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  1. I had a stall one month out that lasted for 5 weeks. I gained and lost the same 2-4 lbs every week. It was so discouraging. One thing I highly recommend though is MEASUREMENTS. I discovered that though I wasn't losing weight, I was losing inches!! This is rather common during a stall because our body composition is still changing even though the scale is at a standstill or going up a bit. The stall will break eventually. Keep doing what they told you to do, make sure you are getting your protein and hydration daily. Go for a walk. Try to ignore the scale for a bit. This is a marathon, not a sprint. I know it is hard, I'm 10 weeks out and have to remind myself of this every day!
  2. They reduced both my pouch size and the size of the opening during the revision. That's why I'm very puzzled by his comment that you wouldn't lose significant weight after the revision. It just makes no sense to me.
  3. same. and "anything i want" includes chocolate and chips and fried foods and sauces/gravvies and high-fat things and desserts and pizzas and bread, etc. etc. BUT not in copious amounts (for the most part). BUT i also eat salads and veggies and lean meats and cottage cheese and tofu and fruits, also not in copious amounts (for the most part). mind you my weight loss phase days are long behind me, but even during weight loss phase, i would occasionally have foods that were "off plan". like mentioned above, i was closer to maybe eating "what i was supposed to be eating" maybe 75-80% of the time. though my total average calories were always low regardless of what i was eating.
  4. mkgigs

    Tricare East

    Does anyone have a detailed I guess EOB regarding weight loss surgery approval and denial from Tricare (more specifically Tricare East/Humana). I know what their website says, but it doesn’t give much info at all. Thanks!
  5. Good morning! I am so happy that I found this group! I have been lurking for a month or so. There is a lot of information to be gained here😁. I had VSG Nov 2014 and lost 80 lbs. I was down to 170 lbs. I am 5’9 so I was quite content there. As we all know life throws curveballs and my weight has steadily climbed. I am now 60 years old and weigh 225. My A1c is high and I have been diagnosed with type 2 dm. I have been nauseated for months and last month I had an upper GI that showed severe acid reflux and a moderate hiatal hernia. Omeprazole has not helped at all. I have an EGD scheduled this coming Friday. Revision to bypass has been brought up by the nurse practitioner at the bariatric surgeon’s office. I also just met with my new PCP who gave me a prescription for Mounjaro. Bariatric surgeon said not to start the Mounjaro until we resolve my reflux issues (due to the possible side effects of nausea). I am unsure if I should go with the revision to bypass with hernia repair or just get the hernia repair and hope that fixes my reflux issue and use the Mounjaro to help with weight loss and lowering my A1c. I am not sure if just repairing the hernia will fix my relax issue. I will discuss all these options with my surgeon after the EGD. What are your thoughts/experiences?
  6. JadeMonk80

    May 2024 Surgery Buddies 😁

    I’m at exactly 7 weeks post op. I’ve lost 25 lbs since surgery. I lost 15 lbs in the first 2 weeks then I stalled for a few weeks. People kept saying, your body is still healing, which was true. At 4 weeks my stomach was not inflamed anymore, the incisions looked good. Around the 5th week I started losing again. I do weigh myself daily, but I look at lbs lost weekly. I’m not particularly in a rush to lose a lot of weight super fast because I don’t want the loose skin. As long as I am losing and feeling good. Although I wasn’t losing weight during my stall, I was losing inches. I use bands to exercise my arms and legs, and I walk. slowly but surely!!!!!
  7. Hop_Scotch

