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Ebony, I love your outlook and attitude. I think you are going to do great with your band. Donna, congrats on the NSV. I think it is the best when people that see you every day notice. Oh, and the guy hitting on you is great too. I sympathize on the PMS, am craving chocolate right now, but thus far have resisted. Kat, that is one of the most awesome NSV's I have ever heard! Way to go. Ceradad, Mac, thanks for the advice. I think I will draw her a map. I am feeling so generous, I may just send her a double chocolate fudge cake!! But seriously, she actually did me a favor because by taking my ex, I met my dh who is so much better in every way than he could have ever dreamed of being.
What an awesome NSV! I hate shopping too, but what a wonderful reason to have to. I hope you find the perfect pants in the first store that you go into.
Lulu - definitely not too early for anything that just might bring a smile to your face! and hells yeah you've worked hard - love the avatar although secretly hate how perfect your arms look. I'm sure I could find more dogs that would love to take the place of the goats - don't tempt me! Ebony - yeah on the NSV - forget the comments! I guess thats the plus for not having a husband yet.
I hate it when people post just to post.....
gone 4 ever replied to TerriDoodle's topic in The Lounge
Are you making an offer?Brad? I'm sure no one here will tell. Will ya gang? You might get other offers?:cursing: Beth great NSV. makes ya feel good doesn't it? -
i always miss ya!:crying: not a fan of eyebrow licking beth :blushing: kat - that was a great story & NSV....seems like a NSV day. tis' snowing - i always feel bad when its' cold out for the horses & longhorns.....hope the hay keeps them warm..
Yeahhh Mac . . . great job. I cant wait to get back in the swing of things myself. I love your blog by the way. Beth, Gloucester . . . congrats on the post-fill loss. I don't know what it is but I always get great loss the first week or two after any fill. I miss my fill. Luluc, way to go on that NSV. Baby pygmy goats are just about the most adorable creatures on the planet and you made an excellent choice to go female (even if it was only by chance, lol). My son begged and pleaded for a couple of years to get some but I never conceded. I was afraid they would eat the trim off the house, lol. Happy Monday everyone. It is rainy and dreary here but hopefully a little nicer where everyone else is :0). It is funny, I don't like rainy days when I have to work, but a rainy day at home is awesome. I curl up in my PJ's with a good book and some tea, watch a movie, take a nap, make some really great Soup, etc.
I hate it when people post just to post.....
She Smiles replied to TerriDoodle's topic in The Lounge
Hmmm ok, you're forgiven. This time. Yes, you unleashed a monster! Big congrats on the NSV, it feels great when people notice, doesn't it!?!? -
Are you kidding me? I would have taken the day off to stay home and play with it!! You know what, I don't think that is so odd. I got one for my parents for Christmas. To this day, I can't get it to play the photos I loaded into it. I have some odd family as well. I wonder if it is the same family? Let's here it for the sweet spot! It is wonderful when you find it. Okay, I must admit, I personally find men with goatee's to be incredibly sexy. Babygrl, your daughter is beautiful. You can tell how happy and proud she is in those photos. Ebony, congrats on the weight loss and NSV!! Guys, tomorrow I am out of here and headed to Mexico!!!! :thumbup:
PJTP my NSV of the day---I try to find one each day. My DD is going through a rough time, and has rented her own place, but it will not have utilities until Thrusday so til then she, and her daughter and 2 dogs are with us. Love the granddaughter being here, could do without her rather nuerotic dogs!! But anyway...the NSV! She has so much stuff packed she ask if she could look in my closet for a sweater to wear since it is snowing like crazy out. I said sure. Pretty soon, she walked out, decked in MY clothes, from Uggs to jeans, to sweater-----she ended up wearing the jeans and sweater. She said she did it to show me what I look like to the rest of the world. I am telling you, if I look anything at all like she did, I am totally flabbergasted, because that is not what I see in the mirror! She made my day! Makes my eyes tear up to know I did it! With my band, and a little help from my friends! Kat
Mac - I just can't help myself - NEVER! :sad: Congrats on the NSV tho!!! I think b/w now and surgery (yea) I am going to organize my clothes by size. I can't wait to be able to tell some of them, "sorry, guys, you're just too big! See ya!"
