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Found 1,239 results

  1. Look up the "Three week stall", its common.
  2. Kiba

    Nexplanon after VSG

    That is so scary. I can't imagine gaining so much weight so quickly. I hope so! I too was terribly sensitive to hormones, this was suggested as the best alternative since the pills and the ring were a complete disaster for me. At most on both I think I gained 10 lbs pre-surgery, then I stopped taking any BC for 3 years completely. I am still worried because I do feel hunger but I know I haven't been eating at all lately due to stress. I should try focusing less on the sweet cravings and just eat more Protein again. I am going to try and up my fitness time to see if I can push this insane three week stall. I have been feeling myself getting lazy due to the Summer weather! Here is hoping!
  3. YES! I was also sleeved on 7/29. I lost 21lbs the first two weeks and have stayed the same since (plus or minus 1lb). I'm worried that at my 1 month check up my surgeon will think I've not been doing my plan! I have done everything to the letter - Protein first then veggies, get my Water in, very low carbs (20 grams a day). Ugh!! I know it's the "three week stall" but it is just really playing with my emotions! My highest weight was 371, surgery weight 324, current weight 302. 69lbs lost in total, 22lbs since surgery. I think we just need to keep on with the plan and we'll break through!
  4. siouxshi

    NSV shout outs

    I love this thread so much! I have been reading and decided to join! So I'm only about 3 1/2 weeks out (in my dreaded "three week stall" right now - ugh!) and I had an NSV the other night. We went out to dinner with some friends and I wore a maxi skirt that is elastic at the waist (so it is more comfy than my jeans that fall off of me!) and it kept hitting the tops of my feet. It's never done that before so I was highly confused until I realised that it's because it doesn't have to stretch so much to reach around me anymore! My skirt is actually longer, lol. Didn't see that coming! It was silly, but so fun when I finally made the connection!
  5. I am happy to hear abut the three week stall. I am at that phase. Now I won't be frustrated. But I am happy with the weigh loss so far. Down 27 lbs at my 1. Week check up. ????
  6. that's about what I lost the first couple of weeks - and then I hit the infamous "three week stall". How quickly you lose depends on so many factors - your age, gender, how much weight you have to lose, whether or not you lost weight pre-op (some people lose their "Water weight" *before* surgery), how muscular you are, etc. You can't really compare yourself to others, although I know it's hard not to. I wouldn't worry about it at all, though. I'd say 11 lbs for the first two weeks is definitely in the normal range.
  7. catwoman7


    yes. The "three-week stall" is a very common phenomenon (doesn't always happen at exactly three weeks, but somewhere around there. I stalled out weeks 2 and 3 and then dropped six lbs week 4.
  8. Take your measurements (hips, waist, bust, arms, legs), and then track them each month. You will see a difference in sizing most likely during the months that it seems the scale showed little to no loss. It's because you sometimes lose fat and gain muscle - a pound of fat takes up way more room than a pound of muscle, so it helps to minimize the panic when you think you're not making much progress. And yeah, three week stall is pretty much a given, and it can last for weeks and you'll see other stalls most likely all during your weight loss journey. Don't panic, just keep drinking your Water, eating a healthy diet and exercising.
  9. jess9395

    1st week weight loss

    Everyone is different! Lots of things in play. Did you do a pre op diet? If you lost weight pre op your first week post op won't be a high because you already lost the big Water weight drop people often lose the first week of any diet. I lost an amazing amount my first week (17lbs) but I didn't have a pre op diet, even so my doc said at my one week follow up not to trust that loss and not to stress if it went up. It didn't, but I hit the "three week stall" right after at two weeks while my body caught up. It's a marathon, not a sprint!
  10. Stop panicking and weight in once a week. Too many reasons for minor fluctuations--Water retention, time of the month, too much salt, hot temperature, workouts--you will make yourself crazy. Also know that weight loss slows and there is an infamous three week stall that may or may not hit you anywhere from two to six weeks out.
  11. Yes, most folks stall about that point - 2, 3, 4, 5 weeks out. Google "three week stall." Don't worry. Be happy. Keep doing what you're supposed to do. If the stuck scale freaks you out, don't weigh.
  12. wantingabetterlife

    How long was your longest stall?

