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  1. 2.5 weeks out and I'm really coming to appreciate just how much activity revolves around eating/drinking. Whether it's dining out or just looking for a weekend activity.  Only being able to eat a couple ounces and avoiding alcohol kills most of the fun venues for meeting up with friends.

    1. BayougirlMrsS


      I remember some of what it was like.... but it's been a while ..... The commercials still get to me... and posts on FB of all the food. Being from South Louisiana... our lives revolve around rich delicious food. I guess it's a sleeve thing with the alcohol? I have the band, so i was never told to avoid it.... just that it's won't take much to fell the effects.. So true, i'm a light weight now. But i still drink wine, i never drink mixed drinks with soda (coke, sprite) in it. I am a wine-o now

    2. Didjit


      lol. I was told to avoid alcohol for six(?) months.  Haven't really missed it in itself, just the sociability of it.  Sadly, we'd just stocked up on "champagne" (well, technically it's not).

    3. BayougirlMrsS


      I wonder why no alcohol? Maybe because you stomach was cut.... Mine was not. So either i was not told to avoid.... are i had selective hearing and choose not to hear that... hehe. I don't eat much, so when i go to dinner, i always order a cocktail or two or three... depends on what and how much sex i what that night... heheheh

  2. The countdown is on...one week till my operation! I'm so excited!

    1. BayougirlMrsS


      So exciting.... congrats


    2. blizair09
    3. Newme17


      How exciting!!! Yay!

  3. Start my 2 week pre-op on THursday

    1. Armygalbonnie


      Good luck! See you on the loser's bench pretty soon.

    2. shedo82773


      Another thing down.. It won't be long now. Good Luck

    3. waltsgirly1


      I'm on day 7 of the pre op diet. You can do it!

    4. Show next comments  78 more
  4. One week down on my pre-op diet and already my weight loss has stalled. Not sure if that's normal or not.

    1. Armygalbonnie


      I was stalled the entire 2 weeks during the pureed stage. Stalls happen. I'll be 3 months out on the 1st and I've been on a stall for 1/2 of the time. The scale is going down so I try not to let it frustrate me too much. The scale will move. Just give your body time.

    2. biginjapan


      Thanks everyone. I'm in pre-op, not post-op. My period started yesterday (2 days early) so I wonder if that also has something to do with it.

      The first three days I lost weight, the next four I didn't. I'm at the beginning of my second week.

    3. Travelher


      Yep, for sure...i always stall around my period.

    4. Show next comments  78 more
  5. It's my 14 week surgiversary!!! What!!! No flowers?

    1. ProudGrammy


      oh man, i forgot to call the florist - you'll get them by saturday!! happy 14 week surgiversary!!! - and many more - kathy

    2. BayougirlMrsS


      I knew i forgot something... Damn.

  6. Three weeks post op. Down 18lbs as of this morning.

    1. Sherrie Scharbrough

      Sherrie Scharbrough

      AWESOME JOB!!! Your journey has begun( in my DR> SPOCK from STAR TRACK) LOL Really that is a great weight oss. KEEP ON KEEPING ON!!

    2. Lisette703


      Thanks Sherri. It has definitely not been easy.

  7. Well my weight loss is on vacation...lost 3lbs in the last couple weeks slow as molasses...and since I'm not eating anything (no appetite) it's really annoying.:angry: 

    1. Apple1


      It will pick up again just have patience. I know it is hard, but if you are on point with your eating and exercise it is just a normal stall. I have had a couple myself.

  8. Less than a week to go.  Blood tests and ECG today.  I'm almost at the target weight that my surgeon doubted I'd make pre-op (It gets me below the cut off for an extra charge the hospital makes), I'll beat it easily before surgery day.  Feeling nerves for the first time.

    1. MowryRocks


      I love beating the expectations! Good for you and Good Luck!

  9. Monday will be 7 weeks since my surgery. A lot has happened in this short amount of time, so much, that Sometimes I just shake my head in amazement. I have lost 46 pounds since January 1rst and 21 since surgery. I am down to a size 12 from a 14-16 in January, and I am so close to wearing a large top I can taste it...lol..

