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Found 17,501 results

  1. Hello everyone I am so happy to be here with people who understand VSG and to have the support. I was loosing weight great and then nothing. Has anyone had this happen. Sent from my SM-N950U using BariatricPal mobile app
  2. I am almost 5 weeks post op and for the past 2 days anything I chew regardless of how many time I chew it get stuck in my throat and I have to wait 30mns+ to pass.... just wondering if anyone else experienced/experiencing that and any suggestion ? By the way I just joined and glad to have found this group 😊
  3. When can I eat a baked chicken wing??
  4. I just need a super-quick vent. Nobody IRL knows about my surgery and I’m having a ROUGH day today. I’m 15 days post op, and while I had a remarkably easy time with surgery and in the first few days, I’ve been stalled since day 5. I even *gained* a lb or two. And while I know that isn’t “real” weight. It’s still incredibly disheartening. I’ve been so careful to follow my plan. I’m tracking everything, I’m making my water & protein goals, and I’ve been avoiding hitting the scales every day. Yesterday my hunger came roaring back to life. I feel like I’m working so hard, and getting nowhere. And there’s a mean voice in the back of my head saying “you spent $19,000, and rearranged your guts for THIS?”. I know this will probably pass, but I’m cranky that I won’t get the epic first month of drastic losing that other folks seem to get. I’m not really looking for sympathy or advice just letting off some steam!
  5. Hello, I had surgery 3/3( gastric bypass) then bowel obstruction surgery on 3/12( surgeon obstructed my bowels during the first surgery). Yesterday I made 6 weeks and I’ve been good with my food no vomiting but I measure everything and I learned yesterday when my nose starts to run stop eating( lol). The only meats I’ve tried so far is chicken and salmon. I’m terrified of eggs( I’ve heard horror stories). I’m still working on getting my fluid in I literally sip all day in between meals and still can’t get to 64oz. Maybe tomorrow I’ll start waking up at 5:30am. I’ve lost 44 pounds since surgery and 54 all together. This week I hit a stal 😞 probably because I’ve been housebound from all the rain. I’m still working on getting protein and calories up it’s hard when you are not hungry 😞. I hope everyone is doing great on their journey and I would love to hear where others stand ❤️.
  6. Hi everyone, this is my first post! So I had my gastric sleeve on March 19th, and starting earlier this week my hair has been coming out in clumps! Everything I've read says the hair shedding happens usually after 3 months? Any ideas why mine has started so soon? I try to get at least 40-60 grams of protein a day and am taking vitamins. Not looking forward to being bald, by the end of 6 months!
  7. I still have low energy and I’m a bit lazy (thanks depression!) but working out and exercising has ALWAYS made me nauseous before surgery. I tried googling to see what it might be but nothing has helped. Anyways I’m trying to tone my body now, I told myself that this week I was going to start working out but I give up in 1 minute because I’m so winded. Anyone have any tips about the nausea and motivation?
  8. Hi all! I’m in a bit of a panic, I’m 5 weeks post op, my starting weight was 274lbs. My op weight was 268lbs. At 3weeks post op my weight was 236lbs and somehow my weight since I started purées then eventually solids has been on a steady incline(I’m now at 250lbs🥺) . It’s really disheartening. I’m honestly not sure if I’m not eating properly or whether something else might be wrong. I did have my TOM mid week 4 so I thought it might be hormonal and that I’m retaining water but nothing seems to be changing. I drink 2.5l of water a day . I eat less than 700cal a day. I get 70g of protein in , 15g of carbs and about 10g of fat in total a day. Do I have my quantities wrong? My nutritionist hasn’t been very helpful. Please can someone offer some advice.
  9. i will be having my sleeve to bypass in under 4 weeks. what should i know before going into surgery? is the pain easier the second time? nervous but excited.
  10. Cancer survivor mother of three married to a super hero. Had the trifecta of surgeries.Gastric bypass, hernia repair with the galbalbladder removal.Gestational diabetic that never left, and lingered since 1996. Max weight was 210 and at 5’5 was making things pretty tough. Surgery was 11/12/2020. As of 4/12/21 weight is 148. Weight goal is 132. 1C6C2C20-F8DA-46CB-8163-90E3730080F8.thumb.jpeg.e5e1b9c3058b802b122d0238736ad742.jpeg taken on the Rainbow river on kayak, 














