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Found 1,239 results

  1. I know that everyone is different, however, I'm wondering if people experienced a large drop (more than 5 lbs) or a small drop immediately after their stall? I'm going through a three week stall right now, and want to temper my expectations for what will happen once the stall ends.... I'll be happy with any loss once this stall ends, but was just curious as to what other people have experienced. Thanks!
  2. StacieLee

    May 9th-13th sleevers

    I was sleeved on 5/2 and my doctor put me into soft foods...I prefer Protein shakes too so I have one in the morning for Breakfast. For about a week and a half I've been in the dreaded three-week stall...it is awful! After seeing 27 lbs melt away and now the scale staying still...it's driving me crazy...I made my husband hide the scale!
  3. I was prepared for the three week stall. I have read numerous threads about it and know it happens to everyone. I weigh myself once every few days, sometimes up to five days. I last weighed myself on Saturday. I was 270. This morning, I am 271.4. I am still on a liquid diet, getting about 75 to 80 grams of Protein. I drink about 50 ounces of Fluid, working to get to 64 ounces. My goal is to have a lymphatic massage to release toxins and detox. Is weight gain also normal during the stall? Sent from my SM-G360T using the BariatricPal App
  4. ndavis1991

    3 weeks post op and stall

    I'm 3 weeks out and haven't lost any weight since after the first week. I knew of the three week stall, but wasn't expecting it after one week. Trying to stay upbeat and positive. Doc wasn't concerned at two week checkup. I have this fear of losing no more because my metabolism sucked prior to surgery. Common fear, I'm sure. We will all get through these stalls. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  5. There isn't much that is almost completely universally experienced after sleeve surgery but stalling at three weeks out is one of those things. Don't believe me? Use the search function on this site -- or just do a general Google -- for "three week stall" or "vsg third week stall" or anything like that. Stay away from the scale for a few weeks and keep following your program. You may want to take measurements instead of weighing yourself for a bit. Good luck!
  6. amandastearns

    Weight loss stall

    My three week stall lasted forever (almost 3 weeks lol). Stay focused on the program and it'll break. During my stall the scale did not move but my body was chafing. I lost inches but no weight. Stay hydrated and meet all your goals. Increasing my protein intake is what broke mine. Best of luck!
  7. catwoman7

    1st stall

    Just stick to your plan - it *will* pass. And try to stay off the scale! My three-week stall lasted for two weeks, but it did end!!
  8. @@MargieW Expect a stall at around 3 week out. Don't panic! It happens to 99% of us and is completely normal. Google the Dreaded Three Week Stall to see why it happens.
  9. hyggelieg

    Not losing weight after sleeve

    This is so normal, there should be and entire website on the "three week stall." Mine hit at 8 days. So frustrating, but completely normal.
  10. 2goldengirl

    Week 4 post op

    Search this site for "three week stall" and you will find that this is very, very comon. Nothing to worry about. Just keep following directions. Remember what your body has been through in the last three weeks! Give it time to catch it's breath. 33 lbs in three weeks is really significant, you're doing fine.
  11. shriner37

    The struggle is real.

    Congratulations on great results! Search the forum for "three week stall". It's a common occurrence and completely normal. You've lost 40 pounds in a short period of time, and your body needs a period of adjustment. It generally occurs sometime in the 2-4 week period after surgery and can last a few days or even several weeks. You will have other periods of stall along the way, just embrace them as a necessary part of the journey.
  12. Hello, I haven't been on the site for awhile and wanted to post my progress. As my last post said I still had my drain, well it was removed two days after that post. I feel great and I'm down 45 lbs so far. I'm on soft foods and I haven't had any trouble with any food so far. I hear a lot of people talking about the three week stall and I'm happy to say I didn't have one. I'm 5 weeks out and 2 weeks of a liquid diet pre-op and loosing every week. I'm off of 7 meds and no more shots for sugar......... This is the best thing I ever did for me!!!! Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App
  13. VSGAnn2014

    Not losing weight after sleeve

    Google "three week stall." You're right on schedule.
  14. so, I have heard of it, the three week stall, but I don't like it very much. I think part of my problem is that I am not taking in enough fluids or just throwing them up. I just took some mirilax because I havent had a bowel movement in a week. Yes, I said a week. I have RA and am on pain medication and that doesn't help at all. so when does this stage pass. I am so discouraged!
  15. trishrnyoung

    I've gained 3 lbs!

    I was sleeved on 3/22 and reached 21 lbs down three days ago. But now, I have gained three lbs back! I am so discouraged and upset, I just don't know why I haved gained 3 lbs. Maybe I am not getting enouch Protein. Or maybe its because I haven't had a bowel movement in a week. Anyone know what I should do? I am so discouraged. Please someone, tell me what to do. I have heard of the three week stall because at first before I was three weeks out I thought that is what had happened. But now, I get on the scales after two days and I have gained! Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  16. Shell ????

