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Found 17,501 results

  1. wanna be thin

    I'm ready

    Well, my friend had her surgery done last Tuesday and all went well. I'm so ready. I have my medical history, my curves papers. I have an appointment for Jan 8 to do all of my testing. I'm already trying to prepare my self and the insurance company hasn't even approved yet. I'm done to a couple of sips of pop a day. I'm weaning my self off of it. I try to remember to eat slow and cut back on my volume at mealtime. That's where I have trouble if its in front of me I want to eat eat eat... seems like I can eat so much before I feel full. I think I'm driving my co-workers, friends and family crazy always talking the lap-band. I hope truely this will change my life. I want to buy cute cloths, go in to a place and not feel like everyone is looking at me judging me. I feel I have been successful in my career (so far) successful with my family (I can see improvements needing to be made) but overall pretty good. Now I'm ready for the body to work well with all the other things I have accomplished. I feel if I don't do something my weight gain over the yrs with catch up with where it affects everthing my career and family. I can still go to six flags and ride with my boys but barely and I'm almost embarressed to get on some stuff. I'm ready, ready, ready,,,,,, I'm ready to get something that will stop my eating alot.... rather my head wants to are not.... :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
  2. onedayskinny

    Considering Surgery

    After much thought and deliberation; i am now seriously considering the lap band. I was skinny throughout childhood and as a young adult, i think i started putting weight on in my early twenties. I never really thought much about it. I have an amazing husband who sees beyond the lbs and sees me for who i really am. I think I've always been in denial. I think i still look in the mirror and see the person who is only 120 lbs and not 270 lbs; really, i know, i'm in denial............ I am not scared to do the surgery, however i'm scared of the new life that comes with it; the WILLPOWER to change things, cause face it, obviously that is why i am where i am; i haven't been able to stick to a diet EVER! I also realize that I need to do this; i have sleep apnea and i'm sure as the years go on, i will only become heavier. I know my husband wants the OLD me back and i've been unfair to him; this is not the girl he married and he doesn't deserve me the way i am...i know he would love me no matter what, but i'm sure this is not what he bargained for. I don't know how i'm going to cope and actually go ahead with this but I know i have no choice and i guess the sooner i come to grips with the harsh reality of being overweight, then the sooner i can get my life back on track and get healthy. Jan 1/07
  3. I've been on this liquid diet for 5 days :frown:. My urine is starting to smell like chicken broth :frown:!!!! But, I have lost 10 pounds, so I guess chicken broth is not a bad price to pay........LOL. My starting weight was 239, and today I weighted in at 229. I guess I don't miss the chocolates too much:sad_smile::wub::sad_smile: Can someone please let me know when I'm to start the Protein shakes, and if there is one in particular that you love?? Thanks, and next time I sign on, you'll see less of me:thumbup:
  4. Hi..I am having surgery this week. I am down to 212 pounds and am 5"3". I am now down 20 pounds on my own. I am so nervous to be cut. Has anyone had the smaller port put in? I am thinking I should just have that put in first. I am pear shaped vs apple, so most of my fat is in my rear. What do you think? They might have to do the fills under floroscopy I heard, but wouldn't I be better off in the long run after I loose the weight? Thanks, k
  5. lectrashep


    Hi I am Darrell. My story is a little different. I got diagnosed with gastroparesis and within a month i had gastric-bypass. I had no counseling, no information about what life would be like afterwards. I am about 100 pounds overweight so the weight loss will be great, but that was not my primary reason for getting the surgery. I had one visit with a nutritionist. It seems that most of you had a lengthy process to go through to get your surgery. I am 12 days post op and really nervous about what the future holds. Has anyone had any type of similar situation?
  6. My doctor suggests taking meds in liquid form whenever available otherwise they shouldn't be any larger than an aspirin. I don't know what meds you are on but as you lose weight you should be able to eliminate some of them. As for sleeping on your belly....I really can't answer that. I used to all the time but haven't been able to since my first pregnancy 23 years ago.
  7. you'll be fine, as long as you've been adhearing. Sometimes it's not about losing weight, it's more about cleaning your liver of fat and toxins. The healthy food does this and your liver shrinks making it easier for the surgeons to work around it.
  8. I am very nervous about Monday (not the surgery, but the diet I have been on). I have been on a low carb/high Protein diet for 10 days. Tomorrow I will be drinking Clear liquids only before my surgery. I feel like I have not lost any weight on my presurgery diet! Will they not band me if I have not lost a lot of weight? What do most people drink the day before surgery? Is Isopure allowed. ACK!!!!! :smile:
  9. AmineR8705

