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Found 15,853 results

  1. I'm an apple too. Lost in my boobs first and have one less chin now. Surgery May 8th down 32lbs. I used to wear my hair really short, but weight gain made me look like a bowling pin! Will cut my hair when I lose the weight.
  2. labwalker

    Sleep Study...

    Good luck! It is no big deal, except for the monitoring that needs to be done during the study! I must have had 1000 sticky monitoring points on me! The good news is that getting sleep apnea under treatment can help with weight loss. Untreated, sleep apnea can result in weight gain, which ends up causing more sleep apnea episodes. Treatment can break the cycle and help you lose weight. Good luck to you!
  3. I have a job which requires pretty extensive international travel, which partly contributed to my weight gain over the past 3 years (gained 40 pounds). Eating out on an expense account 3 meals a day for 15-17 days straight in countries where there is no such thing as skim milk or even artificial sweeteners on the table is challenging to say the least. Ths year alone, I was in Russia, Poland, Turkey and Indonesia (all pre-op) and am heading to Spain at the end of July, followed by the UK in september and France and Turkey again in October and possibly Greece or Malta in December! Now I am 4 weeks out, feeling good and obsessively tracking every calorie I eat which is way more managble with every meal prepared by me. I am stressed about eating out while traveling and I don't have that small of a capacity albeit much smaller than pre-op but I don't get full that easy (6-8 ounces of food is no problem). I do plan to pack Protein shakes and maybe some Protein Bars. I want to at least replace Breakfast and lunch and only eat dinner out. I should also mention I am a big foodie loving to experience fine dining and wine and always adored finding the most amazing restaurants when I travel and trying foods I have never had before. For anyone who travels abroad, how do you manage? Any other suggestions on food to pack?
  4. I would say to her: you cannot judge someone's situation unless you've been it. She has never been fat, never had the diet you grew up on, food addiction, stressors, contributory mental & health problems, faced the negative social situations we've all been in, etc. Try to understand that the majority of people are (ie Facebook b***h/neighbor) uneducated & lack empathy. At least fat people take the time to develop likeable personalities. I think that criticism from others is a huge factor in weight gain & trouble losing. Stay strong!!! then slash her tires& steal her husband.
  5. tmbasuhre

    Tons of watermelon

    i have been eating a lot of watermelon-- probably about a cup at a time. no problems and no weight gain
  6. Cajunlady12

    Weight gain

    I have read that water weight gain from the IV after surgery is normal. But after they remove the IV and you start moving around the weight will drop off.
  7. Did anyone gain weight the first day of surgery from the IV water weight I suppose??
  8. I am ready to do this. I am 100lbs from my goal weight of 135lbs. I have healthy eating habits but I eat too much. I can't control my portions ill have the steak and veggies but overdo it on the portion size of the meats. I'm not a huge picker but occasionally those cookies will torture me and I overindulge plus I eat super fast. I lose control over how much I eat. I am hoping if I continue to eat healthy protein and veggies the Lapband will help with the feeling full quicker so not only do I not go for seconds But i can't even finish my first a plate. There is this supposedly "new" belt type thing you wear on the outside I tried this its actually approved by insurance comp I didn't pay a penny for it, but it hurts soooooooooooo bad to wear this thing all day I had bruises I think you don't feel hungry bc your in pain. It did help me to eat less but I couldn t utilize properly bc it cut in so bad. I haven't come to the Lapband decision lightly. It's been a 2 year decision on and off again before I went for my first consult and finally after my 3 rd child and a 115lbs weight gain over. 9 year period I am ready to make changes and eat less. I don't want to be the "fat" mom. I want my kids to see me eating right and pick up from my healthy eating and portion sizes and I'm hoping from the less weight and healthy eating ill have more energy to exercise on a daily basis not just once a week sometimes twice.
  9. Sydney Susan

    Anyone on thyroid meds

    I'm hoping everyone who reads this thread is clear - hypothyroidism makes it difficult to lose weight. ALL the medications for hypothyroidism make it easier to lose weight than not being medicated. Your medication may not fully address your hypothyroidism - so you may still find it harder to lose weight than before you needed the medication, but the medication itself is NOT making it harder to lose weight. Many doctors seem hell bent on giving their patients the minimum medication they can get away with, partly because low-level hypothyroidism symptoms are "vague" and partly because there are other health consequences to too much thyroid medication - like heart palpitations and osteoporosis. Lowering your medication without reference to current blood test results showing how well your thyroid is functioning is likely to lead to weight gain, not loss. Some of the responses in this thread sound like a few of us are convinced the medication itself causes weight gain.
  10. The most common issues I've seen in report tracking people 5 years and beyond is weight gain and acid reflux. Some have an issue with a neofundus (part of the stomach regrows or stretches, allowing weight gain, acid reflux and other issues), but there is some debate about that being caused by poor technique when doing the sleeve. If you don't eat right or take your Vitamins, also problems with Protein, Vitamin or Calcium deficiency. Lynda
  11. DeezJeanz

