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Found 17,501 results

  1. One week away from my first consult! I hope I leave with a vague timeline for all of this...

  2. 50 lbs lost at 11 week p/o mark! can't wait to see 60, 70, 80 and so on!

    1. jane13


      wow that's awesome!

    2. Vickie23


      Congratulations!!! Keep it up!! :)

  3. A loss of 2.6 lbs over a week that included both Thanksgiving and a wedding? I'll take it!

    1. 2goldengirl


      Isn't it funny how that happens? Enjoy!

    2. dancingqueene
  4. Thanks everyone. Anyone from uk. 2 weeks t go. Am still determined. Costin us a fortune bit I feel it's my last resort. Lookin forward t buying nice new clothes from 'normal' size shops,

    1. jane13


      welcome to BP family

  5. Live, Love, Lapband: Week 51 Post-Op Weigh In https://t.co/SywlNJOxzg

  6. 14 weeks post op and 67 pounds gone since surgery! This is my first week losing 7 pounds in one week. Craziness. o.o

    1. Sharon1964
    2. ProudGrammy


      crazy is good!!! 7 lbs in one week? holy moly chick - amazing - 67 lbs total!!! keep up the great job!!! congrats- kathy


  7. I purchased another pair of new jeans today! I have lost 30lbs in the past 6 weeks and the last pair are all baggy in the legs, gaped at the waist and baggy in the butt.

    1. jane13


      I just wore leggings today because of the "baggy butt" thing. I feel like a kid with a load in a dirty diaper.

    2. Djmohr


      Yes, unfortunately that baggy butt thing gets worse the more weight you lose. I purchased a lot of yoga pants for that very reason.

    3. OutsideMatchInside


      luckily now that I am smaller I can pick jeans for for $20-30. Which is glorious.

    4. Show next comments  72 more
  8. How very cool to read three women's updates, almost in a row, about downhill-rolling clothing sizes.

  9. trying to keep from being down and out.. scale went up this past week.. What the heck!

    1. Djmohr


      I hate those days but don't get discouraged. We all fluctuate. Keep working hard and next week hopefully you will get a different story.

      Good luck!

  10. I am finally in the 230s! I am down 35 lbs (22 since surgery 5 weeks ago)

    1. Stevehud
    2. jane13


      GREAT JOB! hold on, the best is yet to come!

    3. MrsSugarbabe


      Congratulations!! Great progress!

  11. wow where did the time go I only have one week and three days left that when fast ... really feeling nervous now

    1. m.sexton


      So excited for you! You will do great!!! Just remember walk walk walk. AS soon as I came out of recovery I made myself get up and walk and I did great. I also asked for my pain meds every 4 hours whether I was hurting or not and it was not bad. My pain was nothing like I was expecting it to be. So thankful!

    2. snickysnack78


      You are going to do great :)

  12. Week 4 Post-Op: Had my first egg today. It was super yummy!

    1. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      Eggs are something to look forward to. Glad you enjoyed yours.

  13. 9 weeks Post Op today. To celebrate, I decided to up the game. Instead of 15 minutes on the elliptical, I went 20, before my workout. Bam! WHEN IT'S GAME TIME, IT'S PAIN TIME, BABY!

    1. Mountaingal


      Good for you. My treadmill just died and I need to get another one. Used to love ellipticals at the gym but they hurt my knees now.

    2. Djmohr


      I love my treadmill and recumbent elliptical. I have been restricted since June following spine surgery. I can only walk at this point but the other day I got on my elliptical and just started going anyway. I have more spine surgery coming up November 16th and after that I really hope I can get back on them.

    3. dlappjr


      Good luck with the other surgery! Hope you recover quickly!

  14. Another stall... how wonderful....

    1. jane13
    2. Djmohr


      Hang in there, it will pass. Take it from the queen of the stalls! LOL

  15. Supposed to close on our houses (old and new) a week from today. Still have no official word on a move-in date. Really starting to stress over not being able to make plans.

  16. Surpassed my 5 yr banddiversary last week. Woot!

    1. Dolores33778


      Looking good! Congrats!!


    2. Elode
    3. jane13


      Sweet!!! Glad to hear and read that you are doing so well post surgery.

  17. Its been a week after my 2nd fill and I definitely get fuller with less food now, I can feel a little bit of more restriction but very little. I'm hoping 3rd time's the charm but we will see. I'm well aware it's different for all of us. On a side note my elliptical has made its way back into my bedroom. Hopefully I can make my way onto it :)

    1. SelyGee


      @Veronica Page I know I know i'm getting to it ....eventually lol JK thanks :)

    2. Veronica Page

      Veronica Page

      I know the struggle is real. Don't worry when you are ready you'll do whatever it takes to move. I loathe exercise but I do it cause I love the rewards! Hang in there!

    3. SelyGee


      I bet! Im trying to get in to hiking and stuff too but again... we'll see heheheheh. MOTIVATION WHERE ART THOU! lol

    4. Show next comments  72 more
  18. 2 week appointment went well... cleared for exercise without lift and egg/yogurt/soft cheese in 6 days. Looking forward to chewing :)

  19. One month and two weeks post op and got my second fill today. Im at 4cc's. i just got it so I havent eaten anything yet but Ill know in a few days how much restriction I feel. :)

  20. LindsayM

    Six weeks post op

    5-6 weeks post op
  21. 2 weeks & 5 days post op and I'm doing great

    Gatorade w/protein makes me gag now. I think from having so much of it.

    I had the ricotta bake for a few days. I'm in the puree stage but rotisserie chicken, chicken meatballs, cold cuts, & plain tuna don't bother me.

    I had a plain old fashioned peppermint and it made me nauseous... 

  22. Less than a week before gastric bypass surgery. I'm nervous but excited. Been lurking here for a while, reading. I'm about ready as I'm going to get. Down 20 pounds in 3 months. A ton of pre op testing done and cleared. Food/drinks, chewable vitamins, protein, meds bought. On 2-week preop diet now which includes 2 protein shakes a day along with 3 ounces lean protein and 2 1/2 C.  non starchy veggies and is totally do able for me. Clear liquid day before surgery. A full sugar Gatorade night before  and again 2 hrs before arriving at the hospital. Interesting how different everyone's diets are depending on your doctor.

    I'm optimistic all will go well. Good luck to the April surgeries happening this month and to all that are going through the process.  {{hugs}}

  23. Finally have my surgery scheduled as of a couple days ago. For 3 weeks prior to phone appointment I was on a diet of 2 meal replacement shakes and 1 lunch under 500 calories only consisting up a small portion of lean meats and green veggies. Successfully loss 23lbs. Now that my surgery is scheduled the surgeon put me on 3 meal replacements a day and 0 food consumption. Also, I officially quit smoking about 5 days prior to that appt. First day on this diet and I don't honestly know how I feel. I'm hungry but I'm also stressed about so many things with and without the surgery I don't even want to eat. I'd rather smoke if you want me to be honest. That is effecting me more than anything probably because I am stressed. This surgery is my whole life savings. Feel like I'll get all the way there and something will cause the surgery to not be able to happen. 




  24. Going in tomorrow. Will be back sometime next week.

    1. GreenTealael


      Safe Surgery! See you on the flat side ❤️

    2. summerset


      Thank you. Things went fine (or so I guess). Still swollen. It's not easy to find a comfortable position at home. Dreading the first night home without a hospital bed.

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