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Found 2,865 results

  1. It has been 3 weeks today and I have lost 23.5, but nothing for the last 8-9 days...guess I am headed towards the dreaded 3 week stall...but, it'll get moving again.
  2. Ditto on the 3 week stall! Like you, my pants fit loose which is a good thing I guess but yeah, a bit frustrating. Just think, we haven't been eating, so the weight has to come off eventually, right? If not, where is it going? lol
  3. Being a high school teacher and a football coach I thought that I had a system that would work right through any potential of a stall. Work harder = better results. Well, I'm in the middle of 3 weeks post op and I have not lost anything the last 4 days. Even gained .2 during the stall. Added more Water and Protein (still in the liquid stage) and have been increasing walking times. There are probably a 1000+ posts talking about the 3 week stall and how it happens to 98% of us. SO.... here I am dealing with a stall. But the strangest thing happened this morning, pants that did not fit at the start of the week are now almost too loose! Not losing weight during the stall, but losing inches.......just like what all the vets said.
  4. cat17


    Normally, I'm a daily/every other day weigher--I like to see what my body is doing. BUT, I hit the dreaded 3 week stall, and suddenly couldn't handle the stress. (I couldn't eat less, I was on my program 100%.) So, I decided only to record my weight on my monthly surgerversary. Letting go a little and trusting the process worked wonders for my peace of mind. I still peek if I'm curious, but I don't get down about it. Once I hit maintenance, or am able to eat more normally, I will probably watch the scale closer.
  5. lkcnewbeginnings

    12 Day Post Op Weight Loss

    Don't get discouraged. I only lost 5 after surgery and went on a 3 week stall. But I kept walkiing and eating right and now I"m at 20lbs at 5 weeks post op and the loss is going fairly quickly. I lost 10 lbs before surgery, so 30lbs total and I'm thrilled because now I am losing 3-5 a week. Hang in there. I actually quit weighing for a while and just went by my clothes getting baggier and feeling thinner. The scale can mess with your head during a stall.
  6. Hammer_Down

    Crushed by today's weigh-in

    Most doctors aim for 2 lbs of weight loss per week on their reduced calorie diets. Following low carb, you can expect a loss of Water and inflammation during the first 2 week since equalling about 10% of total weight to lose, then slowing to about 2 lbs a week after that. There are hundreds, nay, thousands of posts about the 3 week stall on here. Many people will experience a stall on weight loss during that time frame, and periodically thereafter. A monthly cycle will affect scale weight, as will things like sodium intake and the time of day you weigh, wether you've had a bowel movement and stress levels.
  7. paul12677

    Crushed by today's weigh-in

    Don't be discouraged.. just follow doctors plan and you will be fine.. we've all been through these moments of frustration and It eventually all works itself out.. I went through a 3 week stall and was miserable.. felt the same way you do now.. but overall down 60 pounds and feel great Paul12677
  8. Thank you so much. Give it some time. My starting weight was 242 lbs in July and to date I have lost 47 lbs so this wasn't an overnight thing. So please don't think I'm one of those that posts 100 lbs gone on 2 weeks????????????. Not true here. This has been a challenge this entire month and I have already had the dreadful 3 week stall but I kept pushing through and will keep doing so until I reach goal. I encourage you to do the same and we will both get there. Success is within reach... I can taste it.
  9. I think 10,000 is a reasonable goal. I walk my two 15 minute breaks at work and half my lunch break and get those steps in before I even leave work. Breaks it up and makes it easier to obtain. Then I hit the gym for weight training or another 30 minute workout like the elliptical at least 3 times a week. I'm 7 weeks out and had the 3 week stall myself..actually 3-4 week stall. Lol Lower BMIs don't lose as quick either. I'm losing super slow but I'm losing and that's what counts. Just keep with it and it'll break through. It did for me.. SW 232 CW 207.4 GW 155 Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  10. Juliafinallylosesit

    calling all December 2016 sleevers!

    Anyone else in the 2-3 week stall? I'm starting to feel really depressed. Just wondering if anyone else sleeved in December is past the stall and how and when it broke. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  11. QueenOfTheTamazons

    How much did you lose...