    summer journey in fitness

    Unfortunately for me (and others in the southern hemisphere) winter is coming. I have a treadmill in my garage for morning walks and I head to the gym 2 to 3 times a week for weights.
  8. ☝️i'm one of these. with a dash of some major changes...specifically my regular exercise regime. though i have to say that what i was doing when the first year or so of maintenance is very different from what i am doing now. i was still pretty strict about carbs and desserts and drinking calories that first year and a bit after reaching goal. as the years went on, i became less strict about WHAT i was eating, but still continued to keep an eye and stick to the TOTAL NUMBER OF CALORIES i needed to maintain...this amount changed up and down depending on my activity level, and i made sure to make changes as needed. i love going out and socializing and eating and drinking, and i've discovered that i can do all that and still maintain my current weight. i love to try new restaurants and tick off all the michelin star venues i could possibly go to before i die. and i am forever grateful for my wls and its restriction that has conditioned me to not overindulge...just have a taste to try and i am satisfied. (i am also forever greatful for whatever powers that be that have me loving exercise lol) with that said, let me attempt to provide my answers to your questions. NOTE: starting weight 235 lbs, 5'2" female, 46 yrs old at surgery. i lost 108 lbs in 7 months (plus my 2 wk pre-op diet) to reach goal. i am now 5 years, 8 months post op, and weighed 118.2 lbs this morning. 1. What are your golden rules to successful maintenance? - be flexible, be willing and able to change and make adjustments. weigh daily, always be aware of your calorie intake (i.e., track). EXERCISE: it makes you look and feel good. don't give into the angst...nobody is perfect...including YOU. i realize this is not for everyone, it takes a certain type of personality to be ok with this...i just happen to be one of them. 2. How did you manage the mental shift (navigating fear and uncertainty) while transitioning to maintenance? I can’t seem to quiet my thoughts and anxiety around WHAT IFs? - TIME. as time goes by you will gain experience and knowledge and hopefully learn to trust yourself. 3. How much indulgence do you actually allow yourself? - any time i want. hard to put a number or amount on this because it varies day by day, week by week. but i probably eat SOMETHING or other that most "dedicated" wls-ers would consider "bad" every day. (ASIDE: i personally don't think anything is "bad" just stuff higher in calories than others, with varying macro-makeups.
  9. Ditto the ditto, and I also wanted to say WOW. 29 lbs in 2 weeks is actually pretty incredible when you think about it. Most non-WLS diets average 1-2 lbs per week at most, after the initial water-retention loss. Think about it -- can you think of any time in your life that you even managed to lose 5-10 lbs per week? 14 or 15 instead is amazing. ^___^ I think it's really important in WLS groups to remember that while we're all here to chime in and give support, share common trials and tribulations -- actual comparisions of weight or inches lost can be a little unhealthy / unrealistic. Everyone starts from a different place -- different surgery day weights, different co-morbidities, different physicalities. Even where we carry our weight can make a big difference in how it comes off. So while it's great to find common ground with others here, please please please never judge your own journey by how others' have gone before you. It's not a contest. The only winner is you, the individual who wakes up every day and makes conscious healthy choices (often difficult -- especially at the beginning) to work towards your goal. ❤️
  10. I’m so sorry to hear this. I wish I had some words of wisdom for you, but honestly, I don’t. During these days of the stall, are you still noticing that your clothes are fitting looser? I was told not to be so dependent on the scale but more on noticing the weight coming off as far as how I feel in clothes. I don’t recall if you have a dietitian or someone that you check in with? If you do, you may wanna contact them or contact your doctor and talk this over with them. I don’t doubt that more weight is going to come off, I’m more concerned about your mental state. No giving up, OK??
  11. Has anyone had their gallbladder removed after losing weight quickly? I just had mine removed after dealing with constant pain and gallstones. Any tips on what to eat? I had my gallbladder removed on Monday.
  12. Thank you!!! I guess I'll just ride it out and see where it takes me. I honestly didn't think about the regain later on, so maybe it's not a bad thing if I go 10 or even 12 pounds below my goal weight. Thanks for the advice and suggestions!!! Much appreciated
  13. Thank you Yes, I have been getting support from the weight loss clinic in the hospital. I met with the in-house psychiatrist and he in turn referred me to one of their psychologists for PTSD and it has helped me. I actually see them both again (separately) at the end of this month as I will be doing some EFT sessions starting the end of the month.
  14. ShoppGirl

    No weight loss

    If I’m calculating right that’s 255 lbs so at 5’1 that’s a bmi of 48.2. Have you considered another surgery? I agree the pound of cure book is great and may help you lose some but my experience at the higher bmi it’s pretty unlikely to get down to a healthy weight without help. Especially if you have metabolic issues related to your weight, surgery may be something to consider. Regardless, you may have to cut your calories below 1400 Depending on age and activity level. Have you talked to a nutritionist?
  15. Pat Hall

    May 2024 Surgery Buddies 😁

    Operation is on May 1. I'm one week into the liquid diet. It's not as bad as I thought it was going to be. My doctor's nutritionists made a schedule (I always do better with a plan) and required me to buy Unjury products. I have the chicken soup and cookies and cream shakes. The shakes are actually pretty good. My sense of smell is through the roof. I wasn't expecting that. I can smell people cooking meat a mile away I swear! I get odd tightness and heat where the back of my head meets my neck. Is this the headaches I was warned about? I'm feeling good about the surgery. I'm already down a pants size after one week and am looking forward to sustaining gains through the next 12 months.
  16. Arabesque

    Healthy food

    Hey @Rose perez. Could you update your profile with your details ( type of surgery, surgery date, starting weight, current weight, height, etc.). It makes it easier to respond to your questions, offer advice, support, etc. if we know that information. You can do it via profile under account in the menu tab.
  17. i lost another 15+ lbs in the 6 months after i reached goal weight. i had to learn to get out of diet mode and into maintenance mode, which was unexpectedly difficult as i had a low-key fear of carbs and eating more and gaining all the 125 lbs i lost back in a one fell swoop, ha! anyway, i slowly ate more and more, but had a sort of physical limitation because i had very effective restriction, so i had to choose higher calorie, low volume foods. by the time my 2 yr post op mark hit, i gained back about 1/2 of the extra weight i lost. today, at 5+ yrs out, im still more or less the same weight. BUT my composition is different: i had more muscle mass percentage back then (because i was exercising much more recently then) so i am technically fatter now despite being the same weight. but i digress... anyhoo...short answer to ur question is eat more calories than u burn. it doesn't mean eat heaps and heaps of food, just choose higher calorie stuff: avocados, nuts, full fat cheese and dairy, olive oil, salmon or other oily fish, red meat, egg yolks, etc. ...and if you are able to practice moderation, chips (my go to was chicharron), chocolate, etc. if you can't practice moderation, then just don't bother going this route...slippery slope and all... you may lose more weight as u figure stiff out. though unless ur doc is worried, you probably don't need to either. oh, and no, i didn't meal prep, but i did grocery shop plan and execute to make sure i always had stuff at home i could eat/prepare. mind u i don't/didn't work outside the home so i was able to eat/cook on the fly. good luck! ❤️
  18. ShoppGirl

    50 and over crowd?

