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Found 17,501 results

  1. Arabesque

    Thoughts from limbo

    You’ll get good drugs to begin but most of us find by day 3 or 4 you don’t need anything beside maybe the odd over the counter pain med (not a NSAID). I took a prescribed opioid on the morning of day 4 and never took another nor anything else. I actually don’t think I needed it that morning. I haven’t needed anything after day 3 of any of my other laparoscopic abdominal surgeries (gall & hysterectomy). But we are all different and have different pain thresholds.
  2. Hiddenroses

    August Surgery buddies

    Hello everyone!! I know I did a bit of a vanishing act, but I have things to report in. First of all - I hit a really frustrating plateau that lasted about 3.5 weeks from around weeks 7-10. That had me feeling pretty bummed, as it was post-two month check in and I had been feeling great about my progress before switching from purees to solids. I had last posted about hearing somewhat contradicting information from the nurse and Nutritionist. I had been told that I didn't need to really worry about staying on keto because I wasn't eating much as long as I hit my protein goal and by the nurse to try to stay Keto because eventually I'd get this great burst of energy from going into ketosis. WELL -- After doing some research I found out that the thing your brain tells you would be the worst thing to do - EAT MORE - was actually the solution. I started bringing in more vegetables and an occasional grains while sticking to mostly lean meats, plus using a protein shake for breakfast to keep me on track with my protein goals. I was already using Genepro; and I since picked up one of the Whey protein powders in a chocolate plus some of the PB2. That did the trick! I have started allowing myself an occasional 'cheat' type meal on days that I'm locked in on my protein, and find myself often meeting my protein goal and then some - more like 70g of protein per day rather than the minimum of 60g/day. The result of spreading my meals out - breakfast, three hours later lunch, three hours later 'dinner' and three hours later 'protein snack' if I'm still hungry - DID IT. My energy is up now that I've been walking more and giving my body more fuel. I am seeing the weight loss finally, and even when the scale doesn't show it right away I'm seeing my measurements shift and the way my clothing fits feeling different. I had purchased a cute pair of jeans about a week before my surgery and a button down short sleeve gingham shirt. At the time I couldn't get the jeans all the way up over my thigh; and now they fit loosely. My bras don't fit properly and I already had to buy one in a smaller size. I'm turning down plus sizes clothes I like that I find at the thrift store for pretty much the first time because - they're too big. I'm borrowing shirts from my Mom that I handed down to her previously and other friends handed down to her rather than me because she was a 2x/3x for a long time (mostly due to her chest) and I was a 4x+. I can feel where my arms have gotten smaller in the way shirts don't feel snug in the arms, shoulder, and chest area. I've gone down 2.5 ring sizes! All in all, I've found that portion control is still a big deal, but so is listening to your body and remembering that if it sends you a message about hunger, there is a reason. I DO have to focus on making sure I drink enough water, but the Baritastic app has helped me keep my sugar low. Even if I do hit over 30g of carbs in a day it's rare and because of something like beans, rice, or vegetables. I'm feeling more comfortable loosening the reins a bit on how strictly I adhere to my diet - although I still don't do anything carbonated, do minimal caffeine, and keep sugar very low. The idea to bring your own tupperware to restaurants along with a cooler is really smart. I'm not in an organized group exercise of any kind yet but I do have personal goals like trying to get in over 10k steps three times per week. I'm working my way up and have gotten to an average of around 5k steps each day, which I'm very proud of. My calorie deficit is usually 800+ calories less taken in than what I'm burning via exercise per day, and this week I have lost almost 6 lbs due to exercise and losing the bloat from my first period post surgery. I wanted to mention that - I did miss my first month's period and my second month's was late. As to exercise - I feel the activity in my back and as a low ache across my lower abdomen mainly, which I think is a result of using those core muscles and the way my figure is redistributing the weight on my joints. I'm shopping Marketplace to add weights to my exercise and still use my exercise bike when the weather isn't nice enough to walk. OH! And Old Navy has an amazing 50% off sale on their website right now and I just finally ordered myself some pants in two sizes below my pre-surgery size! I'm so excited for them to get here. Best wishes all, keep up the amazing work and be kind to yourselves!
  3. Almost 5.5yrs post sleeve and also have maintained below goal. I try to eat regularly & to a schedule. Helps me avoid unnecessary snacking and making poor choices because I’m overly hungry. I try to meet protein & fluid goals every day. I don’t track but check ingredients & nutritional content of new foods & recipes where I can and do random checks to ensure I’m not overestimating portions or calories, etc. I try to ensure I eat meat (yep I’m a carnivore), vegetables, fruit, dairy, and complex multi/whole grain carbs everyday. Add beans or lentils to various meals at times. I adopted a way of eating (not a diet) that is working for me & is sustainable. It doesn't stop me socialising or make it a challenge to make food choices. I do some sort of exercise almost every day (about 20 minutes a day total & not traditional ‘exercise’ but stretches & resistance bands). I weigh myself at least a couple of times a week. I can’t control every aspect of my life every day so I don’t beat myself up if I go off piste or decide to treat myself or can’t follow my regular schedule or can’t meet my goals or whatever. As long as it’s not the norm and a regular occurrence, I’ll be okay. And if something changes (ill health, the crap life throws at us, etc.), I’ll look at my options, make changes where I can or just work with my new reality.
  4. buildabetteranna

