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Found 17,501 results

  1. So after I lost all the water weight from surgery, I lost 10lbs- all by week 1.5. Now? Nothing. I'm just past my 2 week mark now. Did I get the infamous 3 week stall early? Also sick of feeling kinda crappy multiple times per day. And who has time to eat 8x per day?? And do they really expect it to take 1/2 hour + to eat 2oz of food?? Very frustrated.
  2. So after I lost all the water weight from surgery, I lost 10lbs- all by week 1.5. Now? Nothing. I'm just past my 2 week mark now. Did I get the infamous 3 week stall early? Also sick of feeling kinda crappy multiple times per day. And who has time to eat 8x per day?? And do they really expect it to take 1/2 hour + to eat 2oz of food?? Very frustrated.
  3. I've been lurking here and reading for several months. I had RNY 12/14/20. I had saved leave time to cover my recovery so I was able to take a full 4 weeks off. That was a good decision as it allowed me to fully focus on liquids, protein and recovery. I returned to work this week. It has gone well but does require me to plan what I am going to take to work for food and drink. While I was home, I was able to simply choose from whatever appropriate choice was in the frig. My thoughts and observations so far: I have not had one single problem. I've had no pain, no nausea and have not needed any of the medication I was provided for those. I have no problem meeting liquid or protein goals. I am going with my program 100%. At this time, I do not feel any hunger (I know that will return). I also don't feel fullness. I realize that is because I am sticking to the suggested amounts. That is a learning experience for me. I was used to eating way beyond full all the time and feeling overstuffed and uncomfortable after a meal. I don't generally sit and watch extended TV. But being off work and while recovering, we binge-watched a lot of shows. That was another learning experience. My desire was to much on something salty and savory as that has been my past behavior. My husband was very considerate and did not munch. I fully recognized that I wasn't actually hungry but was simply trying to revert to old behaviors. My saving grace was popsicles. They provided crunch and froze my mouth as well. As expected, surgery removed the hunger but not the desire and comfort of previous behaviors. Returning to work has given me more structure in some areas but also means I have to be more proactive in planning. I know people are more likely to post when they have problems but I wanted to be the voice of someone who has so far, experienced no problems. Now the hard mental work begins..................
  4. Well here I am, sneaking around trying to hide from the stalls and #2 found me anyway. I am exercising my butt off (literally), and tracking my food, keeping my protein numbers high and calories around 750 tops, my water intake is around 90 ounces and stall number 2 found me and has kept me hostage for 7 days and counting. I intend on measuring myself this weekend in hopes of seeing inches be gone but holy hell that scale is about to go through the window. My husband thought he hid it from me (like I cannot open the bottom closet in the bathroom and move the towels around), but I still find it every morning and cuss it out under my breath. I am really bummed out about the numbers right now, and I know I need to get over it. My daughter is 27 years old and has two beautiful baby girls 24 months and 12 months, she is a diabetic (type 1) and recently told she is needing a kidney transplant. Guess who is the closest match, ME. We have a long way to go before we are ready for the transplant so I cannot get to ahead of myself but I will need to be on a low protein diet at that point and it is going to be a huge change in my world again. Had I known that was going be coming it may have be a factor in my decision about WLS. I know whats done is done but I really wish I was closer to my goal weight and just healthy and strong and ready to move to the next challenge. It is a no brainer in my world as if one of my children needed my heart I would give it to them but Lordy let the scale move tomorrow so I don't have to fix a window before we have a blizzard this weekend!!! My nerves are shot and I don't need this in my world this week!!!!!
  5. Hello all. I thought it would be helpful for us to share food diaries to other members for some possible insights and opportunities to try different approaches. I am day 2 week 2. Currently having: Bfast: 100ml lactose free milk, 1/2 banana, 1Tbs high protein low sugar vanilla yoghurt, blended with crushed ice. Morning tea: Usually takes all morning for me to drink a 50/50 mix of apple juice and water, no sugar added. Lunch: 125ml thinly pureed pumpkin soup. Soup is home made, simply pumpkin and water, 1/2 tsp chicken stock and some garlic powder. All pureed. Afternoon tea: sugar free iceblock - lemonade Dinner: Last night I tried 1/2 cup of pureed chicken thick, stock and zucchini. YUCK! I reverted back to pumpkin soup. Ideas here would be appreciated. Snacks: coffee with small amount of Zymil (lactose free milk), lots of water, sugar free powerade, Avalanche sugar free latte, sugar free jelly (jelly for the USA peeps here). I know I'm not getting my calories in, but right now this fills me up. Any ideas to increase? I have bought milk powder to add a tsp in each breakfast smoothie, and ordered some tasteless protein powder online today as well. Once that comes, I'll easily meet my protein requirements and already meet liquids. Yes, I know everyone is different, but I'm keen to hear what you all are consuming to give me some inspiration! 🙂
  6. First week of new/old work is over. It felt quite exhausting in some way.

