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Found 1,239 results

  1. LOL! You are a ball of liquid. You're chock-full of IV fluids you were pumped with while in the hospital. Be patient. You're about to drop a lot of weight. Then you'll hit the "three week stall" which everyone does. And then that'll end and you'll lose weight faster again.
  2. Yes, I believe I'm in the dreaded three week stall, so I'm putting that out there. I'm frustrated. But really, I am eating very little and I feel like if I ate what I am eating now before I had the surgery, I'd be losing weight pound over pound. Now, I'm staying the same day after day. My husband is eating low carb and the weight is falling off of him. I'm eating low carb and very little calories and it's just sticking to me. I know people will tell me the weight will come off, but I'm so frustrated right now because I'm dealing with the side effects of surgery (terrible potty issues) and not seeing any of the good things to come of it yet. I lost 10 lbs on the pre-op diet and 10 lbs since surgery, but only when I was on the liquid diet. Once I added real food, even this little amount, the weight loss stopped immediately. If I was going to stay fat, I would have been happier being fat and able to eat and potty.
  3. Bufflehead


    It's happened to almost everyone else. Sometime between week 2 and week 3 weightloss stops for anywhere from several days to a few weeks. Stay off the scale for a while if it is going to stress you out. You aren't doing anything wrong, and weight loss will start up again, but you can't force it. Just use the search box here and search the forums for "three week stall" or "week three stall" and you will see what I mean.
  4. SleeveSoon

    Weight loss?

    Chris Christie (from NJ) had the lap-band surgery. I am 5 weeks out from being sleeved and had a 1 week stall. If I was in a three week stall I would be carefully journaling all food and would meet with my nutritionist to review my food journal and discuss options.
  5. I never had the three week stall either. I'm at 3 months now and seem to be hitting my first one. I'm 5'9.5, SW 259, CW 208.3
  6. I just hit four weeks post- op, and managed to avoid the dreaded three week stall. I'm thanking my lucky stars for that, but I'm not an idiot, I'm sure it will happen eventually. So I'm curious... For those of you who didn't have a week three stall, when did you see your first stall? (Side note: I do realize that others experiences have no impact on what mine will be. I'm just curious.) ~*~ Find me on YouTube: Trisha's Sleeve Story ~*~
  7. liannatx

    Stall advice

    You lost 36 lbs in a month? And you think that is slow? That is 15% of your entire body weight lost in one month. That isn't slow, that isn't even average, that is actually a very big loss. A stall is common around 3 weeks post op. Do a search and you will find literally 100s of threads on the "Three Week Stall". The weight loss has not stopped, it has just stalled so your body can adjust to this new and prolonged calorie deficit. You have probably even noticed that while you haven't lost but a few pounds during this stall that you seem to still be losing inches and size. Your calories/protein/carbs look to be on point for this stage.... keep doing what you have been doing and the loss will resume! Your results are already great and show that this is working for you.
  8. Thanks for the replies. I was well aware of the "three week stall", and understand the physiology behind it. It was just a little unnerving to have it happen five days after surgery. Hopefully weight loss will pick back up soon.
  9. How are all the August surgery people doing?I have hit that rite-of-passage otherwise known as the three week stall. I am doing well, but still have that left incision area pain, sometimes even just sitting... Thought that would be gone by now.
  10. DangerMouse007

    How long does 3 so stall last?

    Well, my three week stall has now hit four weeks so I'm still waiting. I've been familiar with stalls when I lost weight in the past pre-op. Some have lasted 3 months. I'm not sure that this one will last that long, but I'm a patient man.
  11. vincereautmori

    Gained 2lbs 3wks postop

    I'm kind of surprised no-one has mentioned the three week stall, don't be surprised if it takes a week or two to get the dial moving again. Sounds like you're doing OK, don't sweat it yet, in my experience I hit a stall about every 5-6 weeks.
  12. del112

    No food..