    Thoughts from limbo

    Hi, and ty for sharing your experience with me, no worries. I am always interested in making a new friend for chatting so feel free to message me<3 Yes the surgery isn't gonna be so bad I think, it's the pain after I'm more concerned with.
  5. NickelChip

    Disagreement about surgery date

    I was supposed to have my surgery Dec 28 last year. I had the option of taking a last-minute cancelation the Monday of Thanksgiving week, but when I told my mom (whose help I needed with my kids), she was totally against it. Said I would ruin everyone's holidays if I had a terrible recovery and kinda made it all about everyone else. So I gave up the date, even though it pained me to do it, because I didn't want to be selfish. A couple weeks later, my hospital discontinued their surgical program and canceled my date. I was devastated. I had to rebook with a different program, which was still affiliated with the parent organization of my hospital, but unfamiliar to me. I didn't end up getting my surgery until February. It was very stressful and I was pretty angry with myself for not choosing what I wanted instead of what other people wanted me to do. Having said that, it did all work out for the best in some ways. Apparently, the November surgery date would have been right after the doctors at my old program were told the center was closing, so maybe that would have meant the surgeon wasn't as focused going into my surgery, which could have been dangerous for me. And I would have had to do all my follow up with a different program, which would've been awkward. And I appreciate that I knocked out my deductible in February so have had full coverage of all my tests and appointments all year. I actually have a biopsy I have to get done next month (not related to bariatric surgery) and that won't have any out of pocket costs, so yay for that. On the other hand, my recovery was pretty much text book, so all my mom's worries over me ruining the holidays with a terrible recovery were baseless. I was pretty self sufficient and back to about 80% functioning by the end of the first week. And 8 months post-surgery, the holidays are rolling around again and guess what? I still can't eat more than a tiny plate of turkey breast, a few green beans, and a bite of pumpkin pie. I still won't be baking a million cookies or drinking a pint of egg nog. So, whether it happens this year or next, your family will have to figure out how to navigate around your new normal. If it were me, I would decide based on what makes financial sense (your deductible, etc.), what works for you with time off work, and would probably avoid the two weeks right before Christmas just because you will need some time to recover in peace without holidays adding to your stress. In retrospect, waiting until February wasn't such a big deal, though, so if you do have to wait, it will be okay. Just make sure you do it for yourself and not for everyone else.
  6. ShoppGirl

    First Bariatric Christmas

    No thanks would be ideal hut if your family and friends are like mine and just won’t let up sometimes a little white lie Iis in order. What i did with my sleeve at Thanksgiving and Christmas was just to take the food, eat my tiny portion say it was delicious and tell them I will be hungry in another hour and I plan to finish it at home. (I tossed whatever my hubby wouldn’t eat but it spared them feeling as if I didn’t enjoy it). There was WAY too much food so it would’ve ended up getting tossed anyways. Even after leftover week. If you haven’t told anyone about your surgery you can just say that it’s delicious but your stomach just feels a bit off and again take a plate with you to eat later and give it to someone who can have it. If it will tempt you though, just say no thanks and be persistent. I was actually thinking about a holiday dilemna too. I am always invited to an annual cookie day. Everyone brings their supplies for a recipe and makes like 2 dozen cookies and the host makes tons of sugar cookies the night before for the kids to decorate while the cookies are baking. It’s a while day of eating junk, drinking and smelling cookies. I don’t think I can do it this year, I’m too early out. I think I’m just gonna be honest since they do know about my surgery. Tell her I will pop by and say hello but I am not gonna stay.
  7. ms.sss

