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Found 1,239 results

  1. I never had the three week stall. Instead I had a three MONTH stall where when I hit the third month after my surgery I didn't lose any weight for almost three weeks. Then I lost two pounds and stalled for another week and a half. Then lost five pounds. I've had two other stalls that lasted a week and two respectively. It's soooooo irritating, but I was told it's just your body processing the huge changes rapid weight loss causes. If you're anything like me, there will be weeks when the stalls will annoy you so much you'll be tempted to throw your scale lol. Just try not to stress about it too much.
  2. I am 3 weeks postop VSG. I lost 40 pounds before surgery and about 6 pounds first week after surgery. So frustrated that I weight just goes up and and down by about a pound but not lost anything in last two weeks. I am religiously logging all food and water. I am supposed to be on pureed food but have gone back to just three protein shakes a day (150 cal each) and nothing else but water. I am walking my dog 30 minutes every day which I couldn't do before due to low back pain. With increased activity and low intake of calories why am I not losing any weight? Mystery to me. There is no food in house except protein shakes so I am obviously not cheating. I heard of "three week stall" but this started one week postop. Sent from my SM-T580 using BariatricPal mobile app
  3. blizair09

    Plateau during first month

    Google three week stall. In my experience, stalls are very common. In fact, during my loss phase (I got to goal at 1 year and 4 days post-op), the periods of stall vastly outnumbered the periods of loss. It is just part of the process. Hang in there. Stick to you plan and make the right decisions and the weight will come off. Good luck!
  4. catwoman7

    Weight loss stall

    I lost 16 lbs the first month and started at 373 lbs. And I ended up losing over 200 lbs. You are doing fine. also, like the above people said, you are likely in the infamous "three week stall". If you do a search of this site at that, you will find over 17,000 posts on it. And no, I am NOT kidding. Happens to the vast majority of us.
  5. I had the three week stall last week and then all of a sudden it started back again. Sometimes if you don't drink enough water it can cause you to hold excess water weight. It will start going down again just don't let it get to you!!!
  6. I think our obsession with stalls (by any name) is understandable. We start out as WLS patients with mega-losses real fast. Then we hit the (pretty common) three-week stall. Then, depending on how heavy we were to start with, we settle down to a 10-15 or even 20 pound monthly weight loss for 3-6 months. Then things slow down. But along the way, when we're weighing daily, we see a graph line (or imagine one) that looks like a trail made by a drunk chicken stumbling up and downhill on his way to the river. And here's a simple conclusion about why the graph looks like a drunken chicken's trail: Our bodies are not robots. Nor are they gas engines that always get X miles per gallon (or X pounds lost per daily calorie intake). Our bodies are complex carbon oxygen machines that are constantly producing hormones and running fancy and changing biochemistry combustions and repairing our bodies and losing weight and none of those things is linearly coordinated. Our bodies produce 60-70 hormones that have specific functions. But those aren't all produced at the same rate all the time and vary according to our ages, activities, diseases, times of the month, times of the day, and they can produce interactions among them, too. For instance, here's just one of the simplest things about Water weight most of us do know about. Remember the pre-op diet that most of us had to do for a couple of weeks? The point of that diet was to reduce the size and slickness of our multi-lobed livers so our surgeons could operate on our stomachs located right next to the liver. The heavier and slicker the liver, the harder it is to man-handle it during surgery and the likelier it is to get nicked or torn during the experience (nicked or torn liver = very, very bad thing). Anyway, the point of that pre-op diet was to use up all the glycogen (look it up) that's stored in the liver. And when the glycogen is used up, we also lose a large amount of water in which that glycogen is stored. Hence, our very rapid weight loss during the pre-op diet (and that's lost at the beginning of almost every diet in the world). Here's another thing: I think about the number of extra capillaries and nerves that my body grew when I was fatter but that I no longer need now that I've lost 77 pounds. What happened to those things? At what point does my body break those down? And when and how are those waste products excreted? And how does that process affect the arc of my weight loss graph? I got lots more questions, too! So here's the bottom line: Our bodies do not lose weight in a straight, linear progression to goal. That is a fact. We all know that. Why not? Because (as Elode said), it's complicated. It's very, very complicated.
  7. I was sleeved on 1/27/16. HW 215 surgery weight 205. Current 191. The three week stall got me but then I had a stomach bug early this week that kicked loss back into gear. I Need to get back to some exercise!
  8. Fettchick83

