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Found 17,501 results

  1. AleshiaHamblin

    4 weeks post op

    I’m 4 weeks post op VSG however o don’t feel I’m losing enough weight since the preop diet and surgery I have lost c. 25lbs. I know 25 is a lot but considering I’m following all the rules, no cheating, no pop, bread, potatoes, sugar, etc. shouldn’t it be more substantial?
  2. Hi everyone! so I would like to discuss the possible negatives of the surgery and how to fix/avoid. the first 3 weeks are crucial IMO. the healing process can be tricky. I wasn't able to eat at all and I barely drank. I was admitted this past Monday for severe dehydration and they agreed to do an upper endoscopy to check if there is anything blocking. it turns out that the food passage (the new connection) was nearly the size of a pin and they immediately fixed it. now I can eat and drink so much better. they opened it to about 10-12mm. A fellow member here gave me the heads up (thank you). I decided to share because the Doctor told me that it is common and it's an easy fix. I hope whoever is experiencing this finds this post and helps them out. this is such a good surgery and the lifestyle change leads to a healthier life. After 4 weeks I don't have sleep apnea, no plantar fasciitis, and lost 40 lbs.
  3. amyseattle

    10 weeks out

    I’ve lost 38 pounds since my surgery on 1/15 and 46 since pre-op. I’m grateful for so many things- I’m actually grateful for the journey. Pre-op was painfully hard for me because I was mourning that overeating was coming to an end. Yes you read that right. Post op was hard because it was immediately a world of unknowns: why did I gain after surgery? why was I hungry after surgery? why did I have a metallic taste in my mouth? why couldn’t I tolerate chicken and eggs? what is this foamies thing that happened twice in one week and only after a few bites? why was my stomach upset all the time? why did I stall after three weeks for 11 days? why was a losing a pound a day in the first three weeks and about 2 a week since? Most of my panicked questions have been answered - mostly by Carrie, but now mostly by myself. The answers for me come when I am calm and collect and redirect my irrational thoughts. I just had major surgery 2.5 months ago. Now I want this to be a marathon and not a sprint because I have so much to learn along the way. And that is a good thing.
  4. (Deleted through replacement

