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Found 2,865 results

  1. Irish Girl in NW

    Awful 3-Week Stall

    The dreaded 3-week stall strikes again!!!! Only weighing once a week, jumped right on this morning hoping to see a nice size loss.....only a .3 weight loss??? How can that be?? My calorie intake is only about 400-500? The Laws of logic don't match up. Bummed. [emoji20]
  2. Irish Girl in NW

    What do you eat? In semi solid phase?

    Same here. Ugh! The 3 week stall.
  3. IveGotThePower

    My Doctor's say the week 3 stall isn't real...

    Your doctor is an idiot.............wait did I say that out loud? My apologies, but not t your doctor, to you for having to listen to that. My 3 week stall was me eating 800 calories a day and not loosing one pound for 20 consecutive days. I weigh twice a day and have it documented. You will find a lot of people with a 3 week stall. Yes, it is true. Doctors are people and trust me when I say, I have dealt with my share of Dr idiots. My initial pcp Doctor that I had been seeing for about 15 years told me he would not recommend the surgery and that he knew that a lot of people have problems with it. So very glad I did my own research and found KNOWLEDGEABLE Doctors who actually knew their stuff and admitted to me that it is a struggle to get other doctors who are not in the field to understand what bariatric surgery is and what it does. We have to take responsibility for our own health and our own health care decisions. The best to you.
  4. Thank you everyone for the responses! It is definitely scary to here some who is supposed to be an expert on wls say that the 3 week stall isn't real, also concerning when you feel like your doing everything you can to succeed. I found that this situation played on fears I didn't even know I had making me think the surgery was a failure and that I'll be stuck like this forever. I cannot say how much I appreciate everyone's prompt responses and the encouragement, it has greatly helped to put me at ease!
  5. Looking for opinions, I have been following my post op diet with no cheating and I though I was doing well.... True I lost 14lbs at week two and have been stalled for 2 weeks but I assumed it was the dreaded 3 week stall. Now at my one month appointment I am told that the week 3 stall isn't real and that this is my fault for sure (not my words). What is everyone's opinion on the legitimacy of the week 3 stall?
  6. It really is! I hit the dreaded 3 week stall but today I stepped on the scale and was down 2 pounds! I'm ready for more lol.
  7. I agree - don't freak out (I know that's easier said than done). You've hit the dreaded 3-week stall! Just keep to your plan, whatever it is. I was sleeved on Feb. 9 and have 3 stalls since then (I had a 3 week stall beginning at the end of the 2nd week post-op). Then I dropped 5 pounds overnight and the weight kept coming off. Then I had another stall before heading to Germany (one month post-op). I didn't weigh myself during that 10 day trip, but when I came back home I was down 12 pounds. Now I've been stalled for almost 2 weeks, but I know the weight will drop again. My stats are similar to @SalZ - I've lost almost 30 pounds in 2 months post-op, and 50 pounds since I started the pre-op diet. It's working, and it'll work for you.
  8. 3 week stall [emoji818]️ 3 month stall [emoji818]️ I am at about 5.5 months and haven't lost anything in two weeks. Has anyone gone through this around this time? If so how long did it last and any recommendations to get through it.
  9. plnntzl

    MGB weight loss stalled

    The 3 week stall is pretty common. I stalled at 3 then 5 weeks.
  10. I really didn't want to do this since i mostly lurk and rarely ask. But i'm quite frustrated and just wondering if this is normal or not. So i know everyone talks about the 3 week stall, and that it's pretty famous around here. I experienced mine at 4-5 weeks. But is there such a thing as a 3 months stall? I've just experienced my second stall right now and have actually gained about 1-3 pounds. March 15th i weighed in at 244-245. As of march 22nd i've been at 245, then 246 on sunday, then today 247. Sometimes the scale will go back to 245 but it just jumped up again yesterday and today. So I guess my question is, is this normal? Will it pass? Or do i need to be concerned that this is it? I'm worried and upset because i have hypothyroidism and pre-surgery losing weight was nearly impossible for me. So my biggest fear is that i will end up stalling forever. I know stalls are normal, and i know i should be patient, but i am just scared that i'm still somehow sabotaging myself or that it's my fault this happened. The only things i've done differently the past 1 month is try to eat 1 oz of banana a day. *surgeon's recommendation* with 1 TBS Peanut Butter. And i've started doing a lot more walking and have been burning off about 200-350 calories a day. These are my for proper info. Sleeved December 7th, 2016 Pre-op diet weight, 12/4/16 - 315 Day of surgery weight - 300.4 January 17th meeting with surgeon weight - 273 February 28th meeting with surgeon weight - 259 Current weight - 248 Foods: String cheese, laughing cow cheese, cottage cheese, chicken, tuna, salmon, ground beef, turkey Jerky, cottage cheese, and a premier Protein shake. No pudding, no Jello, no crystal light, etc. Drinks: Water 40-50 oz a day. (surgeon requirement is min of 30 oz) food is tracked through Myfitnesspal, and typical day consists of about 500-700 calories. Protein grams are about 46-70 a day. Carbs are anywhere from 13-23, and fat is 30-45. On a good day is when i meet the higher calorie/protein goals. On a bad day it's on the low end.
  11. Sandee29