    Australia - Melbourne

    I think probably we are losing inches but not on the scales that's super common I think I just expected the three week stall everyone talks about but didn't expect one this early.i can't remember when I go onto soft foods il have to look it up purée is quite yuck I can't eat the same thing twice except for when it's scrambled egg. And I love cheese I'm happy to leave everything else I can eat more than I expected an entire yogurt a whole egg etc. do you find the Water hard Kiwijet I do it makes me gag I add limes lemon low cal cordial very rarely but it's a lot I'm finding it real hard with being back at work. Sent from my iPhone
  17. Proud2BMe

    Weight loss Pause

    Very typical. It's called the three week stall, the average time people experience their first weight loss stall. You need to eat more calories though.
  18. VSG AJH

    Memorial Day Challenge

    187.4 today. I suspected I was already in a late "three week stall" when I weighed a couple of days ago, and found my weight had not changed. Then, I landed in the ER last night after passing out at home a couple of times, and when all tests came back okay, doc suspected dehydration and pumped me full of fluids. I suspect this week's gain is from both stall + IV fluids, but I still hope it comes off quickly. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  19. Cookie54


    The three week stall is real. It will pass and the scale will start moving again soon.
  20. My story is very similar to yours. I'm a very strong woman and have made wise decisions in life but I always felt like a failure with my weight. I too, had watched all the videos about WLS that had turned out badly but at 60 years old I was out of options. My surgery was very successful without any problems. My point is you have made a very wise decision to have your surgery. I did not have the option when I was your age and I struggled my whole life. I bet I had lost and gained over 400 pounds in my life. Surgery is not a free pass to weight loss. You will still have to battle every day with food BUT you now will have a fighting chance and hope for a healthy life. BTW the three week stall after surgery is real. It will pass! Best of luck on your journey and believe me when I say it will be a journey.
  21. I too purchased way too many Protein drinks, packs of pudding, Soup broth and Jello. Tossed a lot of it. What I didn't realize was I could only consume 1 oz at a time the day after surgery. We buy for our tumors before surgery, but we can't eat that much after. I'm about 5 wks post op and STILL forget and dish up an old serving size. Then I giggle like I'd actually be able to eat even half of that amount! The three week stall was awful! Throw your scale away. Just wait for your post op visits to weigh. It's a mind game and it sucked for me. Getting up and moving as quickly as I could was hands down the best decision I made. No surgery gas pains (I'd had them from a previous laparoscopic surgery and they were awful! Dr said walking right away probably helped.) Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  22. I wished I had packed a robe, I was missing a tie on my hospital gown so my husband had to hold it closed for me. I used the chapstick, gas-x strips & slippers I brought. At some time through the process you are going to freak out or just be done with the whole thing. About two weeks out I got really grumpy with my husband and just started bawling when he came to give me my shot (some surgeons prescribe anti-coagulant shots.) I was tired of the whole after care process and just wanted to be normal. After surgery Water may taste sweet to you & it may make you nauseous, it faded after 2-3 weeks but it is really tough to get water in when your main source tastes nasty. For me the whole process doesn't feel real, I had an easy recovery & am losing weight pretty quickly. I wish I knew that I would be able to drink normally. When you are in post op liquid phase you may be able to drink more than 4oz if so it will freak you out and get you worrying. Just make sure to measure what you drink and keep to your timetable. If you one of the lucky folks you also won't feel restriction during this phase but when you move to more solid food you will. Also the dreaded three week stall is real. The worst part of the stall is the mental games it plays with you, all your previous diet fears & emotions come bubbling up and you just can't help it. It will break as long as you follow your program. Almost every surgeon has their own plan and post-op instructions, I am following my surgeons instructions and tucking things I am learning from my online support group that follows my guidelines. Even though you feel fine one month after surgery, be careful a this is when you can really hurt yourself (your internal stitches have not dissolved yet and if you do something wrong you will feel "pinching". It is not pleasant.
  23. Proud2BMe


    Three week stall. Most people hit their first stall at this point. Continue on as normal, assuming you are following the diet.
  24. Bufflehead

    Scale Hasn't Budged!

    "Three week stall" -- completely normal, use the little search box in the upper right corner. Virtually everyone experiences it and it does not reflect how well you are following your program. Your body just needs a little break to catch up after trauma. Stay off the scale for a few weeks, keep following your program -- the weight loss will kick back in eventually, but you really can't dictate when, sadly.
  25. kaitlynm

    Stand still

    I'm just ending a three week stall. I think part of it was because I stopped measuring some of my foods, like nuts and fruits, and I think I was getting more calories than I was recording. I'm learning that just because it is healthy doesn't mean you can eat as much as you want. Peanut butter is another really good example of healthy but too calorie dense.

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