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Found 17,501 results

  1. Sorry this is kindof long, I’m at a loss and need some advice/encouragement. Hi all, Im a newb! Was just sleeved on 2/10/21 and have had a horrible recovery. I was in the hospital for 4 days and threw up for 72 hours. That was fun /: I’m finally home and I am struggling majorly with getting fluids to go down. It sits under my sternum and eventually ends up behind my molars trying to come back up. I first thought it was my sip size. But I have resorted to a very very small dropper where I’m literally dropping less than 10 mls of liquid down the back of my throat and letting it go down. It took me 3 hours to drink 8 oz today. I was wondering if this has happened to anyone else? It feels like the passage way for the water/broth to go down is the size of a human hair and it just pools in my chest. Leaving me sitting straight up, hardly breathing for 30-45 min because I can’t inflate my lungs from the “fullness.” I’m worried because I’m only getting 30-40 oz of fluid max, and my calories are less than 50/day. I’m not so much worried about protein at the moment, as I am staying functional. I have already lost almost 12 lbs since the morning of sx. Any advice is so very appreciated! And Happy Mardi Gras/Fat Tuesday from the Bayou State! (First time in 28 years I didn’t have a single piece of king cake )
  2. I had Roux en y gastric bypass Jan 28, 2021. It will be three weeks this Thursday . I’ve lost 18 lbs in two weeks. I had a few post op issues but they have resolved. I vomited blood two days after surgery and 1 week post op I had to go to ED for fluids for dehydration. Feeling better now, but I’m still finding it’s hard to get in all fluids.

    1. Chardae


      Glad you're feeling better! I had surgery on 1/27/21. I'm having issues getting my amount of fluids in as well. I was never a big water person before surgery and had trouble then so now it's even more of a struggle to remember to drink. Buying 2 oz cups and sipping from there has helped me tons!

  3. My surgery was 1/28. My recovery was AWFUL. I threw up basically non stop for about 36 hours. Dry heaving after that procedure is so much fun. None of the nausea meds worked. I had to beg them to knock me out so I could sleep. So I got off to a really bad start. Now I’m more than 2 weeks out. I have not been able to tolerate much in the way of anything. I can only sip an ounce of a protein shake at a time and then I have to lay down until my stomach stops hurting. It’s essentially easier for me to just not eat. Best guess, I’m getting maybe 300 calories a day. Nowhere near 64oz of water or 60g of protein. I’m closer to 36oz of water and maybe 20g of protein. I’m eating yogurt and blended soups. Super watered down retried beans. I’ve nibbled on some crackers with a sip of water and they actually seem to go down way easier than anything else. I guess carbs are easier to digest. I don’t need a lecture on following the diet. I’ll worry about where the calories are coming from when I can actually eat. I’m definitely losing weight as the calorie deficit is so huge right now. I’m just wondering if anyone else is having such a hard time getting anything in. I don’t throw anything back up. I just cannot take more than 3 tiny bites or 1-2 sips at a time and then I have to lay down for 10 mins to digest. I cant spend all day repeating that cycle.
  4. Hi everyone I'm 13 weeks out today and have lost 19 kg in total. Experiencing my 2nd stall nowadays. When did you guys have the 2nd stall? How long did it last and what helped you to break it? Thanx in advance x Sent from my SM-N960F using BariatricPal mobile app
  5. Hello. I’m new on here and just over 4 weeks post op. My recovery so far has been ok, however I’m struggling massively with fatigue. I’m unable to return to work because of it. I’m doing everything correctly, taking my medications, trying to get protein and fluids in. My bloods have been checked and all normal. It’s very debilitating and getting me down as prior to surgery I was very active. Anyone else experienced the same? How long does this usually last? Thanks
  6. amyseattle

    Dreaded STALL

    The day of my 3 week post surgery date I hit a stall that’s latest a week so far. Do you promise it will break? I am still haunted by my dieting days when I’d stall and then throw in the towel. I know it’s different now - I just wish this didn’t happen so quickly in the process.
  7. Hello. I’m trying to find good soups and they said we could have creamy blended soup. Does anyone recommend any good ones or recipes?
  8. Hi Everyone, I had the sleeve done at the end of December. I lost about 25lbs those first three weeks. As of today, I have gone three weeks without losing an ounce. I get that my body probably needed a break after that initial weight loss but is this normal to go so long without losing weight, this early? I usually eat between 600-700 calories a day. I'm not super active and find I get dizzy very easily when I exercise. Did anyone else experience this? Any thing I should be doing differently? Thank you in advance.
  9. Tunchi71