    weight gained back

    Yes, my preop surgeons visit, I asked that question of weight gain w the sleeve bc I'd seen a lady who had gbs n gained it all bck n then some...he said yes, w any1 of the surgeries mentioned, u can gain it all nd more bck IF U CHOOSE to make the SAME BAD CHOICES AS PREOP, the surgeries are all tools, aides, to help us succeed, NOT MAKE US SUCCEED, it is still going to b up to the patient to make the tool work w u, not for you:) hope that helps nd makes sense to u. If u think its going to stop you from making bad choices, u shud rethink ur decision, the only thing that can do that is wiring ur mouth shut, then ud prolly die:/ start learning all u need to know about how to use the new tool, sleeve, prior to getting it. I mean, u can't know how to build a house just bc som1 handed u a hammer, it won't build itself, right? And u can't build a better more healthier you wo knowing how to work w ur sleeve. So gl to us all:))
  12. I got pregnant two years post sleeve. We did a FET because we had five frozen embryos in storage we wanted to use. That means I was on daily hormone injections for several weeks before conceiving and carried on with them through the first few months. I gained 3 pounds from hormones before the transfer and I gained 32 pounds during my pregnancy. Capacity-wise, eating was not a challenge. Since you'll be more than a year out before you even consider a baby, that should not be an issue. It was roughly around 14-17 months that my ability to eat settled at a nice amount that's about what I can hold now. That said, I was afflicted with food aversions and morning sickness. My lactose intolerance flared up to the point where I couldn't put butter on toast or scramble an egg in it. I couldn't stand meat for several months - I'd sick it up immediately. This meant that most of my calories came from carbs, which in and of itself isn't a huge issue but it did cause me to be concerned about weight gain. If I hadn't been diligent about my choices I could have easily packed on more weight than I did. I also needed additional Iron supplements during pregnancy and had to find a different way to get my prenatal Vitamin in because mine made me sick. Within just a few weeks of delivery I was within ten pounds of my pre-pregnancy weight and wearing my pre-pregnancy jeans (albeit the roomier ones) though it has taken me the last several months to shed those few pounds. My daughter is now three months old and I only just got back under my pre-pregnancy weight. And my unsolicited advice is that you wait a few years after getting married to have kids. I have five stepchildren but they did not live with us. Those four years (three before conceiving) that we had with just the two of us were amazing and incredibly rewarding. Unless you've already been with your fiancee for several years, enjoy learning to be married before becoming parents. Once we had our children life changed - for the better, sure - but it was so nice to have that freedom of daily life without kids for a while before choosing to have them once we really wanted them. Good luck, and congrats on your engagement. I'd say that it's entirely possible to have a child and get back to goal it just takes work and getting back to those same principles you used to lose in the first place. ~Cheri
  13. GoingforGoal

    Feeling really low right now

    Ditto the previous posts. But I would advise that you weigh daily or at least weekly with or without a filled band. Had you watched your weight gain I'm sure you would have put an end to it earlier. It's a slippppppery slope so be sure to stay on top of managing your loss and your eating habits at all times
  14. Hello all! I am curious about the 6 mo diet, I have my weigh in tomorrow morning for my 5th month. I am concerned that I will have gained a pound or two. My start weight was 274 and currently I am at 264. My weigh in last month was 262. Has anyone been declined due to weight gain like this?? I have not planned on it, but should i try laxatives to get those two pounds off? I would DIE if i got declined for a stupid 2 lbs weight gain. Any information about The 6 Mo supervised diet would be greatly appreciated!
  15. Momonanomo