    One week out from ESG

    I figured I'd dip a toe in here because this is really the only ESG community I've seen. Hi, everyone. I'm a week out from ESG on March 23. I got it at Brigham and Women's. The surgical team was all very kind and good to me. I started at 5'4" and around 250 lbs, though I am not tracking weight, I'm tracking stuff like appearance and clothing size (because weight will screw up my brain really bad). Doctors can measure weight on their own and do that stuff. I feel like my recovery to basic life took ages. The internet and doctors said 1-3 days, and it took me 6 days to not be so exhausted and nauseous and cramped and dizzy that I could stay awake and focused for more than 2 hours at a time. I'm glad my work is extremely patient. Has anyone else had it that bad? Apparently it took me forever to bring out of anesthesia and get coherent enough for them to say I could go home. They wanted me to walk around at home, but the best I could do was get up, go pee, and sleep for 3 more hours at home. I slept in 1.5 hour intervals or so because every time my sleep cycle would get light (which is how sleep works), I'd feel pain or nausea and wake up, then have to slowly adjust into a comfortable position. I also only sleep on my chest at night. That made it rough. As of Sunday, I was able to do basic stuff like stay awake for long enough to talk to my husband for a while without being loopy as heck. I went back to work yesterday, and so far it's...a thing. I have a few questions. People say they lose weight during their first week. I feel like my body is the same as it was. I don't feel like the most recent slight changes (and I'm pretty obsessive and would notice) have undone, though people online say things like "I lost 10 pounds my first week." 10 is actually a lot for me and does result in something I can feel. Am I doing it wrong? Did the procedure fail? Protein shakes are so boring, and I would do anything to be able to have the sensory experience of eating. I'm only 2 days into feeling okay and I'm already wanting to break people in half for having a burrito within smelling distance. My work social time revolves around lunch, and it's making me feel lonely and awful. (They're all foodies. Like, they try a new kind of cuisine every week. There's adventure to it, and fun. I now can't do *any* of that flavor exploration.) Is there any way I can count soup as a clear fluid without it just being chicken broth out of a bottle? Anything with some mouthfeel to it? Like IDK, cream of chicken soup with some isolate protein to pump it up in the protein count? Is there a way to wring more than the 20% expected results out of this procedure? I can't afford (in time, money, or workplace presence lost) to do any more strenuous procedure. Not at all. So this is it -- this is the most intense thing I can do to lose weight. How can I get above 20% weight lost? Frustratingly, while I'm finding food boring, doctors are demanding I eat like 1000 calories a day, when I know I could get away with like 300 in pure protein and nothing else. I feel like that'd drop the most at once, but I'm trying to stick to what they tell me. I'm confused about the massive anti-fat-in-food bias I'm seeing around. I get that deep-frying everything is not healthy, of course. But the whole "don't use anything with a trace amount of fat as a condiment" -- didn't we prove over the past 10-15 years that low-fat diets are crap and that high protein diets with real fats are the way to go? That if you're going to use mayo, use a tiny bit of full fat instead of that light crap, and egg whites are silly, just eat the yolk dangit? I keep seeing recipes for after liquid phase of like "grilled chicken" and admonishments to never eat butter again. Grilled chicken is the most boring food known to man, no matter how much stuff you sprinkle on it to try to jazz it up. Am I going to have to argue with dieticians to be able to enjoy any kind of food again?
  5. Let me tell you’d I just finished 2 weeks and goodness I feel like I have been to war yes I know that’s dramatic to say but it has been such a mental battle especially knowing that I’m on a 6 week liquid diet the last 4 days have been extra hard aunt flow came to town and good god all I wanted was food and to nap all day and I couldn’t do either one of those things and no one else in my life understands my struggle so I guess I’m just here to vent and to tell anyone else that it’s not easy but you can do this just take it day by day Side note I chose premier protein as my shake and I drink 5 a day I find that cookies and cream and chocolate are horrible and the caramel and chocolate peanut butter are really good I also do half vanilla with half caffe latte that’s also really good bananas and cream is decent strawberries and cream is ok and peaches and cream is meh I just ordered cinnamon roll I hope that one tastes good
  6. I am on week 2 and will be on week 3 shortly. I seem to be doing really well with blended foods and haven’t stepped out to eat anything I shouldn’t be. I am getting some more energy which seems like this is the time I should really work out a lot to burn off. Would this be an accurate statement? If so, does anyone wanna share what’s working for them? How many steps are you getting in a day? Biggest question is has anyone stepped out to try anything we shouldn’t be eating?
  7. So unfortunately I did check my weight and I only lost 1lb since my post op appointment last week and I am extremely annoyed. Like in another week I’ll be 4 weeks out and I only lost 14 lbs after surgery so far. I am trying my best with protein and water goals and I am following the plan, not to mention I move a lot and my bms are normal so I’m not understanding what the issue is. Trying to not get discouraged I know this is normal but still it’s a little disheartening but I know it will get better.
  8. Even though it seemed like forever I completed all of my requirements in 4 weeks. I had a huge list of things to do, but I got them done. Waiting on insurance approval. I am ready to get this process moving along! Was anyone else able to get the requirements done fairly quickly, but still have to wait weeks for insurance approval? 
  9. rarh251355

    1 week post op

    Had my first doctor appoiment today, i am so excited because I lost 21 pounds in 7 days. I already feel very good, no pain or anything. First 3 days were horrible but now everything feels good. Sent from my SM-N960U using BariatricPal mobile app
  10. Hi I got the gastric sleeve on the 5th of March 2021. Weight was going down steadily for the first 10 days and now it just remains the same or increases a little. Any advice on what to do ?
  11. I am about to hit week two and really need some good ideas for foods. Can I do smoothies at all? Would I be able to have sugar free pudding?
  12. crystaldawn81


