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Found 1,239 results

  1. kaitlynm

    My body thinks it's funny!

    I'm right there with you.....200.5 this morning. I'm just getting off of a three week stall which has made this really frustrating. I had 3 goals within 10 pounds. First 203 which put me at a 34 BMI, then 199.9 for Onderland, and finally 194 for the lowest I've weighed in over 20 years. Of course right when I was getting there I hit the stall. What was really cruel was I hit 203 and then gained 1.5 pounds to start the dreaded stall. I hope to join you either tomorrow or the next day.
  2. One of the ladies on my facebook support group found this article about why we have the three week stall (which I am currently in) http://www.dsfacts.com/weight-loss-stall-or-plateau.php
  3. Jessee3897

    3 weeks out

    In going on week five and can attest to the three week stall. I started upping my protein and added in walking and by the middle of week four I was losing again.
  4. shriner37

    3 weeks post op

    Yes, it is completely normal. Your stomach tissue was extremely swollen right after surgery which caused the problem with Protein drinks the first few days. As your stomach heals the tissue swelling and inflammation starts to decrease and you can handle liquids and food better. I even told my doctor's PA at my two week checkup that I wasn't sure they actually did the sleeve! He laughed and said they hear that a lot. And the first stall at around 3 weeks is also completely normal. If you search "three week stall" you'll find hundreds of posts about it. If you stick to your surgeon and nutritionist's recommendations you should be fine.
  5. HappyBuddy I can't offer any knowledge to the puzzle. However I wanted you to know you are not alone. The same amount of weight loss happened to me in the first 10 days of my Jan 26th surgery. I had the three week stall. After the stall I lost 8 more pounds only this week to gain 6 of them back, I am 6 weeks out and even eating less than you as every time I eat food I get a terrible pain under the left breast area. Eating is like 1 1/2 to 2 ounces or maybe 1/2 cup depending on the food. I am too old for the puzzle of the period. Some great suggestions were given and I hope you solve this puzzle real soon as I know the emotional feeling your expressing. I am right there with you.
  6. I am five weeks post op. When I first had the surgery, I was somewhat worried about not feeling full, because I could drink liquids like it was nothing. Even on pureed foods I was able to eat a decent amount. Now that I am five weeks out, and on solids I can honestly say, I AM FEELING IT. My nerve endings must have finally healed because I can definitely tell a huge difference in three weeks post op, and now and how much I can consume. I tried to eat a meatball yesterday for dinner and I got halfway through when the fullness started. Today at lunch I didn't even make 2 ounces of tuna before I could feel it. This is wonderful! I also broke my three week stall :D
  7. I was sleeved on 1/27/16. HW 215 surgery weight 205. Current 191. The three week stall got me but then I had a stomach bug early this week that kicked loss back into gear. I Need to get back to some exercise!
  8. VSGAnn2014

    Tired of "embracing the stall !"

    The scale hasn't moved for four whole days?! This is a joke thread, right? Girlfriend, you are clearly not someone who can handle weighing every day. You need to get rid of your scales. BTW, you DO know about the three-week stall, don't you? If not, google it. It's all over the damn place.
  9. Another slow loser here. I am now just under four months post sleeve. The funny thing is though, when I look at the whole big picture of my weight loss I am AMAZED!!!! I started at 203lbs and am down to 162lbs. I recently had a three week stall but things got moving again scale wise a week ago. However, during the stall, my body obviously had a good old sort out and my shape changed and unneeded inches left various parts of my anatomy. I didn't have a say in any of the design ideas at all and just kept walking the dogs and getting my exercise. I'm back wearing jeans again and I threw out all my tracksuit pants the other day. I'm loving this journey and accept that as the weight crept on then it's OK if it creeps off. Keep reading the posts on this site and you won't go far wrong. We're all on the same journey.
  10. Well my three week stall is now a gain Just a pound but that's annoying! I am still having bathroom issues though so that must be part of it. I've tried a little MIlk of Mag but what does everyone recommend for the constipation??? So far any soft foods I've had have went down ok but I really need to solve this potty issue!
  11. Im currently in my three week stall. Weight has stayed at 273 for the past week. Im just sticking to the plan and hoping it will start to shift again soon
  12. I started blended this week yeah, but I honestly forget to eat most of the time - I'm too easily distracted! But everyone's been telling me about the three week stall and how the body is adjusting to all the changes, so I'm not so confused about it anymore and just grateful I still managed to lose some :-) Forgetting to eat "most of the time" is not a good habit to get into. If you need to, set a reminder on your phone. Right now, your primary focus should be getting in all of your Protein and fluids every day, I do actually have reminders set on my phone, but sometimes I'm busy when they go off - it's also hard to eat when you don't feel hungry, but I do it. I make sure I get all my protein though because when I do eat I'm managing protein rich foods and I bought special high protein puddings and milk to ensure this. Same for the liquids - I'm not having a problem with those, I just find things I like to drink and it's good.
  13. I started blended this week yeah, but I honestly forget to eat most of the time - I'm too easily distracted! But everyone's been telling me about the three week stall and how the body is adjusting to all the changes, so I'm not so confused about it anymore and just grateful I still managed to lose some :-) Forgetting to eat "most of the time" is not a good habit to get into. If you need to, set a reminder on your phone. Right now, your primary focus should be getting in all of your Protein and fluids every day,
  14. Mrs_O