    Happy dance

    Apparently there's a 3 week stall. Just keep doing the protein and you'll see movement on the scale. I was shocked that I hit a plateau with as little as I was eating- and exercising - but it's normal.
  12. Hello, im 27y.o i got sleeved on 12/6 Sw 250 Cw 203 Its been almost 3 weeks and i havent been able to lose any weight, im scared this is it! When i do not go to the gym im working out at home. My doctor said i need to eat more Proteins bc im eating under my 70grams i get full quickly and i can only eat chicken or fish, bc the other meats are too hard for me. It hurts when it goes down so i tried to avoid them. I dont know what im doing wrong, also my hair started falling like crazy and for some reasons im having bad body odor (armpits...tmi) which it never happened to me since i was 12 So idk what to do next? What am i doing wrong? Im getting so discouraged like this is it?
  13. I know I've read here a million times about a 3 week stall - but I guess now that it's happening to me ...... I'm freaking out lol I'm so worried I'll be the ONE that this surgery doesn't work for !! I'm definitely reaching my Protein goals each day..... almost reaching my liquid goal and I'm really not eating very much. Maybe once a day I have yogurt or turkey slices w/ cottage cheese. Grrrrrrrrr! [emoji4] Thanks for any advice !!!
  14. I was eating about 600 calories per day 6 weeks out. You're doing fine as long as you are getting in your protein/fluid requirements AND making sure your daily carbs are LESS than your protein intake. For example if I made it to 75g protein I could indulge in about 40g carbs. It worked great for me and my NUT was the one who said to just make sure your protein is higher than your carbs. Everyone is different so please speak with your NUT to make sure you are okay. Also another good thing to keep in mind is that if you're working out every day calories shouldn't be a major concern. For example I would eat 600 calories and burn 400 at the gym (BAD Idea!! I put my body into starvation mode and had a 3 week stall until I eased up on the workouts). Sorry this is so long lol. Hope this helps! HW: 299lbs SW: 268 CW: 220 Surgery date: 12/14/16 Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  15. OutsideMatchInside

    Has anyone experienced this???

    My Dr said the first 6 weeks are for healing not weight loss. You just had major surgery. Your body is focused on repairing itself not losing weight. Google 3 week stall. It seriously feels like no one did any research pre-op and just had surgery. If you have ever read any WLS boards there are lots of answers to this kind of question. Do some research so you know what expect and don't stress yourself. You need to be focused on healing and you can't if you are stressed.
  16. blizair09


    GOOD. FOR. YOU!! I had to do a six month pre-op diet program as an insurance requirement. I started Day 1 of that, and lost 99 pounds (397 to 298) by the day of surgery. It was the best thing I ever did for myself. I redefined my relationship with food before the surgery, dealt with my mental demons before the surgery, and lost half of the weight I needed to lose before the surgery. Trust me, that made EVERYTHING much easier. (Least of all, when the 3 week stall hit -- and it WILL hit -- I had lost 120 pounds and not just 20 pounds. It made it much easier to handle emotionally.) Everyday, in my mind, I add 100 pounds to my current weight and think to myself that would be my weight had I not gone ahead and gotten started. Good luck! Keep up the great work and attitude!
  17. vsg_queendiet

    getting frustrated

    Sounds like the 3 week stall. Happens to everyone when you start to introduce food. Your body goes into survival mode cause it's preparing for rough times. You should start dropping weight soon enough. You got this. Just work on your protein and water. When the scale isn't moving take your measurements. Take pictures so you can compare. It helps alot. HW: 420 (January 2016) CW: 273 (March 2017) Instagram: vsg_queendiet
  18. IveGotThePower

    Pause in weight loss?!

