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Found 17,501 results

  1. NickelChip

    Bouncing weight loss for past week??

    The reason for erratic weigh-ins (and the infamous three-week stall) is that in the early stages of running a sustained calorie deficit, your body does not burn much fat. Your body worked hard to store fat and considers it a precious commodity that it does not want to part with for no reason. For extra energy to make up for a lack of calories in the short term, your body first burns glycogen. 1 gram of glycogen is bound with 3 grams of water, so as you burn it for fuel, you also flush out this water weight. Only when the glycogen reserve is used up does your body turn to burning fat. The first few weeks after surgery, you were probably lucky to get in 600 calories per day. Your body was burning glycogen like crazy. When the numbers first dropped on the scale, that was almost entirely water weight. Now that you're a couple weeks out, you're allowed to have some pureed food, and you can probably get closer to your protein goals with your shakes. With a few extra calories coming in (still nowhere close to what you need every day to power your bodily functions), your body is at least reassured you are not in imminent danger of starvation. It's taking a look at your empty glycogen reserves with horror and doing its best to fill them back up with the calories you are giving it, like a squirrel storing up acorns for winter. For every gram of glycogen your body puts into the storage cupboard, you've got 3 grams of water tagging along for the ride. Meanwhile, you can rest assured that your body is also burning fat to keep your engines running. However, when you step on the scale, it can't really tell you that you've burned 4 pounds of fat and also stored 7 pounds of glycogen and water. It's just going to tell you that you've gained 3 pounds. But you've done nothing wrong. This is your body doing what evolution programmed it to do since humans lived in caves and constantly had to battle short-term food shortages. Once you've restocked that glycogen, you'll start being able to see the fat loss on the scale again, and in your measurements. As long as you keep doing what you're supposed to do, your weight will move in the right direction. But not as a straight line. Weight loss looks a lot more like a staircase with drops and plateaus, and a lot of small fluctuations that have nothing to do with fat. Try not to let it drive you crazy!
  2. RonHall908

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    After surgery my weight loss has been slow. At least I think it's slow compared to how much I'm eating. 750-900 calories per day. Actively walking and resistance train 6 days a week. Day of surgery I weighed 284 lbs. As of yesterday I weighed 270 lbs. This is my 5th week out from surgery. I didn't lose weight for nearly two weeks. But, 14 lbs in 5 weeks isn't bad. I expected more.
  3. SleeveToBypass2023

    Monday Check-In

    Happy Monday!!! Just walked 4 miles total to our local lake and back and then work on my arms with light weights and resistance bands. I have my 6 week post op appt for my hysterectomy today and then I finally get to go back to work tomorrow!!! So excited. I've been bored out of my mind being home the last 6 weeks lol I can speak to the blood pressure getting a lot lower the more weight we lose. I use to be on blood pressure meds that kind of controlled it, and now my average bp is 105/60 lol So crazy.
  4. If I remember correctly I think it was around one or so weeks. I remember the surgeon saying the dressings would slowly work their way off (loosening around the edges) & as long as the wounds weren’t being irritated by anything like clothing & looked healed on the surface I didn’t have to cover them again. Your internal healing takes about 8 weeks.
  5. Creating a new thread because the other one has gotten really long. So, here are my before and currents to keep the topic moving. Current as of last week:
  6. Stalls are the worst but you will get used to them and congratulations on your great weight loss. This is what I learned to do on holidays. Breakfasts at hotels are an easy choice for us. Plenty of good choices to be had. Look at every restaurant menu, study it and decide what is good for you before you are seated. I imagine there will be a fridge in your hotel room, stock it with protein yogurt, protein bars and protein drinks. Deli meats, cheese and nuts and seeds are good snack options if you can tolerate them. If at any time you get hungry and there is nothing on the menu - a glass of milk or a skinny latte are really good options If the trip involves a long car journey, plan ahead and pack your meals, drinks and snacks in a cool box. Here is where others will chip in and help you for sure. Enjoy your holiday
  7. BlondePatriotInCDA

    August 2023 Surgery Buddies!