    1 week out

    Hello everyone. I am scheduled for the 15th February and I must admit that I am terrified. Any words of comfort? Sent from my SM-G988U using BariatricPal mobile app
  10. 2 pounds up this morning on the 3 week anniversary of surgery. No change in diet of course... I heard about a dreaded stall, but weight gain? And how long did your stall last?
  11. So, a week since my surgery. One, you gain about 10lbs in water weight from all the iv fluids they pump in ya, but you pee them out quickly. Two, The pain from the hernia surgery far outweighs the pain from the sleeve surgery. Three, Getting fluids in is rough, because it seems there isn't enough time in the day. Four, ZERO Hunger, but every time a commercial for pizza or burgers comes on tv I want one. Five, So far so good. Can't wait to get to soft foods in a week, because the protein shakes, protein water, and yogurt is getting old. Six, Down 10lbs since the day of the surgery Not including the 10lbs of fluids, 50lb mark overall. Not so bad yet.
  12. ElPasoSleeveGal

    6 weeks post op food

    Hello! I'm curious seeing as how super bowl is coming up, how many have tried eating hot queso at 6 weeks? What about wings with no skin?? What was everyone eating at 6 weeks post op? Sent from my SM-N981U using BariatricPal mobile app
  13. It is currently 2 weeks after my Gastric Bypass in Jan. I know its just the beginning & its going to take time. But I do have a couple of questions. 1. I am having a bit difficulty drinking water. I didn't have any problems with water, I drank 6-8 cups of water, if not more. Now when I take even two sips of water my chest and back hurts, likes its full. I follow my doctor direction not to drink at least 30 minutes after eating. I am hardly getting 1 bottle in a day. I push thru the pain to drink an 16oz bottle. I was able to drink it more easier with crystal light mixed in which was only twice (or maybe it was perfect timing where everything was going smoothly internally). FYI, I drink from a bottle. 2. I was told by my doctor to start this past Sunday on puree food. I have such a hard time eating boiled eggs. I feel the same with like I do with the water even on an empty stomach. I chew it down to a mush. 3. I have pain on one incision (the main one). The pain is on and around the incision, not red and no pus discharge. But when I try to get off of bed it feels likes a big lump/ball inside that feels uncomfortable. Has anyone had these problems and what can I do to help? Are there any other problems I might face in the future? Thank You
  14. Four weeks since surgery.  12kgs down (26lbs).   I feel like I'm still not eating enough, but have had some great advice from the dietician last week that I'm implementing from today.  It's Monday morning in sunny and HOT Queensland, Australia, so today will be increasing my water, and including two snacks a day - it should also help me have a break from my desk.  Still working from home, still loving it!

    Happy Monday to you all x

    1. BSNJ


      I had my sleeve done August 2020. For the first few weeks, I barely ate much. I really didn't feel like eating. As my sleeve healed, I tried very small meals. I was more concerned about getting my fluids in. I was told often that I will end up in the hospital from dehydration. From the beginning, I kept a daily water/food log of calories, protein, carbs. I also record my weight once a week. It holds me accountable. The weight loss is slow, but my log shows me how far I have progressed. Good luck on your weight loss journey.👏

    2. Neensyb


      Thank you for your comments, I'm glad I am not alone in this. Sounds very cliche, but I mean it. I have slowed down this week, probably because it's THAT time. But I'm definitely getting more nutrition in and I'm testing new textures. The only disappointment is that salmon, steamed, makes me feel very heavy in the belly even after a few nibbles. Oh well, small price to pay hey.

      Have you noticed the way you stand, the way you feel, the way people react to you has changed?

  15. This is my third month after gastric sleeve total weight loss till now 40 pounds I started at 248 I’m stuck I don’t lose weight anymore and gaining one pound and losing it the following day this pattern been for two weeks I don’t eat sugar or carbs only focusing on protein I drink my water also some days I feel I can’t eat nothing at all but other days I eat up to 800 calories but most days 500 calories I’m so stressed I wonder if I’m going to lose the rest or what am I doing wrong could you please help me and provide me with what you eat in your day thank you
  16. I am just under two weeks post gastric sleeve. I am 20 pounds down from January 1, when I started the pre-op diet. However, most of the weight I’ve lost was pre-op. I’ve lost maybe 7-8 pounds in the two weeks since the surgery. Is this normal? I need to stop weighing myself every day. I’m following the diet, but I just had an idea that I should have been losing more by now. I have heard mixed things. Probably shouldn’t be comparing. Any thoughts/input would be helpful. Trying to stay as motivated as possible. Thanks!!
  17. Msjessiruiz

    Newbie & 1st stall

    Hello everyone! I'm new to this site. I had Gastric sleeve done on 12/28/2020. Today marks 4 weeks post op and I feel pretty good. My only concern right now is my first stall. I lost 17 lbs for the first week after surgery. Then I hit a stall. Which was fine my doctor warned me about it and he said it would last a little bit. So I expected 1 week to 2 weeks max. But today I hit the 3 week mark on this stall and my weight keeps fluctuating 3 lbs. I gain 3lbs and I lose 3 lbs. I'm very frustrated. I've gotten between 70 and 80 oz of water each day and protein is about the same. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Has anyone experienced this much time between stalls? I see my doctor on Wednesday. So I will definitely ask him if it's normal. I'm just curious if anyone else has gone through this?
  18. AshleyG1207