I hate it when people post just to post.....
BethFromVA replied to TerriDoodle's topic in The Lounge
That's a GREAT NSV for you! :rolleyes2: -
I hate it when people post just to post.....
A lot less replied to TerriDoodle's topic in The Lounge
It is so nice and such an inspiration for us all to see the "NSV". I love to put on my clothes then go to the mirror and just get tickled to see clothes hanging off of me. I lurk often in here and I rarely post but, I think you all are nice people and very helpful even if does sometime hurt. I feel that if it won't kill me, it will help me. -
I hate it when people post just to post.....
ThePoolGirl replied to TerriDoodle's topic in The Lounge
Howdy, hello, and boo hoo. Thanks for all the kind words. I'll totally post a new thread about my (former) doc as soon as things clear up a bit. I wanna warn people!! I need to contact the Board of Healing Arts too. More later. So, I had a very nice PM from Headhunter. Made me tear up :sneaky:. But now I see his avi says Suspended under it. Anybody know what's up? I wanna respond but can't. Any gossip or fights on threads would be welcome now. I need a distraction.:blushing: Yay for NSVs, sorry the doggies have the poos, sorry for anyone facing job loss, gall stones suck, whoo hoo on the new pants size, plain is still freaky :thumbup: so all is normal there. I'm sure I forgot some of your posts but I'll do better next time...I promise :w00t:. I'm still kinda reeling from last night. It was so "fun" when the hosp called today to give me my surgery instructions for Thurs. Apparently my doc's office didn't give them the news...seems a bit irresponsible, huh? Take care everyone and thanks again! I'd appreciate any news on HH. Thanks. TPG -
That is an awesome NSV!!!
Ebony-yay on the NSV! As far as your DH, I think that is just a man thing. Don't let that steal your joy. I think a lot of men don't have whatever it is that should stop them from saying things like that. I know my DH has been known for saying things like that. I try not to ask him. Instead, I ask DS. He hasn't learned his father's lack of tact.
September 2009 Band Date
incolorado replied to ashleysara's topic in PRE-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
A little update...I am on my way to Denver for my first fill. Excited! Almost 1 month since banding and I am SO close to hitting 215...almost 19 pounds down! In a huge NSV, I fit into size 16 Gap jeans now, you can see pics on my blog! Never thought I would post public pics of me in jeans! Hoping to get that "not hungry" feeling back soon! Good luck to all who have surgery these last few days, and best to those still healing! -
You got room for another 'round here ?
Dub replied to Dub's topic in PRE-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
Ha. Not just fat guy issues. Fat girl issues, too! I used to hang dry my clothes because that darn "dryer" used to shrink them all the time! It was such a huge NSV the day I realized I was drying EVERYTHING all of the sudden. And sometimes in hopes that they would shrink because the were too big! Ah, the little things that make us happy through this journey. So true. The little things make us stop and think.......and smile. I had a monthly lunch meeting in a conference room at work last week. I usually try to remember to leave my wallet in my desk drawer prior to this meeting due to the chairs in n this particular conference room. These chairs are tight between the arms. I literally have to wedge my arse in them. I was pleasantly surprised last week when I didn't have to force it. The thought crossed my mind that it would be two months until I next attend this monthly meeting due to my surgery date. I'm really looking forward to that next meeting. It'll be one of those secret victories if I can stand up naturally and I'm not wearing the chair. -
September 2009 Band Date
incolorado replied to ashleysara's topic in PRE-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
Excellent! Great NSV! -
September 2009 Band Date
SmilinShel replied to ashleysara's topic in PRE-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
Just an official congratulations to ALL September Bandsters! I know some of those who have had their surgery recently are still experiencing good healing vibes your way. Those who are making big strides and getting SV and NSV. Congratulations! I am still on soft for 2 more weeks..then a fill..then rinse and repeat....I won't know what to do when I can eat other stuff...although at this point, I don't think I really miss it. I am officially OVER my cinnamon bun flavored protein shake though...that one is going to the back of the cupboard for awhile -
Share your "slow loss" success!
