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Found 1,239 results

  1. catwoman7

    Stall in loss?

    my surgeon said going back to the pre-op diet (Protein shakes plus clear liquids) for a couple of days will sometimes get things going again. Haven't tried it since my only stall thus far has been the "three week stall". Since I'm over seven months out, he probably figured I was long overdue for one...
  2. VDLT

    Stalled since week 2!

    You lost over 30 pounds in two weeks, Celebrate that! It is early on in the game and as long as you are following rules you will be ok. The first month going from clears to full liquids to mushies etc poses a lot of changes to your body so give it time to adjust. I stalled after week two for over a week as well and thought, oh well, getting the three week stall out of the way early. Nope, hit another big stall a few weeks later. But things got moving again. I am now stuck at a previous set point and trying to just wait it out. I am doing what I need to be doing and have to trust that.
  3. catwoman7


    My "three-week stall" lasted two weeks. There's a woman on another forum I'm on who had one last 3.5 weeks - so yes, it can happen. As long as you're following your program, the stall will break soon...
  4. catwoman7

    When was your weight loss?

    people seem to have biggest drops the first month or two (other than during the infamous "three week stall".
  5. Bufflehead

    Tape measure moves, scale not so much

    I see you have 70+ posts here, so you've probably seen people talking about the three week stall, correct? It is real! Don't stress out. Keep following your plan and the weight will start dropping again. I know it is frustrating and freaky but it is also completely normal. Hang in there.
  6. grandmaofone

    Stinkin stall is pissing me off!

    Maybe mix up your exercise routine, I stalled and changed around everything and then lost 5 pounds after a three week stall. Sometimes no matter what you do it will just take sometime for your mind and body to register all the changes.
  7. I'm having the three week stall. Had great loss, 17 pounds in three weeks, and now, the stall. How many days does it last??
  8. Angie1982

    Kansas city area sleevers?

    Nice to meet up guys! I was sleeved by Dr slayden in the st lukes group. And i agree......they really do prepare us well! I'm in that dreaded three weeks stall right now kinda frustrating
  9. jane13

    No weight loss

    @@Mbain - embrace the stall - search thru BP for stall especially the infamous three week stall. YOU WILL STALL, it happens, breathe....
  10. I know some of you post very helpful information about stalls. And it has really helped me but at the moment I'm feeling somewhat desperate and worried!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! After over 30 years of trying to lose weight now that I have had surgery, I am 24 days post surgery and of those 24 days I have only gone down on the scale for six of those days in the beginning. I am so worried that this is not going to work or that I will not lose. I am following everything perfectly. I have read a lot about the three-week stall. My stall started on day 12 and has continued now until day 24. Mostly, when people lose weight they lose mostly in the beginning and then start tapering off. Is this really because of the surgery and how many of you have had such a long stall so early in the process? (I have tried to not get on the scale every day but I just can't keep away from it and it is really worrying having a two-week stall so early in the process. I am almost one months post surgery and have only lost 12 pounds eating tiny amounts of food every day. SORRY to bring up this subject again but for those of us going through it for the first time it is very daunting and depressing!!!
  11. Hi everyone. I was sleeved on 9/30/15 at a weight of 205. I'm down to 173.8 as of this morning. Overall, I am pleased with the pace of my weight loss. I did encounter the dreaded three week stall (that lasted for nearly three weeks) but I'm out of it now. The first month after surgery was really easy to lose weight. The way of eating was new to me so it was different and easy to stick to. Over the past few weeks, I have grown tired of the same old things and have found myself trying things like bread, Pasta, and even Cheetos. I've not had any trouble from eating these foods. I think the only reason I'm continuing to lose weight is because of how little I am taking in. Even though my sleeve can tolerate bad foods, it can only tolerate a tiny amount of them. The problem is I don't want to continue like this. I want to be someone who eats lean meat and veggies but I can't picture that in my head. My mom let me eat badly from a very young age (she would go get me Mcdonalds if I didn't like what she made for dinner) so I feel like I am conditioned to only like the bad, processed, foods. I have tried many different types of vegetables and asparagus literally made me gag. I'm not trying to be dramatic but my taste buds just don't like the healthy stuff. The healthy things I DO like are few and far between. I need to find ways to eat healthy and actually like the taste of what I'm eating. I've heard many people say that you won't crave carbs once you're off them but that's not been the case for me. I'm still craving things that I haven't had for months. I'm hoping you all can give me some tips on how to get back on track. I need to "reset" my way of eating. I know that if I don't get a grip on this now, I will just gain all the weight back. I take my Vitamins religiously but I don't always get my 64 oz Water or 80 grams Protein in. Any tips for increasing this? My plan requires no Fluid 30 minutes before a meal or 30 minutes after a meal. Each meal is supposed to take 30 minutes so that's 90 minutes that I can't have water anytime I eat, whether it be a meal or a snack. I'm eating three meals per day and two Snacks so that's 5 times per day that I can't have any water for an hour and a half. I've found it incredible challenging to get all my water in with this type of restriction. Any tips are greatly appreciated.
  12. So I am 3 weeks out from surgery and have read up enough on this site to realize that I am right in the middle of the dreaded "THREE WEEK STALL"!!!!! I am so thankful for all of you that have written about this because at least I know to expect it and to embrace it :-) But I am curious how long you have all stalled for? Currently I have been the same weight for one week. I hope it breaks soon and my weight starts going down. I know we are all different but I am just curious what the duration of the stalls have been you have experienced.
  13. What you're going through is completely necessary and normal! Don't stress! It happened to most of us at the same time post surgery! Google "Three Week Stall" and it will explain everything. Like @@jane13 said, stay on course and embrace the stall! It's supposed to happen
  14. @@rescue4_u welcome. it's kind of a known thing called the three week stall. embrace the Stall. search for stall. stay on course!
  15. winklie