    I am with you guys. Every time I hit a stall, I wonder why and what can I do to keep it going. Lower carbs, increase exercise, change exercise, get more sleep, drink more water, eat more protein, track your intake. Pick some of these and see what works for you. I still can't figure it out either. And sometimes, I think it's just a waiting game. I wait and BAM! 5 lbs in one week. That was last week after a 3 week stall. Not my first 3 week stall either. On the bright side, I really do feel like even when my body isn't showing a loss on the scale, I am still loosing inches. Defies logic, but I'd swear it is happening. They also say the stall is the body's time to catch up with the weight loss, and that's how I try to look at it. Keep fighting the good fight and be patient grasshopper.
  19. sleevedatlast

    December sleevers

    I feel the same way. Sleeved 12/19 and I'm down 50lbs from my starting weight but my weight loss keeps stalling. Like 2, 3 week stalls so far [emoji30] I guess there is no "normal" in this so I just keep trucking along. Good luck to you!
  20. I recently had a 2/3 week stall. My doctor said it's good and part of the process because you can end up in hospital if you consistently lose weight so rapidly. I was sleeved about 9/10 weeks ago. Don't worry you will start losing again! I was so concerned at first also. I even bought a Fitbit to help with exercise [emoji30][emoji23]
  21. IveGotThePower

    Let's talk about stalls...

    3 week stall lasted 20 days. Had another 3 week stall last month and two week stall at 8 months out. Every time I can't help but wonder if this is the most I will loose. It's a mind game. I just continue doing my best and switching things up a bit until the scale moves again.
  22. In 4 days I hit the one month mark since gastric. I had been at the 3 week stall and all of the sudden I lost 2 lbs. I was super excited. Yesterday all I had for the day was almost one full protein drink and I made tacos for my family. I took a little of the 90/10 hamburger meat , a little of the light sour cream, a sprinkle of the cheese, and about a tsp of fresh salsa and mixed ut up. That was my dinner. Tell me why I woke up almost 2 lbs heavier?!?! I am seriously so upset. It's like im never supposed to eat. Very discouraged. I know this is tmi but I haven't used the bathroom in like 5 days but dont feel like I need to either.
  23. biginjapan

    3 week post op loss ?

    It's probably the dreaded 3-week stall, although I have never heard of any plan allowing rice or bread, especially this early. I'm also 3 weeks post op and haven't lost for over 10 days now - all I have lost post op is 11 pounds. The only carbs I get are from almond/soy milk, and tofu occasionally when I add it to a shake.
  24. It goes fast! I'm only 6 days out and I feel so much better already. I'm down 6.8 pounds, getting tons of liquids and all my Protein. I got out of the house yesterday for my first social outing. Not looking forward to the 3 week stall, but it's nice to know it's normal and I won't be alone.
  25. The 3-week stall is real...no weight loss over the past 10 days! :(

    1. biginjapan


      Actually, Japan is like that too. I just read an article that says Japanese are the worst for taking any kind of paid vacation - less than 50% of what they are owed (which is about 2 weeks). Even school teachers don't get much holiday time, since they are often involved with sports and other club activities throughout the summer, plus PD. Luckily, I work at a private university, so I don't have to worry about things like that.

    2. Newme17


      Really? So Japan isn't all great in that area either huh? Well, you enjoy your private institution then! If my work ends up becoming too stressful for me in any way, I will be leaving. So far, it's not. I'm a one man show these days with the bosses showing up occasionally. So it's good. But my husband carries all the weight anyway, I work to stay busy. :) Do you plan to stay in Japan indefinitely?

    3. biginjapan


      I'm not sure - probably (even though my Japanese is terrible). There's not much in terms of full-time work back home for teachers like me (all short-term (4 month) contracts). As long as I can keep getting long-term contracts with lots of vacation time, then I'll probably stay.

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