    January 22nd sleevers?

    I was the 27th. Been on soft foods since Monday. Still having trouble with liquids and protien! It's a struggle to even eat during the days but I am currently loving scrambled eggs, low fat string cheese sticks and these nifty little pretzel packs with cheese dip. Mashed potatoes went down fine but didn't taste good for some reason. I'm in he dreaded three week stall I believe while my body is adjusting to foods again. Believe it or not I think I am not putting enough in!
  15. I started blended this week yeah, but I honestly forget to eat most of the time - I'm too easily distracted! But everyone's been telling me about the three week stall and how the body is adjusting to all the changes, so I'm not so confused about it anymore and just grateful I still managed to lose some :-)
  16. Had surgery on 1/15/16. Lost 17 lbs in the first two weeks. Like clockwork, the day after my two week post-op appointment, the scale went up 2 lbs and I've been trying to get that weight off for the past ten days. I haven't lost a single ounce since that point. It's super discouraging and frustrating, but reading that this three-week stall is common definitely helps! ALSO, measure yourself! I've lost four inches in my waist in the past 10 days while the scale hasn't budged!
  17. It's better than normal, most people lose zero pounds the third week after surgery (seriously, search "three week stall" or "third week stall" and you will see). For most people, weight loss will pick up again after about a two week stall. However, also for most people, they don't see the kind of rapid 4-6 lbs per week after the first month. I would say that 2 - 3 lbs per week is much more in the normal range after the first month. And, as you say, there really is no normal. Focus on following your program as best you can and don't place so much focus on exactly how much you lose within a given time. It will only stress you out and make you miserable (because it never feels fast enough) when you should be experiencing an incredibly happy time in your life.
  18. I hit my first stall during weeks 2 and 3 post-op. Then I dropped six pounds during week four. It's not uncommon at all (in fact, do a search for "three-week stall"). your body's going to do what it's going to do. Some people lose weight fast, others lose it slow and steady. So many things can affect it (I'm definitely a slow loser, but I've lost 153 lbs in total). Just stick to the plan and you will definitely lose!!!
  19. yerawizardamy

