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Found 2,865 results

  1. Babbs

    Week 2-3 Stall!?!

    Completely normal. It's a normal, necessary part of the process. Every one of us has gone through it around that time. It even has a name: "The Dreaded 3 Week Stall". Hang in there, work your program, and it will pass! It won't be you're last, either Here comes the science: A "stall" a few weeks after surgery is not uncommon, and here's why. Our bodies use glycogen for short term energy storage. Glycogen is not very soluble, but it is stored in our muscles for quick energy -- one pound of glycogen requires 4 lbs. of Water to keep it soluble, and the average glycogen storage capacity is about 2 lbs. So, when a patient is not getting in enough food, the body turns first to stored glycogen, which is easy to break down for energy. Then when 2 lbs. of glycogen is used a patient will also lose 8 lbs. of water that was used to store it -- voila -- the "easy" 10 lbs. that most people lose in the first week of a diet. However, when the body stays in a caloric deficit state the body starts to realize that this is not a short-term problem. Then the body starts mobilizing fat from adipose tissue and burning fat for energy. But the body also realizes that fat can't be used for short bursts of energy. So, it starts converting some of the fat into glycogen, and rebuilding the glycogen stores. As it puts back the 2 lbs. of glycogen into the muscle, 8 lbs. of water has to be stored with it to keep it soluble. So, even though the patient might still be losing energy content to their body, the weight will not go down or it might even gain for a while as the retention of water dissolves the glycogen that is being reformed and stored.
  2. NikkiPen

    Three Weeks Post Op Stall

    Very typical. 3 week stall (Google it) But if you take some measurements, you're likely shifting, losing inches during this time, so pat yourself on the back for a job well done!!! HW 370, SW 350, SD 6/20/17
  3. SassyNanny

    2 months post op...gaining

    Sounds like you hit a stall. I had a 3 week stall at 6 weeks. Up a pound down a pound. I stuck with it and this week I've lost 6 pounds. It's a normal thing. Search it on here. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Hi All, I was sleeved on August 28th. I lost 32 pounds before surgery and 37 since surgery for a total of 69 pounds, and I am still very disappointed. I lost most of my 37 the first few weeks after surgery. I did hit the dreaded 3 week stall, but I am so slow at losing and I was over 300 pounds when I started, so I still have a lot to lose. I would be happy with another 100 to 120 (not sure if it will ever happen). I am eating so much less than before surgery obviously, and I walk a mile to a mile and a half as many nights as possible, I try to make sure I get 5 nights a week in. I do have days where I don’t get all of my meals and Water in and I am not sure if that is my problem or not, but I am so frustrated with the slow weight loss. I am not giving up, but sometimes I really feel like that. My nutritionist does not want us eating any carbs, and once in a while I will have a very tiny scoop of potatoes or half of an English muffin when I have eggs. I am not perfect, but I feel for what I am putting into my body compared to before this surgery and how much walking I am doing that there is no way I shouldn’t be losing more weight. I do know some days I am not doing well with it because I won’t get all 3 meals in and those days I really struggle with water too. I am two months out now and very fearful that I am not going to lose a lot more weight. The scale has been stuck again for a 3 week period other than a 2 lb loss. I was just wondering if anyone else is going through this and if so how they are dealing with it? Or if anyone has any suggestions they would be greatly appreciated.
  5. LuckyT

    weight loss with sleeve

    Asinger, don't give up on the sleeve. 10lbs down in a week is a lot so perhaps your body is catching up with the loss. There are many threads on this board about what is referred to as the 3 week stall - many helpful tips and thoughts on what is happening when we hit a stall, if that is what you may be experiencing. I have found this very helpful. By the way, yea you for those 10lbs!!!
  6. The NP at my surgeons office has me at 1200 calories, not adding any back in with exercise. She said that anything under my body would think it's starving itself. Upping my calories helped me get out of a 3 week stall. I am 6 weeks post op.
  7. I"ve lost 0 pounds this week in the 3 week stall. I'm averaging 2 pounds a week loss. dont be discouraged. I've read many times to just keep going and the weight loss will come
  8. mswillis5