    Abdominal plus mons, breasts and thighs will obviously be covered by my insurance. I'm going to self-pay for butt and arms in combination with one of the other surgeries. The later are not really medically necessary but pure vanity so it's ok for me.

    I'm going to get the first shot of Biontech/Pfizer vaccine on Monday. Three weeks later the next.


  7. Oh, we’re going back into lockdown as of 6pm tonight. Three days to begin but if there are any more cases it will be 30 days. It’s supposed to be the UK extra virulent strain. Sigh. It was announced about 4 hours ago giving everyone about 9 hours to prepare. Of course everyone’s gone crazy at the supermarkets even though grocery shopping is considered essential & you can go any time as long as you social distance & wear a mask. I didn’t even know until a friend rang. It hadn’t been announced when I read the online news this morning. I bet there will be others who will be caught unawares too. 

    1. Neensyb


      Ah you are a Brisbane person, I am right on the cusp at the top part of the Gold Coast. Blimey it's a mess right!

  8. I joined this group when I started my journey in July. I've read so many posts about the 3-4 week stall. I knew it was coming and I still wasn't prepared. I was sleeved on 12/9. I've been stuck at 218 for days....... I'm trying to focus on non-scale goals, but it's so hard not seeing it move!! How did you push through your stall???
  9. I've been a long time lurker on this site, but it's my first time posting. I know everyone is going to say that everyone experiences a stall, but I'm frustrated and need to share my experience with a community of people who, hopefully, understand what I'm going through. I'm 4.5 weeks post op VSG and haven't lost any weight in 12 days and I'm really struggling with that mentally. I've been tracking consistently and for the last two weeks I've been at 600-800 calories a day and have been getting at least 60+ gr of protein a day. I'm struggling a bit with water, but always get at least 40oz and I'd say I hit 60 oz 4/7 days/week. My recovery has gone really well, I've tolerated every food I've tried and am doing well with recognizing my full point. I've been back at work (remotely) since 6 days post op. I really have had no issues with pain, gas or anything else since week 1. Mentally, I understand the weight will eventually start going down again, but I can't wrap my brain around the logic of why my weight wouldn't be going down with such a deficit. I have no medical conditions, it's not related to hormones or PMS or stress. I'm feeling a bit down and need a little encouragement and insight.
  10. Finally starting to feel human again. It was such a struggle in the beginning. My colon does not like anesthesia. So much abdominal cramping and bloating! I was so upset thinking made the wrong decision. I watched a lot of YouTubes of other gastric bypass journeys and I never found one that mentioned the soreness and abdominal discomfort. So happy now that I'm feeling so much better now. I now know I did not make a mistake. Still struggling to reach my water and protein numbers on a daily basis. But I know I'm close. So glad I found this support group as it is difficult to go through this alone. Sent from my Moto Z (2) using BariatricPal mobile app
  11. I really didn’t have a stall at 3 or 4 weeks, but I am having one here at between 7 and 8 weeks...is that a normal time for stall, lol? My weight has been within a 2-4 oz of the same for about a week. When these stalls happen at this stage do I need to change up my workout routine or anything, based on your experiences, or is this just a lull and one should just stay in their lane not changing anything. The trainer told me down the way we will add in more variety to my workouts to keep them varied, but she didn’t make it sound like this early on that would be a factor, nor had the dietician made mention of counting calories or adding at this point due to exercise. Just looking to hear personal experiences since this a new part of the journey for me. Thanks all:)
  12. jps6882

