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Found 2,865 results

  1. Simplyrosie

    April sleevers!?

    Finally over the 3 week stall, lost 4lbs in 4 days! Only 10lbs away from ONEderland! Way to excited [emoji24][emoji1373] How's all my other 4/24 sleevers coming along?!
  2. itzpokie

    Week 3 Weight Loss Stall

    I am hitting week 3 and only lost 10 lbs so I am also losing slowly. I have read a lot about the 3 week stall so not really sure what's going to happen now. We all have to make sure we are getting in protein and fluids and the rest will follow even if it's slower. Hang in there.
  3. CDT34

    April sleevers!?

    Sleeved 4/18. Started my pre op diet 4/4/17 @ 323. Pre-op was rough, was on about 600 cal a day diet with very limited carbs and pretty low fat. It paid off nicely because I did not have to do a carb withdraw after surgery. I hit the table at 311. Was up walking 3-4 hours after surgery, came home the next day. Made a point of getting off the Percocet by the Friday after surgery. Surgeon said he'd consider 220-230 a success for me but I'm hoping to push it a little lower......Mostly I want to get healthy so I guess my body will tell me where is a good place to land. I have stopped weighing in each day after the 3 weeks stall. I got myself a fitbit and am tracking food and exercise pretty obsessively. Yesterday I checked my totals and I have walked over 102 miles since 4/22. I do at least an hour a day of walking and I shoot for 3.5 miles as a goal but I usually beat that. I was a college athlete so I miss the workouts, my problem after college is that I was eating like I was still burning 6000 cal a day. I used to eat mostly good food, I just had no portion control. As I started to work out over the years I would also amp up my food intake. Total lack of balance there. I took off 3 weeks from work and dipped into my 488 hours of unused sick time. This was great both physically and emotionally gave me time to transition at my speed both physically and mentally. Blood sugar is normal, BP is actually low now so I'm going to discuss getting off some meds with my primary next week. 42 days since start of pre-op and I'm 280 so just about a pound a day. Looking at my food intake and exercise the math seems about right. I have to laugh at Myfitness pal app every time I go to log in a days worth of eating - its very happy to tell me that I'm not eating enough. I'm into the "soft" food stage of the diet, but still using shakes. Shooting to get 100G protein per day I average about 75. I'm not really ever hungry, but I experience the new - "you need food" signals which are usually a mild dizziness and a general rundown feeling. There have been plenty of times where I have forgotten to eat. I drink all day, I have a 32 oz water bottle that I add 1/4 strength crystal lite too. I have become somewhat sensitive the taste of plain water, as it there is any tastes I can pick them up. My energy is good, Sleep apnea is greatly reduced. I go to bed early and sleep like a rock. I wake up refreshed and feeling good. Only stomach issues have been some constipation and my multi-vitamin makes me gage sometimes. I have done spicy and Hot without issue. Slowing down to eat over :30 min has been a challenge. Not slugging down a giant glass of water with meals is a change. I did a bit of a stall coming through week 3. I took a rainy Saturday and did nothing, rested, hydrated, ate my protein. Woke up Sunday Am and 2.5 lbs were gone. I'm averaging about 650 cals per day over the last 2 weeks. Fitbit tells me I'm burning 27-30K per week but I take that with a grain of salt....... All my pants are now too big, I have some belts I can't wear. Looking forward to getting cleared to go to the gym. Looking forward to being healthy. Good Luck All - Carpe Diem
  4. I second the question about acid reducers. I'm on pantaloc twice daily and if I miss a dose I feel like I am FAMISHED. lying awake at night wanting to eat, which is something I didn't even do when I was fat! if you're already tracking your food (good for you on that one btw!), then maybe now is the time to start paying attention to your protein intake as well. your nut may have told you not to worry about it, but protein is essential for healing and it keeps you full longer too. also, when you say "h20" do you mean plain water, or do you mean "diet iced tea" or "water with crystal light" etc etc? because artificial sweeteners like that are known to cause food cravings in some people. if I have sugar free drinks of any kind I ALWAYS wind up snacking afterwards, often doing that bad thing where I'm going to the pantry over and over never satisfied by what I'm taking out to eat. those three things would be my suggestions to start with. now as to the NUMBERS side of the equation... consider the fact that you are a low BMI already. our weight loss will be slower than people with more to lose. "only" down 22 pounds in two months works out to 2.75 lbs a week on average. that's REALLY not that bad of a weight loss, especially for someone with a BMI of 33. adjust your expectations a little! whenever I'm mad about the scale not moving I remind myself "when's the last time I lost 3 lbs a week for two months straight on Weight Watchers (my pre-surgery diet of choice)" OH YEAH, NEVER. that NEVER EVER HAPPENED. I think the dazzling successes we see with weight loss surgery can make us a little greedy and 'NOW NOW NOW' rather than remembering what things were like before and how much better we're doing now than we ever did then. compare yourself to yourself and leave everyone else's numbers out of it. also, since you're three weeks out, I will remind you that "the 3 week stall" is infamous for a reason. don't let it psyche you out or get you down. plateaus are a natural, healthy part of the process. just keep on chugging, and one day the scale will move.
  5. I was sleeved on 4/10/2017, and within the first week I had lost 20 pounds. (Started at 355 and ended up 335)I'd heard of the "3 week stall" but I didn't think it'd come after only a week... well it did. I remained my same weight for 3 weeks, but I didn't get too discouraged because my body fat percentage was going down and I lost 17 inches all around during that 3 weeks. Hopped on the scale this morning, and I was down to 329! My goal weight is around 235-240 but I'm sure it will change the closer I get to it, so I will see.
  6. Newbeva