    Anyone else at 5 months noticing the weight loss is slowing down? In the last 3 months (my scale averages it out) I've lost 20.4lbs. From December to today 3.8lbs - less than a pound a week!! I'm not happy. I do exactly as I was told: 1. No more than 800 calories 2. No more than 50 carbs 3. Low calories, low low sugar, low low fat 4. Drink the equivalent of Lake Superior every day 5. I'm always active, stairs, dog walks, cleaning, treadmill, Occulus, etc etc... 6. Take all my vitamins I didn't go through surgery, liquid diets, being hungry all the time (including now) to have weight loss come to a screeching snails pace this soon after surgery! Is there such a thing as a complete slow down/stall 3-4 month post op for several months? I worry because everyone says its "normal" to slow down at 6 months..but this started at 4, what will happen at 6?
  8. Daytrppr

    October 2023 surgery buddies

    Charlie- I understand what you’re going through. Beef (after trial and error) is still a big trigger for me too. Two or three bites and I’m visiting the porcelain goddess for tribute. My doctor said to try it again in a month.
  9. AmberFL


    how has the week been?
  10. Jalapeño

    Vaping after Surgery

    I'm 3 weeks post op. I'm vaping but nicotine free. Do not have any nicotine post surgery because it will slow down your healing.
  11. Hi everyone! Had mine March 28th :) I hit week two tomorrow!
  12. FifiLux


    I don't think you are going bald, just going through what so many of us have had to cope with. I had long thick straight hair pre-op and thought I was doing really well when I got to month four with no hair loss and then it was like a horror movie for two months. Clumps would come out if I washed my hair, I would cry in the shower when I saw what was in the drain and my hand after just a light touch wash. I kept my hair tied back and washed just once a week during the two months but you could tell where I had been by following the trail of fallen hair, I seriously shed more than my cat! I was so self conscious about it as had bald patches but thankfully others couldn't tell it was mostly underneath. I ended up cutting my hair up to chin length so it was not as obvious. After six months the hair loss stopped and now it is about regrowth, it is nearly as annoying though not in anyway upsetting. I have been getting my hair cut every couple of months so that my existing hair is as close in length to the new hair (which is coming in with a curl) and I have to put mascara in my hair if I go out in public as there are baby hairs sticking up all over the place, looks like static hair. I took special bariatric vitamins for hair for three months, no idea if it helped but I was prepared to try anything. I also got a couple of wigs but ended up not needed them. For washing my hair I used a really soft shampoo made from oat milk. Basically I just want to let you know that what you are going through is normal after the surgery, you couldn't have prevented it, it just happens to most patients as the body is coping with the weight loss and it will get better.
  13. Arabesque

    Is this a stall ?

    There are some good dieticians & there are some … well… lousy ones. Is there any way you could find another dietician? Telling you to go to back to shakes is a bad suggestion like @summerseeker said. They should have gone through what you’ve been eating & make suggestions from there. The goal is to be eating real food not highly processed synthesised shakes loaded with artificial sweeteners & such. Stalls are frustrating. No way aground that but they are an important part of your weight loss when your body takes stock of your new needs & adjusts digestive hormones, etc. Best advice is to stick to your plan. Don’t make changes & stress your body more. The stall will break when your body is ready. Good advice from @summerseeker too about going back to the basics of protein first, then vegetables & then low processed complex multi/ whole grain carbs if you can eat more. Make cause you’re hitting your protein & fluid goals. Calories are a bit of a touchy issue at the moment in the medical world. Some are anti some are pro. A lot is around a calorie is a calorie regardless of what the food source is versus nutrient value. Plus, caloric needs differs so much person to person - age, gender, activity, metabolism, general health, hormones, etc. all affect how many you need. Personally I think if you are eating nutrient dense food, having an idea of calories can help you stay on track & guide you if you’re sliding.
  14. Alice F

    Mexican Food

    Mexican was my first restaurant after DS surgery. I was only twe and a half weeks out. I ate the beef and cheese from a taco and refried beans. I had enough beans left for 3 more meals at home. It was perfect!
  15. Arabesque

    When to get new clothes?!

