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Found 2,865 results

  1. Do you have visible swelling? Hands, feet, ankles? There is a post somewhere that basically states that while your body is breaking down fat to turn it into glycogen, it requires Water to do so... and the assumption is something like 8 pounds of water weight is typical. If you are busy building additional muscle, that probably takes even more. Please don't take the water pills. Your body is holding onto that Fluid for a reason, and when it doesn't need it anymore, it will let it go. You are still very early in this process, and are doing great! We have "the 3 week stall"... I think we need to coin "the 6 week panic" everyone goes through this! The last diet I went on I lasted for 6 weeks. Lost about 15lbs and thought I had done a great job! The difference is this is a new lifestyle for you. This isn't just another diet.
  2. Had a 3 week stall myself now it's coming back off I would avoid fruit progress starts in the mind
  3. I hit the 3 week stall and was on a 2 week stall and finally lost 4 lbs in the last two days. It is normal!
  4. sleevedatlast

    New to this whole thing!

    I was sleeved Dec. 19th and have lost 45 lbs so far. My best advice is, beware of the 3 week stall! Right at 3 weeks I stalled for 3 weeks!! After doing some research, I found that it is a very common occurrence. I wish I would have know ahead of time. Good luck!!
  5. Ugh... 3  week stall.  I have decided to wait until Sunday to weigh myself again.  

  6. I'm a 12-12-16 myself day of surgery 207 after liquid diet 2-12-17 I was 177.2 I had the usual 3 week stall where I lost nothing but just kept plugging along.
  7. lavidaloca

    sleeved 11/30/16

    I was sleeved same day and have lost 35 since then I think whatever you are doing you are doing right! I had an almost 3 week stall and sometimes it's unavoidable - good job! I want you to tell me what you are doing so I can have a 60lb loss!
  8. Ughhh doing soo good first 2 weeks 26 lbs down this week my third week 1 lb whole week, still eating and walking same as b4 soooo frustrated Sent from my SM-G900V using the BariatricPal App
  9. I guess I am in the 3 week stall. No weight loss week 3 to 4 so far. Have increased walking time to 45 mins per day, but still just a brisk walk.
  10. JKC2016

    Low BMIers

    Just got sleeved with Dr Garcia at Tijuana Bariatrics 1/17/17. I was just barely at 30 BMI. I've lost 13 pounds since surgery. I just hit the 3 week stall everyone talks about. Same weight for 3 days, down 0.3 lb today. I lost 5 inches off my waist already. Too soon to give you much info. I am very pleased with the experience. Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App
  11. blizair09

    Ugh....6 months?!?!

    I knew all along that my insurance would require the six month pre-op diet program. So, I decided to make the most of it. I lost 99 pounds (from 397 to 298) during that time. It was the best thing I ever did for myself. I was as prepared as possible for the surgery; I re-established my relationship with food, and I set myself up for continued success post-op. In the 4 months since the surgery, I have lost almost an additional 70 pounds for a total of almost 77% of my excess weight since I started my journey. I can't imagine having to re-establish my relationship with food and deal with the aftermath of surgery all at the same time. Also, dealing with the 3 week stall (that everyone has) was so much easier when I had lost 120 pounds (at that time) than if I had just lost 20 pounds. I wish more people could see the benefits of that six month period and not see it as a bad thing. Anyway, I encourage you to get started now. The surgery is a tool, not a destination, and not the whole of your journey. The mental game is the biggest part of the journey, and the sooner you get that under control, the better off you will be. Good luck!
  12. IveGotThePower

    Third week slump

    The infamous 3 week stall is real. I did 20 days on 800 calories and lost nothing. Follow the rules and be patient. Your body is adjusting. The stall will break. Sent from my SM-N920V using the BariatricPal App
  13. IveGotThePower

    Help! Not losing weight

    Normal. I did 20 days straight on less than 800 calories a day with no weight loss. 3 week stall is a real thing. Your body is adjusting. Stay the course. Keep following the plan you were given and be patient. If you follow the rules you will loose. I have seen this over and over. No worries. Sent from my SM-N920V using the BariatricPal App
  14. blizair09

    Help! Not losing weight

    Search this website (or google) for the phrase "3 week stall." It happens to everyone.
  15. Surgery was 11/25/16. Lost 53 lbs before and after combined. I had a 3 week stall and seem to be in another one now.
  16. Coachthex32

    Sleeved on 1/17

    Your on track. Just beware of the 3 week stall. It is real!
  17. rolosmom7

    6 week stall

    Yes. It fluctuates a pound or so either direction but stuck at 245. 4 month stall? I know 3 week stall is common.
  18. Tip #1 - STOP WEIGHING YOURSELF SO MUCH. This is a process, not an event. Your loss will be over time, not overnight. Know that your body will periodically stall for a time (usually a short time) while it adjusts to changes in your diet and caloric needs. Give yourself permission to live and enjoy each day. You need a new relationship with food, not a new fear of it. Tip #2 - RELAX. In the early months after surgery, you will lose weight "on twinkies and chicken" as one VSG veteran told me last year. Your journey is at its beginning, enjoy the changes. Tip #3 - Change is more than pounds. Even when you hit a stall, you might still lose inches. I hit a 3-week stall and lost 2 inches off my waist in the same timeframe. Victories are all around you, look for them and Celebrate them.
  19. MowryRocks

    Two weeks post op and gaining?

