alcohal. Caolin - Congrats :whoo: Jeanie - Sunny - Chim - Phyl - & all those i am missing - Have a great day - I gotta get to work... :nervous:rolleyes:rolleyes: - this site is just too addicting - i am not getting my work done:eek:..
Happy Birthday Nichole! :redface: Looking forward to hearing about your NSV. I love those stories.
Hello my Lucky # 7's. Well we went to our Halloween party last night and guess what...............DH and I (raggedy ann and andy) won 3rd place!!!!! HAHA It was sooooo fun! We lost to a little boy (kids always win though because they are just so darn cute!!) and my mom and her boyfriend. They really deserved it though!! They went as a 1920's flapper girl and gangster. They looked awsome!!! I danced the night away and had a couple of strawberry strippers. Didn't look at the calorie count on those because I prob would have freaked out!!! I don't feel guilty though because it was a special occassion and I do not do that very often. I have to tell you though I was so proud of myself. All this yummy food around and I didn't over eat and didn't even think of the food after I ate. I had made my maidrites (93% lean ground beef and salsa) and I ate the meat and a very few (not even a full serving) of chips and that is all I ate. I was very satisfied and didn't feel deprived at all. I think I might just be winning this head thing and my thinking is definately changing. I wasn't worried about 'how am I going to get more food and not be noticed' or eating just a little and starving myself because I didn't want to look like a pig. I was more worried about getting out on that dance floor and gettin my groove on. LOL What a NSV!!! Anyway sorry I was rambling. I am down 2 pounds for the Thanksgiving challenge!! Haven't gained yet today from my last night adventures but sometimes it takes a couple of days. I have ramped up my exercise and kept myself moving today hoping to ward of gain and maybe burn extra because of last night. Hope everyone else is doing great!!!
@@2babutterfly - I had enough of the emotional, and literal, roller coaster ride with the scale. My husband put it somewhere out of my sight & reach. I now weigh only monthly at the doc. For me it works, allows me to celebrate little NSVs. You do what works for you, just don't let it get you down. Let's celebrate eating clean and hitting the gym! YEAH YOU!!!!
How was your 5:2 day today?
CowgirlJane replied to Oregondaisy's topic in Gastric Sleeve Surgery Forums
Okay, my NSV for the weekend. The owner of the dance club, who started giving me lessons (once he started talking to me, everyone else did too - translating to English etc - really fun) said "you have the perfect body... and hair for salsa" I know a pick up line when I heard one - but it was really great coming from a handsome latin guy who could dance like no one's business! It was so fun to dance in a club with Cuban people - they were all doing true salsa not just flinging around on the dance floor like you see at many dance floors. I can't wait to go back! (but maybe I should take a few "real" lessons...haha) Denise - are you getting out of the hospital today? continuing to heal? This is such an ordeal - what are you about 3 months since your back surgery? I believe it will all be fine and you will return to normal but what an unplanned side trip! Keep your chin up! -
December 2010 Bandsters out there?
vickyd replied to GardenGal's topic in POST-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
I'm doing well too. My weight loss has started to slow a bit but I got a Bodybugg for my birthday last week and I think it will help me figure out how to change things up to get things moving better. I've also started doing ZUMBA 3-4 times a week and am starting to become addicted to exercise! I also had a crazy NSV tonight... DH and I went shopping to buy me a yoga mat for a class I am starting tomorrow and he went over and brought me 2 50 lb weights and told me to pick them up...I couldn't do it...the thought that I carried that much extra weight on my body at my heaviest was unbelievable!! No wonder I had so many aches and pains back then! -
Lucky Brand Seven jeans. Curvy Fit. GREAT NSV!
Totally Excited..I was able to start wearing 1X shirts this week. Seeing as I started at 3X only 2 months ago.. I am SUPER happy!! yay for a great NSV!!!
