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Found 2,865 results

  1. jensjoy28

    Help...very confused

    I haven't looked at your ticker, so I'm not sure where you started at...but 29 pounds doesn't seem slow for most starting weights...I take it you were so surprised at his response that you didn't ask him a follow-up question like, "really, how much would you have expected me to lose?!" I started at 310 and am down 25 pounds in 3 weeks...if I am like many others and have the 3 week stall, then I will be down 25 pounds in the first month.
  2. Sent from my iPhone Well done on losing those 12Ibs.. Loss is a loss no matter how much, have you been losing weight every week? Or have you perhaps been in the dreaded 3 week stall still??? I luckily only had a stall for 4 days and then the weight loss continued but a LOT of people hit a stall after 3 weeks, lasting up To 6 weeks.. But after that period the weight rapidly comes off apparently! I just focus on Protein protein protein, I have 6 little tiny meals per day and a protein shake! I don't excersize, I honestly don't have the energy. Keep your head up and make sure you're following your doctors meal recommendations. Good luck! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  3. Butterthebean

    Stalled at Week 3

    The 3 week stall is so common there should be a sub forum just for it. Really, almost everyone does it....then goes on to lose their weight and get to goal, so don't worry too much about it. There is a link in my sig to a good article explaining the whole situation.
  4. MIJourney

    I am not losing

    Don't worry. Stick with your plan. There will be days the scale doesn't move but it will always start up again. Try to weigh in once a week. Search the forum for 3 week stall. You'll see many have experienced it. Good luck with your journey!
  5. Hi everyone, I'm about a week shy from being 6mos post-op from VSG. I've lost about 45lbs so far but my weight loss has slowed dramatically. I haven't had a stall yet (didn't even have the infamous 3-week stall) and I'm really lucky for that, but I've been hovering at 155 for about 6 weeks now. It's really frustrating and I don't know what to do differently. I'm staying in my calories (about 1100/day at this point) and trying to stay active and hydrated. Am I just DONE losing weight at 6 months post op???! I still have 30lbs to goal!
  6. livvsmum

    Stalled..So frustrating

    I agree. So early in the process your body is still freaking out and trying to figure everything out. I had a 3-week stall right between 3 & 4 months post op and I just decided that i wasn't going to freak out about it because I really had no option but to keep doing the things I knew I needed to do. After 3 weeks the scale started moving fast and furiously again. Hang in there!
  7. I'm between 2-3 weeks post op and literally have not lost anything since surgery. I weigh exactly the same as I did the day of surgery. Granted I lost all the surgical fluids and IV fluids that were pumped into me the two days in the hospital. Those fluids came off within days though. The three people that were sleeved the same day as I was have all lost between 11 and 24 pounds. They did have substantially higher BMI's than I did however, I'm the only one of the 4 of us that walks daily and I follow the program diligently. Is this common, the no loss part? On a lighter not, at least I won't have to worry about the dreaded 3 week stall. Protein intake? I aim for 90 per day with ease. I have regular bowel movements, drink minimum of 70 ounces of fluids 75% is water. 50% of that is with lemon. Sleep well and feel no different now than I did pre op. I feel great. Your thoughts?
  8. deerjay

    Protein, Bariatric Vitamin, Stall

    My surgery was the day after yours. I too had trouble taking my Vitamins. I tried taking them before meals, after meals, in between meals, and every time I got extremely nauseated and even vomited once. Thankfully, I think I figured it out a few days ago. I eat about 1/3 of my meal, take vitamin, eat another 1/3, take rest of vitamins, finish meal. This has been working wonders! By the way, my vitamins are chewable, so I'm not drinking during meals. I left my house for vacation 4 days ago. This is the first time I haven't been weighing myself daily. I'm nervous about weighing in when I get home. I don't want to hit the dreaded 3 week stall! I hope these tips are helping and your stall ends soon!
  9. micphd

    ? normal post op

    I woke from surgery with a dry mouth (normal post op) and with moderate tenderness. By 10 that night I was done with any pain meds. Haven't had any issues since and been losing steadily since (until I hit the dreaded 3 week stall)
  10. magpie26