grandmacathy replied to clk's topic in Weight Loss Surgery Success Stories
Thank you Cheri. You seem to know what to say and when to say it. Totally agree. I wish everyone a NSV this coming week. -
banded, banding, bands--verb--To assemble or unite in a group
BetsyB replied to LeighaMason's topic in POST-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
Hi, y'all! Whew! I have a lot of catching up to do. I've been reading when I can, but was so, so overwhelmed with work and life last week. I'm sorry! I think about you all all the time. Things are okay here--just busy. I just finished doctoring a manuscript, and now am back with just my usual workload....whee! I feel free! Weight-wise, I juggled the same 1.8 pounds from my last fill (3 weeks ago) until this past weekend, when it finally started going DOWN. I'm not at the sweet spot yet, but getting close enough that I have to listen to my band much more carefully. Talk about a learning curve! I have not yet fully mastered it! Now I'll go back, read, and re-read so I can properly post ETA: Okay, here goes: Amy--Congratulations on your excellent loss so far! You are doing so, so well! Regarding fills, every time I’ve had a fill, the doctor has used fluoroscopy to assess restriction. For safety purposes, he won’t go beyond a certain level---but that level does provide restriction. The caveat is that it provides restriction right then and there; that means that, two days hence, I may not have it. Chances are, even being taken to the brink of sweet spot at Filling #1 will be ephemeral---you may enjoy restriction for a while, though. Especially since you still have enough to slime (congratulations! LOL) I think it’s kind of a misconception, though, that we have a great deal of input for the first fill. Certainly, we give feedback to the doctor about what we are feeling. But we can’t specify, “I’d like you to fill ‘er up,” or “Take it easy today, doc.” I would wager you’ll go in, and see a line of 100 syringes, all filled with exactly the same amount of saline. For my doctor, that’s 4 ccs. For the first fill, all patients get around that much---or a little less, depending on what fluoro shows. Denise-- I’m so impressed that your diabetes is being nipped in the bud! In terms of future health predictors, this is the biggest big deal I can think of! Congratulations! Your most recent illness sounds horrendous. I’m glad you’re finally on the road to recovery. What a lousy way to lose weight! You mentioned a baby sweater. Are you a knitter? (ETA: Okay, I just saw the frog hat, so I have the answer to that question---TOO CUTE!) I am aching to learn how to knit; I can do the very basics (cast on, knit, purl, cast off), but have never acquired the skills to actually make something. Would you say that the best way to learn is to take classes at a knitting shop? I wonder if there are any in this area---my aunt had one with marvelous, gorgeous, sumptuous wools. Hm. Maybe that will be my career in my dotage. Re: potassium and blood pressure--there’s a complicated cell action-potential explanation I’ll skip (unless you want it!). But potassium is critical to maintaining heart function and blood pressure. Christie--congrats on your great loss! Under 250---awesome!! I’m so sorry you’re sad about your brother’s impending deployment. It must be so hard for you. What is your brother’s name---I’d like to keep him in my prayers. Also, I am an excellent care-package maker---if you ever get the sense he needs a boost, let me know and I will send him goodies. My daughter’s lobster is deploying to Afghanistan soon, too. Abby is crushed and so, so scared. When he enlisted, his mother was beside herself. She’s very, very proud of him, but there is such ambivalence. Those men and women sacrifice so, so much for us. Bob--Are you tired of Farmville yet? Leigha-- Yes, I do think so. I think that the real, hard, using-your-whole-body physical labor can be a better workout than many gym regimens. My body agrees with me, this morning, too! Take your vitamins! They are not like processed food (whatever that means lol)! If they are good-quality bariatric vitamins, they are made to be readily used by the body. Green smoothies are fine, but they address only a portion of the micronutrients we need. (Track on for a while---you’ll be surprised to see what you’re missing out on, even with a good multi! I take my bariatric multi, cal-mag, biotin, selenium, pantothenic acid, CoQ-10, and vitamin D. Why? Because over