    How often do you weigh

    Right now... every day. I'm 1 week post op. I'm going to try to start doing weekly because I know if I do daily and hit that infamous 3 week stall I am going to discourage myself further.
  7. Thanks for the reply! I was suffering with constipation week 2&3 but the most I would fluctuate was 1 or 2 lbs not 6 [emoji24] but I have been drinking miralax all week and have been very regular which was awesome! I was cleared for exercise this week so I was hoping to go back to the gym tomorrow and hopefully that will help. Hopefully it is the 3 week stall and there is a possibility that I could be starting that time of the month. All good things to consider, thank you!
  8. Dashofpixiedust8

    Not enough calories maybe? Confused....

    Look up 3 week stall. It is VERY VERY common. Just keep doing what you need to do and you will start losing again. Focus on how you are feeling and your measurements. The scale will move again just stay the course.
  9. I have read several other posts about the 3 week stall. I had surgery 4/18/17. Lost 15 lbs my first week, 7 lbs my 2nd week...and one whole pound this week. I'm going back to work in the morning. When should the weight loss start increasing again? PRE SW 306 SW 297 CW 274 Sent from my SM-N920V using BariatricPal mobile app
  10. You probably aren't eating enough yet. My NUT has all her WLS patients eating 5 times a day - - every 3 -4 hours. Protein and fluids were our only goal at 1 month - no calorie counting. At that time I was just starting to eat solid foods and could barely eat more than 1oz of solid meat like chicken, steak, etc. We weren't allowed to have any raw or fibrous veggies until week 6. But I never had any room for veggies anyway until the 3rd month. I was probably averaging 400 -600 calories at that point increasing to 800 by the end of month two. You may be experiencing the dreaded 3 week stall. Our bodies have gone through a lot with this surgery and sometimes take a break. Are you constipated? Is it that time of the month? Are you walking or exercising yet?
  11. Congrats!!!!! When I first started I felt like those 6 months would take forever, but they flew by and on 3/31 I was sleeved. Painless recovery, absolutely no gas pain whatsoever. My weightloss has been slower than most, not sure why. Im only down 16 lbs, thats with a 3 week stall [emoji20] I do feel so much better already though and know its the best decision I could have made. Good luck on your journey and keep us posted [emoji4] Sent from my SM-N920V using BariatricPal mobile app
  12. MarinaGirl

    Stalling now that I'm active?!WTF

    I don't think becoming active is why you're stalling; instead, it's the common 3-week stall which can happen between weeks 2-4. Make sure you're getting all your fluids and protein in. If you're low, bumping them up can help break a stall. Try not to weigh yourself everyday too.
  13. Hi everyone, I'm about a week shy from being 6mos post-op from VSG. I've lost about 45lbs so far but my weight loss has slowed dramatically. I haven't had a stall yet (didn't even have the infamous 3-week stall) and I'm really lucky for that, but I've been hovering at 155 for about 6 weeks now. It's really frustrating and I don't know what to do differently. I'm staying in my calories (about 1100/day at this point) and trying to stay active and hydrated. Am I just DONE losing weight at 6 months post op???! I still have 30lbs to goal!
  14. Redmaxx

    NSV!!! 6 weeks Post-Op today!