    Hey guys. Cheer up! Have you heard of the three week stall?? Don't know much about it but have been reading that from time to time you will stall and that's it's a normal part of weight loss. Hang in there and do some reading, you will see you are not alone in any and all of your experiences I thank God for this forum, there is something here to address any question you could ever ask. Hang in there man. I too am 4 weeks out and having some challenges, in that, I have stalled at 18lbs but I remain hopeful . My father like to say " keep hope alive , my daughter. Keep hope alive." I say to you today my friends, Keep hope alive. It will be just fine !
  13. That it "won't work" I have learned a lot of self control but I still see dumping as motivation to make better choices. I'm worried they will cut my stomach too big and I'll still be able to eat a lot. I've heard people saying that they felt like "they never even had wls". I just don't want to be one of those people. I want to be successful. Oh and stalling. I know I shouldn't be scared of the three week stall because I know it will come but I still worry about it.
  14. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=vsg+three+week+stall http://www.bariatricpal.com/index.php?app=core&module=search&do=search&fromMainBar=1
  15. You are experiencing the three week stall. Virtually everyone experiences this, including everyone who got to their goal weight. Don't believe me? Use the forum search function and search for "three week stall." Or just use Google and search for VSG three week stall. You aren't doing anything wrong, your body is not destined to be obese forever. Keep your chin up and keep working your program. I promise you, the weight will start coming off again.
  16. Bufflehead

    Stalled for 2 weeks!

    the only thing you did wrong is to not learn about the three week stall and how normal it is BEFORE having surgery. Use the search box here and look for "three week stall" "third week stall" or something like that. Or you can even Google "three week stall vsg" and you'll learn all about it. Stop stressing, keep following your plan, and stay off the scale for a while. Everything will be fine.
  17. Ummm... This needs to be pinned! Like a, "come here when you hit the three week stall" post! Great explanation Babbs! This question is posted almost daily. I bet there are hundreds of threads on this very topic on this site, but a large number of people never read them, or must not think it applies to them. You will learn a lot if you read through this site. You can also use the search function to find posts related to specific issues. Oh, I know! I just thought this particular explanation was exceptional. I've been keeping my eye on your posts, since we had our discussion about drinking water and the pyloric valve. You've always got a lot of good things to add to the conversation!
  18. Inner Surfer Girl

    Not loosing weight! Help!

    Ummm... This needs to be pinned! Like a, "come here when you hit the three week stall" post! Great explanation Babbs! This question is posted almost daily. I bet there are hundreds of threads on this very topic on this site, but a large number of people never read them, or must not think it applies to them. You will learn a lot if you read through this site. You can also use the search function to find posts related to specific issues.
  19. Ummm... This needs to be pinned! Like a, "come here when you hit the three week stall" post! Great explanation Babbs!
  20. catwoman7


    yes. So common that there's an unofficial name for it - "The Three-Week Stall" (doesn't necessarily always fall on week 3, but somewhere around there)
  21. STOP!!! Now, take a deep breathe........ relax. You really don't have reason to panic a mere month after surgery unless you are experiencing a medical problem. You're body may still be adjusting from surgery, everyone is different, it sounds like you're doing what you're supposed to,just be patient and keep working with your surgical team. You are going through a lot of changes right now and one of them is the dreaded "three week stall" sometimes it's a week late. I think someone on here explained it one time, but it's just another physiological adjustment to your new eating regime and changes to your diet, it will pass. I would suggest taking a three month wait and see approach, if you feel that you're still struggling with old habits and feelings, start taking advantage of group sessions usually at your local bariatric hospital, or a lot more BP postings, everyone wants to help you succeed, so take advantage of the help. In the meantime relax and enjoy the ride. Good Luck! BTW- what did they tell you was the length of the "honeymoon phase"?
  22. Most likely three week stall. Be patient, it will come off.
  23. tcon

    Stalled after 3 weeks?!?

    You reached the famous three week stall. I had a few short stalls that lasted 3-5 days. Pay attention to the way your clothes are fitting and not the scale. This to, shall pass. ????
  24. Mini_me007

    How can I be a failure already?

    I know what the three week stall is. The weight loss of 2 pounds in a week happened from day 7 to day 14. I didn't realize something like this could happen this early.
  25. VSGAnn2014

    How can I be a failure already?

    Oh, good grief. Google "three week stall." This happens to everyone somewhere around 2-4 weeks. Everyone! EVERYONE! Surely no one promised you you'd lose at a regular clip or that your scales would behave like a car's gasoline gauge. Because you won't and it won't. Your body is a lot more complicated than that. You're doing fine except for going all drama llama.

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