    First Bariatric Christmas

    i had my surgery in October 24 (2018). halloween was a non-issue...i did not have any interest in eating anything, let alone candy/chips/chocolate. come Christmas i was about 2 months post. and i truth be told i ate too much. from a regular-sized persons perspective i hardly ate anything at all, but for post-wls me, it was waaaay too much. went to 3 xmas meals in 2 days and i logged 800 cals day 1 and about 1200 day 2. but i barfed both days, so... also had my first (and worst!) dumping episode from a couple sips of a sugary cocktail (i ended up on the bathroom floor and carried upstairs to bed by Mr. where i passed out...good times 🙄) sooooo...mark me down as a cautionary tale. take it easy, eat slowly and small amounts. aside: btw, im 6 yrs out now and food parties and outings have long ago no longer result in nights on the bathroom floor for me. i can eat (taste) anything and everything and be perfectly happy.
  8. I'd suggest taking a look at The National Weight Control Registry at http://www.nwcr.ws/. This is a long term list of over 10,000 successful "losers" that have lost weight and kept the weight off for long periods of time. If we dig into the data a bit, a few things seem to come to light as keys to successfully maintaining weight loss: 78% eat breakfast every day. 75% weigh themselves at least once a week. 62% watch less than 10 hours of TV per week. 90% exercise, on average, about 1 hour per day Of course, another thing you'll see in the data is that there really is no one size fits all model for success. While the trends above are helpful for most people, there are people that are successful that don't exercise, that never weigh themselves, and don't eat breakfast. The point is that ultimately you have to find out what works for you.
  9. for me: (1) continuing to track my food intake (via MFP) and weighing myself daily...and making adjustments when a moving weight trend shows up in either direction i dont really want. also, (2) regular exercise (which morphed into a love for exercise) and (3) striving to maintain an angst-free existence: understanding that i am not perfect, that nothing is forever, that i believe i can and will adapt, accept OR change, whatever the circumstances. i am 6 years post op next week and have maintained below goal weight this entire time, following my own advice above. i know that my M.O. is not for everyone...but i also know that each one of us can figure out what works for us (and what doesn't) and act accordingly, if we choose to.
  10. first meal of the day: i was soooooo excited to eat this while i was preparing it...and yes, it was crazy delicious!!! smoked salmon, avocado, yuzu cream sauce, capers & toasted sesame seeds. with a side of some homemade feta focaccia i made yesterday. soooooooooooooooo yummer omg. a whopping 776 calories for the plate, ate roughly 2/3 of it (?)...Mr. ate the rest.
  11. ShoppGirl

    August Surgery buddies

    Good idea. I think it’s pretty standard to require all the labs at three months but my surgeon did require me to go to my PCP a couple weeks after my surgery also. I think it was more of a cookie cutter thing for people that were on medication’s and things that may need them adjusted, but it was in the paperwork so I just did it. it couldn’t hurt. I bet they could answer most questions. Perhaps email your teams office and ask them exactly what labs they suggest.
  12. ShoppGirl

    Report Your WINS ..What is your today's win??🥇

    Today’s win for me is finally starting to feel like I have found a bit of a balance with my life. For the past two months everything has been on hold and life has been 100% about my recovery, nutrition and fitness but I finally able to juggle my crocheting and make time for my hubby to hang out and do things. I was really not making time for crochet very often so I joined a second group so at least I am working on it twice a week but I have been working on it more than that this week. I did decide no handmade Christmas gifts this year though. I make chemo caps for the local cancer center and they are more important than my family getting new towel toppers if I have to pick one.
  13. Chatterboxdea

    First Bariatric Christmas

    I have the same concerns going into the holiday season; all 3 holidays in a row always feel hard and gluttonous. I'm going to avoid candy on Halloween and for Thanksgiving and Christmas, I'm going to ask for a salad plate instead of a big on and just take small scoops of what I really like; planning on starting with my protein first.
  14. I just watched a video on the procare website that you might enjoy. I get my Bariatric vitamins from procare and they always have very informative doctors etc come on. A few key points made 1. everybody loses weight after bariatric surgery. 2. not everybody maintains weight loss. 3. after gastric sleeve 7 to 50% will gain weight after the seventh year Mark . he goes on to state that success is not about fault, but about physiology he goes onto state that surgery does not change your genetics. he goes on to state that those of us who gain weight have a calorie balance issue our body is not balancing it like it should. versus a person who does not gain weight. he goes on to state that movement at least five times a week is very important and that determining physical hunger versus emotional hunger is very important. Etc give it a look
  15. Bypass2Freedom