time, I noticed that even with my multi, and upping veggies, etc, I was missing out on those nutrients. When you reorder protein, consider Bariatric Eating’s PURE unflavored protein. IMO, it “disappears” better than Unjury, and it’s less expensive, too J It’s a bit of both, myth and fact. In most people, the body does an exquisite job of maintaining blood sugar within very tight parameters. If you eat sugar--or foods easily broken down into sugars---the pancreas responds by producing insulin. Insulin “ushers” sugar molecules from the bloodstream into cells, where it is used for energy. In most people this is seamless, and blood sugar is brought back to within normal limits very rapidly. Some people experience reactive hypoglycemia, though. Instead of going back to “normal,” they crash. And that does, indeed set up cravings. For MOST of us, the craving that follows sugar or simple carb consumption is NOT physical---it’s just in our minds. We like the stuff. We miss it when we’re not eating it. Simple as that. Re: your fill decision. I’d hold off, if you think it might make you too tight. It may be a “free” fill, but I bet the Unfill won’t be free! I just moved out of the free-fill zone, too--thank goodness I only have a $30 copay--my doctor charges $250 with fluoro. Bobbie--I’m so sorry you’re on the rollercoaster. Job loss is so stressful; we’ve been there more than once, and it can be so hard to keep putting one foot in front of the other. I hope you get GOOD news very soon! In the meantime, I am so glad you’re making use of resources available to you. Re: calories. I do think their source matters, particularly when stomach space is finite. Right now, I concentrate on protein--because I’m still figuring out how much real estate I have in there, and it’s the most important for cell maintenance and repair. But when I reach goal, I plan to eat a balance of lean protein, veggies, heart-healthy fat, legumes, whole grains, and fruits (the latter two in more moderation than many people, based on my own peculiarities of metabolism). While there are as many opinions about the proper mix of macronutrients as there are people with opinions, I do think the general consensus is that the foods going in should be nutrient-dense rather than junky. (At least most of the time.) Anne--I’ll trade you beautiful New England for Illinois pollen and farm dust. (I live in an area that was, until recently, exurban. Out my front window is a farm; behind me (though not visible) is the usual Generica: Home Depots, Applebees, WalMart, etc. No wonder I have an identity crisis. Congratulations on your losses! You are going to be in SUCH a good place when you have surgery! Hummingbird--I am laughing so hard at your NSV. Hammered shit! That’s the best expression I’ve heard in a long, long time. I totally understand getting the warm fuzzies from other people’s deterioration in appearance. Count me in with the mean-spirited bunch, but there have been times when about all I’ve had going for me is the good genetics that keep me looking younger than many of my peers. (Of course, there IS the fear that it’s just that the fat is plumping out the wrinkles, and I, too, will look like hammered shit when all is said and done LOL! This is why I am already researching plastic surgeons.) Dottie--I think we’re in much the same place, fill-wise. I have days when I think I’m (almost) there, and days when I’m sure I’m not! I hope your fill tomorrow gets you where you need to go. Stacie--I’m so sorry you’re experiencing so much stress. It’s good you’re seeing your doctor on Thursday. I bet you’ll find that as your anxiety diminishes, so does your need to scale-hop as much. Compulsive stuff like that tends to be tied to anxiety… It will get better (((Hugs)))) Karen--it definitely sounds like you need a fill! And TWENTY pounds from goal--you must be ecstatic. Or frustrated, depending on the day! I wonder: I see that you’re very focused on restriction (as we all are!), but also referring to foods you “can” eat. Is it possible that you could substitute others, and reach your goal in a less-frustrating (and maybe more comfortable) manner? I mean, just ‘cause you can eat bread and pizza doesn’t mean you should. Don’t get me wrong--I think all of our lives have room for those foods. But if you’re really pushing to reach goal, maybe they should be reserved for further down the road? Just a thought---worth the paper it (wasn’t) written on! Jacki! OMG--LOOK at you! Awesome. Congratulations on your running! You must be SO proud of yourself! I am in the market for a new bike, too. Lee Anne--welcome! I’m glad you’re joining us! Whew! We're a prolific bunch! Have a great Monday, everyone! -