    Longest stall ever

    Don't worry, you'll come out of it. I stalled at the dreaded 3 week stall, then again a few weeks ago for probably at least a week, got back on the scale this past Monday (last Monday) and I have lost 5 in a week. I was so frustrated i couldn't stand it! Everyone here says you go down, then can stall then even go up then start losing again. And you're better than me because i am NOT exercising nearly at all. I've lost 45 since 4/2 10 pre-op the rest post op after 4/17. Transitioning to solids sometimes stalls you too, more waste- more poop, lol! I had to do a stool softener when I started solids.
  11. Coachthex32

    Sleeved on 1/17

    Your on track. Just beware of the 3 week stall. It is real!
  12. Well today is a GREAT day. I am 4 weeks post op. My 3 week stall has seemed to pass!!! My diet is now my life time diet. I haven't had any issues with tolerating any foods. I feel full at my meals. Eating about 1/2 cup at a time. Maybe a little more if it is soupy. I am going today to start my gym membership and I couldn't be more excited! I can't wait to see what the next 1 month anniversary holds! Down 30 pounds and counting!
  13. contrygurl

    March 2013 Sleevers... What are you eating?

    I was sleeved 3/29. Down 34 lbs. went through a 3 week stall which was TOUGH! Just came out of the stall with 4 pounds lost. Oatmeal, Greek yogurt or egg for breakfast, string cheese snack, small piece of baked fish or protein shake for lunch, fruit or a little hummus for afternoon snack, and a bite of whatever protein the family has for dinner. Walking helps a lot!
  14. CANDI254

    Increasing calories

  15. MKambalimath


    I know, I know! Everyone goes through stalls and everyone posts about it..but......I'm eating 600 calories a day, doing light weights 2 times a week, but only for the last 2 weeks and getting 60 mins of cardio at least 3 times a week....and I am still at only 30 lbs lost. Actually, I just got on the scale a little bit ago and it says I gained a pound, WTH? So its only 29lbs. I am so frustrated. Even though I know its normal, its making me so discouraged. I'm making a conscious effort to eat one more meal a day since I was only eating 3 before, and still nothing. This has been going on since I was 3 weeks out. Im only a little over 6 weeks now. I lost 28lbs in 3 weeks and then 2 in 3 weeks. I barely eat any carbs, mostly chicken and cheese. The only "treat" I allow myself is frozen yogurt, but only a couple times a week. I keep waiting to pass this "3 week stall", but its not MOVING!
  16. tonya66


    Updating my journal - Got my 3rd fill on Friday (7/6/07), was raised to 3.5cc's and I now feel like I have less restriction than I did before. So weird. I called my dr. and they are scheduling me for an upper GI tomorrow. I hope everything is okay. I have lost another 2 lbs - weight now finally to 176! I've been on a 3 week stall maybe even 4 weeks. Still exercising, but have slacked this last week. Planning on doing my LBWO tonight. I'm also very nausiated right now. I went to the gym on Saturday morning, and was working out and thought I was going to barf on the elliptical machine. I'm not sure what is going on, very weird.
  17. tonya66


    Updating my journal - Got my 3rd fill on Friday (7/6/07), was raised to 3.5cc's and I now feel like I have less restriction than I did before. So weird. I called my dr. and they are scheduling me for an upper GI tomorrow. I hope everything is okay. I have lost another 2 lbs - weight now finally to 176! I've been on a 3 week stall maybe even 4 weeks. Still exercising, but have slacked this last week. Planning on doing my LBWO tonight. I'm also very nausiated right now. I went to the gym on Saturday morning, and was working out and thought I was going to barf on the elliptical machine. I'm not sure what is going on, very weird.
  18. BellaItaliana

    stalling with weightloss

    You're not failing. You're in the legendary 3 week stall. Almost everyone experiences it. Do a search on 3 week stall and you'll see. Just stick to your plan and it will break. Your body is just trying to catch up to the weight you lost quickly in the first two weeks. Give it a little time and keep following your plan.
  19. After losing 15 lbs in the two weeks post-op (and 0 lbs pre-op because I didn't do a pre-op diet), I have been stalled for going on 10 days. I know it's normal and to be expected...I've googled it, read the message boards, and still stayed awake at night worrying that 15lbs is all I'd get out of this process. BUT, I'm wondering what your experiences have been in terms of how long this lasted, and what (if you can identify anything) broke the stall. Thanks! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  20. Ms skinniness