  11. Hi All, I'm 10 weeks post op, I had surgery 1/31/2021 and I've hit a stall and gained 1 pound....how 😫??I'm not eating so much more or unhealthy it's messing with me, I'm still staying between 2-3 oz of food because that's all I can eat, I've got to the point that I can drink water a lot faster and I was wondering if that's normal because I read and hear from ppl that they still struggle. I struggled at the beginning and a bit on my 7th week again but now I can take big sips....is that bad? Also how many ounces should I really be eating now?
  12. Congrats on the weight loss thus far. I’m 3 weeks post op and started at around your weight (492). When did you start eating “normally” again? If you have. 

    1. Kikikayaker


      I’m still part time food... most time shake lol at 6 mo post bypass... but it doesn’t bother me. Hope you are doing well. I’m down to 145 from 240.
      best wishes

  13. I am almost 5 weeks post op. I lost A LOT right after surgery. I really didn't eat the first week, and barely the second week. After week three, I am not losing, sometimes gaining. This is freaking me out. I know it can be sodium, the fact that I am soooooo not regular, but, shouldn't I be losing?! I find it impossible to drink protein shake, water, and get all the protein in. All I had was a few ounces of chicken for dinner last night and couldn't drink a drop after. I am definitely dehydrated. I am coming up with ways to force me to drink, like alarms on my phone, but I would need to set an alarm every few minutes! Most days, I get one protein shake in, 20 onces of water, & one actual meal that is small. Ugh.
  14. goodschwider


    I am 5 weeks post-op and I'm following all the rules; protein, water, nd exercise and I've only lost 1 pound in the last week. Suggestions? Sent from my Pixel 3a using BariatricPal mobile app
  15. Hi everyone, just thought to share my journey so far for those thinking of the Sadi procedure. I’ll be 6 weeks post op on Monday and have lost 38 pounds so far, 25 of those were lost post op. The first 9 day post op were pretty painful for me but after that I couldn’t believe how much difference 24 hours made and everything started to shift and get better each day. I was on liquids for the first two weeks post op, then purées for two weeks and now on softish foods for two weeks. After the first two weeks my weight loss slowed down and I can have half a week of no movement on the scales so I stopped weighing myself every day and only weigh weekly now. For the last three weeks I seem to lose between 1.5 to 2.5 pounds a week. I’ve always been a slow loser but at least I am still losing each week and am grateful for that. The things I have to work on the most is getting my water intake and vitamins in each day. I use the Baritastic app to track everything and I find it really helpful. I currently struggle to get in more than 630/650 calories a day, sometimes less, even though I have 5 meals a day and I always make sure to hit my protein goals. I felt super tired and light headed the first three weeks but that has improved and I only feel a bit tired every now and then. I had issues with my wounds healing, due to a reaction to the tape they put on my wounds but that finally cleared up after four weeks. My doctor said no core exercises or lifting until three months post op, so I mainly stick to walking for now. I don’t regret the surgery at all. While I have a lot still to go and a long journey ahead, I’ve lost weight more quickly than I would have prior to having the surgery and my BMI is under 40 for the first time in a decade and a half!! If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask.
  16. (Deleted through replacement

    2 weeks out and...why?