banded, banding, bands--verb--To assemble or unite in a group
LeighaMason replied to LeighaMason's topic in POST-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
OK, not sure if this counts as an NSV, but I went to run today about 8:30 its probably 90 degrees. So I mapped out a 5K and I do the C25K and walk the rest of the way. I had finished running and was walking past the bank when I noticed that there was a water spigot in the grass by the sidewalk with the cover off. So I stopped, got on my knees. and proceeded to wash my face and neck and have a drink. Then my neighbor from across the street pulls up next to the sidewalk, sees me and asks if I need a ride home! (Smartass!) -
banded, banding, bands--verb--To assemble or unite in a group
juliansmom2003 replied to LeighaMason's topic in POST-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
HI guys! Checking in --sorry I too am one of the ones popping in to read, but haven't been able to post daily. Have major issues going on at work with a huge PITA of a client. It's been a nightmare! I think of you all often, my crew--and I miss you every day! Denise, I'm hoping the saga with your teeth has come to an end. Christie--did I see you lost a pound or two? Yeah! Elfie--nice to see you on here. Leigha-CONGRATS on the jailbreak and your NSVs. I say you deserve some wine, girly :-)! Shammah-- you're in my prayers for the 28th. I hope everything goes smoothly. My greedy butt just got back from what I thought was going to be a fill, but my doc told me I was crazy and had perfect restriction. Hmmmpfh. Okay, but now I can eat bread and have a 10 ounce lunch every day. Ugh. Pouch is unstretched and I am fine. He told me to try behavior modification to help me. LOL Yeah. Maybe it's all in my head. Need to get back to basics and start exercising again. Haven't had any time lately with work, kids, soccer games (assistant coaching my daughter's team plus my son is in a separate league), bridal shows and gigs (second job). Hell, I should weigh 2 lbs with all this crap LOL! Just wanted to check in and let you all know I'm thinking of you and wishing you continued success! I will try to be around more after this latest project from hell wraps up! --Karen xo -
banded, banding, bands--verb--To assemble or unite in a group
Cocoabean replied to LeighaMason's topic in POST-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
If HB is Droopy then I get to be Saggy! Leigha is a perfect Snow White! Maybe Saggy goes better with Scooby Do? Hubby can be Grumpy, or is that a Smurf? :wink2: Anway, C. Diff. symptom was just an anomaly, thanks all for the prayers! Whew. I was sceered!!! I really don't want to go through that again. I was running low on probiotics. That nudged me to order more. My recent fill has provided me just THAT much more restriction, which is exactly what I wanted. I am not so hungry between meals now and my meals are smaller. But I am not getting stuck more often (once I adjusted to it, that is ). Pants are a little bit looser. Haven't done a morning, naked weigh-in. It's funny, I really DON'T care! I step on at night in PJs. Which is subject to all sorts of variables. But I can't get to the scale in the mornings due to its location. The weekend if DH is up first is my only chance. I could have yesterday and today, but I found it was too much effort and I don't care what it says. It has no power over me. WOW! WOW! WOW! Talk about an NSV! So, I am thinking I am pretty much at my goal weight. My ticker says 140. But I have been hanging here at 145-147 since around March or so. Maybe I should change the ticker and be done with it! Anyone heard from Anne or Bobbie? Where they been hiding? -
Congrats on your NSV. twinmommy! You are so right about men not noticing. Or if they do they don't speak out. I know that had to make you feel really good and it probably translated into resolve to lose more! I had another NSV yesterday that had been happening for a while, but it just wasn't registering. My skinny hubby always leaves the steering wheel tilted down when he gets out of the family vehicle because it's no problem for him to get out with it that way. I used to silently curse him :-) every time I got into the car. Now I can get in with it tilted down! Wooohoo!