    Yes, perfectly normal. It's called the dreaded three week stall. There are many posts on BP about it. My longest stall was 38 days. Just stick to your plan and stay away from the scale. It will move, on its own time!
  13. Bndtoslv

    Roll call all who had surgery JUNE 2015

    You have the same stats as me except I had surgery 6/30. I am in a stall and was losing hope that I would make my goal of 229 by labor day but you have given me hope! I am slightly shorter than you though 5' 6''. Can I ask how long your three week stall lasted if you have one?
  14. sleevenv

    June 30th Sleevers?

    Hey folks! Four weeks out tomorrow! How's everyone doing? Anyone else hit the three week stall? I didn't, it came in the fourth! Overall, my weight loss has slowed to a creep.
  15. Bufflehead

    Curious Questions

    1) I see a lot of people talk about not having an appetite for foods they previously enjoyed or not being able to swallow certain foods. Why is this? My naive thought process is that your stomach had a procedure but your taste buds didn't and why would something that happened to the stomach impact your ability to swallow certain foods? I don't think anyone really knows why our tastes change. My best guess would be it has to do with elimination of a source of hunger hormone, plus gut bacteria get re-set through surgery. It is real though! As for swallowing, I actually haven't heard about people not being able to swallow something. If the taste or texture feels off, many people will choose not to swallow food after surgery. If it isn't soft enough, well-chewed, etc., it may come right back up after you swallow it. That's about all I know that would shed any light on that. 2) I see people talk about not losing much weight or immediately having hunger again. Why is this? Is there a percentage of people that a smaller stomach doesn't work for? How can you not lose weight with a significantly smaller stomach {aside from poor food or liquid choices}. I know we all have different metabolism and our bodies process foods differently - I don't necessarily believe in the whole "calories in, calories out" thing but ... seriously, how can your body not lose if your stomach is like 80% smaller and you follow the food/liquid rules? There are different phenomena that are possible here, and I am not sure which you are talking about. Some people experience stalls in weight loss, even early on (the three week stall for example), even though they are doing everything right. I'm not sure anyone knows for sure why that stall or any other stall happens -- glycogen depletion and replacement, hormonal changes, lots of things could be at work. Then there are people who lose a lot of weight and then either stop losing, or start re-gaining. Typically that's because of poor food choices: grazing all day, eating high-calorie, low-density slider foods, refusing to weigh/measure their portions and track calories and Protein, things like that. What is the percentage of people this just doesn't work for? Depends on your definition of "work for," as well as on your own surgeon. You would want to discuss rates of maintained excess weight loss for your specific surgeon with him or her. That whole "inverted gastric sleeve" sounds like a fancy name for over-sewing the staple line, which I think a lot of surgeons do.
  16. wright616

    Labor Day Challenge!

    After a three week stall the scale finally moved. 166.4 today. Thanks!
  17. BarrySue

    Feeling down :(

    The three week stall is a right of passage, my friend. Welcome.
  18. Bufflehead

    slow weight loss?