    I went through three sizes of new knickers & 3 sizes of bras. Gets expensive. Yikes! My advice is to do get properly fitted for bras. You may be surprised how much the shape of your boobs change. And yes empty breast are real but I see you’re thinking of having a breast lift in the future so empty boobs won’t be a long term thing for you.
  16. Hi ! I felt the same around 3-4 weeks post op i panicked thinking i could eat way too much and that something was wrong. Then i started measuring and logging into MFP my food intake and realised i was only eating 800-1000 calories a day so all in all it’s nothing to worry about. Truth is everyone is different, the restriction is different. I can and have since around 2 weeks post op gulp water 🤷🏻‍♀️ some people can’t even months down the line. I think it’s easy to get scared in the first few weeks post op but no need to panic - we are no where near being able to eat the quantities we used to eat. Concentrate on what you’re feeling as you eat, learn your fullness cues and it’ll reassure you 💯
  17. I've never counted carbs - whole or net. My program stressed eating balanced meals (not low-carb, like many of them do), and also, I'm not very carb-sensitive (I know a lot of people ARE). two weeks isn't that long for a stall. They usually last 1-3 weeks, and sometimes they can go ever longer as you get closer to goal. (the last few months I kept thinking, "well, this must be it...", but then I'd drop a couple of pounds). You can't really break a stall - it's part of losing weight. Your body has to stop and recalibrate every once in a while. The best thing to do is make 100% sure you're sticking to your program, and only weigh yourself once a week or so until it breaks. you may be far from over. I kept losing weight until month 20. But those last few pounds were a bear to get off...
  18. I’m with ya! One more week…
  19. I didn't dare give myself goals. I had my heart broken too many times. Every sure fire diet got my hopes up and then it failed and I crashed. I had hopes of loosing 70lbs because I had done this before three times. When I began getting NSV's these really boosted me. I had rid myself of diabetes, blood pressure and water retention. These meant so much more than the numbers on the scales. I doubled my expectations and I love my saggy skinned old woman body now. For the first time since I was six years old, I fit in this world.
  20. Dk2181

    Blurry eyes after surgery

    I noticed a few weeks post op. Eye Dr said it was likely due to vitamin deficiency..most people reported there vision got Better.. mine definitely changed but I was over due for eye check up
  21. NickelChip

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    Day 9 on the liquid diet. My greatest disappointment so far has been a batch of "natural" jello that didn't remotely taste like lime. My biggest treat has been tropical flavored Popsicle brand sugar free popsicles. I literally yelled at a robot when I had to call FedEx after they mis-delivered an order from Celebrate that had three new flavors of meal replacement shakes in it. Do not mess with me when I'm hungry and sick of fake cappuccino flavored shakes that don't actually contain caffeine! The robot transferred me to a human and I was much nicer.
  22. summerseeker

    My pre op

    Hello Irene, Welcome in here and congratulations on your surgery date. You will find a March 2024 group on here that you can join. Don't read anything on the net. Scare stories are not needed. This surgery is very safe. This forum is a safe place. Stick to your teams advice, There is not a single person on here who has the same regime as you, pre or post op. Don't buy loads of things you think you may need. Our tastes buds change after surgery because of Ketosis. Just buy a few of a selection of protein shakes. You may want to buy pain meds if you are not in the UK. You will not need much at the hospital. Go in clothes that you can go home in. Take a Chapstick and some Biotin. Some people take a phone charger with a long lead. You might want to use a recliner chair for sleeping, if you have one. I didn't and had to sleep upright in bed for a while and a recliner would have been easier. I had a bed wedge and lots of pillows. If you have a pre op diet they are tough for the first 4 or 5 days but its worth it in the end. You will have a weight loss stall at 2-3 weeks. You have not done anything wrong. You may get over emotional and / or get the regrets at this time. Our hormones are in the fat cells and releasing them in such a hurry makes our hormones go on a wild ride.
  23. I know that for the first few weeks after surgery any medication that you take is in a liquid/dissolvable form but what happens after that? How do you take tablets if you can only sip water? 🤔
  24. FifiLux

    Abdominal pain

    I discussed it with my surgeon at an appointment a few weeks ago and he said it could have been movement of the tube I had fitted but I was to go to the hospital the next time it happened and he then also scheduled the removal of the tube as it was only to be in for five to six months. I spent last week in hospital to get the tube, put in my stomach five months ago to help close the leak, removed. Since then I have had no painful episodes and the tests show that the leak appears to have closed up. It is just a week and a half since the removal so I guess time will tell.
  25. Shanna NYC


    Yes it is very normal. Do not get discouraged. Remember your body just went through a major surgery and it will take time to adjust to such rapid weight loss. This is normal throughout the process and won't just be one time. Stalls and small fluctuations are par for the course. You have lost a major amount already and you've just begun. Keep in mind that it's not 5lbs of fat gained. It can be anything from water retention from a little more sodium and/or carbs or not having had a BM or something else. Further in when you're actively working out, it can be muscle gain. Your hormones and internal system are trying to find their place and rebalance. Stick to the program and if you weigh everyday, try not to for awhile if it makes you anxious or gets you down. It will move again. Also if you haven't already, take measurements and pictures. A lot of the changes can happen that are non scale related you'd be surprised.

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