    Post Sleeve Question

    Welcome to the 3 week stall. My wife and I also had surgery around 1 week before you and have also hit our stall. If you look on the forum there are a lot of people that have this stall due to the rapid weight loss. Per the other forum posts, we just need to keep at it and our body will start losing again soon.
  9. Djmohr

    The 3rd Week Stall

    @@thbrown223 I had the infamous 3 week stall that lasted 2 weeks and then again at 3 months. I have had so many that I cannot even count. The longest one was at 8 months and lasted 5 weeks. When I say a stall, I mean NO weight lost at all during that period of time. If I lost a pound it was not a stall. There are also times when you will lose a pound then gain it back then lose it again. It is simply part of the process that we go through. During that 5 week stall I actually had to stay off the scale because it actually frustrated me. Normally I don't let the scale dictate how I feel but that time I will admit I was very frustrated. Then all of a sudden wham I will drop weight again. I stall out now after I drop 10lbs. Then I go back and forth and it all begins again.
  10. terrydumont46

    The 3rd Week Stall

    whenever I have a good wt. loss I seem to stall a week as my body catches up. the 3 week stall was the worse. but I kept doing what I was doing knowing I was eating correctly and than the stall broke and I had a nice wt. loss. my doctor reminds me that if I have a stall for any length of time to look for hidden calories that I might be eating and not counting it enough. like in serving sizes etc. just remember basics and you will be fine
  11. Hi Sam,i am now almost 2 months post op(wow time flies) and have lost 36.6 lbs. At my 6 week checkup i had lost 26 lbs,which was about 3 weeks ago and had been at a 2.5-3 week stall. I started at 269,am now 232.4 so i would say i am doing good. As far as kids,i am 29 and have 2 already but i am married and although we are not actively trying,we wouldnt prevent it from happening once i am far enough,so yes another child is possible in the future,and once i lose more weight i am sure it will happen probably tooooo easy! LOL.....I am still very happy with my choice of surgeon,my stay and price,cha ching! If you have any specific questions,i will be more than happy to answer! :thumbup:
  12. Had my surgery may 7th, the first month was rough due to low potassium...and then I had a 3 week stall. But now I am feeling great and losing !!! Thanks everyone on here for your support and encouraging words when I was having a rough time at the beginning and letting me vent
  13. JoannLz

    May 7th

    I had minr may 7 th as well. I to had the 3 week stall even gained. But I'm two months out and judt got out of a three week stall. I've done pretty good though. 49 lbs down. Only 8 to onderland. I was dehidrated maybe that's why I stalled.
  14. sdmitchell

    Starting over

    My Nut said around 1000 calories a day....but I usually consume less. sleeved 1/29/14 3 week stall as well. Protein 60-80 grams, 64 oz of water or more daily and exercising 5 days a week! Frustrated have not lost a pound in 3 weeks! Can someone give advice,? I think my body is in shock!!
  15. I gained a few pounds when I hit my first TOM after surgery (which coincided with the 3 week stall) and again when I ate too much salty ham over Christmas. Both times the weight came off after a couple of days, but if I hadn't been weighing myself obsessively every day (sometimes more than once -- I can't help it!) I wouldn't have noticed and stressed over it. It can be very depressing when you're watching the scale so closely and the pounds don't drop off as fast as expected. I'm trying to "forget" to weigh myself in the mornings because, if the scale didn't have good news, it tends to wreck my whole day. I know this journey isn't just about the weight but I'd be lying if I said that's not a huge part of it, and I haven't been at this long enough to see a significant improvement in my other weight-related co-morbidities. I keep reminding myself that, at my current level of calorie intake, there is no possible way I can't lose weight, however slowly. If I track my food and keep the calorie level down, then the weight will have to come off eventually.
  16. Sleeve1stFitNext

    Stalling one week in?