    gaining weight on soft foods

    I'm headed for the three week stall as well. Stay strong! Sent from my SM-N920P using the BariatricPal App
  9. catwoman7

    Weight not going down!

    yes - probably 99% of us. If you spend more than a few minutes on this site, you will see that we get this question several times a week. In fact, I just did a search of this site for "the three week stall" for you (it usually happens during week 3, but not always - sometimes it's earlier or later). There are 17,501 posts on this. And no, I am NOT kidding. Here they are: https://www.bariatricpal.com/search/?q=three week stall you don't need to do anything special. Just stick to your program, stay off the scale if you have to (it's going to last 1-2 weeks), and your weight loss WILL start up again. I promise!
  10. My "three week stall" has gone on for a month. I've lost 5 pounds in the last four weeks, averaging 650 calories per day, walking 4 to six miles per day. I haven't the energy to run, jog or swim. Meeting with nutritionist today with a lot of questions.
  11. magicianbeautician74

    3 weeks out

    I am right there with you!! My surgery was 9/10 and I weigh every Sunday! Last week I was down 26, and this week...... Exactly still 26 . It's the three week stall. I am just going to focus on fluids and Protein this week and not go near the scale until next week. I was also told that our bodies have a "memory" too, and I can't help but notice that I was stuck at 238 for about a year, which is exactly where I am now. So smile and embrace it, some of us are arm in arm with ya right now Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  12. blizair09

    Questions on weight loss

    Google three week stall. It happens to everyone.
  13. NovaLuna

    4 Weeks and only 10lbs!

    First off lower your calorie intake. You are only a month out so around 600 calories is where you should be at and eventually in the next few months build that up to 800. Second, the three week stall is a thing most people go through. It lasts anywhere from a week to three weeks. You'll have several stalls throughout your journey and yes, they are frustrating as hell, but they happen. Third, although I lost 23 pounds the first month I was also over 300 pounds and depending on your starting weight 10 pounds may very well be exceptional. Be proud of the fact that you lost 10 pounds in a month, that's an accomplishment! Finally, everyone loses at a different rate. Right now I'm 7 months out and lose an average of 1-3 pounds a week (I lost two pounds this week, two last week, and one the week before). The weight WILL come off if you stick to a healthy diet and lifestyle. Try not to stress about it because my doctor said stress can lessen your weight loss (incredibly difficult not to stress about it, I know). You got this! You can do it! I wish you the best!
  14. feedyoureye

    Remind me again...

    My doc said figure 10 pounds a month average. 3 a week is GREAT! Many people have the "three week stall" starting around the first 3 weeks, and you can have no weight loss for weeks... this is normal! Try not to compare yourself with others, your body will do what it needs to do in its own sweet time... just follow the rules, Water, move, Protein first and go through the stages.... you will be fine. If it makes you feel bad weighting more often, weigh every month or two weeks. I made a deal with myself that I would not let the numbers push me around emotionally if I weigh every day, and thats what I have always done.
  15. britknee_kay

    Three week stall?