    I am exercising almost daily and last week I started the C25K program. I never thought I would be running, but I absolutely love it! I have so much more energy now and I feel so much better about myself. The scale does not stress me out at all. It is just a number I record every week. I am much more confident in myself as I know I am eating right and moving my body.  

    my dh and I are headed to D.C. Today to meet up with his brother and sister and nephew. They are in town for a few days and it is so close to us we couldn't miss this opportunity to spend a couple days with them. My husbands sister is a marathon runner so it will be nice to pick her brain about getting started with running. This will be the weekend getaway that we didn't get to have for our anniversary last month. 

    Have a great weekend everyone😃


    1. Sweet as peaches

      Sweet as peaches

      That's so great. I love how you and your husband are travelling. Romance is truly wonderful glad you're experiencing this for so long. Wishing you continued greatness with your running.

    2. Apple1


      We are having a great time. I logged over 20,000 steps yesterday!


    3. MSinger


      I hope you're enjoying your trip. Congrats on starting running... that is definitely a goal I have for myself down the line. At 7 weeks out, starting running is incredible progress :D

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  10. I have hit the dreaded stall. I had surgery on May 26th, so this is a little disheartening. Trying to remind myself that this is a part of the process. It's still frustrating though. (-_-) I have been bouncing been 1.5 lbs for the past week and a half. Just have to focus on getting my water and protein in and ignore the stall. Maybe I should just hide the scale?

    1. BeautifulDisaster1991


      Stay off the scale for a good week or so. My surgery was on May 8th and up until 2 weeks ago I would weigh myself everyday, multiple times a day and would get very discouraged when I would not see any changes or see it increase by a few ounces. So now I weigh myself every Sunday morning and track my progress, the loss is there and it makes me feel so much better about my progress. Best of luck to you. Stay positive

    2. biginjapan


      The number on the scale is just a number. It will go down, hang out at a particular place for a while, and go down again. My weight loss has been nothing but "stalls" (up to 3 weeks at a time) but I've still lost almost 80 pounds (60 since surgery). This isn't a race. Also, have you measured yourself lately? You may not see the inches coming off, but if you measure regularly (once a month or so) you'll definitely see those numbers go down!

  11. I want to scream...I am stuck at 260 lbs now for over a week almost two. I'd pull my hair out if I had any...LOL

    1. Apple1


      It is a stall... they suck I know. I have been bouncing back and forth between 189.5 and 190. whatever...lol... Change something up a little. More or less exercise, more or less calories.. and just wait it out. Don't step on the scale for a week. These are all tactics I plan on using.

    2. Jeffrey Stern

      Jeffrey Stern

      Thanks Apple1

      I think I need to step up the exercise. It can't be the food intake I'm barely eating as is.

  12. I'm a week post op today and I've been walking as much as I can tolerate. I thought I was doing well until I looked at my step count and saw I'm getting 2-3k steps per day. I tried to go out to the park for a walk today and really enjoyed it since the weather is beautiful, and this was the first time I've been outside walking since surgery. Well.. I stayed out too long and didn't have enough steam to get me back home. My large incision was extremely painful and I almost passed going up my stairs :blink:  

    So I guess my lesson for today is to listen to your body. Right now, I feel challenged at 2k steps per day and I suppose I need to lay off the pressure to do more until I'm better healed. I feel like my activity tolerance should be higher, but I'm not going to push it.

    1. Newme17


      Yes, listen to your body! I could only do a few ten min walks per day. No where near counting steps. I don't care to count either, but anyway, I'm just a week ahead of you post op and as you know, we get better each day. I can walk pretty good now without the incision pain too. You'll get there, take it easy. We are still healing. 😊 Blessings to you hon.

