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Found 17,501 results

  1. Lily2024

    Feeling regret

    That first week I felt like a fish out of water, it was so surreal and jarring. Not everyone feels that way, but a good number of us do and it's hard. We're here to support you and tell you that it will get better, you will feel better, and things will feel normal again once you've adjusted. This is not forever. I'm going to my 3 month post op today, I'm able to eat and feel good most of the time (When I don't eat too fast) and able to do a fairly intense daily walk for an hour as well as the normal daily activities. I'm still a bit tired, sometimes I feel emotional when I've not gotten enough nutrition or sleep, but I've learned to see the signs and take proactive measures so it really doesn't happen all that often anymore. I really started to feel better around 8 weeks, and feel much better again at 12 weeks. Right now the best thing you can do is remind yourself that this is ground zero, all the healing is ahead of you, there's a lot to learn but you will learn it as you go.
  2. Hi a little on what’s happened to me. 16 months ago I had to have gastric sleeve as my hiatus hernia and other issues had strangled my stomach. I had the hiatus hernia repaired at the same time. 4 weeks later I had to go in for a stretch as I couldn’t stomach soft foods. 3 months later I was still on purée and soft soft foods. We did more testing and surgery again to fix the hiatus. Things didn’t progress past the purée. I was sent to our state capital to see the head surgeon. After running more tests they found more issues. My stomach had moved above my heart. Causing most of my eating issues. I had surgery #4, 8 weeks ago. After a 3 Hr operation they repaired the hiatus, fixed my Nissan fundoplication and had to staple more stomach away as I had a pouch. I was on liquid for 3 weeks, purée for 3 weeks. But a day after starting soft foods I am back to liquids/purée as everytime I ate it felt like an air bubble was blocked and I was vomiting. now everytime I drink/eat/swallow saliva I get a sharp stabbing pain. The surgeon has said I may have to have bypass. how has everyone coped with GB and any tips for me please?
  3. Congratulations on being down 3 1/2 lbs this week!! I’m so glad your knee is feeling better too!! I had knee pain once a few years back and I swear that is one of the worst pains there is. I was so glad mine went away eventually because I told myself many times I didn’t know how people dealt with such pain continuously. I do hope yours stays away. I have not stepped on the scale. I do not want to be disappointed. I start work tonight after 10 years of not working. I’m disabled and do not know how long it will work out but the activity will count towards helping me lose the weight if I can make it any amount of time. Sadly I will probably have to up my steroid dose to do it but those should burn up and not add any extra weight. Wish me luck.
  4. @wendywitch7, at 6 months post op, i was at about 700-800 calories a day. BUT i am also 7 inches shorter than you, AND i weighed about 130 lbs at the 6 months post-op mark (started at 235 lbs, so that was a loss of just over 100lbs in 6 months). i was losing about 2 to 2.5 lbs a week pretty much steadily starting month 3 postop until i about a month after reaching goal (i dropped the most weight the first 2 months after surgery)...then i dropped a couple more lbs after that and stabilized at my current weight since then.
  5. JennyBeez

    WORST Soft Stage Expereinces/Recipes

    In soft stage, I tried chicken breast too early and with not enough liquid/moisture. And then I kept repeating the same mistake. Chicken breast in soup would be fine, so I'd think I was good to go forward and each time I had a horrible reaction and it took me a good three weeks to learn from my mistakes -- aka give up for a while. XD The first few days of soft stage, definitely keep your portions lower than you've been able to handle at the puree stage. For example, if you're up to 3/4 cup puree maybe start with 1/2 cup soft for the first couple days. Don't rush yourself -- either with the eating itself, or by pushing forward too fast. Only introduce one 'new food' at a time if you can, to make sure you're doing okay with it. Avoid tough skins for longer than you think you need to.
  6. Nabih_bawazir


    My experience with sleep pills: 1. melatonin, only use at weekend 2. ashwagandha, its great for sleep quality 3. Seroquel (prescription), increase appetite 4. Dayvigo (prescription), best sleep scheduler Thanks to my physiatrist to give me this
  7. NJ-LV

    My pre op

    Congrats! Make sure you take things slow and don't rush to the stages. I was told after week 3 I could have dairy, My stomach couldn't handle it and got sick immediately. Also if you don't end up losing a lot right away, remember everybody's body is different and takes time. You are doing the best thing for you and best of luck. 2 months post op and haven't regretted it!
  8. Arabesque

    3 week stall - Just a rant from a newbie

    Puree can be tough. For some it’s a textural issue for others like me it’s a taste thing (everything tastes disgusting). You can puree a lot of things just add enough stock, milk, water, mayo, gravy, etc. to keep it the right dollopy texture/consistency. A friend told me she survived on pureed chicken with gravy. I mashed eggs with Mayo, was allowed thin instant oats, thin scrambled eggs, yoghurt, soups, etc. I tried pureeing tinned fish but blah! During soft foods I ate a lot of minced meat based dishes. Just made sure there was enough sauce/gravy to keep the meal wet. Also soft white fish, omelettes & made a couple of casseroles/stews & meat & vegetable soups. Yep, stalls can be frustrating & demoralising but remember an important step in your weight loss (when your body takes stock of your new needs & adjusts digestive hormones, metabolic rate, etc.). 17.5lbs in about 4 weeks is still pretty darn great. Even with the stall that’s an average of more than 4lbs a week. Can’t be upset with that.
  9. Ashley Amari

    Vaginal bleeding after surgery?