    Slower than I expected

    @@Smallfry06 You are right on time for the 'dreaded three week stall' try searching, there are a million posts about it. Stick to the program, and you will be fine. I know I hit the same stall at the same time. Now back to 3-4 pounds a week.
  16. dewythecat

    What have I done to myself?

    The three week stall I think is normal. Even if you aren't losing on the scale I bet you are still losing inches. I am almost 4 weeks out and have been extremely dizzy as well. Possibly maybe related to low blood pressure or low blood sugar? I wish this phase would pass. You're not alone!
  17. Three week stall is completely normal. Use the search feature and you will find tons of posts about it
  18. catwoman7

    Loosing too fast?

    it'll slow down. I had a big drop the first month, then it's been like 2-3 lbs a week. Plus like many, you may hit the "three week stall" soon where you won't lose anything for a week or two....
  19. Try searching three week stall in the forums... There is lots on information about it there. Don't worry.. Most of us have been through this and congratulations on the surgery ☺
  20. look up "three week stall". Almost everyone gets it, and it's not *always* at exactly the three-week mark. Sometimes it's the second week, sometimes fourth or fifth. But always shortly after surgery. Mine lasted two weeks - weeks 2 and 3. Then I dropped like 6 or 8 lbs the fourth week.
  21. From what I've read in various post here, what we call the "three week stall" generally happens sometime between two and four weeks out. This also seems to be the only stall we don't need to do anything to get out of. Just wait it out.
  22. I feel like such an idiot, but the allure of hitting the scale proved too much for me this morning...... Down 4 pounds. And that is after pee number one, I don't know about all of you, but I get so much liquid in me that my "floor weight" cannot be determined until after pee number two in the am. At least the scale did not go up! I have two more days this week to lose weight before my official weight in on Friday morning. I'd go for my am walk, but it's 03:15 and fargin cold outside, oh and dark. The park system where I walk is great, however, it's massive and reclusive, and a number of homeless setup tents in the woods and sleep there overnight. Between 0500 and 0600 when the local corner stores open, they start drinking, I've had to put down several, let me restate, I was forced to take aggressive action to subdue drunken idiots on several occasions. No police, I was also kind enough not to break any bones or do any serious damage, just make my point "Don't F with me" and move along. My fear, is the duo, one or two of which is armed, I can drop one quick, but if the second pulls a (insert weapon here) I don't know how casually I would take it. And honestly the last thing I need is to be on the news for killing an armed homeless alcoholic. Thusly the end of an overly long paragraph is I try to avoid the park before the sun comes up, as the homeless take down their tents and move out before the police begin patrols. I guess tomorrow will be the real testing point. If I continue to lose weight, the stall lasted nearly a week, if not it's still going on, and today was just a 'teaser'. BTW my NUT indicated that "The Dreaded Three Week Stall" happens for a reason. She said, "You ever notice how it's always right after a dietary change?" then she went on to describe a variety of different dietary reasons that could cause a stall, but her logic was sound. This did not happen until the day I began eating pureed foods instead of liquids. I am not saying it's not real, obviously it is, nor am I saying that anyone is doing anything wrong, it may just be, the body reacting to a new diet component or something. Anyway, Thanks for those who posted.
  23. I had a three week stall. It was super frustrating. I cried. I was super b*&$thy and then it suddenly I started losing steadily. Be patient.
  24. @2goldengirl I was walking 12-14K steps a day while still in the Hospital. At my two week check in, my Doctor wanted to know what I was up to, and I told him I had stepped back, slowed down, and he admonished me, he told me to get out and get pushing! He'll be thrilled I have increased my walk, and it's really just that, a long walk. I drink 32oz of Water while doing it and wear a long, tight undershirt that holds my fat in place, so I am not jiggling. Thanks for the advice, I appreciate it though, but the more I read it sounds like the dreaded three week stall, and there is not a lot I can do about it, except keep at it.
  25. it's the infamous "three-week stall" - right on time! Mine lasted two weeks.

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