    On the boat in TN

    From the album: Me

    This is me at my biggest weight ever 360..... I'm currently around 340 right now.
  10. I would review your doctor's instructions. Yes I know everybody says that. The reason why I want to stress that is that every doctor is different in what they consider mushies. My first week of mushies was only yogurt, cottage cheese ricotta. That's a far cry from anything that you can put in the blender. Remember just because it mushed in a blender doesn't mean it's the right weight. And when you eat something it's going to go into the small stomach and pull on the stitches there from the band until it passes through into the big stomach.
  11. btrieger

    slowing loosing

    Having the band and getting fills don't make you lose weight. It is how many calories you are eating and how many calories you are burning. Are you logging what you eat? That is a start and it really helps. Use this calculator to find your Body Mass Ratio (BMR) BMR Calculator Your BMR is how many calories you burn with no activities. To lose 2 pounds a week, you want to eat 1,000 calories less than your BMR every day. 500 calories less for 1 pound a week.
  12. Just like the others posting here, I would like to know some more details on the LapBand, especially the "down" sides. I have been a Type I Diabetic for over 44 years now. My weight has just stopped coming off, no matter what I do. I exercise several times a week and try and watch what I eat . . . most times. But it just stays stuck! I've been on an insulin pump for about 8 years now, and earlier last year, tried a continuous glucose sensor. I test my blood sugars 6-8 times a day. I'm starting to hear . . .and "feel" . . . more stories about heart disease, strokes, etc. for diabetics. For the first time in my life, I have had to start on Cholestral medication ~ even with my inordinately extreme amount of "good guy" HDLs. I need some help in losing weight and have just found out about Lap Bands . . .but still concerned how they work with Diabetes ~ especially low blood sugars if you are not eating as much. And after awhile, do they stop working? Thanks for any help you can supply me.
  13. Who Dat 70461

    Working Out

    I started walking two days post op, albeit short distances. After about 2 weeks, I was walking and biking for 30-40 minutes a day. Added swimming as soon as the wounds healed (think it was at 8 weeks or so, can't remember). Wasn't cleared for weights until about 16 weeks and then it was moderate, nothing too strenuous. At 20 weeks, I started hitting the weights aggressively and haven't looked back!
  14. I was sleeved on Nov 26th I have Gone from my highest weight pre-op at 423 to my current weight 7 weeks pre-0p at 348 with the majority of that being post-op loss. Thats a total of 76lbs since this time last year when our Journey began. Yes I have had support from friends ,my Husband, my children but most of all from My sister "Kapoorvilla". She encouraged me and walked every step of this journey right beside of me.She was sleeved on Dec 5th. My sleeve went great home the next day walking a few hrs after, took almost no pain meds, have had no nausea or vomiting and can eat and drink about anything just have to watch the amounts, be sure to get in my proteins first and stay away from bad carbs and sweets, not that these things bother me but i just know my sleeve is only a tool. My sister drove us back and forth to doctor appts, in heavy big city traffic, pushed me in a wheelchair because i couldnt walk far, encouraged me, kept my spirits up, was proud of every lb I lost or NSV I achieved like being able to go from wheelchair to walker and now just my own power in short distances. I just wanted to publicly thank her and tell how much that it all meant to me. It is sucha blessing to have some one to share it all with step by step and compare notes and complain about the different diet stages with. We share recipes and any new finds such as products with a lot of protein etc.. She has been such a inspiration to me and I so admire her determination and ability to bless others even when things are going the best for her. During her operation her bowel was pierced, it turned into an emergency situation she was cut from breast bone to vagina practically lost blood had to be transfused 4 units of blood. Had to have asecond surgery 3 days later to put her bowels back in place, was finally released after 5 days and took 4 weeks to recover enough to resume her many responsibilities. She is doing good now, does well with the sleeve eating and drinking pretty much what she wants too but very little of it. not sure of her exact loss but its pretty good. I'm so sorry this all happen to you and I don't know the hows and whys you definiteley didnt deserve it and yes If it had to be I wish it had been me instead but I think the Lord knew you where stronger and im not sure I would have survived it and then recovered as well as you have, my health is so much worse. You are a real trooper and a great example to me, you have more will power than anyone ive ever known and I thank you from the bottom of my heart! I'm so proud you are my sister and hopoe someday I can do for you all the things you have done for me. Thanks again I love You! Ascooke.
  15. confusedturtle3