    I am 3 months post op tomorrow and I've lost 77lbs. I lost 25lbs in the 2 week liquid diet and 52 post op. I have had a 3 week stall and a 2 week stall which has frustrated me to no end Sent from my XT1021 using the BariatricPal App
  12. cat17

    Question in weight loss

    Look in the sub forum "don't sweat the stall stuff"--very informative and so many examples. I just came out of my 3 week stall (lasted about that long too), but I'm losing again, so no worries, you can do this!!
  13. Yes, I was sleeved on 10/26/2016. I am almost 60lbs down and it is already just part of my life. I only had a required 4 day liquid diet, but I did it for 9. I wanted to lose as much as possible pre surgery. I rocked the pre surgery liquids and the first week post surgery, the two week full liquid phase was by far the biggest struggle and from there it just got easier. The full liquid phase and the dreaded 3 week stall (you'll hear a lot about this here and not a lot of prep from doc or nutritionist) where mentally the hardest things I've have had to deal with through this process. My insurance was United Healthcare and I had the approval in about a week. Which procedure are you having? I'm Greg, from Fairview Hgts. Patient of Dr. Ricks. Awaiting approval for surgery. Would be interested in attending or meeting others who have made a decision to save themselve and take on this new lifestyle journey. Have been a paramedic for 26 years, have always put everyone else first, except for myself. Sent from my SM-G930P using the BariatricPal App Hi Greg - Dr. Ricks is great. I had the EGD at the end of July. No problems at all. I'm all for meeting people who are also on this journey. I took the following information from their website. I think I will go to both Peer Support January meetings. Thursday, January 12 6:30 pm — Alumni Class — Fitness Trends for 2017 6:30 pm — Therapeutic Support Session (meet in MNS office) 7:30 pm — Peer Support Group Thursday, January 26 6:30 pm — Alumni Class —Getting More Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis (NEAT) 6:30 pm — Therapeutic Support Session (meet in MNS office) 7:30 pm — Peer Support Group I will also "friend" you on here. My twitter handle is truefictionblog! Happy Losing!Have you already had your surgery ? Thanks for reply and information. Sent from my SM-G930P using the BariatricPal App
  14. spowell

    I had my surgery almost a month ago

    Thank you for reminding me of the 3 week stall. I am almost 1.month out and I quit weighing myself. It would just disappoint me. I can tell that I am losing inches. My husband and some friends can tell especially in my face. Thank you! Sent from my SM-G900V using the BariatricPal App
  15. Juliafinallylosesit

    December Sleeve

    Anyone else in the 2-3 week stall? Or on the other side of it? Wondering when and how it will break. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  16. Babbs

    Feeling frustrated

    Weight fluctuates for many reasons. Water retention, constipation, hormones etc....especially if you're weighing every day or several times a day you'll see the fluctuations. I suspect you're going into your "Dreaded 3 week stall" a little early. It happens to 98% of us, and the cuplprit is glycogen storage due to starvation mode. It causes weight to stall or even gain a little when it happens. You're not doing anything wrong at all. Just stay the course, make sure your're getting all your Protein and fluids, and if the fluctuations or stalls bother you, try to stay off the scale.
  17. SharBear617

    Weight Gain

    I agree....try not to over weigh yourself or you'll go nutty over it. Your setting in for your 3 week stall (definately a thing) so try not to panic. The losing will resume. My important rule of thumb? I never weigh myself more than one time in a day (unless I weigh first thing in the morning, then shortly after have a large BM - sorry, crude I know, but I'm stepping back on that scale if I'm certain there are ounces that I've lost in that toilet!). If I step back on the scale sooner than 1 week is up, and I see the number stuck, or <gulp> has gone up, I just don't let it register. I wait until I'm sure the weight has started dropping again. Sent from my SM-G928V using the BariatricPal App
  18. Thank you for this! I am in the 2-3 week stall and it's depressing. This helps! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  19. Hello 3 week stall.....ugh!