    So, here I am 2 weeks out from ESG! Sometimes I feel like I'd slap my own mom to eat a piece of chicken. But I've held meticulously to the diet, and I've been doing what moving around I can. No weight loss. None. Zilch. I'm no smaller and no lighter. Everyone with their "I instantly lost 5 pounds" even, is like...depressing. What's going on? How am I breaking physics? I'm eating around 700-900 calories a day -- surely that HAS to do something? If weight loss is at the beginning, what's wrong with me? Yes, I'm getting my 64 oz of fluids. Yes, I'm adhering to the diet. No, I'm not snacking. Yes, I'm keeping meticulous track of every single thing I eat. What's wrong?
  17. Today I’m 3 weeks post op and I’m also on my second week of purée foods. So far I’ve lost 20lbs pounds, however on 4/6, I weighed myself and the scale indicated I gained a pound (yikes ), yesterday 4/7, it remained at the 1 pound gain and this morning 4/8 it still remained at the one pound gain, however I peed and stripped myself naked and it went down some ounces for a pound difference. I haven’t ate anything out the norm of tuna or salmon with pumpkin or avocado puréed. Anyone experienced this? Or have advice?
  18. Hi loves, It's been three weeks since my gastric sleeve surgery. Overall I'm feeling fine, but I'm starting to feel weaker as the days go by. It's really difficult for me to get all the water down (there are days where I can't do more than just 32oz). Eating pureed food doesn't hurt me, but the acid reflux I get after is terrible. Today I woke up almost crying, that's how bad it was. I took some medication and of course it went down, but I don't want to take that medication forever?? How far apart are your meals? I'm fine with eating pureed chicken and some broth, but anything else is quite difficult. Most of the protein I'm getting is from whey powders (I found that 60g with a cup of broth doesn't taste bad). Thank you all!
  19. I had surgery on March 23rd and had the SADI. I’m starting puréed foods currently. My weight was 265 surgery day and I’m stuck at 252 for over a week. Did anyone else have this issue?
  20. I had my bypass on 03.17.21. The pain has been intense. It was manageable the first couple weeks home but seems to be worse now. It is getting to the point that walking to the bathroom or making something to drink is painful. I feel like I am being stabbed. I am still on pureed foods for another couple weeks. I have been very careful and would have thought the pain would be less. Very frustrating since I am the type of person who is always on the go. Anyone else have this issue? Should I be worried and contact the NP? Sent from my SM-G965U using BariatricPal mobile app
  21. I had the sleeve done on 2/4. Lost weight for 3 weeks, stalled for 5 and now just recently started losing weight again. The problem I have is that it seems slower than before. Since March 27th I have maybe lost 5 or 6 lbs. I have 2 different scales, one is a body composition scale that I picked up to see if I could get some kind of baseline on my stats. Anyway 5 lbs in 10 days doesn't seem like much compared to how fast it went in the first 3 weeks. Just wondering if that is normal expected weight loss now? By my calculations I should be burning about a net of 2000 calories per day, which seems like I should be losing more weight than I am. Maybe I'm just impatient because I lost so much perceived ground during the ridiculously long stall.
  22. I'm supposed to hit my protein goals of 60-80 gm and liquids goal of 64 oz. It feels like an impossible feat at this point. How fast should newbies eat/drink? (Obviously not making it uncomfortable.) And how fast can people a year out eat? What do you do to pace yourself? Thanks in advance for answering.
  23. Everyone I'm on week 11 of my 12 week visits with my nutritionist. I'm down 16 lbs. I admit that I have learned a lot from her and being accountable for my food choices. On Thursday after my visit, my paperwork will be submitted to United Healthcare for approval. I've given it my best shot and I am optimistic about being approved. During these weeks I have listened to people say so many different things. The one I hate the most is that I'm taking the easy way out. I honestly don't feel that this will be the easy way. I think that I will have to work equally as hard to get to my goal weight. I think that people who don't struggle with issues with their weight really don't understand. At the end of the day, this is about me...not them. I want to be healthier and get off of all these medications with all these different side effects. Whew...that was my vent lol. With that being said, How long is the waiting period for approval? Wish me luck. I will definitely update soon.

  24. Is it a good idea to go to red lobster and get their maple chicken and potatoes at 4 weeks post op? I know I’m not going to be able to eat much, I had a slice of low fat turkey earlier and it made me feel bloated.I think it’s because I eat to fast.
  25. Hi guys, one week out from lap band revision to sleeve. I'm doing ok pain-wise, but I'm just so weak and even getting up off the couch to walk across the room makes me feel like I've sprinted. I was checked by my doctor and spent the day in the ER doing cat scans for blood clots, EKG, blood work. Everything was normal. But I am definitely not. I'm fine if I'm sitting on the couch, but moving around, even to prepare the small meals has got me exhausted. Is this normal? Is it due to taking in so few calories? What am I doing wrong? Yes, I'm taking my vitamins and meeting protein and mostly meeting liquids goals. I'm on Lovenox as a preventative for blood clots.

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