    Report Your WINS ..What is your today's win??🥇

    Recent NSVs: Being able to walk faster than my boyfriend, to the point that he was out of breath and asked me why I was charging about 😂 I have always been the slowest person when out walking, so that felt good After the above, then just running/jogging a bit in a playful way away from him just because, and then not being out of breath, and actually wanting to jog again 🤣 wtf - old me would have been having a heart attack So I can already fit back into the bath now, but now when I got into the bath last night I was like...has this bath gotten longer?? I genuinely feel small in it now, like who knew it was so roomy?? I BOUGHT A PAIR OF JEANS - I haven't worn jeans for maybe 3-4 years now I think, and when I did wear anything remotely jean-like, it was jeggings, so they had a lot of give. Bought some actual jeans yesterday and I love them
  16. NeonRaven8919

    Report Your WINS ..What is your today's win??🥇

    I was finally able to get in over 10k steps yesterday. I'm still two weeks post op so no strenuous activity or lifting so I have to walk to work instead of cycling. At first I was annoyed because I love cycling, but I think having to walk will kick-start the weight loss. I've lost 8.5kg (18.7lbs) in the two weeks since surgery and walking helps.
  17. NeonRaven8919

    October 2024 Surgery Buddies

    I'm only two weeks post op and it doesn't hurt to eat unless you eat too much. I've learned pretty quickly what "too much" is so it's not painful to eat. Just eat slowly and your restriction will stop you from.being in pain. My mother had bypass in 2008 back whe it was standard to do an open procedure. She was able to eat almost anything and she wasn't in pain when she ate 15 years later. If they are 3+ years post op and still in pain when eating, they are probably either not eating correctly or they should speak to their surgical team.
  18. RuizAyres

    October 2024 Surgery Buddies

    @Karla83 I’m one day after surgery and that’s definitely true for me and it’s only sips of water. I can feel it. As soon as the water hits my banana stomach…I feel the pain. Mine is like intense muscle spasms. Liquid pain meds about every 3-4 hours. For me it doesn’t take it away. Still very uncomfortable. Walking already and my pain started back up really intense once got back in bed! This is a short period of time compared to a lifestyle change! Where the majority of pain is though is where my hernia was repaired.
  19. Karla83

    October 2024 Surgery Buddies

    Surgery tomorrow morning and just now people are telling me that after surgery it hurts to eat, forever. They are 3+years post op and say it still hurts. It's this true? I'm really re thinking this.
  20. Justarwaxx

    August Surgery buddies

    I don't have insurance but our company pays for all our medical the basic stuff and here everything done in the government hospitals is free! Even my surgery was. I paid 3 USD just to register my name. So that's why I am waiting to c if I can also get some counselling sessions included with my post op ...
  21. I had sleeve revision to SADI (just the bypass portion) and I am really happy with my decision. My surgery was August 7th so I am about 2.5 months out and including my preop loss I have lost 55 pounds. I am over halfway to my goal. I have been eating 100% on plan though and exercising a pretty great amount (2.5-3 hours a day). The revision surgery gave me the metabolic Hca Hes tk actually do Al of that though. I never exercised or prepared fresh homemade food with my sleeve. Didn’t have the motivation. It made a pretty huge difference for me. Did your Dr do a endoscopy, barium swallow and gastric emptying study? Mine did those tree before deciding I was a candidate for SADI or Bypass. If the sleeve didn’t work for you long term then I would probably lean away from a ReSleeve. Just thinking why repeat history. Try something different but that’s just me. The research does say that the loss is more durable witb the SADI revision than the Bypass. Not certain about the ReSleeve but my guess is that too since the Virgin Sleeve doesn’t have the best statistics for durability. Also, resleeve is kinda risky. My Dr said he wouldn’t touch the sleeve with the SADI not because of my BMI but just because he doesn’t think it gives that much more benefit to justify the risks so that’s something to look into as well. Ooh and if you do have coverage for the GLP-1 and you can tolerate them, they do work. They don’t have to be long term for everyone either. If you take the time on then ti make real lifestyle changes you may be able to go off of them and maintain. Ibvuously If you just eat a few French fries for your meal you will lose, but will obviously eat more when you don’t have the meds but if you genuinely change your habits then people do maintain the loss. I have a friend that is almost to goal and she has been asking me for advice of what foods to choose to be sure to get her protein in. Kinda odd because she is smaller than me but I have heard a couple success stories with them. My friend has to force herself to eat. It’s a chore. If you do go that route, talk to your doctor about staying on the lowest dose that works for you. That’s the thing that many bariatric doctors usually recommend and it makes sense to try to avoid the side effects. . And some people go onto a maintenance dose after they reach their goal if they need it. Also, see about a three month supply when you do get to the dose that works because for my friend it’s cheaper that way. I strongly considered them but I didn’t have adequate coverage. I even considered postponing to see if things would change but my family Dr advised against waiting since these things can take a long time. There are pros and cons of each option but do your research. This is a good start but make anothet appointment with you surgeon if you have more questions. I did several before I decided. You probably only have this one more shot at this. Not a lot of surgeons will do a second revision ooh and that is one thing to consider if you do go with SADI, it’s newer so ask your surgeon if you had a complication god forbid what you would do. Mine actually brought it up that he would send me to another hospital to someone with more experience with the surgery. I mean obviously he would stabilize me but if I needed a revision because of malnourishment or something he would send me elsewhere. I kinda respected the fact that he would admit what his limits were and appreciated it but maybe you feel differently about that. Or maybe your surgeon is fine with revising if necessary but I would for sure ask.
  22. buildabetteranna

