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Found 17,501 results

  1. Where did I go wrong Sent from my CPH1923 using BariatricPal mobile app
  2. Going on 9 weeks post op GS. I've had heart burn/acid reflux prior to surgery on and off now after surgery its every day after each meal. I keep up with my appts, take my omeprazole as directed and MD says its normal to have this but I want to know from ppl who have had the sleeve when it subsided ?
  3. Hi so in the first week after surgery I lost 6 kg, but then in week 2 I lost about 0.5kg and in week 3 barely 0.5 kg. Starting week 4 and feel a little upset because so hear about how people literally shed weight first few weeks. Why is this happening so slow?
  4. victoriaciminelli111


    I am about 2 years ago stop and I have lost 238 lb but I have recently stopped losing and hit a stall. Any ideas on how to reset my body. I had duodenal switch surgery
  5. Can somebody enlighten me on "weight stalls" should I feel discouraged 😞 will the weight eventually start to leave again? How long does the stall usually sticks around? I had my sleeve Feb 2nd 2021 and here we are at Mar 10th and I lost 25lbs which I'm totally excited about of course, other people I know lost well over 30, 40lbs in their 1st month, I'm just a little ughhh at things now
  6. 9 weeks post op today.  Gosh, observations are so many.....

    I am finally back in the 70's (kilograms that is) which is my happy place - preferably the low 70's but I'm getting there.

    My hair is dry, really dry.  Need more water and healthy oils.

    I'm starting to feel thirst again, but gulping isn't a good feeling.  Sip sip sip all day.

    My body transformation is astounding.  I can see contour in my shoulders, and my legs are back where they used to be when I was very active.  

    I tan a LOT better than I used to.  Weird, I don't know why, but we are at the end of our summer here in Australia and I have the BEST tan!  🙂

    I've been more out and about doing things, feeling more motivated.  

    I become exhausted after a short amount of exercise.  This is incredibly frustrating.

    Alcohol hits me, HARD.... 😞 

    Poop is back!  Ha, I know, TMI.  But I am back pooping daily or every other day and they are normal woohoo.

    I'm not scared to try all foods now, just in tiny amounts to begin with.

    I was asked if I was ok the other day by a shop keeper at our local pet and pool store.  She thought I was ill.... 😞

    My body self image is nothing like reality.  My imagination doesn't allow me to try on clothes that will actually fit me, I still feel fat.

    Just my thoughts at 9 weeks.  NO REGRETS!!!!  

  7. Tried to be tough but its not working.. still on protein shake Sent from my CPH1923 using BariatricPal mobile app
  8. Surgery date was 2/24 Traditional Duodenal Switch. One of my Incisions hurts like a B**** it usually hurts the most when I stand up and make certain movements. The only Relief I get is if I hold up my stomach with my hands from the bottom. It's not infected and my Dr has already seen me and told me it was the Incision where alot of Muscle and Nerves blah blah and I won't start to feel any pain relief for another week (this was 3/1) I had the Sleeve done in 2014 and never had this type of pain. Please tell me I'm not alone and tell me you had similar experience and there is a light at the end of the Tunnel very soon! My pain level is a 9-10 btw and I have high tolerance for pain. Sent from my GM1915 using BariatricPal mobile app
  9. I hate to even tell this but for folks thinking about backing out, I hate the pre op diet,Is it worth it? Will it work ...etc. I need to tell my story of the last 7 days. Surgery day(2/23) to me was like a blur. The worst part of the day and night was the gas and thirst.TAKE DRY MOUTH SPRAY TO THE HOSPITAL, THIS WAS A GAMECHANGER FOR ME!! I was able to burp the gas out almost 100% before I was discharged. I have not had ny trouble getting my liquids down and really just not had any pain to speak of. I didn't have a BM until a short while ago and that was painful. Like passing a couple of big rocks OUCH!! I took stool softenors, maybe I should have taken more. I went to the doctor yesterday to get some meds refilled. The last time I was there was 1/25/21, 5 weeks ago. I had lost 26 pounds! The nurse said are you losing weight? I said I don't know...am I? She gets all excited and then I told her I had WLS surgery last week.I will say I am fatigued, tired and not much energy. We have a nice gym nere at the condos and I want to go do some 10 # dumbells but too lazy right now. I will get some in today sometime. Do not be afraid to have this surgery. I also had a lap band removed the same day which complicated the surgery but still no pain and now no hunger. I honestly believe I can hit my goal weight in 6 months. 81 pounds in 6 months...if it comes faster or longer I am ok with that too. This has been a great ride so far and I have accepted the change in lifestyle. I have hated to have my picture made for years, you know the tricks, get in the back or between people so that only your head shows.. In a few months that story will change! Do not hesitate to have this surgery. It will change your life for the better!
  10. EaglerRc

    3 weeks post

    © RobCox

  11. I have read that the surgery will be canceled if they see any cuts on your stomach due to possible infection. my burn is small and there’s a small piece of skin that is peeled off. I’ve googled where they would make the incisions and the burn isn’t really near there but its at the bottom right of my belly button. Is there a chance my surgery might be canceled? I have had it rescheduled twice :(
  12. Hello, one week out from vsg and having severe cold feet. Worried about the future and long term complications as I’m young M27. Starting weight 377 How is everyone doing. Any tips? I’m worried about regret.
  13. Sleeve surgery on Jan 8...got covid the next week.  I’ve lost about 35 lbs very steadily, but I’m still so nauseated.   Has anyone else experienced the long term nausea?  I don’t know if it’s the sleeve or covid...my covid symptoms were mostly gastric issues.

    any info on eating salads...is it a possibility anytime soon?

