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Found 1,239 results

  1. I lost 90lbs during the year before my VSG by being on a 1500 Cal diet and lots of walking. Since my VSG on August 20th I have lost an additional 25 lbs but I hit the dreaded "three week stall" for the past week. I hope I start losing again soon. I am averaging only 500 Cals a day and run out of energy by mid afternoon. Unfortunately, I have to go back to work next week. I hope my energy holds out.
  2. Its the Dreaded Three Week Stall (See? So common it even has a name!) Miss Mac says it best. Stalls are like lovers. Your first won't be your last.
  3. My first one was at three weeks. Stalls are like lovers. Your first will probably not be your last.
  4. I just broke a three week stall. I know it frustrating but everyone says it normal. I have lost 3 lbs in four days. I hope it continues for a while. I was sleeved on 9/18.. I lost 10 lbs before surgery and 23 lbs after. I started at 243. 210 this morning. I am still fighting fatigue.
  5. NevadaDave

    Las Vegas Anyone ?

    Thanks Shelly, I didn't know about the three week stall. But I will watch for it, for me I know it going to be a long hall. right now I just worried if/when I will return to feeling some what normal, with the nauseous and fatigue
  6. AEdoesRnY

    3 week stall

    My three week stall has lasted about 2.5 weeks so far, not breaking yet. This is from my NUT: Plateaus are common even after weight loss surgery and they often will happen at points where your body has wanted to stall in the past. In the first 6 months after surgery, they are usually 1-3 weeks in length. They can last even longer than that after 6 months post-op. Have faith that you are on track! Focus on how clothes are fitting and if you are losing inches more than pounds. Know that stress and poor sleep can also influence the scale in addition to diet and exercise.
  7. it's probably the infamous "three week stall"; you're just getting it a little early. Most of us experience our first stall within the first 4-6 weeks after surgery - it's usually the third week, hence the name. Mine was weeks 2 and 3. It broke during week 4 and I dropped like 6-8 lbs within a couple of days. Just stick to your program and it'll break - they can last 1-3 weeks, but they WILL break as long as you stick to your plan. And as others have said, this will likely be the first among several - occasional stalls are very normal during weight loss. Stay off the scale for a few days if it's playing with your head too much - and keep in mind that it WILL break, and you'll be on your way again.
  8. Nicey2u

    The relief of the revisit

    I haven't had anything bother me.. I must have a cast iron sleeve! Haha I can sit and eat watermelon for days! It's 90% water anyway! At least up to now I haven't come across anything that really bothers me. As long as I measure everything I have been lucky I guess! Down 57 pounds and only hit one three week stall!
  9. catwoman7

    My weights stalled for the past week+

    yes. Probably 99% of us. I just searched this site for you on "the three week stall". There are literally 15,701 posts on this right now. This question is asked probably twice a week. Just stick to your program and the weight loss WILL start up again. I stalled during weeks 2 and 3 and once I hit week 4, I dropped like 6-8 lbs within two days . you'll experience occasional stalls throughout your whole journey - when you do, just stick to your plan and stay off the scale if you have to... https://www.bariatricpal.com/search/?q=three week stall
  10. catwoman7

    Weight loss stall of 10 days

    almost everyone has stalls along the way. The first one is typically within the first month or so after surgery. We call it the "three week stall" because it's usually the third week post-op, but not always. Mine was weeks 2 & 3. During week 4, my weight loss started up again, and I lost something like 6-8 lbs within a couple of days. you don't need to change anything up at this point because this is just the typical three week stall when people are eating very few calories. It'll break. If you need to stay off the scale for a few days, do it - but your weight loss WILL start up again.
  11. catwoman7

    Day 12 feeling really crappy

    the lack of weight loss the last few days could be the infamous "three week stall". I had mine during weeks 2 and 3. The weight loss should start up again in a week or two...just stick to your plan.
  12. It is quite common and physiologically normal - it would be abnormal for one to lose more in the second or later months than in the first month. What is happening is that when we go on to a serious caloric deficit, we that deficit is made up mostly from our short term energy reserves of glycogen (basically stored carbohydrates), which burns quite rapidly (around 2000 calories per pound lost.) Once the glycogen is depleted, the body needs to replenish that supply to a functional level and we frequently stall or pause for a short time - the "three week stall" that we often read about here. Once the glycogen stores are back up some and our body gets the idea that this caloric deficit thing that you are doing to it is a serious thing, it starts drawing from our longer term energy stores of fat - which is what we are really here for. However (there's always a "however"!) fat burns more slowly than glycogen (around 3500 calories per pound lost) so the weight comes off more slowly now, but we are doing what we came here to do - burn fat. Note that this has nothing at all to do with "ketogenic" diets or miracle "fat burning" potions - it's strictly the result of being in a prolonged caloric deficit. As a side note, I lost 32 lb the first month and 15 each of the next two months. with roughly the same caloric intake, so right on profile.
  13. Thanks for the advice guys. I refuse to let a stall break me and ruin my progress... just scares me to know it'll come. But you all have excellent advice. I guess I have a while before that three week stall being that I'm 5 days out from surgery. And it helps to know it may be quite a while before I have a really horrible one that takes a long time to break.
  14. catwoman7


