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Found 8,836 results

  1. No problems at all. Haven't taken any pain medication or anti-nausea. Actually went back to work today. No problems with my liquids coming up either. Somehow, I feel like somthing must get hard in the near future. Down 8 pounds since surgery.
  2. tawandabee


    From the album: Progress 6mos after

  3. Starting weight 273 currently on liquids finding it hard to get all my protein
  4. courtneyperkins


    From the album: Before and After

    87lbs down
  5. Hi everyone. Just wanted to put down my experience for that first week for those who need lifting up. =) My personal experience was hell. Now that doesn't mean yours will be. I see people on here all the time who have truly stellar experiences! But for those of us who didn't. Here I am! Firstly, if you've read my story, you know I"m a liver patient, more than a bariatric patient. In the hospital I had trouble with pain control, blown IV's and pretty much just existed on Water. I was there for two days. I had made my own bone broth and Jello and brought it with me. I didn't even use it I was sick. However, after I got home I felt somewhat better. I had to find a comfortable way to lay on my back. That never happened. In the OR while laying on my back something shifted. It still isn't quite right. I attribute that from my Spondylitis in my SI joint. Chiro hopefully and my massage therapist will be able to help. Anyway, I was nauseated quite a lot the first few days and in a drug induced stupor. I threw up the second night home. That was a horrible experience. I am not one of those people who "ralph" very well. I think it was s combination of taking my liquid pain meds too fast. THEN I did my incentive spirometer, but I think I sucked in air. And out everything came! So be careful with that. That was day two, at home. I pushed through day three with a vengeance, because my grandmother always told me day three of a surgery is always the worst. And it has been. Day four was better....everything seemed clearer and I was able to drink more effectively and even take a few liquid supplements. Not all, but some. Day five. I felt this burst of energy. It was crazy. Mind was willing, body was not! So I walked around the house. Did try to bend, not a good idea... LOL. I was able to get all my Vitamins down this day. I was really proud of myself. But I was still short on the liquids. Day six. Weakness.... I just felt like a wet noodle. I think it was from not getting in the requisite amounts of Protein and liquids for as many days. Day seven. One week post-op. Woo! I finally "felt" hungry. Liquids didn't seem to be cutting it and I started craving fish. Which is a big deal for me because my liver disease had taken all hunger pains away for the past two years. I called my doc's office and asked if I could tolerate the foods on Phase 3 if I could have them? They said yes. I was over the moon about that. Not knowing what I was getting myself into. LOL Day eight. I decided to order the fish. I got sea scallops. And mashed potatoes. I was able to eat the scallop and about a teaspoon of mashed potatoes. It was heaven, it was also hell... I felt way full. I can tell you what they say about "real" food protein staying with you longer, is the truth. These Protein shakes don't last long. I am still drinking two a day to get enough protein in. Day nine. Same weakness. I just feel so weak. All over. And thirsty all the time. Ate scallop and potatoes again for one meal. Still got in all the vitamins. And today, day ten. I still feel weak. I'm hoping this will pass when I am able to actually get in all the protein at least a week in a row. I'm thinking the body has gone into survival mode or something. Two things. I had a bowel movement without taking anything on the second day home, and then again on day five. So I'm not going to take anything unless I have to. Second thing. I found this protein supplement called Reserveage, they taste awesome! Mix very well. Come in vanilla and chocolate. So that has become my go to supplement for protein. I still get individual packets of different flavors to shake things up a bit. I have an order into unjury that hasn't shown up yet. I'll let you know how that tastes when it gets here. So I hope this helps someone. Keep pushing though those first days. It does get easier. I'm excited about the future. =) Have a great day!
  6. Lizandrk


