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Found 17,501 results

  1. @@K-Lynn, I have had elevate liver enzymes as well. It depends on whether it is AST or ALT and how far they are elevated. They would have to be insanely elevated to consider a diagnosis of cirrhosis (alcoholic or non-alcoholic). When mine were elevated, my doc just said watch what you eat, get plenty of fluids, and check again in six weeks. Six weeks later it was normal. So don't let just one test tell the whole story.
  2. I can tolerate foods very well. I haven't had pasta, but I've had a little rice and potatoes. I'm not really nauseous. I'm doing my fitness pal to make sure I'm getting my protein in. I average 800-1000 cals/day. I'm so scared to try sugar or fatty foods, I don't want to dump. I think everyone is different. I have a bypass friend who can tolerate sugar and one who cannot. It's easy stay on track now but I'll be sad if later on I don't get the dumping to keep me in line, it wasn't my fail safe but was a back up plan lol. I think I'm holding off on trying sugar and alcohol till I'm at goal. But I'm truly satisfied with my food right now.....
  3. BayougirlMrsS

    Tell me what makes YOU special.

    Love this post.... Lets seeing come from a a very large family. My dad has 20 brothers and sisters... I survived rape at 13. I had a child, got married and divorced before I finished high school. Which I know is nothing to brag about but I learned to survive. He was a drug and alcoholic who cheated from day one. Put myself through collage while raising a kid alone. Fast forward..... Last year I knocked a few things off my bucket list.... I got my concealed carry weapons license and became a certified range instructor. And stared in my very first play at our local theater. I was Barbara in Murder most fouled up. I had the best time. I have two grandkids that most people think are mind. Lol This year I plan to sky dive
  4. I am not "scolding" anyone I am just simply saying sometimes people forget where they came from and they have to remember how it would have made them feel if someone would have done that to them or how it would make you feel if you had an overweight teenager/young adult and someone approached them in the mall about WLS and your child came home in tears over it. My husband is severly overweight and will be having his surgery in a month or two and I have a teenage daughter who is overweight as well. My point was that if a random stranger approached my teenage daughter and started to talk to her about WLS the Momma bear in me would come out and tell you to beat feet. WLS is a topic that I would bring up with my daughter not something a random stranger should bring up. No one needs to take it upon themselves to approach a stranger about WLS. It is as bad as a person who no longer drinks and feels it is there obligation to tell you why alcohol is so bad or someone who has found religion again and feels the need to tell you why there god is better, It is a topic that should not be brought up to random strangers if people want to discuss it with family and friends that is one thing but to approach a total stranger is not acceptable in my opinion. Some people may feel diffent about it that is why we all have a different opinion I was just simply expressing mine as other were expressing theres. So if you felt you were being "scolded" that was not my intention as you were not the only one who had posted on this topic. I have recieved in the mail before from a "person with good intentions" ads for weight loss pills, exercise videos etc. mailed directly to me from a random person just trying to help me out was what the note enclosed in the envelope said. Do I know who sent them no but it was someone close enough to me to know my full name and address so I am very touchy about being approached by people with "good intentions" about weight loss help. All those ads and letter did was upset me. When I was ready to make a change I did the research and found out what steps I had to take to qualify for weight loss surgery.
  5. LisaPunkinHead

    Coffee post VSG

    My surgeon said no caffeine, period, as sleeve patients are now at a greater risk of a GI bleed. I drink decaffeinated coffee, and did that before surgery. (He also said no alcohol, period -- not an issue for me as I don't drink anyway).
  6. bikrchk

    Psycholgists, testing etc...