    You're upset about losing 15 lbs in 17 days? What were you expecting? Are you expecting that you will keep losing almost a pound a day? Because, I wish I had a way to say this gently -- you won't, unless you are some kind of freak of nature. Seriously, you are doing great with weight loss. Hang on because you may be about to hit the three week stall (if you don't know what that is, use the search function here and you will learn tons!). I don't want to freak you out, I just want to reassure you that if it does happen, it's completely normal and you are not doing anything wrong. As for the hunger, are you on a PPI? I am not sure what surgery you had -- your profile says lap band, but you are posting on the sleeve forum. Most sleeve patients are prescribed a PPI by their surgeon due to excess stomach acid after surgery. Excess stomach acid feels just like hunger. If you are on a PPI, you may need a stronger dose or a stronger PPI -- consult with your surgeon. Also, you are likely in an early eating phase. When you get to more solid foods, you may feel more sated with your meals. Finally, if you are feeling doomed and depressed, I hope you can reach out to your medical care team. No one should feel that way. A contributing factor can be that you are losing weight very quickly (you really are, despite your perspective on it -- I promise you!). Fat cells are where your body stores hormones, and right now your body is emptying out fat cells and dumping hormones into your blood stream. That can make many people feel extremely emotional, weepy, depressed, and even angry. Also, just the trauma of surgery poses a huge stress to your body and can make you feel sad and overwhelmed during recovery. I'm not a medical professional so I can't diagnose you or anything (even if I was a medical professional I couldn't diagnose you over a message board) but I can say I have seen a lot of people feeling similar to you right after surgery posting here. Hang in there, you are doing great.
  19. wright616

    How do you break a stall?

    I just got done with a three week stall so I understand your frustration. Keep eating right and exercising and the weight will come off. I also increased my calories by a hundred and that seemed to help
  20. Hi All, So for months I have been reading all of the posts on this board, rolling my eyes at the many three-week stall posts. I am 3 weeks tomorrow and I only lost about 1lb since last tuesday. I am anticipating that I won't lose much this week after being about 19lbs down since surgery! I just wanted to put out there that I am sympathetic to the stall thing. It is really hard especially the first time - you fear the weight loss will never pick up again. Funny, I don't remember this happening with the lap band for me in 2007...
  21. nvsleever70

    June 2015 sleevers

    I was sleeved June 15th. Started at 324 got down to 291 day of surgery now at 274... Feels like I should have lost more? Following diet, exercising daily. Plus was on a three week stall...just broke it.. See other posts where people have lost a lot more within first month. Am I being to hard on myself?
  22. Kindle

    Not losing weight

    Stay off the scale! I didn't have a three weeks stall because I hardly ever stepped on the scale. I guarantee my weight loss journey was a hell of a lot more fun because of it! Eat Protein, drink Water, take Vitamins. That all you need to do right now.
  23. Hi Titan, You have gotten... some good advice. Just a heads up, this forum is for Vets... those farther than one year out from surgery. I'm going to move this to general advice where everyone can comment for you. The three week stall stinks!
  24. Yes...you're in the three week stall! I stalled there and it lasted for six weeks for me. Called my NUT and she said keep up the Protein, add 100 calories of "good fats" (olive oil, avocado, etc.), stick with the program. I started losing again at about 8 weeks out. I DID lose inches during my stall, though. I think during that time I was burning fat and buildng a lot of muscle which weighs more than the same volume of fat. Adding muscle is very important to in order to get your metabolism burning better. So maybe try not to focus for the moment on the pounds and more on overall fitness? If you stay the course, it will come off eventually! Keep up the great work. 19 lbs. in a couple of weeks is totally excellent!
  25. Use the search function here and look for the phrase "three week stall" -- you will find that this is something virtually everyone goes through about 3 weeks out. You are not doing anything wrong. Your body is taking some time to rest and recuperate after a drastic shock. The scale will start going down again, I promise you. Don't expect your weight loss to be a linear plunge down -- most people, as they go through weight loss, find that their weight loss graphs look like crazy stair steps designed by a drunk. Our bodies are not calculators, and they don't always behave with mathematical precision. It can be frustrating, but don't let it stress you out. Maybe stay off the scale for a while if it is making you crazy. But I promise you, stay on plan, this is a temporary blip. Also, promise yourself to come back here in a few months and answer one of these sorts of posts. I am not kidding when I say there is a post every.single.day by someone who is freaking out because somewhere between two and four weeks out from surgery, their weight loss has "stopped" even though they aren't doing anything wrong. Maybe even go make some pre-emptive, informative posts on the pre-op forum so that not so many people are unaware of this phenomenon!

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