    I love that last part. That’s so true. I am looking at every way or calculating it and it boils down to the fact that losing only a percentage of that I am most likely not going to reach my “happy weight” however I will lose a large amount of weight and I will be healthier. That’s what matters most.
  19. SleeveToBypass2023

    Weight Stall 4.5 months after gastric sleeve

    Normal. I have always stalled out on average every 2 months or so. And the stalls last progressively longer each time. And I gain 2-4 pounds with each stall, then drop like 6 pounds all at once when it breaks. Just get used to it lol It's literally never ending. But it's very normal and all part of the process.
  20. my stomach was the last place I seemed to lose my weight (probably because I carried most of my fat there before surgery). You may end up losing more in your stomach with those last few kilos. I think you look great, though!! (and you've definitely lost weight in your stomach!!)
  21. so I started looking and booked a consultation with one for next Friday. I wont get surgery till my weight has settled but I want to get an idea of pricing, what can be done, and possible book someone I like in a future date. But I am excited!
  22. SleeveToBypass2023

    Clothing sizes

    And it drives me nuts because my mom says things like "You just have to stop. You know you did the work and lost the weight, so just stop." Like...Ok, sure. I'll just quit. No problem. Thanks, mom 🙄
  23. Arabesque

    Struggling to stop losing

    A protein shake is really a meal replacement so you are having more than a meal or two. And no, don’t load up on junky snacks or empty calories. Look too foods that will add additional nutrients: fruit, complex carbs i.e. whole/multi grains, good fats like avocado & nuts, boiled egg, cheese stick, etc. Keep the deli/luncheon/charcuterie meats intake low too - highly processed, high salt & high fat, lower protein. Better to buy a bbq/rotisserie chicken& package it up in single serves & eat that. Give your body time to settle. It takes time for your body to work out what it needs to function effectively & for you to physically be able to eat appropriate sized portions & meals. My hunger didn’t really come back until about a year so after I reached goal at 6 months & it played a part in my continued weight loss. And it took a while to work out the calories I needed. When my weight first stabilised at around 18 months I was eating 1300 odd calories - it took me all that time to eat that much. At 4 years I was eating 1500/1600 & still maintaining much the same weight so it took that long for my body to work out what it really needed. Your lowest weight may not be your final weight either. There’s the quite common 5-10lb bounce back regain around the 2 or 3 year mark. Or lifestyle choices may mean you settle a little higher. And finally, your goal weight might not be your body’s goal weight (your new set point). My new set point was 11kg/24lbs less than my goal.
  24. Hi, I don't even know where to start. I'm short (5'1") and my highest weight was around 210. I was 180 at the time of my surgery back in January 2013. I did great with my sleeve and my lowest weight was 117 -- too thin honestly. I stayed between 135-150 for many years. In early 2020 (Covid), 7 years after surgery my weight started creeping up. I'm embarrassed to say that I'm 200 lbs now. I've had clothes sized 2 to 18, in the last 11 years which is crazy. I am in my early 50s. I'm pretty sure I've started menopause. I get very hungry and graze way too much. I still don't eat a ton at one sitting, but nothing like the small amounts I used to eat either. The idea of trying to lose all this extra weight is overwhelming to me. Plus my knees and feet kill me now. I can walk for exercise and plan to do that. My insurance does cover WLS revisions now and I'm seriously considering it. I am at a place in my life where I want to be comfortable in my skin and just generally comfortable. I have chub rub again, travelling sucks at thIs size, and I'm generally uncomfortable. I would give anything to be 150 again. I would love feedback from others that have been where I am. Any advice or help would be appreciated. I'm also going to post this in the revision forum. Thanks in advance.
  25. Bypass2Freedom

    Holiday Clothes Shopping

    Hmm, that is true actually! It feels as though we have skipped Summer here 😅 I shall hold off from buying anything just yet, as I am conscious of how fast the weight loss is right now! I think I am suffering a bit from imposter syndrome right now - I feel like a fraud if I were to buy smaller sizes if that makes sense! Like my body won't actually ever fit into them (which I know is insane, given that I am and have lost weight) but my brain hasn't caught up yet. I have heard nothing but good things about M&S - I may create a holiday wishlist on there! I admit I have never even worn those kinds of trousers before! But I think that was just due to me not feeling like they'd suit my shape!

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