    My insurance and surgeon required it. They're checking for things like, do you have the commitment to make the necessary changes to be successful, are you doing this for your health or someone else? Tendencies to transfer food addiction to drugs, alcohol, sex, etc, suicidal thoughts, etc. They want to make sure you understand it's not a "quick fix" but a lifetime commitment. Not a big deal at all. Several paper\pencil tests and an hour interview. Mine didn't require anything post op and I've not felt like I needed therapy, (though I was prepared for that if I felt like I needed it.)
  7. Kindle

    Food Intolerances

    For the first 4 months I could not tolerate plain Water, lactose or artificial sweeteners. All gave me pain/cramps. But all of those passed and I can pretty much eat anything now. Certain things will make me gassy (although that can be true for someone with a "normal" stomach). Some things, like sweets and alcohol will irritate my sleeve if I eat too much. But that's more of an irritation/gastritis response rather than intolerance. One of my surgeons explained the intolerance thing like this....especially in the beginning, our sleeves aren't quite functioning like a normal stomach. It can't process foods as thoroughly, so the food particles and molecules are entering the intestines in a different state than they have in the past. Sometimes the intestines just have a harder time dealing with these "under digested" particles and the result is intolerance to those foods. In some cases, the intolerance will get better, but other times it can last forever. And allergies are different than intolerances, but that involves going into another long discussion about immune response....
  8. LipstickLady

    Weight gain after Gastric Sleeve?

    I, too, am curious what type of job one might have where you are FORCED to drink alcohol. How can that be? What if you are diabetic? Driving home? A recovering alcoholic? Seems like a liability to me. I am not a prude by any means. I loved a glass of wine (terrible heart burn now, I can't do it) before, and I drink a few beers or hard ciders on the weekends now, but there is no way in H E double hockey sticks that someone is going to tell me I **HAVE** to drink alcohol if I don't want to. Educate me!!
  9. CanyonBaby

    Weight gain after Gastric Sleeve?

    FYI, in case you didn't get this info, "alcohol is dangerous because it has a more concentrated number of calories per serving than other carbohydrate. Carbohydrate has only 4kcals per gram. Alcohol is 7kcals per gram. Calorie content varies tremendously because of the other ingredients (sweeteners and such) and the concentration of alcohol." This is from a handout I received as part of a "behavioral slip" informational sheet at a support group meeting. These calories can add up really quickly, which is why, I believe, it is so frowned upon. Kind of a wake-up call!
  10. MichiganChic

    Weight gain after Gastric Sleeve?

    You are doing fine. I know some people report they can't feel restriction at first, but do when they get past liquids and soft foods. I weigh myself daily, and I track it, but only count the weekly weight. Human bodies just do not lose daily, and often bump up along the way, even the trend is steadily down overall. You are doing the right thing by weighing and measuring your food, and tracking calories. Keep up the good work. One question - how can you be forced to drink alcohol? Just curious - we all have to do things for work we don't necessarily feel like doing, lol. I'd sure try to pretend like I was drinking it, though. Not sure what your doc's "rules" are, but that was off limits for me at 6 weeks.
  11. @@jadama22 - I'd say hold off for now. It probably goes in the same boat as alcohol which also needs to be put on hold. So ask your nutritionist about when you can drink again and stick to that.
  12. I went to Vegas about one month ago and I had a few cocktails. My drink of choice was vodka and Water to which I added a flavor enhancer. I stay sway from juices, too many calories and too much sugar. I found some sugar free strawberry daiquiri and margarita single serve enhancers at the grocery store the other day. Those are what I would recommend even without the alcohol. Have fun!!
  13. I'd say post op 8 weeks and I was eating somewhat normal but that depends what you call normal. I mostly eat Protein. Little room for much else. I can eat most anything and have. The worst for me is bread, awful. Carmel popcorn at the holidays made me very sick. Alcohol has been ok, wine, scotch in smaller quantities. If I eat carbs it has negative consequences, bad gas and diarrhea. Typical Breakfast is a slice of bacon and a yougurt, Protein Bar for snack. Tuna fish for lunch , another small snack and some kind of protein for supper. I can tolerate eating veges but by the time you eat your protein there's not much room. I have lost 74 lbs and have 13 more until I hit my goal. I'm not a big gym person, love being outside so exercise has been tough considering our winter but spring is here!
  14. @@kgagmg You have SO much going for you! You've made some incredible, life-changing decisions for the better over this past year, and the fact that you realize you might have an alcohol problem is a huge step in and of itself toward getting some resolution. The first thing I thought of when I read your post is I wondered if your surgeon could recommend a psychiatrist/psychologist for you. My surgeon's office does, and she specializes in patients with eating disorders- maybe finding an expert in the field could be worlds of help for you. I wish you the very best of luck!
  15. Hey All, So I'm going to Vegas in April (7.5months post-op) and my girl friend and I are obviously going to want to go out in the evenings, dancing, etc. What on earth does one drink when they are going to a bar that isn't alcoholic, doesn't contain butt-loads of sugar and isn't carbonated? I mean the obvious answer is Water but there has to be something else? Help! :-)
  16. LSF