    Gastric Sleeve through the VA

    I was told the last time that retired military have to go through the same process but that was 7 years ago so it may have changed. Have a great day! Amanda [emoji16] HW 248 CW 241 Surgery Date: pending 11/21/2017. Goal weight 150’ish [emoji23]
  16. Hi Y'all, I Relaize This Forum Is For People W/ Lab Band. I Am One Of Those People, I've Been Banded Since 1/07 And Couldn't Be Happier. My Problem Is My Mom. After She Saw My Succsess W/ Lap Band She Went Through The Process Of Getting Approved Through Her Insurance. She Had Everything Riding On Getting Approved And Kept Gaining Weight. She Then Found Out That Her Insurance Didn't Cover Lap Band But, Would Cover Gastric Bypass. Which To Me Makes No Scense What So Ever. Any How, She Went Ahead And Got The Gbp. Despite Me Warning Her Of All The Complications. She Had Her Surgery 1 Month Ago, And Has Been In The Hospital Twice Now. Once For Dehydration And To Stretch Her Stomach And Again Another Time To Strech It Out Even More. The Reason She's Having Her Stomach Stretched Is She Couldn't Even Keep Water Down. She Still Can't Eat Anything She Looks Horrible Very Weak And Pale. Her Doc Says They Can't Strech Her Out Any More. She's So Miserible And Wishes She Would Have Never Done This To Her Self. She Cries All The Time Bc She Can't Eat Anything W/o Throwing It Up And She's Hungry. She Also Says She Has No Support And Can't Go It Alone. We Live In Different Cities And She's A Widow. I Looked To See If There Were Any Gbp Support Websites Like This One And Couldn't Really Find One For Her. I Know Any Time I've Had A Question, Concern Of Needed Support I've Always Found It Here. My Hope Is Someone Will Read This And Maybe Know What I Can Do To Help Her Or Know Of Someone In A Similar Situation She Can Talk To. Anyone Please Help. I'm Very Worried About My Mom. Thanks Y'all.
  17. steph_co

    Unsure if surgery is for me

    Yes...I totally get where you're coming from. I didn't want to be one of "those people" that turns to surgery because I couldn't control myself. I didn't think it was for me. But I hit rock bottom when I tried 5 years to get pregnant - not a dang thing wrong with me according to all the tests. Then I DID get pregnant and I miscarried at 10 weeks. I was POSITIVE it had to do with my weight. I never asked a doc about that, but no other reason made sense. I just decided I couldn't continue to live in my fat body - I had to do something. Something that would stick with me for life unlike some diet that I could just give up on. Getting the surgery was a HUGE decision. I was scared - I teared up lying in the bed in pre-op. I had images of jumping up, tearing the IV out of my arm, grabbing my clothes and getting the heck out of there. But you know what? It has been the best decision I have ever made. I have been able to lose weight that I haven't been able to lose in YEARS. And it has stayed off rather than packing back on everything I lost and gaining more on top of it. This ride has been a rollercoaster for me. I had a good 4 months after the surgery when my middle name was motivation and I lost a bunch of weight. Things got tough and I started eating around my band. But I still couldn't eat as much as I did before the band! So instead of gaining back the 60 lbs that I had lost up to that point and adding to it, I only gained back 15 of them. I've now lost 12 of those and am back on track. I know everybody's different, so in saying this I am not guaranteeing that you'll be the same - but there isn't a single food that I can't eat. Everything goes down if I chew it enough. I just eat a whole heck of a lot less of it. There are some foods that are more of a hassle to eat now, but that's fine. Really and truly - a taste is enough. I don't have to get sick from eating whatever it is to be satisfied. I was a major compulsive eater before the band. Do I miss eating like I used to be able to? No. I like being in control. Even in my "bad" time this year, I still was more in control than I've ever been in my life around food. And you know what? It feels good.
  18. I've been considering and researching surgery for 2 years, decided to go ahead with it back in February. But, I had a Disney vacation scheduled for this past week (first time we took the kids!) and knew I wanted to be able to fully enjoy the vacation without worrying about anything before getting things officially started. I wasn't horrible about the food, but I definitely ate more (and more Desserts and such) in general than I usually do. Thankfully we walked miles every day and I drank a ton of Water in addition to the Snacks, indulgent meals, and a few fancy drinks throughout the week. We got back this morning, and on Monday I have my informational seminar. I already have the paperwork and list of requirements; I plan to get my PCP referral in place and get all my tests and appointments scheduled this week. I didn't have any major weight-related issues on vacation, besides being really really hot and sweaty (but it was 90 degrees and I live in New England where we're still in the 60s for high temps, so I guess that wasn't unreasonable ) . One day I almost got sick due to the heat. I'm sure part of that was due to lugging around an extra 125lbs of fat. My knees and ankles are pretty angry right now, too; again I'm sure due to the extra weight. Thankfully, I fit on all the rides I wanted to, no problem on the plane (I was really worried about getting asked to buy a second ticket but I fit in the seat no problem and even had extra belt to spare, whew!). BUT, I have about 300 pictures and hate the way I look in about 75% of them. The ones I do like, I'm hiding behind my kids. I am so ready to move forward with the next chapter of my life - the "healthy" chapter! I'm beyond excited to see what the next year brings
  19. buckeyegirl4