    Thanks Amber. I took the IUD out mid October. I went from spotting to bleeding. The plan was to go without bc for 3 months but I was over the prolonged bleeding and ended up trying a bc pill. It worked for 2 weeks then the bleeding returned. Now I’m attempting again to go 3 months again without anything and praying my body responds.
  10. Ashley Amari

    Vaginal bleeding after surgery?

    Thanks Amber. I took the IUD out mid October. I went from spotting to bleeding. The plan was to go without bc for 3 months but I was over the prolonged bleeding and ended up trying a bc pill. It worked for 2 weeks then the bleeding returned. Now I’m attempting again to go 3 months again without anything and praying my body responds.
  11. Lilia_90

    Rapid Weight Loss

    I thought I'll put my progress for more context: 1. Basics: GENDER, AGE, HEIGHT F, 33, 168 CM 5'5/5'6? 2. Total Weight lost in the 6 months BEFORE surgery (if any) 0 3. Weight on DAY OF SURGERY. 198/90 KG 4. Weight at 1 MONTH POST surgery 172/78.2 KG 5. Weight at 3 MONTHs POST surgery 148/67.4 KG I am at 5 months post op 131.78/59.9 KG 8. Type of Surgery (Sleeve, ByPass, etc...) Gastric sleeve
  12. Hi there! I just had my surgery last Monday on February 19th! I am on day 8, and honestly, im starting to feel almost back to normal! Struggling with the fact that I can't eat anything other than soup and pudding despite being so so hungry. Everything has been going down really good. I have had no issues getting in protein. I have 3 premier protein shakes a day, which equals to 90g of protein. I just wish I could eat soft foods like mashed potato and eggs. But my nurse practitioner wants me to stay on the liquid diet for another 3 weeks. YEAH RIGHT, hahah im going to be introducing some foods next week I think. I can't wait any longer. I am so hungry! I hope you have a speedy recovery from surgery! If you need any advice or have any questions, I am always here for you! Heaviest Weight: 376 - April 2023 Weight on day of surgery: 291 - February 2024 Total lbs lost before surgery: 85 lbs Current weight (1 week after surgery): 280 Total lbs lost since April: 96 lbs Im so close to meeting my 100 lbs down goal!!
  13. Hi! After week 4 it seemed like everything finally changed for me. I no longer was feeling sick and was able to start keeping water and soft food down. I felt great and was able to walk longer distances daily. My doctor said in about 5% of WLS patients they deal with the nausea and just feeling down around the 3-4 week mark but it won't last long. Oh, also I had my labs done at my 3 month post-op and they were perfect. I'm currently 4 months post-op and down 61lbs! It's amazing how much better I'm feeling. Best of luck to you and I hope things start turning around for you.
  14. I had gastric bypass on 3/12!
  15. SleeveToBypass2023

    OMG OMG OMG I DID IT!!!!!!!

    Thank you i got a a while back and never thought I would be able to wear it. I decided to try it on to go for our 3 mile walk, and I was stunned that it fit. It's one of my new favorites now
  16. I am a Gerd patient and got the sleeve Sept 5, 2023. My HW 210, SW 206, CW 180. I hit the plateau in November 2023 and havent lost any weight since. I did have GERD previously before the surgery with a hiatal hernia 2cm; but, my stomach was literally stuck in my chest since 2008. I was told by my surgeon that GERD patients have a harder time losing weight. I workout 4 days hard since 3 weeks after surgery, I still watch what i eat as a GERD patient not weight loss. I want to know if anyone is going through this stall as well. I've seen videos of people around 240lbs weighing 120 6m after surgery.To me that is crazy, I do eat carbs but its limited and I still keep my protein intake above 90g daily. I do track my meals and i'll have days ill eat 1000 cal or below and sometimes as high as 1200 cals. I do drink about 48 oz of water sometimes less or more. When will my plateau stop or is it cause i am building my muscle fast; I was never obese just in my belly that is my issue. the left pic is 1 yr before surgery and the pic on the right is 4 months after surgery
  17. Hello! My surgery is scheduled for 7/10. I am having the gastric bypass. I'm on the pre-op diet right now. Doing well but am so weak from this diet. Last night I could barely finish my evening meal - got nauseated and just felt terrible. This is a revision surgery. I had the VSG 2914, lost 100. Foot surgery and the covid lockdown started my regain of 80 lbs. The surgery is to fix my hernia and hopefully get rid of my acid reflux. I am hoping to lose but more importantly to maintain my weight loss. I'm currently on 3 hbp meds and 3 acid reflux meds. How do I complete the settings about my surgery, weight, etc.?
  18. ms.sss