    5 weeks post surgery

    Today marks 5 weeks since surgery. I am down 35 lbs since start of pre-op, 25 since surgery itself. I’m currently going roughly ½ lb per day, so I am sure not complaining. I feel I have a normal appetite when there’s not food in front of me, in other words, I do get hungry. But once the food is in front of me I don’t really want it. I kinda do miss enjoying my food, but honestly, this is what I signed up for, and I prefer the way I am now. It will just take some getting used to. For 41 years I have been food-obsessed (yes even as an infant, according to my mom). It will no doubt take a while to learn to refocus my energy. I have an awareness that I need to really take advantage of this honeymoon period to change my habits, because I know eventually it will become physically easier and more satisfying to eat and therefore I will be in danger of over eating again. Actually, I think the real danger will be in eating the wrong things. Emotional eating was never my problem, I honestly feel like I was crazy-hungry (the grehlin monster?). Preparing for surgery, I was open to the possibility that I was an emotional eater – I really wanted to figure out the issues and deal with them head on. But apparently that wasn't my problem. My problem was a big appetitie for the wrong things, which exacerbates the cravings for more of the wrong things, which leads to weight gain, which leads to inhibited activity. And down goes the spiral from there. I finally feel like my spiral is turning upward! And, the point of my emotional eating tangent here is that yesterday I had a pretty nasty argument with my husband (we’re good now, thanks), and all I really wanted to make me feel better after our fight was………a cigarette. Ha! I quit in January, and I miss it. But I don’t miss all the icky things that go along with it, so I’ll deal. But I took a moment to acknowledge that in my time of stress I didn't want a chocolate bar. It was interesting to me. I’m also dealing with my impatience – it doesn't seem fair that I am practicing the habits of a fit & slim person, yet I will have to wait months and months (and possible more) to actually BE a fit & slim person. But I guess it's that instant -gratification mentality that got me here in the first place. A healthy weight is not something to be grabbed at the drive-through (figuratively AND literally) This will take time and it will be worth it. I vow to try to find ways to enjoy the journey. It’s going to take time, may as well find it entertaining on the way, right? Onward!
  16. devine.adon

    July 2013 sleevers

    My pre op diet is very minimal like broth, and slim fast, decaf coffee, sugar free jello. I don't have a dietitian or nut, I did email my contact, she didn't seem too worried about the weight gain. I'm having surgery in Mexico and its a 15 hour drive for us, I don't want to get there and them not be able to do it that would be devastating!!
  17. I have a friend who went in today for a fill and was told "lap band" was still the way to go. That after two years or so with the sleeve you would gain all your weight back. Comments please.
  18. aroundhky

    lose fat, not your muscle!

    Yeah, that seems to be a bit of a controversy at times. I think some people.....ectomorphs.......can and almost have to eat this way (dirty), to put on mass. Maybe that's kind of what he (author) was referring to, but he needs to realize that not all people are ectomorphs, in fact most are not. I knew guys like this in high school.....they lifted a lot, skinny as a rail and until they pretty much ate everything in sight, they couldn't get bigger/stronger. Even when they ate everything and anything, they still had trouble gaining weight because their metabolisms were so revved up and/or they were very active. Those kind of people frustrate me, but it's not their fault I suppose. Anyway, I think people that are like this are typically young (teens to maybe early 20s) and are setting themselves up for weight gain down the road when their metabolism slows and they are used to those bad eating habits.
  19. Tansmommy08


    I haven't been to the doctor for about a 2 months i haven't lost any weight. I was on all kinds of depression medication and stopped taking everything. I know that weight gain is a side effect of stopping medication like that, however I'm scared my doctor is going to get mad that I haven't lost any weight. I have an appointment today to get a fill, I just don't want the doctor to get at me or deny me a full... Has anyone else went through this?
  20. Tansmommy08