    almost everyone has that early stall soon after surgery (it's usually the third week, thus we call it "the three week stall", but for some it comes earlier or later). Just stick to your plan, stay off the scale for a few days, and know that it will break and you'll be on your way again. It'll last 1-3 weeks. Mine was weeks 2 & 3 after surgery. During week 4, it broke and I dropped like 6-8 lbs almost overnight. P.S. if you do a search on this site of the three week stall, you will find something like 17,500 posts on it. And no, I am NOT kidding.
  15. yep - it's the three week stall. Do a search on it - it happens to almost all of us. Just stick to your plan and your weight will eventually start dropping again. Mine lasted for two weeks. and no - increasing calories a bit won't cause you to gain weight. We all gradually increase our calories throughout that first year or two post-op. You can't eat 500 calories a day for the rest of your life. I ate around 600-800 from about month 2 to the end of the first year - then I was up around or a little over 1000 during a chunk of year 2. I continued to lose weight until I was about 20 months post-op. just follow your clinic's plan. The whole "starvation mode" idea is controversial, btw- some people say it doesn't exist.
  16. blizair09

    Quick question to guys about stalling

    You're just experiencing the "three week stall" that almost everyone experiences. This will be the first of many stalls you will go through in your journey. During my six month pre-op diet program, my weight loss was linear (3 pounds a week like clockwork for six months). During my seven months post-op, it has been more like a step function. I lose 10 pounds in 10 days or so, and then I stall for a week to 10 days. Then the cycle repeats. My advice is to stay off of the scale for the first month, and then to only get on the scale with a frequency that won't cause you mental anguish. Some people can weigh every day and contextualize what it is saying without causing distress. Others can't do that. You'll do yourself a big favor to figure out which camp you are in and weigh accordingly. Good luck!
  17. I am two weeks out tomorrow and am down exactly 20lbs! I NEVER had this much success with the band. I am very happy with my decision and just wonder if the weight loss will remain this steady... Hoping to avoid the dreaded "three week stall"
  18. blizair09

    Week 3 Weight Loss Stall

    It happens to almost everyone. Google "three week stall."
  19. hdsjourney

    Week 3 Weight Loss Stall

    The three week stall.... it happens to almost everyone keep you head up, and your yogurt down! Sleeved
  20. I am writing this because I've been complaining about my lack of weight loss and stall. I went to see my Dr yesterday for my 6 week follow-up. I have finally broken the dreaded three week stall that started the day I started on solid food which was the day of my two week check-up, it lasted for almost 4 weeks. According to her scale I have lost 4.5 lbs in just the last few days. I was still discouraged with the low loss, but she was not unhappy at all. They are aware of the three week stall, she also made me realize that the pounds I lost prior to surgery are and should be counted as surgical loss. Many people don't lose any weight prior to surgery and therefore enjoying a sudden drop. I have less weight to lose than many others, so my loss will be slower. She was so encouraged and made me realize that I am already over half way there to meet her requirements. Using her little calculator and making all these configurations, she said if I lose 50% of my excess body weight(average) I am over half way there, although the nutritionist and I have set a lower weight, she said if I lose a mere 20lbs, I will be what is considered a successful sleeve according to national averages. So my current 29lb loss is over half way??? I do not plan to stop at another 20lbs, but it was encouraging to know how well I am doing and will do since I am just 6 weeks out. Her visit was just what I needed. I love my Dr. :-) Thanks to all of you who gave me encouragement when I was feeling down. That's why I love this venue.
  21. sharonraley12

    60+ sleevers please help

    I wish I could be like you. I exercise 4 times a week and ride my bike on my off days. Just got bad news yesterday. I am having knee surgery on the 25th. I am a below the knee amputee and the sugery is on my good leg. I hope this will not effect my weight loss. I just got off a three week stall. I am so unhappy. Do not think I will ever be thin.
  22. Stop panicking and weight in once a week. Too many reasons for minor fluctuations--Water retention, time of the month, too much salt, hot temperature, workouts--you will make yourself crazy. Also know that weight loss slows and there is an infamous three week stall that may or may not hit you anywhere from two to six weeks out.
  23. Joolzabug

    One month out today

    I had never heard of the three-week stall, but I was so relieved to read about it....that is exactly what I am going through now....I love this board!
  24. catwoman7

    5 weeks post-op slow weight loss

    No - do not go back to a liquid diet. Stick to your plan. You are in the infamous "three-week stall" that probably over 90% of us experience. Stick to your plan and stay off your scale if you have to. It WILL break. Always does. You will have other stalls along your journey - just stick to your guns. Don't get back into "diet mentality" by trying to starve it away. Just stick to your plan. P.S. Stalls typically last 1-3 weeks. You are just fine.
  25. Trcyprkr70

    Macho Cheese Doritos

    I agree with butterthebean....I actually laughed at some of the post...laughter is good for the soul....everyone here really want to see people succeed. I fell off because for some reason I stop wanting meat & only wanted soft stuff, such as macaroni salad, mashed potatoes...I got back up & dust myself off....I started back to protein shakes to get back on track. I was doing the happy dance today after I got on the scale & down three more lbs after a three week stall...yayyy me

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