    Thoughts from limbo

    I appreciate your taking your time to reply ❤️ I feel like I'm not communicating my feelings as efficiently as I can. My thoughts about dieting are similar to that of surgery. I feel as though its a punishment because "normal" people don't need to do this. My downfall is comparison- The line of thought is if I were just an average person, I wouldn't be so big in the first place, I could eat what I want and actually not go overboard. I could do so many things differently, in my head. Realistically I know obesity is on the rise so everyone eating what they want is no longer realistic for many. It's more or less wishful thinking at this point. I've been dieting since I was 5, and believe me that does feel like a punishment lol. I see my counselor once a week, because I, like so many, have a lot of trauma in my past. Late last year I checked myself into an outpatient eating disorder program for binge eating, because I was sure that is my problem. After 4 weeks of doing multiple hours long sessions, I was told my issue is not eating enough when I start my day, and then that trigger major hunger later. Truth be told I don't know about all that, I do know I need to heal my relationship with food and I am working on that. All in all, I know I will make it through, I've been working towards surgery since January of this year. It's given me a lot of time for thinking and reflecting. Too much time sometimes, lol. Thanks for hearing me out and all the great insight. I truly do appreciate it ❤️
  23. My pre-surgery Vitamin A was 43. It had dropped to 27 at 4.5 months and was up to 34 at 7 months, but "normal" is 38 or above, so the doctor is having me take 10,000 IU of Vitamin A daily for two weeks (which is the same as 3,000 mcg) just to bolster my levels. I will retest before my 1 year surgery follow up. You can get Vitamin A supplements over the counter, no prescription needed.
  24. NeonRaven8919

    October 2024 Surgery Buddies

    To be fair, that's soup sounds amazing! Very different to what I've been having. If I have another cream of chicken soup in this life, I may throw a hissy fit. Seriously, I know it's all temporary and I'm going slowly because I don't want anything I do to mess this up. The puree stage makes me feel more full than I have in months. After a few bites, (maybe 3 tablespoons total) I was full. But my eyes, are still bigger than my stomach and my eyes were telling me that's not enough. I went for a walk after I was done to make sure I wasn't tempted to have more.
  25. i had low levels of vitamin a the first 3-4 months. and yeah, ur right, for some reason most multivitamins dont seem to include much of it...so my doc had me take extra vitamins a (via supplements) during those months, until he was satisfied with my levels (i had my labs done 6 times the first 6 months) low vitamin a (all vitamins, really) is common among wls patients cuz we really just dont eat enough (i basically ate almost nothing the first 3 months)! Also, when u eat alot of protein (like we are all told to do), our vitamin A needs increase. further, prolonged protein UNDER-eating hampers vitamin a storage and transport within our bodies and blood systems (science, baby!) once i started eating more my levels became satisfactory. (fish, eggs, dairy! yum! green leafy stuff, practically all fruits and veggies! also yum! but liver too...not so very yum, ha) do you/have you ever track/tracked your macro consumption?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