    From the album: Throughout Weightloss

  7. I been so sick and nauseous today. Started wondering I am 10 days post op and have gone from 214 to 193 in 10days is that normal. I thought it would be less then that since I wasn't much heavier person when I started. Goal weight is only 150. I still regret doing this I can just down a bottle water anymore and wonder will I have to be sipping for life. My dog eats and drinks more then I do right now.
  8. Juat a quick post to ask when does this horrible gas pain go, i am 10 days post of and am still suffering with the neck/shoulder pain and its gettin the better of me, starting to get pissed off with it now, i feel like i cant get on with my life! do you just wake up one morning and its gone??? or can it take weeks?
  9. I had surgery on Monday 8/30. Since then I have had 1 of my 6 incision site continuously been extremely painful. It's the only site that's bruised, steri-strip is bloody and it hurts soooo much. When ever I move or have to engage that part of my core (sitting up, going to the bathroom, laying in bed, even just standing up) it hurts. It's like a burning, sharp ripping feeling and it legit makes me see stars and lose my breath. I called and sent a photo to my doctor and they said it was normal. They gave me a stronger pain medication but it only makes me high and doesn't tough the pain when I move. Could they have stitched me up a little off? Anyone else experience this? I need it to be tolerable by Monday so I can go to my work office for 1 hour. I feel alone and absolutely hate doing anything right now because of this. Sent from my SM-G981U using BariatricPal mobile app
  10. tizen33


    Today was kind of a bummer day. Three days in a row and the scale hasn't moved. I know I shouldn't weigh everyday but I am a slave to the scale. It just seems that if I'm only drinking 700 calories or less a day that I should lose weight even if my body is in some sort of starvation mode. I am getting my protein. Usually I get right around 70grams of protein a day. I could drink more water. I guess I'll make that my goal for now. To get at least 48oz preferably 64oz of water a day. I think I strained something in my tummy yesterday. We were trying to load a couple of our steers up to go to the butcher and I yanked on this gate that was stuck in some mud a couple of times befor I realized it probably wasn't a good idea. Today I have pain on the center left side of my upper abdomen. I haven't taken any pain for it. I want to be able to feel exactly what's going on in case it gets worse and needs some kind of attention. I need to remember to take it easy. So needless to say I didn't ride my bike today. I think I'm gonna wait one more week or so. I had started riding really slow and only for 10 minutes at a time. Now I want to wait until this new pain goes away. Calories today: 645 but I'll probably have some broth befor bed. Take care all!
  11. theresa0326