    These are called 3-week stalls. They happen randomly. Some patients see them within the first month. Others see them around the 3rd month, 6th month or 9th month. They will happen multiple times during the course of your weight loss. Once the stall breaks, you will see a drop in weight.
  17. So I'm starting to believe that the three week stall is real. My surgery date was 6/2 and my starting weight was 398. One week post op I was 370 now I'm 360 and I know it's great but I've been stuck at 360. And suggestions and also good work out suggestions?
  18. I'm 2 months out and on a 3 week stall (not losing inches either) I'm exercising 7 days a week (I change up my routine). Eating strictly lean protein, veggies & whole grains (600-800 calories daily). I get in all my fluids & protein and I take bariatric fusion vitamins 3x a day. I journal everything. I'm not sure what more I can do. Surgery date 12/3/13 sw 230 cw 200. I'm terrified this is all I will lose. Open to any suggestions.
  19. Was sleeved June 14th at Abington Hospital in PA w/Dr G. I started out at 5'3" weighing 229 lbs & am currently 167.2. I'm feeling great! I had about a 3 week stall due to sickness/acid issues/starvation mode but I saw the scale start to move a little more!! Can't wait! So, according to my starting weight I am down approx 62 lbs in a little less than 3 months! =) Super excited! How are YOU ALL doing?? What are you eating?? Are you exercising? I've been very active BUT not exercising due to lack of time! Really wish I could/would....that's my new goal!
  20. karenb4729

    2 Years Sleeved

    thank you for sharing your story!! I have my surgery scheduled for 6/4 and am nervously questioning my decision. However, I am at your starting weight although a bit taller. For most of my life I weighed in the 130's and then cancer happened when I was 31 and I went through menopause early. and a whole bunch of other stuff that really packed on the pounds. For the last 6 years I have worked to get the weight off but when I would hit those 3 week stalls I would give up - I figure that the sleeve will give me the tool to get through those stalls because I won't be able to gorge myself. My mindset it also differnt - food and carbs are really not my friend and the tool will help to give me the strength to say no. I hope to fine myself where you are in a few years and I can't tell you how much I appreciate you telling me your story! For some reason I seem to be reading a lot of stories of regret but you give me hope. If I made it through a year of chemo I should be able to make it through this change in my life!!!
  21. I've been stuck on the 3-week stall I didn't know it was a thing but for the last week I have not lost any weight and was getting very discouraged. Couldn't understand how I could be taking in so few calories and not losing but I do feel it's going to start dropping again looking forward to it. Sent from my SM-N920V using the BariatricPal App
  22. Chaparra

    5 1/2 months

    So, I haven't been on here in a while, and decided to give an update. I just posted some pictures that I had taken back in June when I was at 222 pounds. I just came out of a 3 week stall and am now at 205 pounds. It was frustrating to not lose anything for such a long period of time, but I think it was because I wasn't exercising as much as I had been due to all that has been going on at work. (Just now getting frustrated typing this because the enter button won't work in this box!) I am happy about my weight, not so much about the saggy skin that is coming up in places where I didn't expect. I also haven't been this weight since after having my son 20 years ago. It's nice and I'm excited to see how much more I will lose and how much better I will look.
  23. okay y'all. tomorrow on the 18th i'll be exactly a month post op. which is exciting for the most part. im in that annoying 3 weeks stall first of all which ive been reading about lately. i saw my doctor last week which he said was early to have an appointment but they set it up so i went anyway. he told me i wasnt getting enough calories per day. im supposed to be having atleast 1000 a day he said by now but i've only been having like 300 a day. as everyone who has had this surgery they know what i mean when they dont actually feel hunger anymore. which is still super weird to me. but almost every single time i eat i vomit. it doesn't hurt that bad i just know that its weird and i dont like it lol someone please if you have any advice on something i can do to get proper nutrition in without vomitting everytime i eat that would be awesome. i've been lacking on my Protein shakes but i'm working on it. any advice would be appreciated.
  24. @@frozengrapes Try not to get discouraged. This is the time for the 3 week stall. It's important to meet your protein and fluid goals (not just close) and the scale will move. Your body is adjusting. I hope your Dr explained that and told you to stay off the scale.
  25. BarrySue

    The dreaded stall....

    As long as you keep doing what you're doing, it'll be fine. Your body is not magic, it is not above physics, it will follow endothermic/exothermic reactions and burn fat if you are sticking to the diet. The 3-week stall is a rite of passage. Consider it your initiation into the Loser's club.

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