  20. I agree with the two posts above. I am sorry to hear of your Mother's passing. For what it's worth, when I have gone through a very stressful time, I try to pamper myself a little more to de stress. Have a facial, massage, mani/pedi. Just to relax and refocus. The weight will come off. Just follow the rules. I just had a 3 week stall, then 4 lbs in 2 days. I've said this before, but sometimes I feel like it is a stare off between me sticking to the rules and my endocrine system giving up a lb or two. Stay the course. I and a lot of people also did the 3 week stall. While eating 800 or less calories I did not loose a single pound for 20 days. Be patient. If you follow the rules and create healthy habits, you will do great! Don't forget that a nutritionist can be very helpful. I still see mine every month or two just to stay on track. You can do this!
  21. 4MRB4PHOTO

    Search function

    If people used the search function, then there wouldn't be all those "Are stalls (or 3 week stalls) normal?" or similar questions that we enjoy seeing posted two or three thousand times. Also, we need to stir up the debate over drinking carbonated beverages and/or the use of straws every few days to keep things lively here.
  22. Lucky2Lose

    Weight loss

    I'm almost 4 weeks out from my sleeve and I didn't lose anything last week..the 3 week stall I hear about is real..haha I just kept to my diet plan, walked my butt off and the last 3 days I have lost 6 lbs..just like that..crazy but true..so my best advice is if you are doing everything right..then keep on keeping on, but if you are sneaking bites of things you know aren't right or not walking like you should be..readjust what you are doing and get back on track. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  23. Babbs

    The Stall From Hell

    It's just the 3 week stall. You're not doing anything wrong. It happens to 99% of us, and you just really have to let it pass. You can try a few things to feel proactive, but it's gonna happen, and yes, it's gonna pass. Not one person I know has stopped losing weight at 3 weeks out! Stalls further out? Heck yeah you should be able to tweak some things to get the scale moving again. But this one is going to happen and not pass until your body is good and ready. Could be a week....could be 2. Could be 3. I know it feels like it, but it's not the end of the world. Work your program and stay off the scale and stop stressing! You know the stress hormone causes weight to hold on, also. Someone wise once said "Stalls are like lovers. Your first probably won't be your last"
  24. gustavio

    Impatient [emoji30]

    Keep following the plan and be patient. Easier said than done for sure! Every time I stall I convince myself I am done losing weight and I get so upset. Inevitably, the weight-loss begins again and I'm a happy camper until the next stall. STALLS are part of the process. May as well get use to them. 3 weeks out is an infamous stall that you will see everyone talking about on here. Oh the dreaded 3 week stall. I hit it, I'd say, 80% of people on here have hit that one. It is the toughest because it is most often the first stall. Congrats on your new surgery! Good luck to you. Don't stress. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  25. DeletedMember

    Not another stall question!

    I've looked into this quite a bit because it's always been mystifying to me. More out of curiosity than anything else as I only had one stall, for about 2 weeks, shortly after surgery (the famed 3 week stall). The bottom line is that there are a lot of reasons, and no one knows exactly. The most often cited reason is glycogen. The short version of this is that your body is very efficient, and it will get energy where it can do so the easiest. Short term, the easiest way is by burning sugar stored in you body in the form of glycogen. Glycogen binds with Water at a 1:3 or 1:4 ratio. So, let's say your body burns a pound of glycogen for energy, it will also release the water, so you could drop 3-4 pounds in a day. Once your body gets low on the easy energy source, it realizes you can't live without these energy stores, so it start burning fat and restoring your glycogen (and the water). So, while you may lose 4 pounds of fat, the scale will not budge as you are re-storing the glycogen and water. But there are a lot of other factors - did you change your diet recently? Are you drinking enough fluids (ironically your body holds on to fluids if you aren't consuming enough)?Hhas your salt intake changed (again, water retention)? are you constipated? Do you have your period (well, you and I are male, so we can probably rule this out!), etc, etc.?? All of these things are factors, and it could be any combination of them, or something else all together (medication?). Regardless, it still seems unbelievable at times. I know when I had my stall I was only consuming maybe 400-500 calories a day, which should have created at least a 2,000 calories deficit based on my body weight. I should have been at a 14,000 calories a week deficit, so not losing for 2 weeks just seemed mathematically impossible! I wasn't overly stressed during my stall, but I hate when I don't understand things, as I'm a very logical and data driven person. Remember though, this works in reverse as well. I lost 50 pounds in 6 weeks pre-op. And I was probably eating 1200 calories a day. Averaging 8.33 pounds a week also doesn't make sense mathematically. However, no one ever seems to question that math, right :-) !!

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