    Good Morning all! My dad passed away last year from ALS so I have been in counseling since his death. I was depressed last year and I sought help IMMEDIATELY. I quickly learned that I had other unresolved issues and I have been working on them ever since with no medication. Side effects have been horrible for me as far as weight gain. However, the reason I gained weight is because I quit smoking. I don't regret that but the weight has been horrible. I've tried everything to lose it and I am frustrated because its gotten worse. I like my doctor and I wanted his support but I don't need him to proceed. My doctor visits will be cut if I lose this weight. If all of his patients take control and lose weight half of his practice is gone. That is a fact... My choice is clear...
  20. newlife35

    Please help...slipped band

    Thanks Susan...That is encouraging news. I am going back in a week and my NP is hopeful that that will be enough time. Well, I am hopeful (but I am also a realist). I think I can handle a week but A MONTH!!! I am so afraid of gaining the weight back. I am going to continue my work outs as I have been with hopes of continuing my weight loss. I'm curious, did you gain during that month? Thank you so much for sharing your experience with me. God Bless
  21. JonB

    Carnie Wilson

    Much of Carnie Wilson's weight re-gain after her bypass had to do with her being an alcoholic. She was drinking a bottle of wine a day. Some people have addictive personalities. It may be genetic. Her father has dealt with substance abuse problems and mental illness his whole life.
  22. Hi fellow Sleevers...my name is Victoria from India! Just did a VSG 4 days back. I am 36 years old and weighed a 100.2 kgs before i went for the procedure. My height is 5.6" and from my frame, a lot of people said i really didn't need the surgery...'Don't alter what God has gifted!', they said!! I was never obese in my twenties...but after my daughter (who is 7 now), I started putting on a LOT of weight...rich Indian food piled on more adipose tissue! Fortunately, I did not have any thyroid, Diabetics, blood pressure or cholesterol! I was fit...was able to run around etc without huffing and puffing...but I wanted to look slimmer and prettier...and I was worried that my obesity, if not now, would lead to problems in the future. I tried diets, gymming etc etc...but alas in vain! Hence, I resorted to VSG! My surgery was on 9th Feb 2012 (in the night) and today is the 13th Feb...I am already 3.8 kgs lighter. The morning after my surgery (post 8 hours of surgery), I felt nausea and was petrified of even taking sips of Water...but i walked as advised by the doctors. I did a lot of exercises for the lungs by blowing balloons and using the tri-ball apparatus as respiratory exercises...this helps pump in more oxygen and expanding the lungs. After the surgery, fat gets burnt and C02 is produced...which makes one feel tired and nausea all the time...intake of more oxygen keeps one more fresh and more energetic. Thus, these respiratory exercises. Anyhoos...by the evening i was feeling much better...and 24 hours after my surgery, I felt much much better. The next morning felt NORMAL!! I was able to sip more water, tender coconut and clear Soups. And I checked out of the hospital by 2pm...boarded a flight at 5pm and reached my city in less than 2 hours! Yup, less than 48 hours after my surgery...I was walking like a normal being and taking a flight! THANK GOD...and THANK YOU Dr.SHAH!! Ever since, I have been drinking a lot of liquids (Watermelon juice, diluted sweet lemon juice, tender coconut water, Dhal water (Lentils), rice water (The water that we drain out whilst cooking rice) and about 1.5 ltrs of water. I walked for 20 mins in the park today. At times I do feel hungry int he stomach...and have slight catches or pains which last for 4 seconds...but it disappears after sipping water. Please make sure you sip the liquids very slowly...at least i am, in fear of bringing them out! I fear at times about 'what ifs?!'...especially about the Leaks that could occur anytime in the future...what if it happens to me?? Can someone highlight more about this please?? How can we avoid that completely? Other than that, I feel like a new lease or new chapter of my life begins...a slimmer chapter!! Waiting to go shopping in couple of months and throw away the long tees that covered my oversized butt...waiting to wear light colored dresses and trousers...put on my high heels and sashay confidently...looking swell!! Hugs to all of you out there!!
  23. Hello Every. I am new to this forum so please bare with me. I recently called my insurance co. (care first blue cross blue shield) and they informed me that they dont cover weight loss surgery. I then called my local dept of health and mental hygiene, they informed me that medicaid will cover both the lap band and gastric bypass "if Medically necessary ." I dont have medicaid yet, but I am sure I'll qualify. I truly want to know how to go about it through medicaid? I will apply for medicaid, but once that's approved, where do I go from there. I honestly need this surgery, I am a female age 20 5'4 and 240pounds. Since 2008 i have had this respiratory problem, my general doctor never officially diagnosed it as asthma but I do take an over the counter inhaller daily, I am thinking it may have something to do with my weight. I have been on diets since I was 12 years old, only to gain more weight. My doctor has even given me a form of phentermane and that still did not work. I would have no other way to pay for this surgery, although I really need it. Can anyone please provide me with the steps I need to take to go the medicaid way? I have no credit so I cant just take out a loan and pay that way (im a full time college student, no job but I have the support of my parents) Thank you so much

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