    In the beginning, I lost like 18lbs and then I gained 5 and hit the 3 week stall. It all came off. Head down, nose to the grind stone, it will all be ok.
  20. It is a stall!!! That is the good news! 3 women in my family have been sleeved and all 3 have stalled 1-3 weeks out for 2-5 weeks! I was a revision from a band and I stalled at 1 week for 2 more weeks. I have since lost 10 lbs in 8 days once my stall stopped! Both sisters have been successful with the sleeve. 150 lbs and 70 lbs lost by each. You may double check and look at your calories. Once I started eating more Protein and veggies (I was on any an all foods at 3 weeks!) and exercising (which you are already doing!!) then I dropped it! Keep on going. If you are following what the dr says with food, Water, protein, exercise, then you should be golden. Research the "3 week stall" because it is supposedly a thing. It has happened with 3 out of 3 sleeves in my house! Good luck! You have got this! Banded 2010 weight:327 Sleeved 12/28/16 weight:253 CW: 230 GW: 155 Heather in Texas
  21. Upped the cal and Protein. Got to the gym once last week and went on a walk 3 times. Karate 2 times a week still. scale finally moving in the right direction again after almost a 3 week stall. This week. Up early today off to work then the gym. Karate twice this week on the plan. Continue healthy eating and Water goals. Broke 215 weighed in @ 214.5 this morning Sent from my 5054N using the BariatricPal App
  22. Regardless of where you have your surgery and the presence or absence of certain pre-op requirements, the key to success, in my opinion and experience, is successfully changing your relationship with food. In my case, I took my six month pre-op diet program requirement as an opportunity to lose as much weight as I could (99 pounds to be exact) and to change my relationship with food BEFORE the surgery. This was a good thing for me because post-op, I was able to deal with the discomfort, physical limitations, mental game, and the food stages (especially the never-ending 3 weeks of liquids post-op) more effectively because I wasn't trying to work on that relationship at the same time. Also, when the 3 week stall hit, I had lost about 120 pounds and not just 20 pounds, so that was much easier to accept and power through than it would have been otherwise. You might find a nutritionist and psychologist locally to work alongside whatever resources (human and otherwise) are offered through your surgeon in Mexico. Good luck!
  23. Greensleevie

    Weight gaining after sleeve?

    You're not doing anything wrong. It's impossible to gain real weight early out. Everytime I'd stall, I would gain a couple of pounds. You're probably going into the 3 week stall everyone has. It's just our bodies reacting to starvation mode. No worries. As far as gaining weight further out and people gaining all their weight back, the surgery doesn't control what you eat or how much through out the day. It is the natural progression to be able to eat more as times goes by. I'm almost 3 years out, and can eat so much more than I could 1-2 years out. So say I can now eat a small dinner plate of food. If that plate consister of fried chicken, mashed potatoes and dessert, even if I can't eat it all, that kind of eating will add up over time, same as before surgery. I can eat a whole pizza if I really worked at it all day. That's why it's important to use the first year or so to change to a healthy lifestyle in order to keep the weight off. 43% of people who have had surgery gain weight back by returning to old, unhealthy habits.
  24. Search on here for 3 week stall. It happens to many. You have to also remember, that if you are following the diet Clear liquids week one, add Protein drinks, pudding, etc on week two. On week three you might be adding foods like cottage cheese, tuna, other items that may contain some sodium which you have not been having for almost two months (if you followed a pre-op diet for two weeks, and then the two weeks clear/and Soups, pudding, Jello, etc. If you are this hard on yourself at this stage, you should really contact your nutritionist and therapist to deal with the emotional stage. You don't want to anger yourself down the line, and start feeding the emotions. Good luck, and seriously relax a bit. Read many of the people that stalled the first month.
  25. OutsideMatchInside

    Crying on the bathroom floor

    I got a PM from OP complaining that I made her feel like <whatever curse word she used>. All because I told her the 3 week stall was normal and her Dr should have explained her surgery to her better. THIS IS WHY VETS DO NOT BOTHER POSTING HERE ANYMORE.

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