    I am 9 months post OP and haven't lost a pound in over 2 months. Has this happened to anyone and if so what did you do to get over this hump? Sent from my SM-G970U using BariatricPal mobile app
  13. I was reading an old posts regarding calorie requirements after gastric bypass. I am five weeks post op and can eat 800 calories a day. I get 100 grams of protein and all my water in. My carbs are staying at 20 or less. My weight loss feels slow although overall I’m not really sure it is. Maybe my expectations are right. I started at 257 day of surgery and five weeks out i have lost 22 lbs. I haven’t always followed the diet above. Early on I ate much more carbs but last week upped my protein and cut my carbs. Fats also increased of course and this caused some increase in calories. The past post I read were encouraging people to eat more calories and even to get up to 1000 as soon as possible and stay low carb and weight would come off. People also encouraged it bc it helps your metabolism they said which helps with the weight loss. But I am still afraid my calories are too high and feel weird bc I can eat much more than the two tablespoons my nurse told me I should be eating at means. But if I ate like she said I’d definitely take in way less that 800 calories a day. also thought 320 of my calories are still from protein shakes. So like around 500 calories is food. What are thoughts around this?
  14. I got the call on Jan 25th that I was scheduled for surgery on 2/23. I was postponed from the original date of 12/16 becuse of Covid spike. I have lost 34 lbs since 1/25 about half before surgery and half since.This is my second stall in less than 4 weeks. The first lasted 4-5 days. I am on day 5 of the second stall. I am around 1000 calories a day, getting all my liquid and Protein. Hopefully this won't last much longer and the scales will start moving again....very frustrating.
  15. I love the joy when a three week stall ends... Weight just falls off.... 7 lbs in two days.... I kept losing and gaining the same 1 or 2 lbs for three weeks.... SUCKS !!
  16. So my surgery was on the 17th of March, first couple of days was rough as far as me I can not tolerate pain at all especially when it comes to my stomach and head. So the second night after surgery ( for those thats about to get it or thinking about please keep in mind EVERYONE BODY IS DIFFERENT EVERYONE PROCEDURE IS DIFFERENT AND EVERYONE PAIN LEVEL IS DIFFERENT) I was in the worst mood ever and the worst pain ever they kept wanted me to walk and drink water in which I couldn't do either, I thought I had made the worst decision in my life!!!! So once they seen I wasn't doing to well I received meds for pain and nausea and I was OUT! for that night. The next day my nurse came in and said heyyy I have your Cymbalta for you........ ( keep in my somebody got smart along with myself [emoji1787][emoji23]) and some other meds okay that explains a lot duhhhh I haven't taken my meds in a couple days then all of this yeah I know my fault but I have been dealing with a lot...... make it shorter, once I began to feel more of myself alot things started to come together, but still not able to drink water I don't like this because that's all I drink!!! Is water then I notice [emoji848] I can't swallow my Salvia and when I do thats when I get sick to my stomach...... so a nurse helped me with crystal light (THANK GOD) Me walking the hospital still wasn't feeling it I just wanted to sleep I walked maybe 2 times or 3 times I was just ready to go so I can be around my kids and get to start the healing with them, let me explain....... my kids are my [emoji289] my everything [emoji813] I just lost my husband their father of 19 years my best friend in January all of sudden. So being away from them for too long was not option or my dogs. Once I got home I had one bad night very little pain a little nausea rather than that I feel like myself. My advice for those getting ready for this big step........if this is what you want and need then GO FOR IT!!!! STOP DEBATING pray meditate do whatever it is you do, but don't just not go threw with it because of someone's else's experiences or problems, their problem ain't your problems and theirs problem ain't yours, and do not have the surgery because of the opinions of others do it for self and self worth. IM HAPPY I DID. Sent from my SM-S515DL using BariatricPal mobile app
  17. Hi all! I had a sleeve on Feb. 17 and rapidly lost 25 pounds, and now I seem to be stuck for the last week or so. I’ve read that this is common around week 3, but I’m so frustrated. Have not “cheated” or done anything I’m not supposed to do, and I’m walking on the treadmill 5 days a week for 45 minutes at a decent pace. WTH??? I know I probably just need to hang on and wait it out, but it’s hard not to feel like I’m doing something wrong. Any advice is appreciated!
  18. My sleeve was the 9th so I am just over a week out. I feel like if I let myself I could sleep all day and all night. No pain, just tired. I know sleep is good for healing so I am taking naps but is this normal?
  19. Today is day one of my diet pre surgery. Any advice? Sent from my SM-G973U using BariatricPal mobile app
  20. I really want strained Sopa de tortilla soup. How soon did you try spicy stuff? Yesterday I heated up a can of vegetable beef soup, added a little water, strained it and drank the broth. It was so savory and delicious. Trying to give myself ideas.
  21. So, I had my surgery October 15, 2020 and weighed 249 on surgery day. May of 2020 the doctor said I was 259. Anyway, Today I weighed at 201. I am happy about this but I feel like it’s not enough. In January I had my 3 month appointment and weighed 208. My doctor said that was too much weight loss....I was working out 45 minutes a day to make sure I maintained a calorie deficit. They told me the surgery is the tool and to let it work. Well, to prove them I was doing what I know would work for me I haven’t done any workouts except walking. No weights, no spin classes etc... and since that January appt I have only lost 7 pounds. I am super frustrated!! I’m aware that the surgery is a tool but I wasn’t always fat. An injury and two surgeries in 3 years for it plus ending up with secondary adrenal insufficiency in 2016 and on prednisone for over a year cause my weight gain and nothing I could do would help. Prior to my foot injury I worked out two hours a day 3 days a week and and hour a day on all the other days and off on Sunday. I feel like I should have had the gastric bypass. I was told by my mother in law I would want the bypass but I felt like that was so invasive and the very last step. But now, with all the stalls and especially this last stall and the doctors office telling me the opposite of everything I’ve ever known I feel defeated. I was never what you would call a skinny girl. I have a lot of muscle and a ghetto booty and I’m ok with that but I feel like I will never see 150 or less. And some days I’m so hungry and seems like I never get full even though I clearly am full. Did they cut enough of my stomach out? The doctors office can’t even tell me that. I don’t even want to go back for my 6 month appointment in April.
  22. Surgery day is April 26 and I started my liquid diet today I have a very high BMI I can’t say I’m really hungry since it’s 5 shakes a day one every 3 hours I definitely think my struggle will be mental just wondering anyone else had to do an extra long pre op diet?
  23. BulletWithButterflyWings