    Embrace the Stall

    I've seen you post a link for this thread many times, and I've just gone searching for it now that I've officially hit my "three week stall". I was hoping that I would be special but alas, here I am. I'm not worried about it, really. I know that what I've been (or haven't been) doing is a big factor. I guess this stall was the kick in the pants that I needed to really get serious about exercise/water/protein.
  20. So, don't know if this will help or not...I also had a very, very slow metabolism. Diets that worked for everyone else just didn't work for me, no matter how religiously I weighed and logged every gram, or how hard or often I hit my Crossfit box. Low carb? Check. Weight training? Check. Massive calorie deficit? Check. Protein-sparing modified fast? Check. Moderate deficit? Check. Strict paleo? Check. Tried vegan? Check. Coaching? Cognitive behavioral therapy? Meal delivery? Integrative medical plan? Yes, yes, and yes. NOTHING WORKED. I had the sleeve done in early December, and discovered a couple of things: I have actually managed to lose some weight. More than I have in a long, long time. Enough to make my clothes fit better. I feel better. I'll be able to fit on roller coasters when King Island opens in a few months. Yay! I'm happy about this! HOWEVER: It's come off really, really slowly. Like, in two months, I've lost what a lot of people lose in the first 3-4 weeks. And my BMI was solidly over 40. I'm short. I had well over 100 lbs to lose. It's not like I was just on the edge of not qualifying. Weight stays put for a few days, bounces up, goes down a little, stops moving, rinse repeat. I didn't just hit a week three stall...I hit a two week stall, then a three week stall, then a four week stall, lost a little, lost a little, then another few days of stall. This is on 700 calories a day, walking 8000 - 10,000 steps, carbs below 30, drinking 60-70 ounces of Water, lots of Protein. ALSO: I have other medical crap going on. Shortly before surgery my new and brilliant GI specialist diagnosed me with a small intestine bacterial overgrowth. Short version, have probably had it for years, and it's wreaked havoc in my digestion and subsequently my endocrine system (hello thyroid!) Also, another specialist I've been seeing pointed out that my temperature has been dipping ever downward for the few months he's been looking at it. This means that my metabolism is screwed up. Apparently, my body, when presented with magnesium, has no clue what to do with it. So. To make a long story short, if you have metabolism issues, surgery MIGHT help resolve them. This, of course, depends on what they are. And even if you have metabolic problems and the surgery doesn't fix them (like my case), you CAN still lose weight. It won't be like everyone else's, and this is a huge, huge bummer. I'm also hungry on my tiny little portions. Yes, VSG gets rid of ghrelin production for the first few months. However, if your problem is leptin resistance, your brain will never get that message that you've had enough and you can stop eating. I don't know why everyone gets so fixated on ghrelin and think that that's the only hormone responsible for hunger. Makes me nuts...just like everyone who says that if you just follow the program or do X, Y, or Z (cut carbs, cut calories, drink more water, exercise in a particular way, do interpretive dance under the full moon, WHATEVER) it will work for you, because it worked for them. My advice...treat the weight like any other symptom of a disease state in your body. The surgery will help you manage that symptom, but if you're not looking for the root cause, it'll always be a THING you'll be dealing with. I don't know if I'll be able to correct whatever's causing my metabolism shutdown. It might be related to some MTHFR genetic mutations I tested for, in which case, we won't be able to fix it, but I will eventually figure out how to manage it. Or maybe once my intestine has healed from the SIBO (which appears to be gone, huzzah) things will get much better. Don't know. Weight MAY continue to be an issue post-sleeve...but I'm doing everything I can. I've got that going for me, even when I'm so frustrated I want to scream. Don't know if that helps or not...I really wrote a long post, didn't I?
  21. FrankyG

    Is this supposed to be normal? ?

    Yes it is completely normal. Search for three week stall and you'll get lots of hits.
  22. 1Cor2:9