    3 Weeks Post-op

    3 weeks post-op and down 55.3 pounds.
  13. I’m about 5 and a half weeks post-op, and my period showed up about a week ago. I haven’t seen a period in roughly 3 years (very irregular). The issue is this: sweet/salty cravings have surfaced, I’ve gained 2 lbs during this week that my period has been on. I’ve had horrible pms symptoms, my flow has been super heavy 😩. Has anyone else experienced weight gain this early on? Please tell me that I haven’t messed anything up. It’s very discouraging to see the scale go up when I was losing just fine. At 1 month post-op I was down a little over 30 lbs total from my highest weight. I’m just hoping to see the numbers on the scale start to go down again. Especially after my period has gone off; should the weight I’ve gained go away? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Happy New Year 🎆!!
  14. Hi! First time poster here. I’m on week 3 of my liquid diet and I’m struggling so much. I haven’t lost weight in about a week, and I’m not sure why. I’m back to my normal cardio and yoga workouts every day, I drink way more than 64oz of water. My real issue is food, I am getting so nauseous (even with the anti-nausea meds) with all of the sweet protein shakes, etc. The only thing that I can eat without being nauseous is savory soups with added protein (and all of the recipes my dietitian gave me are low fat cream based) but I can only do about two cups a day of that. I basically don’t eat except for the one bowl of soup a day and one protein water. Does anyone have suggestions for what I can do? I desperately want to start the purée stage or at least have a scrambled egg because right now, I have no will to eat at all even though I’m hungry. Thanks for your help!
  15. Hi guys. I'm over a month post op. I'm hating the sugary taste of protein shakes at this point but having trouble eating enough volumn of soft foods and when I do I get a weird tired yucky feel, not nausea but the only way I can think to describe it is GI and mental exhaustion. Anyone experience this? If so when does it get better and what helped you get through? I've started trying to notice my body signals and stop eating as soon as I feel the issues start and eating more frequently but it's harder to get my was fluids in in between. Andy advice from veterans appreciated. Sent from my SM-N960U using BariatricPal mobile app
  16. I tried to hide from the stall but it did not work. On week five I did exactly the same thing I had done the previous weeks that were successful for me and the stall found me. Although I did the same things the darn scale did not move one bit. I walked a little bit more on the treadmill and walked a little faster, I drank a little more water and it still did not move. I just have to believe all you folks who have been here and trust the process, this too shall pass and one day I will get up and do my routine and Sunday when I get on the scale I will see some progress.....right??? LOL I see the surgeon on the 6th of January for my 6 week checkup and I really really wanted to have 50 pounds behind me but I am starting to see now that is going to be impossible. But 40 something isn't a bad number and I just have to be happy with any progress As my husband always says "it is what is it is!"
  17. Meera