  13. I am 3 weeks post op yesterday for the Sleeve. At my 2 week check up, I had lost 23 lbs. I honestly didn't think I was going to make it through the first 2 weeks. Physically, I was making it through with flying colors !!! No issues, no problems, no pain.. nothing. I stopped the pain medicine the day after I arrived home and just took Tylenol. I am thankful that my surgery went so well.   I felt so good and as if nothing had happened ( and I also had a hernia repair at the same time) ........  BUT....the liquid diet after was horrific for me. I didn't feel full, I just stayed starving and hungry the entire time. It did an emotional number on me. I had Mothers Day to celebrate and fathers birthday to celebrate with a family of eaters. We go "out to eat" for everything !!! A trip to the store for goodness sake, they get something to eat. Yes, you can always bring your own soup... but for me... sitting at that table while t he appetizers and food and deserts are flowing was absolutely HORRIBLE. I just couldn't do it. I would often excuse myself and walk outside or keep taking trips to the bathroom just so I could be away from the table and the food or go sit in my car and cry.

    Now, I am 3 weeks post op and I have learned that I don't go. I summoned the courage to tell my family " This is just too hard". I will return with them at the table when I can handle it ... and every day is getting easier... So, when my family gets together on the weekends or evenings for shopping or the zoo, or visiting antique stores ( family hobby)... I ask ahead of time if they will be stopping to eat.. If they do, I take my own car and head home at that point.

    I guess my point to this is that no one thing works for everyone. You need to figure out what works and what doesn't work for you. We have diet guidelines but we don't have life guidelines. We have to figure out how to get along in this world after wls  and that isn't always easy. But, if we keep our eye on our goals and realize why we are doing this in the first place, we can make it. This is a journey. We didn't have all the answers before and we won't have them now...But with support and courage, we can find them.

    1. Berry78


      Hopefully once you are on solid foods and can partake again, this will be better. But you are figuring out your coping skills, and that is great! Baby steps ;)

  14. Hey everyone i had my vsg on 1 may and in the initial first week i have lost 10kg but now my weight is stuck. Its showing same scale everyday moreover i started feeling hungry now a days no doubt i cant eat to a large portion as i did before bt m on puree diet bt still feel hungry anyone having same problem plz help bcoz this is demoralizing me 

  15. I'm almost 4 weeks post-op started 369 4/12/2017 surgery and now I'm 328 last weigh in at clinic 5/4/2017 and no setbacks at all but I have problems taking vitamins except for B12

    1. ProudGrammy


      newbie - welcome to our "little" group - we're getting smaller and smaller

      each day! glad things are going well - congrats on weight loss -

      continued good luck - kathy

    2. LifeIsAllGood
  16. Had my three month visit with the dietition today. So far, I have lost 41% of my  excess weight. It is nice to see and feel the results of my hard work! I need to get some new shirts since the ones I have now are hanging off me; same with pretty much everything else I own! I'm looking forward to being able to shop at most "normal" stores: Target, Wal-Mart and most stores at the mall. I have never liked clothes shopping so it is hard to get excited about shopping for the first time in 34 years. I am going to hit up Goodwill and the thrift stores first so I am not spending a lot of money on clothes that I am only going to wear for a few months.

  17. Hi, I had gastric sleeve December 15, 2017. I have been doing great until 2 weeks ago. I have abdominal pain and what seems like gas after eating and sometimes after drinking water. Is this something that will pass or should I look for help?? Thanks everyone.

    1. awilli9634


      It's never a bad idea to give your surgeon a call and ask their opinion. It could be nothing but it doesn't hurt to ask. I had similar pain and ended up needing my gallbladder removed. Not to freak you out!

    2. Dana Collins

      Dana Collins

      Ditto, however stay disciplined/ focused. I'm a 11 yr. Vet for the gastric bypass, very important to educate yourself with the effects of food. This will really determine your outcome for you and your family on all levels long term. Try getting your hands on "the Men's health BIG BOOK OF FOOD & NUTRITION" I highly recommend it, it's like having your own nutritionist/ dietitian bible by your side. Know what your favorite healthy foods side effects haven on you, physically. I love cabbage but it will give you bad gas, and becuz it will turn into water in the digestion stage you will think your over eating, but your not. You will find that you can eat allot of leafy veggies but don't fret, turning into water they won't sit long😁😉😎👌👍👊 get the book!

  18. The week 3 stall is no fun! Come on!!! :blink:

  19. Hit Onederland this week.  This morning I hit 197.2!  OMG.  I'm pretty sure I was never this light in high school!  I'm so happy!

    1. Creekimp13


      That is onederful:) Congrats to you!