    What’s the best thing to do after a stall??
  19. So this coming Friday is approaching, and started the 2 week preop diet last week to shrink my liver, AND ENDED UP IN THE HOSPITAL!!! Apparently when they say as much non-starchy vegies as you want, they dont mean a whole bowl of uncooked baby carrots as they partially obstructed my bowell. BIG TIME PAIN for two days. Not a good start to this for sure. Good thing was i got a good look at the hospital. :-) Has this happenned to anyone else? Also, would it kill me to have one piece of pizza this week? Sent from my SM-N986U using BariatricPal mobile app
  20. Hopefully someone can shed light on what’s happening. I’m 5 weeks post op and today I’ve had horrible constant pain in my upper abdomen. Every time I eat the pain is worse, I’ve only had my shake and couldn’t finish it. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  21. I’ve been at 290-295 since end of November. I’m supposed to be down to 260 by my next weight check in in March. I walk 2 times a day. Run 3-4 days a week. Usually eyeball my meals. What can I do to get this weight falling off again?!? Thanks!!!
  22. Good morning all, My last post (about a month ago) was about hair loss, a major stall, and some female issues. A month later, and nothing has changed, except maybe getting worse. The female issues are *hopefully* being addressed at an appointment next week, though I'm not sure what will happen. I'm still stuck at 181 and have been for almost two months. At one point, I got down to 178 for a few days, but I suddenly shot back up to 184 and have been bouncing between 180-183 forever now. It's SO depressing! My hair is falling out at a rapid pace. I know this is a common side effect, but I wasn't prepared for it to be this bad. I literally now have small, nearly bald patches and the texture of existing hair is like fine straw. 😞 Not only that, but it doesn't seem my hair is growing at all. I had it colored two weeks before Christmas, and no new growth is visible. My surgeon's staff keeps telling me I need to be better about getting my protein in, and I need to stick to three meals and no snacks meals. Well, that's difficult for me. Even a tiny meal takes me forever to eat...can't tell you the last time I finished a hot - or even warm - meal. And I feel like I get far less protein in. I find I do better eating small snacks throughout the day. Snacks include mini cucumbers, raw bell peppers, string cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt, a couple of slices of low-sodium lunchmeat, tuna pouches, V8 juice, Builders Bars, beef jerky, etc. I add Unjury Powder (yuck!) to just about everything. I've also tried to make sure everything is SF and low sodium. When possible, I eat lots of chicken & fish, but I'm getting super tired of those things. I've come to realize I no longer enjoy food, whatsoever. I don't miss junk food (not that I ever really ate much of that anyway), but I miss going to a restaurant and ordering a meal to enjoy with my family. I take a couple of bites and am done - such a waste. My husband is a great cook, and I miss the meals he makes...I can't finish even the smallest filet, can only have a few bites of salmon, etc. I feel terrible when he cooks a beautiful, healthy meal and I can only have a few small bites. Anyway, sorry for the long post...just having a mini pity party for myself today.
  23. I'm entering my 3rd week postop and am just starting to incorporate soft foods. I'm just worried that I've felt very little restriction since my surgery. I've also been constantly battling the same old cravings. I've been more or less successful in getting in the total protein with constant shakes, but I still feel hunger. Today for dinner, I was able to eat an entire bowl of campbell's chicken soup and then 8 popsicles and was still hungry about an hour later. This was after eating half a cup of mashed potatoes only a few hours earlier. I haven't paid as much attention to weighing out my food so I will try to be better about that, but is this normal?? I want to make healthier choices, but I just keep thinking about all the same old bad foods I want to eat as soon as I'm able. I had hoped this surgery would help me feel sated but I feel the same amount of hunger and feel I could eat the same amount of food as before. Starting to worry...
  24. Hey ya'll! I had VSG on 12/29 and I'm 3 weeks post op. I am having a couple issues maybe some of you have experienced the same thing. First: I feel my weight loss is going very slow. My doctor said last week I'm doing good and am where I should be, but I thought I'd be losing more. (HW: 329, SW: 315, CW: 297) Second: I started soft foods last Tuesday and I have not pooped in over a week! I will say this...my protein and water intake is SHITTY and is no where it should be. Third: My program doesn't allow me to have salsa, avacado, tomato sauce, so it's bee hard to find things to eat. Any advice is appreciated! [emoji173] P.S- I miss wings, popcorn, and coke [emoji31] Sent from my SM-N981U using BariatricPal mobile app
  25. Hi loves... im 3 months post op for RNY and Im having my second stall... the first time was 3 weeks out for a week and a half and now is upon us again... how many stalls havr yall had and for how long?.. im getting my vitamins and protein in. I know I could do way better with my water in take I usually get 50ish oz but Ive always been a low drinker and my excercises are a non factor I cycle about 40 to 50 miles a week... HELPPPPPP

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