    Just curious about everyone’s experience. I’ve heard there’s a week 3 stall that nearly everyone experiences. I’m just finishing our week 3 and my loss has stalled. Even gained a pound. I assume it’s because of soft foods being introduced.
  16. I'm working hard to eat clean, get my Protein and Water in, walking, and keep track of things. So why is it that I'm only two weeks out and my weight loss hasn't moved since the end of week 1? I know the three week stall is something that is of common lore but I stalled right at the start of week 2. I feel like it is a shifting dynamic and people say: do what you are supposed to do. By all counts I am doing what I am "supposed" to do. I can feel that my body is stressed and holding on so I'm working on getting as much water in as possible as well as extra sleep. I find it difficult to ingest protein in the mornings due to nausea. Not much is appealing to me in terms of food. The bigger thing is my fear of failing after the lap-band failure. I feel stressed about losing weight: this was a big financial investment and I am devoting so much energy and attention to these efforts. I'm going to incorporate eggs/egg whites so I might be able to get some more protein in. Today I have such a mixture of emotions -- frustration and anger -- with that darn number on the scale. I only weigh once a week and I'm getting ready to put the thing away completely for a while. It's superbowl Sunday in Bronco country and I'll be going to a party where there will be very little to nothing I can eat. I'm feeling stressed about that as well. All this stress cannot be aiding in the weight loss process. Is it possible to follow the rules and fail?
  17. SeattleSleever

    Just curious..

    Yes, I am losing handfuls of hair every time I shampoo. I really hope it stops soon...it's a little un-nerving! I also wanted to report that after my three week stall I'm suddenly losing again, currently at 204. I haven't changed much - maybe a little more stringent on carbs, and I have been tracking again. Good to know that stalls DO pass and it doesn't mean weight loss phase is over!
  18. Hop_Scotch

    14 days after WLS

    Don't have a lot of information about you, it would be helpful if you filled in your profile...hightest weight, surgery day weight, current weight, height...all this gives context to your post and helps us to tailor a response to you. So if I understand correctly its been about four days since you have lost scale weight, but in the 10 days before that you've lost 13lb??? That's great and above average for the stage you are at. There will be weight loss stalls along the way, one of the major ones is the three week stall (though for some this can happen before three weeks and for others well after). Please take the time to fill in your details.
  19. catwoman7

    Hypothyroidism and Gastric Bypass

    sounds like the three week stall that almost all of us go through (it isn't always the third week - it can happen any time within the first six weeks or so post-surgery). If you do a search on it on this site, you'll find hundreds - if not thousands - of posts on it. I had mine weeks 2 and 3. Just stick to your program - your weight loss will eventually start up again.
  20. I'm in the three week stall. I've tried eating more protein and exercise but no change. Now a little gain I'm thinking my lady friend might have something to do will the little gane?? I know everyone's different just worried as I thought I would lose more that 7kg I know that a lose is good no matter what number but I'm Worried As its going up now
  21. nvsleever70

    June 2015 sleevers

    I was sleeved June 15th. Started at 324 got down to 291 day of surgery now at 274... Feels like I should have lost more? Following diet, exercising daily. Plus was on a three week stall...just broke it.. See other posts where people have lost a lot more within first month. Am I being to hard on myself?
  22. I totally agree with this. Don't stress too much about how much you have lost and if you look different or not. Focus your energy on healing and following the post-op diet. People lose weight differently. For me, I lost most of the weight on my thighs and lower body at first and for the first few months my face almost looked the same. 3 weeks is too early to see any noticeable changes to be honest and your body is still healing. That is also when most of us got the infamous three-weeks stall. At least that was the case for me. Good luck
  23. The thing is that the scale isn't moving. I'm at 218 lbs. I'm aware that there's a stall. But isn't this rather early for the infamous three week stall? I will not despair, I will not despair. Boo!
  24. UndercoverDiet

    Weight loss stall 3 weeks post- OP

    My surgery was Dec 19th. I was down 32 pounds from surgery diet, but I hit the dreaded three week stall the end of last week. Not only am I in a stall, but I am GAINING weight. This is so frustrating to me! I think it is probably water weight as I'm sure I was dehydrated before, but it really is discouraging. Did anyone else gain a few pounds in their stall?
  25. Hopeful2017

    Feeling deflated

    I am also at a three week stall. Very discouraging. I am definitely not eating enough to gain. Please keep me posted on your journey. I would love to hear about it.

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