    How did you get your water in???

    sip sip sip. i carried a water bottle/insulated cup (and yes, i used a straw...i know people have been told not to use them, but i did...ymmv). around day 2-3 i realized warm/hot water went down easier than cold/room-temp so i started sipping that. was able to stand colder water again by week 2, and also in week 2 i accidentally found out i could gulp water...i was so thirsty and didn't think, so yeah. was able to drink large amounts of water no problem after that.
  19. catwoman7

    6-10 Week Out Restriction Feeling

    your doctor was talking about a stricture. About 5% of bypass patients get those (sleeve people can also get them, but it's a lot less common with them). It's been nine years for me, but I don't remember if I felt super full or not. I just remember feeling really nauseated or like I had GERD after eating, and after a while, I couldn't keep any food down - it'd all come back up. I had one at four weeks out and another around eight weeks out (they almost always occur between 1-3 months post op - very rare after that). It's an easy fix if that's what it is. They can stretch it out with this balloon-like thing when they do the upper endoscopy. It's quick and painless - and you'll feel A LOT better afterward.
  20. newbegining2024

    Post Op Blood Work

    Thanks everyone for the messages! Hopefully someone will find message when they run into the same situation and help ease their mind as well. I did get a call today from my doctor. They also said they like my B12 to be over 1000. If I don’t feel well because of it I can take my B12 3-4 times a week. They assure me everything else that is showing red is fine, because of surgery and my body is recovering. My wounds are still healing etc…That’s why they don’t do blood work till 3 months after. It just so I needed blood work done for other reasons and it freaked me out.
  21. MrsDemps

    May 2024 Surgery Buddies 😁

    Had my surgery on 4/15 then 3 day later I had and infection with 15 count white blood cell, heart racing and temp 104. I was taking the following day for.catscan and was told that i had a cyst or abcess. When i was returned to r[m the Physician told.my hisband they had to do surgery and my.husband asked when and we were told in 45.minutes. I have another surgery within 3 days of the gastric surgery. Part of stomach was left open. Which caused infection. This has been and scary situation for me.and my family. I stayed in hospital for 18 days and was sent home with 3 drainage tubes and PICC LINES. Not sure why I am have some much saliva which causes me.to spit constantly and want to stop.
  22. Francesca525

    Liver Shrinkage Diet struggles

    I think 4 weeks of liquid shakes only is a bit excessive. I was told by my surgeon that I could only drink 3 shakes a day for 2 weeks, but when I did my research on liver shrinkage, what I found was that the goal was deplete carbs. And you can do that with things other than protein shakes. Like actual protein. So I asked my surgeon why I couldn't just eat chicken breast and eggs all day, every day. He explained that it wouldn't be nutritionally balanced enough, plus after the surgery, my stomach wouldn't be able to handle solid foods for weeks so it was good "practice". I took all of that under consideration, as well as discussions I read about other people's pre-op diets, and went a bit rogue. I would choke down 2 shakes a day (instead of 3), then eat chicken + non-starchy veggies for dinner. I also drank low-sodium broths frequently because I REALLY don't like sweet things. During the last ~5 days of the diet, I switched to recommended 3 shakes per day to get in that "practice" the surgeon talked about. That slower transition was so much easier for me than going cold turkey. I'm 2 months post-op now and down 42 lbs so I guess it's working. Not saying you should rebel like I did, but you should at least ask your surgeon to explain his reasoning and maybe bring up some of the above points. See how he reacts.
  23. SleeveToBypass2023

    IM HUNGRY!!!!!!

    I ate cottage cheese, avocado spread, hummus, protein pudding, protein yogurt, and even 3 or 4 teaspoon fulls of split pea soup (my husband had to eat the rest because it was REALLY filling). I also ate some tuna (but VERY sparingly), oatmeal (again, very sparingly and only 2 or 3 teaspoon fulls...my daughter ate the rest of the bowl because it was really filling), sauteed squash (used extra virgin olive oil and it was soft and soooo good), 1 scrambled egg (only had about 2 small bites and then hubby added the rest to his eggs and finished it). I was just so happy to be able to eat stuff, but I was absolutely NOT ready for how little I could actually eat lol
  24. It sounds normal to me. Although I haven't had a gastric emptying test, I do get a little hungry after 2 hours. I usually eat every 2 to 3 hours as some of those above have mentioned.
  25. Alex Brecher


    We plan to update BariatricPal within the next 3-4 months. Thank you, I've added this to our list of upcoming features.

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