    I think just about everyone on this forum has hit the dreaded 3 week stall. It will pass. Don't get frustrated and try to keep a positive attitude.
  15. I would call the radiology dept., just to set your mind at ease. I'm glad your recovery is going so well! Revisions do tend to lose less weight, but you are mostly just in the 3 week stall for now.
  16. So I was sleeved on February 20th an all has been well. I did have a small stall (4-5 days long) around the 2-3 week mark. Now I am almost 2 and a half months out an my weight loss has slowed a lot with two decent week long stalls in the past 3 weeks. I lost 2 lbs between them but it is back now. Is this normal or am I doing something wrong? I follow my diet to the T. I do struggle some days to get my protein in just because I can't eat that much. When I do manage to hit my target I seem to just end up gaining an losing the same pound. Just wondering if this is normal? I did start back to shakes today to try and break the stall since some have reported that helped. Not the full liquid diet but mostly . Anything else I can do to get past this?
  17. goaldigger33

    Weight loss stall

    I'm in the same exact position!Sleeved 3/27 and lost about 26lbs but now I'm stuck. Apparently there is a "3 week stall" that happens to a lot of people. I'm hoping it passes real soon.
  18. kurigotmoxie


    CW: 187 Finally broke a 3 week stall!
  19. I was sleeve march 27. I lost 18 lbs yay! Starting at week 3 through week 4 I have completely stalled, 0 weight loss in over a week. What is going on?! This is discouraging. I'm so scared this isn't going to work!
  20. Irish Girl in NW

    Weight loss stall

    Sleeved on 3-21. I too had the dreaded 3 week stall! I literally did throw away my scale!! Stomped out and tossed it right in the trash can. Lol. I went and bought a new scale....no difference. [emoji17]. I went a week and the scale started moving again. All is fine now! And....Although I don't recommend throwing away a scale....I do have a much cuter bathroom scale now. [emoji4]
  21. Greensleevie

    Weight loss stall

    Google the "3 week stall". It's normal.
  22. blizair09

    Advice and Support Needed!

    My insurance required me to do a six month doctor supervised diet program before they would pay for the surgery. I decided that since I had to do the diet program anyway, I might as well really apply myself and see how much I could lose pre-op. I lost 99 pounds (from 397 to 298) by the day of surgery. It was the best thing that I could have done for myself. I redefined my relationship with food, purged myself of carbs, and got into a positive mindset regarding eating and drinking before I had to deal with the realities of the surgery and the subsequent recovery. And it made the stalls that come along post-op SO MUCH EASIER to handle emotionally. (When my 3 week stall hit -- and it hits everyone -- I had lost 120 pounds, not just 20 pounds, and that made dealing with the stall much, much easier.) As of today, I have lost 193 pounds total. Without all my pre-op work, that total would only be 94 pounds. I am on the verge of my goal; without the pre-op work I did, I'd still have a long, long way to go. Good luck!
  23. Pam_2-06-2017

    Weight loss

    Yep...I sure would like the weight o come off fast:-(. I was sleeved on 2/6 and down 35 pounds. I went into a crazy 3 week stall that made me think I was some kind of anomaly:-). How can I lose 80 percent of my stomach and still not lose weight!? I'm passed that now. Happy for the weight I've lost and thankful it is still heading in the right direction albeit slow. Took me years to get this big. That's what I keep telling myself. Good luck
  24. bunnyboop

    3 weeks out and weight gain

    Yeah -- I have a feeling your body is either adjusting or you're retaining some water or something else like that. Also, there's the famous 3-week stall and perhaps this is yours. I'm looking to check in with someone every day -- not a long thing -- just a check-in to see how we're doing. If you're interested, let me know how you think we should do it -- email, on this site, etc. I'm open -- I really just want a quick daily check-in. Get to know you, discuss our ups and downs (hopefully more ups!), etc. Bunny
  25. YeaMe

    Awful 3-Week Stall

    I have a 3 week stall every 3 weeks!. Then I step on the scale and a chunk is gone or just a few pounds are gone but I have changed sizes in clothes. Difference in my weight between last Monday and today, 2 lbs. - but have 2 pairs of pants that fit me last week that didn't today. I can't figure it out!

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