    I'm 3 week out regretful

    I was at the bmi 33 before i decided to have this surgery and now i regret it every single day, I'm always hungry but can barely eat or enjoy my meals. It sucks! I just wish i could turn back time and never have had this surgery. It gets easier with time i know as many have said that to me but why do i feel i rushed into it without really thinking. Sent from my VOG-L29 using BariatricPal mobile app
  18. I am a Retired Army Medic. I still have Tricare and my provider & I decided that the Gastric Sleeve would be a good tool for me. She referred me and my 1st appointment with the special clinic at the Military Tmt Facility is on 04 Jan 2021. I am excited, but yet nervous about all the unknows. I have no idea what the process will entail as it is at the MTF. I do know that unknowingly I have already completed a lot of the pre requirements for surgery looking for answers to medical conditions I am already dealing with.
  19. 13 days out from my surgery, have had ups and downs with the biggest challenge be 1) energy and 2) hunger at the end of the day. I've fixed the hunger by making sure I'm sticking to high protein liquids. Here are some tips and tricks I've learned to help me keep moving forward: Food tips: Perfect treat: Pre-mixed Premier Protein, Vanilla. Warm in microwave then sprinkle with cinnamon and nutmeg. Such a treat, and fulfilling! Making sure to get my protein drinks in late in the day so I don't have that late night hunger. I've been using Gatorade Zero to fill in between meals, since plain water is hard on my stomach. I tried a recipe from a cookbook, but it really grossed me out - using plain greek yogurt, mixing it up with my chocolate whey protein. Gagged! That memory has kept me going on liquids alone. Use bone broth as a meal, adding my own salt and spices, nice an warm, and comforting. Exercise Tips: Set little goals, and then if you can keep going, keep going. If you need to take a break in between, take a small break. Listen to your body, and if you need to rest, or take a break in between, do it! For me, I started with walking laps around my pool / patio at night, and use my FitBit to keep me motivated. One day I had 10 laps, then I challenged myself to do 5 more, then 5 more, etc. Started at 5,000 steps then challenged myself each day until I got up to 12,000. However, if I didn't have the energy, I listened to my body and didn't push it. After I was comfortable walking, I started on my Bowflex Max 5 - not at the interval training level, but just at my own pace. First days were hard. I skipped two days, but then hopped up on it again and found I was able to go several additional minutes without needing a break. Just like any exercise, keep your water or Gatorade Zero or other non-calorie hydration close by, small sips are all you need. Setbacks: Some days the hunger was really strong - I found myself tasting Kosher salt & spices in between meals, which kicked any feelings of being deprived to the curb. (I don't know if this is allowed, or healthy - but just a taste did the trick). I've gotten over those cravings from the first week. After losing 12 pounds the first week, I stalled for about 2 days. I was discouraged, but kept moving and the weight loss kicked in quickly. I am now down 16 pounds since 12 days since my surgery. Keeping my energy levels high enough to put in the walking and/or Bowflex. I have to push myself at times, but I do it and feel better after knowing that I am increasing my metabolism and strength with each cycle. I also let myself rest when I need. Hope sharing this helps as you approach your post-surgery healing and journey.
  20. Hello Everyone! I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas! I am a week out from surgery and I started pureed food this week. I'm not sure if it's just my anxiety, but I'm kind of nervous that I gained a pound yesterday. I ate half of a deviled egg, mashed potatoes, and some egg salad yesterday, but it was my first time eating mashed potatoes so maybe I should stay away from carbs? I also felt hungrier than normal. Is it possible to stretch your stomach a week in? My program is kind of behind due to COVID, so my apologies for the many questions. Thank you so much!
  21. I am struggling to eat healthy. Even scrambled egg seems to get stuck. I don’t seem to be able to detect my level of fullness until it’s too late and I have the stuck feeling with copious amounts of saliva. How have you successfully transitioned from liquids to solids? Any tips would be appreciated.
  22. Hi all. Hope you all had a great Christmas. I'm aware that this thread might come across in the wrong way given some people's experiences/troubles. I truly don't mean it to, I suffer from anxiety bouts & think the holiday season has triggered one. I was worried initially I was 'losing too fast but this forum reassured me that all was normal & to chill. (Not much support in UK for private aka self funding patients) I had surgery on the 19th October & have lost 0.8 lbs a day since (averaged out). I haven't had a stall like most people describe, 2-3 days max but pre menstruation. I know everyone & every body is different, my surgeon was surprised when I told him & said to expect a very very long stall, he guessed imminently. That was just over 2 weeks ago. I've been on edge waiting for it since! Is there anything I can do to prepare. I'm expecting the worst now & the numbers going down on the scale are starting to make me anxious not happy. I had 2 days off plan for Christmas, food choices not awful, but not good! Scales today show another 4 pounds off. Am I just going to stop losing 1 day soon & have to wait months for it to restart? I had 118 pounds to shift & have lost 60. Sorry for the essay!
  23. I'm having VSG on December 29th! I'm really struggling with the pre op liquid diet! I went for 4 days good, then cheated for 3, then 3 days good and I cheated today! But it's Christmas it's so hard! Now I'm terrified my surgery will get canceled. I've lost about 15lbs so far.
  24. 3 weeks post op. I don't want protein shakes anymore. 🤮 Healing slower than usual but nothing that alarms doctors. Very emotional today. 😢

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