    I haven't had alcohol yet but I use the Crystal Light liquid now with water. When I do plan to have a drink, I want to try Vodka w/ ice water and I'll squirt some of my Crystal Light liquid for flavor. I want to stay away from the sugary drinks
  17. Hi Trish Olson, Thanks for your feed back, I am not much of a drinker, but I do have wine once in a while. Some of the postings I've read show that some go through many psychological changes and may develop dependencies, such as the over use of alcohol and behavior changes like maybe becoming compulsive shoppers and over spending. I believe it is very critical to make sure that if one has any underlying issues that may cause overeating and a sense of comfort derived from food that lead to binge eating - it is critical pre-surgery to seek that help beforehand find out what is going on that may be causing it, Because of my choice to seek surgery and realizing my bad emotional eating habits, I chose to see a psychologist so that I can sort through my emotions now. I'm finding that some of it is coming from traumatic events experienced in my early child hood, but the great thing is that I am addressing it and facing my demons head on. I truly want to change my life with regard to my weight, but also to have a complete transformation in the areas of mental and spiritual health.
  18. Pepper28

    Lapband and alcohol

    It all boils down to what u, ur band, can tolerate at the end of the day. U've just learned that alcohol or a certain alcohol mix irritates your band. The entry way between ur upper small pouch and the lower bigger pouch is probably swolen shut and not allowing anything thru now. Wait until the swelling subsides to eat or drink anything. Rest ur band for a few days with tolerable noncarbonated liquids and U'll know the moment the irritating & swelling are gone. Good Luck!
  19. CanyonBaby

    Nausea Anxiety Depression insomnia

    I think the thing is this: we build up a dream for so long (especially if you had to do the insurance gig for months on end), that we have unrealistic expectations that cannot meet what we have expected. So, for those who have yet to have the surgery, may I suggest reading posts, and taking to heart, what others are going through after they have had the surgery? That way you have a strong idea of what is coming at you. Listen, really listen to the ones who have had the surgery. Ask them questions. Believe what they say, they have no reason to make up anything. You can be assured that what they tell you is accurate. For the ones who have had the surgery already and are disappointed, have the sensation of being let down, are blue from the onslaught of less-than-pleasant realities; let me say this, all of these things (unless you have complications) WILL PASS. Maybe because I've had so many surgeries I can see beyond the present unpleasantness, I know that what I may be currently experiencing won't last, especially if I am following the rules given to me. I have read lots of posts on here about people drinking with straws, eating things that are way to early to eat, eating improper foods, drinking alcohol/caffeinated beverages, smoking.....and then I read about people having problems that may or may not be associated with those non-compliant behaviors. Then there are those with the idea they know more than the surgeons/dieticians/nurses who have studied hard to learn their craft, and tell others what meds/vitamins to take, what they should be doing and not doing....the list goes on. Seek advice from those who know their business. Your surgical team. The best thing you can do for yourself, in my opinion, is to always look FORWARD. ALWAYS. If you get stuck in the moody blues, they will drag you down. Look PAST them. See what the future holds for those who are willing to stay with the program and follow the rules diligently. And don't dwell in the pity-party that is SOOOOO willing to swallow you up. I sincerely wish you all the best, and have peace over what you have either already done, or are deciding to do.
  20. I am 29, I had by-pass about a year ago and have since gotten married, and started college again. I also have two daughters, 6 and 8, and work a full time job as a nurse's assistant. Since the holidays my alcohol consumption has increased dramatically and I am worried that I am becoming an alcoholic. I do not want to fail at this weight loss and I have too much going for me to ruin it with an alcohol addiction. Please I need some reassurance and encouragement to get through this difficult time. Thanks!
  21. LipstickLady