    surgery day 01/13/2009

    From the album: Family

  12. MelBigBoobsDubDueces

    Before-Heaviest on 5/31/10

  13. NewBeginningsForMe2012

    Me and my grandson Henry 10/20/12

    From the album: Before pictures, and after pictures of me

    I remember I was so tired, and couldn't breath well at all!
  14. Like I said I am 10 days out and have developed the most awful gas pains up under my ribs on the left side. I can't take a deep breath it hurts so bad. Gas-x isn't helping because I think it is operative gas, hot pads aren't working. I'm hoping lying down will be okay because I just want to go to bed and wake up feeling better. I feel fine otherwise, have been walking the last 3 days so maybe it all moved around to one place. Gosh, I can't wait for it to stop! Sorry to be a downer, but moaning to someone helps, in my head at least.
  15. CANNOT WAIT until Monday when I can finally have full liquids. Salivating, fantasizing over what to have first. Ideas, anyone? I love Soup, so that's not a problem, not one little bit. ---Begin Rant--- I love my own homemade chicken broth, but I'm soooo over it now. tired of all the other sweet options on Clear Liquids, juices, jellos. but will tough it out. gave up on Protein supplements after 2 days - blech. don't think there'll be a problem starting stage 2, as i like the Premier Protein from costco. Longing for savory stuff... ---End Rant--- So, would love to hear your full liquid ideas - savories please! I can manage just fine finding sweet options. Thank you!
  16. Hey guys I'm a newby to this so I wanted to get some advice. I'm 10 days post op have had no problems with my puréed diet. The only thing that I have been really frustrated about is how thirsty I am. At first plain Water was horrible couldn't drink it so I watered down Gatorade. I switched the brand for the water (now I'm drinking Evian) and it's better! I used to drink about 6-8 bottles of water a day before surgery ... I was obsessed. Now I'm afraid to drink a lot Incase of vomiting..... It's hard to not drink and eat too. Any tips??? Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  17. Just wanted to offer up an update for those of you pre-sleevers (and post-ops looking for comparison). I know I really value the "what to expect" posts. I was sleeved 10/2 and feel great! Down 18 pounds and no pain since day 3. Started puréed foods today and indulged in Cream of Wheat, cottage cheese, mashed potatoes and chicken (not all at once!). All went down very well but I was also very aware of how my stomach was reacting. dinner was about a quarter cup of mashed potatoes and maybe an ounce of chicken (ground up in the magic bullet). I'm still pretty gassy 2-hours later but overall feel really good! Also went back to work today on a modified (half days) schedule. It's not a physical job but requires lots of brain work. I held out OK and easily could have stayed a couple more hours! Still came home and napped though - have to enjoy it while I can :-) Enjoying reading everyone's posts, thanks for all the support!
  19. Any tips on the liquid diet Thursday afternoon will be my last meal. The time for surgery will be here before I know it getting myself prepared
  20. This thread is for discussion purposes only... just curiousity. So... I'm sure everyone here knows the rules but as another thread pointed out some people seem to be less knowlegeable on them. I am very curious on how strict you follow the rules and your opinion of how you think they work. 1. Eat only three small meals a day 2. Eat slowly and chew thoroughly 3. Stop eathing as soon as you feel full 4. Do not drink while you are eating 5. Do not eat between meals 6. Eat only good quality foods 7. Avoid fibrous foods 8. Drink enough fluids during the day 9. Drink only low-calorie liquids 10.Exercise at least 30 mintues a day My issues.... 1. I eat more like 5 really small meal-If not I get low suger crazy. 2. Eating slowly and chewing is teaching me to savor what I can eat. 3. Need to learn this still - I usually go from hungrey to in pain. 4. Learning not to drink is hard but I think I got it. 5. Eating between meals - it's hard not too. 6. Quality Foods - well I hate most quality food so this is a challange too. 7. Avoid fibrous foods - not a problem 8. Drink enough - this is hard since I used to only drink with meals 9. Low-Calorie liquids - I'm doing ok on this exept I like latte's too much 10.Exercise at least 30 mintues - I'm getting this about 4 x Week.
  21. I've moved my surgery date from August 9 to July 10; three weeks from now!!! I decided to do this because Dr. A is having a deal for the month of July. $8750 instead of $9500. I am very excited and very nervous. The only thing that I am not happy about is that my husband cannot come with me because of work. I truly wish he could be there, but luckily, my dad agreed to come with me. That is a big deal; I don't know if anyone remembers a thread I posted a while ago on lapbandtalk about my parents giving me HELL over this surgery and going to Mexico. Well, although my dad doesn't agree with me, he is still going with me for support so I am not alone. I feel very happy about that. I cannot believe it is only three weeks away. I am starting ti feel nervous and scared. But, I know this is something I want to do for a healthier life. Did anyone follow the Atkins diet for their pre-op diet. Dr. A wants me to follow a low carb high Protein diet a week before surgery to shrink my liver. Although I am not a meat and eggs kind of gal, I've been looking at the Atkins shakes and bars and I think I know I can do it. Also, is there anyone else out there going to Mexicali on July 9 and surgery on July 10?
  22. The time draws nigh! Any last minute suggestions to help make my journey a more comfortable one? I've read the threads, made the list, going shopping tonight and I'm cleaning the house today. Liquidy foods are frozen, mushies are in there, too. My Lortab elixir is sitting right here on my desk. Tomorrow! 24 hours from now I will be one of the few, the proud, the banded! Darr

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