NSV shout outs
CraftyChristie replied to BobBayCityMI's topic in Weight Loss Surgery Success Stories
I'm still very early on in the process but I had two NSV's today. Firstly, when I was walking this morning I looked down and what did I see? Or rather... NOT see? My tummy! It wasn't sticking out past my boobs! When I looked in the mirror later from the side I can see it does still stick out a bit past... but when I'm walking with good posture and whatnot, I can't see it. This is awesome because just 2 weeks ago I would look down and see it sticking out a good 3-4 inches. The other thing is I have a pair of jean shorts I wore in my before pictures and they were very very tight when I wore them for those photos a little over 3 weeks ago. Today I put them on easily and comfortably, and I can even fit both hands in there because the waist is loose now. I wouldn't be able to wear a smaller size yet because it's still snug around my lower stomach, but I was just really happy to see how much looser they've gotten. -
I second that Tiff I went shopping for the first time in years and I shopped at Tommy Hillfiger, Old navy the gap and all the awesome stores that don't sell anything over 2 x . It was the far best NSV I could ever hoped for no more shopping at the fat person section at
I had my first NSV today!!!! I don't use my hubbys Jeep very often but decided to drive it back to work after having lunch at home. He's much taller than me so I always move the seat up first thing. I always move it up until my belly touches the steering wheel and then I can still barely reach the pedals! (I'm only 5'2) And even after doing that I normally can only push the clutch about half way down. Today I got in, moved the seat up until my belly touched the steering wheel and pushed the clutch in to start the jeep....and I was able to push the clutch down to the floor!!! OMG...I did it about 20 x's, I'm just so excited. heheeh *snickering*
Great NSVs! I had one yesterday. My sister in law who is also a masseuse kept commenting how much thinner I am while giving me a massage! Any other masseuse would have freaked me out but since she is family, it was music to my ears!
Oh, I had an AWESOME NSV today!! I am laughing at myself because this meant so much, but, Oh Well!! I do contract work for builders, so I travel to their sales centers fairly often. At one, there is a really sweet guy there (I think he's gay, but...) and I hadn't seen him in about 3 weeks. Today I was standing in the back room making copies and he walked into the room, stopped, did a double take and said "You look positively skinny today!" I really don't look "anything" skinny, but it was such a nice morale boost to me! ::::sigh:::: It's the little things.
The ladies will probably understand this one a little more than the guys. This is one NSV I have been waiting for the last ummmm decade or so ! ! ! This will probably cause a mental picture, but it's not gross or anything. I just wish someone could of been here to witness my reaction. Today, getting ready to head to the gym. I pulled on my new yoga type work out pants, and a tee. I was standing (with my legs together), pulling my hair back, and I noticed that I could see a tiny little triangle of light between the space between my thighs and crotch. I was so elated, it was a definite triangle of light gleeming through my legs. I kept bending over to make sure I wasn't seeing things, got on a footstool to see if it changed, I even turned around to see if I could see the light from behind. That wasn't as successful, but it was great that I saw that little light.
Wow, congrats you guys!!! I too would like to TRY running... I'm such a weirdo, I'm too embarassed to even attempt it at the gym. A couple times when no one was around, I cranked up the speed and trotted for a few seconds. How immature am I? I have this feeling that if I had sunglasses, maybe I could do it outside. I guess because my 5 year old mind thinks that people can't see me with them on?! I will work on that though... maybe in the summer. Dan always wanted me to jog with him, and if I was doing it, I could drag him out with me, and get HIM started losing (more) weight. I have an NSV, which I just remembered today. On New Years Eve, we went to a party at these people from works house. Around... 3-ish, we called a cab, and the 4 of us that live in the same building 'group' left together. Outside there were people smoking, so we (the girls at least) gave them Happy New Year hug, and the last guy PICKED ME UP, and swung me around. (he's a HUGE guy) It was scary, and totally foreign to me. If you recall, I was excited a little while ago when I let Dan pick me up for the first time. I'm sure this guy would have NEVER attempted it even a few months ago... and if he had, I would have done my good old 'turn into a noodle' move, and slid out before he got to! Yay for strange men picking you up and swinging you!!
Questions to ask Surgeon
thinoneday replied to Bonnielass's topic in PRE-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
Bonnielass, I did just what Tiff explained and my surgeon was really pleased to know that I was actually asking those questions. . .he was right in there like a dirty shirt! He was honest about it, especially when I asked how successful he has been as a surgeon with the sleeve procedure. . . he said, "it's a fairly new procedure, I have done more bands, and only about 200 sleeves, but I have never had a leak" So that was comforting, he also told me that I would be in hospital overnight for sure, get a leak test done, and if there was one he would do an oversew to correct it. . . he told me I didn't need a preop diet cause my BMI wasn't high enough! Talk about a NSV!!! I told him i would rather do a pre-op diet however, he must of thought I was nuts, but he said, sure that will make my job alot easier! he was so pleasant and courteous. I had a good feeling with him too. . . so I trust him. . even though I know that I'm just another dollar sign walking around! hehehehe