    Depo-Estraidol Injections

    This could be the famous 3 week stall period....... Eat healthy, drink a lot of water and exercise.........
  21. Could my hormone injections cause my weight loss stall ? I am 4 weeks post op. I have read about the 3 week stall. I had surgery on Oct. 8 and I took my injection on Oct. 23 and have been stalled since then. I have lost about 20 pounds, but scales has not moved since injection. Very frustrated.
  22. Ok so lets start with stats Heighest 270 Surgery: 238.1 Current 223.2 * I actually gained 4 lbs in 3 days* Height 5'7" So let me start off my saying... BLAH!!!!!!!! OK so here goes.. I thought I was doing really well.. I was going to the gym 5 days a week, staying motivated, drinking all my fluids, and trying my best to stay on the program.. Don't get me wrong im not perfect and I did cheat.. normally I don't regret it because I really work my butt off at the gym, but recently I think because I've been justifying my cheat with a "well ill just work extra hard at the gym" im actually seriously sabatoging my progress. Let me say though funny part is im not cheating my eating foods im not supposed to eat.. but because i work in a bar im having a drink instead.. SO NOT A GOOD THING as im only 3 weeks out of surgery. Why am I telling you this... BECAUSE I AM GOING TO HOLD MYSELF ACCOUNTABLE! Now here is the kicker... TODAY I WENT TO THE HOSPITAL FOR SEVERE ABDOMINAL PAIN ON THE LEFT SIDE... I was in the ER for 11 hours, and they still have absolutely no idea why i have this pain .. i don't honestly think its because of the alcohol, but it scared me enough to realize that even a small cheat can be DETRIMENTAL to my health. As of now i am still in a considerable amount of pain, docs did an iodine test to see if i have any leaks and a CT Scan, all which came back normal.. SO why the pain? If anyone has the answer to that... PLEASE LET ME KNOW. From now on though.. im stickin to the plan cuz one thing i do know.. even though the alcohol may not be causing my ab pain... It sure as hell is contributing to my WEIGHT GAIN! And it is wayyyyyyyyyyyyy to early to be gaining weight! I mean ive heard of the the 3 weeks stall... but the 3 week weight gain.. GET REAL! So here is my pledge.... I will abide by the rules, i will still hit the gym, and i will hold myself accountable!
  23. Madam Reverie

    sleeve failed

    You're in the dreaded 3 week stall. Search for it under forums and there is a plethora of information to suggest how to buck it. I was in the 3 week stall for nearly 4 weeks. I'm 4 months out and have just got out of another 3 week stall. Its your body calibrating. Up your calorie levels a wee bit, no carbs, lots of water.. voila. It'll move again when your body is ready.
  24. Kindle

    4 weeks out and feeling defeated

    You are right on schedule for the dreaded "3 week stall"... Don't get discouraged, stalls happen to everyone. I only weigh 1x week and I'm almost 3 months out. my last 3 weights were 184, 187, and 185. And that was while being sick and not getting more than 500 calories/day. I'll weigh tomorrow, and may or may not have lost. I'm not too worried about it, because in the meantime, my jeans went from snug to loose. So "stuff" is happening even if the scale doesn't say so. (I say return the scale. Not worth it if it makes you stress)
  25. MzB

    Dallas sleevers

    Ellie, Congrats on the successful surgery! Also, it sounds like you have a good handle and attitude about recovery. I am sorry to hear about your throat. That must really hurt, but I guess since your just on liquids now it has a real chance to heal. Still would have been nice for the anesthesiologist to get it right given how much one seems to cost. ???? Keep up the great attitude! Remember there is a good likelihood for that 3 week stall. Just know that you have got this and the weight will start really coming off after your body has some time to heal. It's a marathon not a sprint, but you seem to have a great game plan for success. ????????

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