    2. GreenTealael
    3. FluffyChix


      Woooohoooo! Congrats to you!!! What a great feeling right? Buh bye twoterville!

  20. One week from today!

  21. Question, when I did my lapband, I had to do 3 weeks of liquid diet (I lost 26 lbs)  Someone I know is having the sleeve done and she only had to be on liquid diet one day!. Is this possible? Inquiring minds want to know!

    1. Rainbow_Warrior


      Entirely possible.

      Entirely normal.

      Horses for courses stuff.

      Doctors are different and have different expectations.

      Patients, too, are all different. Not all generalities apply to everyone.

      Some doctors have short liquid diet suggestions for their patients.

      My surgeon generally sets two weeks for MOST patients. In my case though, with a BMI of close to 50, he asked for FOUR WEEKS. I chose unilaterally to make it even easier on him by doing SIX WEEKS.

  22. 2 weeks out from surgery and back to work today. I am feeling great and am very blessed that i did not have any complications!

    1. 1234567890


      Good to know that. My surgery went smooth too. Wishing you a sleedy recovery and enjoy your journey

    2. desireeXangelica


      Thanks so much. I was nervous I would be down longer and have a harder recovery but I have been doing great and my surgeon was happy with my progress yesterday. I am still very excited for the journey.

  23. Michaelene

    2 weeks post op

    the morning of surgery and 2 weeks 2 days post op
  24. I'm going to hit my stall now. I can tell, because 1) almost everybody stalls when they start moving on to real foods, in addition to the liquids, and 2) I'm at 302 pounds, lol, and the scale knows I want to see the 2 in the first digit.

    I'm fine. It's not going to freak me out or really even upset me. Honestly, I could stand the reconfiguration of inches that always comes with a stall, for me.

    I'm posting here in between bites of refried beans, which (knock on wood) seem to be going pretty well for me, so far. I'm so happy. Between ricotta (with a little sauce and a little seasoning) and refried beans (with a very small amount of low-fat cheese melted in), I can live without chewable foods for a pretty long time. (I'm also eating yogurt and ricotta cheese.) I do want to upgrade to the ricotta bake, because it has better protein and might cut down the number of protein shakes I need in a day. It's probably a bit more firm than ricotta alone, so I held off at first, but I think it's time, don't you? Plus, my spouse can put it over pasta and enjoy it with me.

    I'm eating 2.5 ounces of ricotta in a serving and maybe that much in beans? (this is my first attempt, but that's how much I served myself) I can eat 4 ounces of Greek yogurt in half an hour, which feels like a lot before the 2 week anniversary of my surgery. But I still haven't really figured out my body's "full" signal. I felt a little sick and stopped eating, one time, which made me think I'd overdone it. Other times, I just take tiny bites, sometimes a few minutes apart, for half an hour. And then I refrigerate or throw out what's left, because that was the guidance the nutritionists gave me. But other people talk about a sore shoulder or something as their signal, and I haven't found that yet.

    I guess it'll come with time and practice.

    1. Orchids&Dragons


      Don't talk yourself into a stall. They're common, but not everyone has them early on. I honestly haven't had one yet. I've only had 3 "up" weeks in almost 8 months and none of them was from a stall. (One was from vacation, two were recovering from losing 13 lbs in 10 days because I was prescribed too much diuretic and ended up dehydrated in the er ☹️) You're unique, just let it go.

      It is early for you to recognize a "full" signal. Pretty much all the foods you're eating right now are sliders that just pass through your pouch. Other than the refried beans, most of them won't stay long enough to trigger a "fullness" feeling. Don't worry, it will come. You're doing great!

    2. CrankyMagpie


      If it's a stall, it's only in comparison to the ridiculous speed with which I lost during immediate pre- and post-op. I'm still down like half a pound from when I posted this. (Half a pound in four days is slow for this stage of the journey, but it's still good!)

      Thanks for the reassurance! It's good to be told I'm doing well. ❤️

    3. Orchids&Dragons


      Yeah, we love that non-linear weight loss when we have a 4-pound week. Not so much with a 1/2-pound week. I only weigh twice a week (and only write it down on Saturday) in an attempt to keep the insecurity monster at bay 😉

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