    1. Neensyb


      I had surgery on 4 January so only a few days before you. I started on salads this past weekend, just tiny amounts of lettuce and cucumber, chewed well. I had a small mouthful of coleslaw which didn't sit too well, I think it was the raw carrot.

      I was very lucky, no nausea and vomiting at all.

      Do you still see a dietician? My one told me that most people give up on the dietician straight after surgery but I still see her every 4-6 weeks as I go through the different stages. Just a thought, it might help you work on the nausea. It must feel awful 😞 ginger and mint are natural anti emetics (nausea), perhaps try some sugar free mints to suck on, or some sugar free gingerale?

  14. Hi everyone, I've been here for a while but never posted before. But I'm just under 3 weeks away from my surgery. My nerves are going crazy. I don't know if it's because of not having my approval from insurance yet or about the actual surgery. I was denied back in December and it was so disheartening. But my Nut. and NN have helped me make sure all requirements are met this time since they were changed part way through so my fingers are crossed. How do/did you guys get passed the jitters? I feel like literally all I do is worry about weightloss and meal planning to the point that I'm not sleeping...
  15. Hello It’s been 3 weeks since my gastric sleeve. I am on soft foods now. I have eaten a whole egg with some cheese to soften it no problem, I’ve tried having a healthy version of Nutella when I felt dizzy - no problem no dumping. Bread feels uncomfortable and heavy in my stomach. Other than I have no problem with foods and eating. I do feel thirsty sometimes and have the urge to chug ice coldwater , of course I haven’t. Any tips on keeping thirst at bay? How many “sips” can you have at once 3 weeks post op? The only downside is I feel dizzy if I’m squatting or standing up. Even though I have been cleared for exercise and I’m so eager to start to help avoid sagging, the dizziness is scaring me.. I don’t want to faint. PS: I tried the ricotta bake.. it was good but too oily and rich for me.
  16. Hey anyone here who had surgery in the last two weeks how are you feeling?
  17. Jmaster2

    6 weeks po

    Good morning! I am new to this. I am 6 weeks postop and feel like I'm doing this all wrong. The scale is not going down like I though it would. Since surgery I have only lost 29lbs and I am afraid I am screwing this up.. I'm very upset and afraid.. what should I do
  18. I am 9 weeks post op and have constant nausea and spasms. My dietitian has put me back on stage one , but I'm still having spasms anytime I drink and nausea is all the time. I've tried everything. They have me on zofran and phenergan which helps until I try to drink. Anyone else having this issue?
  19. Hello everyone! I finally have a surgery date!!! March 29 is the big day!! So I have been assigned a 5 week pre-op liquid diet (starting today!). The diet is 5 x High Protein Boost or High Protein Ensure per day. I am also allowed 1 or 2 cups of clear low sodium broth (Wooo!! Calm down lol). Oh, and I am allowed coffee with sugar substitute. So Canadians often get shafted for flavors or variety for a lot of products...so I am working with $300.00 of High Protein Boosts in Chocolate and Vanilla. I have got a few sugar free syrups (Salted Caramel, Coconut, Peppermint) to change up the taste....hopefully?! Maybe?! I also made some popsicles with Mio flavoring in water. Does anyone have any other suggestions to fancy any of this up a little? Also, does anyone drink their protein/protein drink and coffee together? Do you just use instant coffee...or do you ice your coffee and mix together? Any help or suggestions is super appreciated. Thank you!!
  20. How many calories and protein was everyone getting in 7 weeks out??
  21. Had surgery January 4th 21 with liquid diet I’ve lost 33 pounds but haven’t loss anything in the month of February doing everything right...anyone else have this happen? Not sure what’s going wrong
  22. Hi all! I'm feeling a little frustrated this last week or two. I'm 53 days out and I've only lost 39 pounds. I was losing so fast, then BAM, I've been stuck at 267 since February 10th [emoji30] Please tell me it gets better! Sent from my SM-N975U using BariatricPal mobile app
  23. Approaching 7 weeks post op this coming Monday.

    I've been lazy with cooking, just having low fat convenient foods.  I am feeling lethargic and flat.  I forget my multivitamins all the time despite me putting an alarm on my phone.

    Tonight I am doing a full months meal plan and getting my sh*t together!

    Still losing, still happy with my decision to go ahead.  I just need to sort out my motivation!

  24. Just wondering about thighs and maybe abdomen once the belly heals enough. Thanks
  25. All, I'm 6 months out and getting so frustrated. After being stuck/bouncing between 180-186 for several months, I finally (and very suddenly) dropped to 174. No idea what I did differently to make that happen. I hit 174 about 3 weeks ago and it lasted a few days, but have since regained a few pounds and am now been bouncing between 176-179. Again, no idea what I'm doing wrong or differently. I've kept to nearly the same diet/same types of foods for months. High protein, low carbs, low sodium, low/zero sugar, lots of water, etc. Any suggestions on how to kickstart the weight loss again? I'm down about 70lbs and about 40lbs from my goal weight, but I'm starting to lose faith. 😞

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