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Found 17,501 results

  1. Thanks. I'm at my doctor's goal weight for me, but I would love to be 10-15 pounds lighter. I'm hoping next year, after I get my foot fixed and can run again, maybe I'll get there. I'm having surgery this Tuesday, the 17th. I have found that running is the ONLY exercise that reshapes my body, including my stomach. As soon as I stopped running my stomach poofed back out. I did the Couch to 5K twice now, I LOVE that program. It takes a 100% NON-runner and gets you running a 5k in 9 weeks. There are a couple of podcasts out there to help you through it. I'm going to start it again after the first.


    You should feel a little better after your fill. You're entering bandster hell. It's short lived, don't worry. If you have a good doctor who keeps up with your fills, you'll do great. It's all in the aftercare with the band.


    Keep up the good work and keep in touch. I love to hear about your progress!

  2. Now that I have finally lost a lot of weight, I've decided to take my newly found self-confidence and cheat on my boyfriend of 11+ years. He was working nights and I was alone and, well you know, not being taken care of sexually. I decided to try an adult web site and wouldn't you know, men are finding me attractive (not unlike my boyfriend, who has been there for me and supported me all these years) and wanting me, again not unlike my boyfriend, but I said ok to meeting someone and once I did, I knew right away that I would be sleeping with this new guy ( and did after having 1 drink at the bar) even before deciding to end my current relationship. Continued...

  3. Thank You very much!!! I am so psyched! Ive lost this weight 12 times, Im ready to destroy!

  4. Im pissed about my weight loss too! I had 2 fills and you're right, I also lost steadily before getting fills. Since I've gotten fills, I've only lost 3-4 lbs in 6 weeks. I plan to start to exercise more and longer,eat less, and drink more water.....We'll see



  5. u know i love u 2!!!!!!! ur absolutely right...i've become so focused on not gaining my weight back...i've stopped enjoying my loss...the fear is starting to over-come my joy...sometimes i can feel my body just can't do anymore exercising...so i'll take a day or 2 off at the gym...and then i freak out bcuz i feel like i've gained a pound...(which i don't)...i really need to take control of my fear and realize im going to be okay...

  6. Call 212 263 3166 to get to the weight loss center at NYU.

  7. The pregnancy is a bit depressing. I worked so hard to lose the weight; I am really struggling with my growing belly... which REALLY upset's Dr. C. He said "I remember when you came in here and this was all fat... now it's all baby". I am so tired of people asking if it's twins... No I'm just fat! While I'm very fortunate not to have gained any weight. I already look like I have a basketball in my stomach and I'm only 10 weeks. The comments from my co-workers etc... is very disheartening. :( On a positive note... 8 lbs is FANTASTIC! Congrats! You are doing so wonderful. I will keep my fingers crossed and you in my prayers about your weight loss prior to his birthday party. Are you exercising? What are you eating? How are you feeling aside from the adjustment discomfort/sickness? I hope you are doing great and look forwarding to keeping in touch!

  8. Hi kellster Do you have the lapband and how much weight have you lost. An if so can we keep in touch i have the lapband for about a 1 year now an i need help

  9. How are you? getting close to goal? I have gained over 10 lbs back girl, I lost all will once I lost my insurance and job...

  10. Well thanks for the add! Great job on your weight loss! I'd say 30lbs in a month is something to be proud of! Mine is really not as bad as others I have spoken with. 2 meals are protein shakes which I adore! My fave is one I invented chocolate-cherry-banana YUM! The 3rd meal is soup, snacks I can have sf/ff yogurt, pudding, or jello. And the fact that I dropped 8 in 6 days, shoot I must be doing something right : )

    I took my son for a walk before we ran errands earlier. It was only about 20 min. but hey i was walking as fast as my fat butt would let me and pushing his 26 lbs in his car, lol. Well I have already had a c-section so I don't figure this pain to be near that. My goal is 145 or a little lower and I am only almost 5'3". So I am really going to try to push being stricter on this last week. I go get bloodwork done on friday. How long would you say I would have to go without picking up my 18 month old?

    HUGS, Starla

  11. Wow Chels, you're whooping everyone at this weight loss stuff. I can't believe how fast you're doing this... the weights just melting off of you. What's your secret? You're an inspiration to all!

  12. how is weight loss coming?

  13. everytime i look at you and 2flyguys pics it makes me want to lose more weight! you look awesome! i'm still trying to lose but now i need to work on toning because i have serious flab. how often are you exercising? do you have a trainer?

  14. I have a question? I was wondering should I join Weight Watchers?

  15. By the looks of your pictures you look great. How do you feel with all of the weight gone?

  16. Everything is going well! As long as the weight keep coming off i'm good! Lol! Week#8 & 35lbs down so far!

  17. Hi. I jus wanted to let u know u can definately see the difference of ur weight loss.

  18. Well my friends i have lost some weight i jumped on the scale this morning and i weigh 201! i need to break the 200!

  19. Congratulations on your surgery and subsequent weight loss. Work hard and stay dedicated.

  20. Hi Karen, congratulations on your progress with weight loss. This is my first time on this thread. I sure would like to elaborate my entries, but I have no clue.


  21. url=http://www.TickerFactory.com/weight-loss/wB0l36o/]

  22. What did your husband say after you lost all the weight? Was he supportive? Mine seems like he will be happy that I am happy. He weighs about 150lbs, tall and athletic build...and then he married the blob. lol

  23. It took forever for me to notice my weight loss and everyone around me was like what the hell are you blind. Body image is so weird and honestly I think people look at me I am still 260....it is very weird transistion and I struggle with it everyday. I am really hard on myself too! I just had emergency gallbladder surgery and had my band all the way unfilled two weeks ago...I have gained 8 pounds and I started my period too. I had a really unhealthy weight loss and I lost about half my hair so trust me gradual is better...you have beautiful hair and you will want to keep it! You just need to keep on going girl and it will be a great feeling when you hit goal. How much have you lost?

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