    Im a year and a half out from my surgery and OMG it gets so so hard sometimes. Covid hasn't helped things either since I've been stuck at home around food and our LOVE-HATE relationship 24/7!! Cravings? CHECK! Stress? CHECK! Anxiety? CHECK! Unhealthy food (at least for me) stocked up?? DOUBLE CHECK! I just ordered more protein shakes/snacks to help alleviate some of this because i don't want to punish my husband or kids by taking away their treats. I know i haven't been making smart food choices lately so im just ashamed more than i can even describe. I was going to therapy but since the pandemic began its Tela-Health video appointments and the office is INSANELY backed up.. i refuse to see another dr because of the distance plus i don't like having to explain so many times what my issues are.. I just wanted to vent to my Surgery Siblings because it feels like everyone around me doesn't understand why it is so hard, stressful, and heartbreaking to be stuck around food all the time because EVERYONE in my family is skinny and don't gain weight at all. I look at a candy bar and gain 10 lbs lmao Thanks for letting me vent!! ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
  24. Today I could cry.  I am now in the "healthy BMI" range of 24.9 and only 10 weeks post op.  

    I didn't think I could be successful like this, but I trusted the process and follow all the rules.  Thank god for this tool.

  25. 10 weeks post op.  Had my first dumping episode last week, holy hell I thought I was having a heart attack!  It lasted a couple of hours, and was only really severe for half an hour.  Enough to scare the life out of me though!

    Weight loss has slowed considerably but I'm ok with that.  I've been eating more mindfully and with variety, remembering my vitamins mostly, and drinking lots of fluid.  The day after the dumping session I felt really washed out and lacked energy.  An early night sorted that.

    I've started having a few glasses of wine but worried it's going to fall into a bad habit (I do get a little complacent when watching my alcohol intake) so hubby and I have decided only one night a week and limit it to half a bottle between us.  


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