    I cared far too much about improving my health to cheat on my pre-op, especially with alcohol. I did call my surgeon because I was tired and weak from heavy work outs and he gave me permission to add lean meat and veggies to my diet due to my exercise regimen, but I stuck to his plan 100%. I did it for a month instead of the prescribed 2 weeks, too.
  22. Julie norton

    Lapband and alcohol

    For some of us, a small amount of alcohol goes a long way. 2 drinks has become my personal limit. Often just one before dinner But I love that I get to change my attitude just a bit. Since being widowed last year, I rarely find myself out at night.. But it is a nice treat to be civilized and have a cocktail with a small dinner for me????
  23. Beni

    OCTOBER 2014

    Funny on the no snacking rule. My NUT and RN both insisted that I have to have a snack in the afternoon around 4:00 Pm in order to make it to dinner at 7:00 PM. If I don't my blood sugar will become too low and I'll run out of fuel. Yes, it has happened. I used to have to take a nap in the afternoon to make it to dinner. Now, my snack is supposed to be a 100 cal or so, not a meal. So, I have breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner. Once in a while I will have a bite of something but it's not out of control. I don't see how a cracker or a chocolate bite will ruin my bariatric life. That does not make any sense. It's like telling someone if you have a glass of wine you will become an alcoholic. Yes, there are dangers with snacking because we are in a higher risk category then the general population. We had weight issues before. We have gone "there" but mindful eating is not the same as mindless eating. Mindful drinking is not the same as mindless drinking. Right? We have to eat, lol!
  24. B-52

    "picky eaters" - my pet peeve

    Have I become a picky eater??? YOU BET!!! And I am loving every minute of it! Before Lap band surgery, I was a disgusting fat gluttonous pig with one foot in the grave...diabetic, one heart attack resulting in cardiac surgery....I would eat anything and everything put before me, then finish whatever was left on my wife's plate But after Lap band surgery, I have NO hunger, NO cravings...I have NO interest in food or eating in general....I have gone full days and have forgotten to sit down AND EAT.... At times, I can stare at a menu and not find anything that interests me. I can wander around a grocery store and not find anything to bring home for dinner. My Tastes have changed dramatically...things I used to crave have no flavor anymore. Because of the band, there are foods I had to give up...I don't eat meat, things made from flour such as breads and Pasta, no longer eat rice, nothing deep fried.... Not only is my hunger and cravings limited, but My portion sizes are very small because of the band. So when I do eat, I have to make the best of what I can...the most nutritious, healthiest choices I can make...don't want to blow that opportunity on something bad. So I have become a very "picky health nut" Always looking for the most nutritious,healthiest, all natural, organic, non processed and high Protein foods I can Am I Picky??? YOU BET! I go to the gym every chance I get....usually at 5-6am where I run 5 miles, then do weights. I have NO BODY FAT left! (or very little)...It is not my goal, but my bodies decision to stop where it is the most healthiest - normal. I have not felt better, been healthier, in over 35 years...all because being very "Picky" thanks to this WLS... I have friends, read magazine articles, advertisements etc, where people find this lifestyle very "Chic" and they work hard to try to live it everyday....for me, it all became easy and fell into place because of my Lap Band surgery... As a disclaimer.....on top of it all, since I am no longer dieting or have fear of gaining any weight back...I still enjoy life's little pleasures....we will go out and get a Ice Cream Sundae with all the toppings at least twice a week....I do not hold back on alcohol....I enjoy a good beer with my friends from time to time.... In other words...food does not scare me.... I Love this new life! Call me picky...I LOVE IT! It beats the alternative....
  25. This topic is merely being presented as an educational topic with hopes that there has been experiences in the use of Marijuana after bariatric surgery. I smoke marijuana maybe once a week like having a glass of red sangria to relax after a long hard week. Although I'm not a frequent user, I am wondering if I will be able to use it after surgery. Fact for me is that it does induce hunger and I am sure this would not be condusive to being successful after the sleeve, but let's be real, there may be users out there who give it try. Unfortunately, there are not any concrete studies on this either like there is for tobacco and alcohol users. So feel free to enlighten and share your thoughts. Thanks!

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