    I haven't been to the doctor for about a 2 months i haven't lost any weight. I was on all kinds of depression medication and stopped taking everything. I know that weight gain is a side effect of stopping medication like that, however I'm scared my doctor is going to get mad that I haven't lost any weight. I have an appointment today to get a fill, I just don't want the doctor to get at me or deny me a full... Has anyone else went through this?
  21. Like Butterthebean, I also feel like I looked for struggling posts before. But I know that while there are more now, I think that I also didn't want to see the negative side before. So I'd quickly browse those posts and think "Well, that won't be me" and move along. The vets that were here when I was researching are mostly gone, with the exception of Oregondaisy. I think part of why you see so many people sharing is the plain awesomeness of the group we have hanging around. Okay, more likely it's that we 1) have a place of our own to vent that stuff. I mean, where would you do it before the vet board? Would you charge into the general discussion area and throw it out there? Probably not. Also, 2) People are staying active here on the forums for more than nine months. I think the real struggles for most folks are more than a year post op. The norm before was about nine months, come back to post a one year hooray me! post and disappear again. Only a small handful of people were the vets "in charge" of answering all those questions and giving support all over the forums. For them, it was surely exhausting and probably made it doubly difficult to realistically post about struggles. And I know for a fact that two of them, in particular, spent a huge amount of time answering personal PMs for people. It gets draining and it's also hard to admit (while cheerleading and leading the way for others) that you're struggling, too. Just my opinion, but I have lots of those. As for the rest - I cannot do the abstinence thing. We are all different. For me, that instantly makes whatever I'm avoiding the thing I want most in the world. I put myself in a position where I must summon a mountain of willpower to stay away. I know this because it's how I lived as a diabetic. Abstain, abstain, abstain, BINGE, guilt, weight gain, guilt, abstain, abstain, abstain, BINGE, repeat until you're 120 pounds overweight and positively miserable, and oh yeah, your blood sugars are a disaster, too. So if it wasn't bad that your mind feels like crap from this cycle, your body does, too. But some people really, really have to stay away entirely. I think for me, the enemy isn't the food. Sure, I limit my "exposure" to the issue so to say by keeping some things out of the house, especially when I'm feeling bad. But for me the real issue is mindfulness. If I think about what I eat, I have no problems. So my issue isn't obsessing about food - I only do that when it's forbidden. It's in my head. If I think about what I plan to eat that day, if I have a plan, I'm fine. If I just sit around and eat or join in with my friends at a restaurant and have everything they're having, without thinking about it or logging my food first, I have a problem. And when I'm stressed or emotional or whatever I'm less likely to put myself first and plan my food out. It's when I "wing it" for dinner that I run into frying homemade pizza rolls rather than roasting some chicken breasts. So for me, and my very organized and in charge personality, I need planning and mindfulness to stay on top. It's different for everyone, though. I think that those with the real triggers are the ones that have the toughest struggle. Abstaining is hard and one little slip for those people can mean sliding down the whole darn slope. I feel like I went crazy off the rails last week. When, in fact, I didn't track my food for roughly ten days and spent about a week eating whatever I wanted. I gained one pound. For me, that's a big deal. For other people, that can be part of every month, you know? That makes it a totally different place to be coming from and I think it also means you need a different approach. I think that's why 5:2 is working for a lot of the vets lately. No abstaining, a little less stress and pressure about food choices. It's not a free pass but I dunno. I feel like I can breathe more easily and be more forgiving of myself. And yeah...I'm putting the scale away (no, I really am this time, my husband hid it from me again!) but I'm down another pound today. Make that ten pounds, five days on 5:2 and I'm two pounds away from usual goal weight window and one pound under my pre-pregnancy weight. Today is day six and I feel like I didn't just shed weight I shed a load off my mind. I don't know if the fast did it or what but I feel less foggy and unhappy. ~Cheri
  22. Hi Georgia you are right, that it must be hard to lose weight that you/anyone gains i only mentioned to OP that gaining 10-15 lbs like she did, wasn't "that" bad trying to make HER feel better but no way, will i follow those footsteps!!!! absolutely, positively, irrevocably, no doubt about it ----- NOOOOO intentions on regaining any weight (fluctuations of a couple lbs don't count) repeating - no weight gain - going back to the devil been there, done that - never again from my lips to God's ears!!!! maybe my over emphasis (per my DH) on not regaining et al is to reassure myself but for whatever reason - stands true best 4 letter word??? GOAL!!! kathy
  23. Every insurance is different, so this is a good question to ask your doctor's office on your next visit!!!! My nutritionist was mostly interested in my following her recommendations! Protein intake first, followed by "good carbs," i.e. healthy vegetables while avoiding sugar, butter, fats, etc. The goal seems to be to see if you can follow a diet that puts protein intake first, with good carbs second. Fluid intake was another big deal for the NUT. Understanding portion sizes was another thing my NUT pushed. She didn't seem to care about weight gains or losses, but that is what she emphasized over my six visits. You and your NUT need to talk to ensure you are on the same page regarding your nutrition and calories over this required supervised nutritional period.
  24. happilybandedryley

    weight gain

    I have gained 2 pounds. I know it sounds like nothing but I seem to be able to eat a lot and whatever I want. I think I am not filled enough. Any suggestions?
  25. It's temporary weight gain from swelling and all of the fluids they gave you. If it makes you feel any better, I gained 14 lbs in the hospital! My RD said that some patients gain even more. Try not to weigh for at least another week and drink as much as you can. You will be rewarded! Sorry that you are missing out on strawberry season, but think of all of the things that you missed out on bc of your weight that you won't be missing out on anymore. Stay strong! Hope you feel better soon.

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