    3 Week Stall

    First I want to say that since my three week stall I have now lost more than ten lbs, so the stall for now is over. I think people should have the right to "freak" out if they want. You may say. that will not solve anything. That is not the point. The point is to acknowledge how you feel. This is important. Also, I do not think the mere mention of being disappointment about a stall is "freaking out". Anytime one strives for a goal and that goal is not achieved there is going to be disappointment. That is normal. To state over wise is false. So if you experience a stall cry about it, shout about it, throw something (preferably something that will not break), and so on. Then once you have had your moment pick yourself up off the floor and plan again. The journey we are on is going to have all kinds of feelings/emotions the best way to deal with it is to acknowledge it.
  23. Well first off, welcome to the rest of your new life! With that statement comes a great number of changes, mental and physical. First, I would say you are eating too much, however, I too had issues soon after surgery. Do not get me wrong, I am just now 3.5 months post-op, but down 70 pounds. Weight loss is 'strange' after surgery, especially in the beginning. I really set the bar high, and decided long before surgery that I was committing to a complete lifestyle change, and I am living it today. As mentioned earlier in this post, tracking your food is very important. This is one of the three reasons I recommend a Fitbit to everyone, you can track your food/water/protein input with the Fitbit website (or MyFitnesspal.com), secondly, you can track your activity, and lastly and this is a biggie, you can see your heartrate. Why is this so important? One of the very early signs of dumping is Tachycardia, and elevated heart rate. So, you are chowing down on a new food and you start to feel a bit strange. Am I eating too fast? Am I going to dump? Does this not agree with me? A quick glance at your heart rate is a great tool to determine why you are feeling the way you are, and more importantly to prevent dumping. I have had three such incidents now, where I was juuuuuuust on the border of dumping, but I began to feel odd, checked my heart rate, saw it in the upper 80s' low 90's and realized I was about to dump. I stopped eating the suspect food and within 20 minutes I was fine. Why is food tracking so important? One word, accountability. I look at my food intake every day. I log every single thing that touches my lips. My weight loss never surprises me. I know when I was adding new foods, or ate 'heavy' foods and lowered my expectations for the week. Tracking with software allows you to see, how well or poorly you are doing in a given day, and to evaluate the prior day once it had concluded. HOLD YOURSELF ACCOUNTABLE. Activity. Let's face it, weight loss is really as simple as burning more calories than you take in. You need to be able to determine how many calories are being burned and a Fitbit does a great job at this. No it is not perfect, but it is better than guessing. No matter how obese you may be, you can walk. I do. In fact, I am up to 8 miles, 5 days a week. I am a full time student, so I have the two hours to dedicate. Many do not. Track your activity, and HOLD YOURSELF ACCOUNTABLE. Pro tips: -Do not drink 30 minutes before a meal and for 30 minutes after a meal. -NEVER eat while distracted. NO EATING IN FRONT OF THE TELEVISION!!! Sit at the table, without distraction and slowly eat your food. FEEL what your body is telling you. Savor every bite. -Remember calories are not all created equal. I have gone to a rather extreme diet, but I like low carbing, I like the energy and the overall great feeling. Thus, I do not imbibe anything solid and white (fat free cheese is the lone exception), no Sugar, Flour, Rice, Pasta, Bread or Potatoes. There are only two things you are concerned with at this stage, really, two. Water intake and Protein. And your body will punish you for failing to take in enough. I shoot for 100g of high quality protein a day (not all Proteins are created equal, research PDCASS), and at least 80oz of water. -Calories, your mileage will vary, but I have found that I lose weight at the best rate when on active days I get in 1100-1300 calories and on inactive days 600-800 calories. I am never really hungry, and have to stick to a schedule to make sure I get enough calories in on any given day. -Milk, try Isopure in Fairlife milk. That is how I do it, in fact Fairlife milk is one of the many wonderful things I learned about here in these forums. Short story, it is lactose free, has twice the protein of regular milk and 1/2 the carbs. I use 2 measured ounces of whole milk in my coffee, and use the skim for everything else. It is much creamier than regular milk. The whole milk is more like cream, and the skim more like 2% milk. -These tips may or may not help you, they help me. -Fiber. Yes you need it, see the post about dealing with your new post op ass for more. I struggle with this, daily. In closing I would say, do not put your head in the sand. Hold yourself accountable for ALL your actions. It is the aggregate of all your actions that will determine what the scale has to say at the end of each week. You are nearly due for the 'dreaded three week stall'. It will pass. Do not let it get you down if it hits you. Seek counseling for food addiction. I am not a '12 step' kinda guy. I have to solve my own problems, but that is me. I think it is the Military in me, I do not like asking for help, I see it as a weakness. It is not, but as my ex mother in law was famously quoted, "Feelings are not facts". I FEEL like asking for help is a weakness, but my mind knows better. That is my issue to deal with. Best of luck. Post often. Keep us in the loop, there are a LOT of WONDERFUL people here.
  24. WLSResources/ClothingExch

    Slow losers club

    Shopping at Sinking Boats 'R' Us again? When did you last average five pounds per week or, if we subtract the three-week stall, eight?
  25. Four days ago I made three weeks post op and I think I am having the dreaded three week stall! I am the same 266. PTL that I did not gain which I think at this point would be hard to do, but staying the same is sad. I am eating as my dietitian and I work out five days a week for fifty minutes I just have to press through. I know, I know embrace the stall. Words of encouragement are welcomed.

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