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Found 2,865 results

  1. After a 3 week stall finally 4 lbs dropped overnight.

  2. 3 week stall 4 days early

    1. becomingmandikaye


      I feel your pain. But keep on doing what you're doing, and it'll break.

    2. ProudGrammy


      you need to be without weight loss for at LEAST 3 weeks before its and official stall!! - kathy

  3. Ugh... 3  week stall.  I have decided to wait until Sunday to weigh myself again.  

  4. Hey Barb- Trying my best to stay warm, but man is it cold outside! Glad you're feeling better. Normal will return. I have to keep telling myself, "Anna, you did just have MAJOR surgery 2 1/2 weeks ago. You're going to be tired." I weigh on Saturdays and this week I've GAINED 2 pounds. Not what I want. I'm blaming on my period, since I have been the best I've ever been about sticking to a diet/eating plan. I am a little worried that this may be my 3 week stall - Lord, I hope not. That would be cruel. I'm hovering right above 200 and can't wait to be on the other side. Even thought you feel like you're eating a lot, I bet it's nowhere close to what you ate before. I've been measuring my food and can usually eat between 1/4 to 1/2 cup and I'm stuffed!! Hang in there and stay warm yourself!

  5. My 3 week stall just broke!!! Only 3 lbs to go to 100!

  6. jane13

    That 3 week stall tho!

    @@tiffanymarie6997 - be prepared for the "3 week stall" to last more than a "week" as that happens as well. It just starts around the 3rd week and its duration is not the same for everyone. Jane
  7. Ms skinniness

    Really upset

    This is normal. It's called the 3 week stall. Don't stress try and sit back and let it happen.
  8. katesuccess

    Follow-up today

    Sounds like good advice - and I have to say, I've never once regretted doing what my doc said in terms of protocol. Each case is different of course, but erring on caution's side sounds wise. Hang in there - with a loss that significant you'll do great and maybe skip the dreaded 3 week stall. I sure wish I'd lost that much my first two weeks!! Way to go!
  9. unsupersizeme

    I am 6 weeks out and stalled!

    I'm 6 weeks post ad well. I had a 3 week stall! I stepped on the scale today and down 4 pounds. Hoping the loss continues.
  10. hidro44

    3-7-16 Sleeve Buddy

    I had a 3 week stall which sucked big time right when i was dropping weight crazy Sent from my SM-G935P using the BariatricPal App
  11. mamamckinzie

    Dec 10th Check In

    Still losing steady! Down 1.6lbs. Have not stalled since the 3 week stall. Just slow and steady and that is fine with me! I would rather go at this pace than the roller coaster of previous weight loss attempts. It is soooo nice to be on my feet and walking without the pain that the weight was causing me. I have gone from the bottom of the Obese BMI scale to the bottom of the Overweight BMI. Now I am knocking on the door at the top of the right weight category!!!! Wow! I could never have done this without the sleeve. NEVER!
  12. I have heard many people hit a 3 week stall. They said to keep drinking water, get in lots of protein and continue walking and it should break on its own. Don't get discouraged, just stick with the plan. Sleeved 10/10/17 • HW 280 (3/1/17) • SW 259 (10/10) • GW 180 (TBD)
  13. athena3127

    Honeymoon phase?

    Post op the weight just seemed to fall off daily. The. I hit the "3 week stall" it's true where things got real. I even gained which freaked me out! However post op the focus shouldn't be on the scale. The focus should be on getting in protein and liquid and following dr orders. All else will fall into place. The closer you get to goal the slower the weight loss will become.... I'm only 7wks out but have a long journey ahead of myself. Just don't view the surgery as the "easy" way because it is far from that... It is difficult and you must learn your new sleeve.
  14. pjackson0523

    Day One POST-op! Any others :)

    I'm doing great. Weight loss is slow for me. I was on a 3 week stall at my 3rd week post op. But, losing again now, but, still slow. I have had very few problems. I was only really tired for about a week at my 4th week. Absolutely no energy that week and just wanted to sleep. I'm loving my sleeve. No regrets.
  15. alwaysvegas

    Meh! i hate my scale!

    "3 week stall"...do a quick search. It's all over these message boards. Many of us hit that stall. Mine lasted a month. Very common and nothing to get distraught over. Your weight will fluctuate a bit throughout the week and the day, so you're only introducing anxiety by weighing yourself daily. Stick to the nutrition plan and exercise plan and the weight will start coming off again.
  16. Well I thought I may avoid the 3 week stall but it was just a little late coming. I stalled at around 5 weeks and I'm 7 weeks out today with no loss the last 2. I'm wondering how long the stall lasted for everyone else ? I know mine may be a little longer because I'm only 12lbs from goal but I wanted to get some ideas. Thanks !
  17. Kapoorvilla

    3 weeks post-op

    Hey this was the exact path I took. I was sleeved 12/5 at 277. 12/20 at 2 week visit I weighed 257lbs. The I started purée I went up to 261. I am at 260 this am. There is a lot of threads on here about 3 week stall guess that is what has got us. I am going to try eating every three hours starting tomorrow because some on here suggest that will help metabolism. I know it is frustrating and seems like the scale will not move but it will sooner or late. Best advice I have been given is to stop weighing everyday although I still do it is good advice LOL! Also look at inches loss. If you don't currently track this begin it will surprise you.
  18. I think we all had the same fears before hand. The 3 days before diet (Clear liquids only) and the 10 days after surgery are not a lot of fun. But basically I am talking about 2 weeks in a lifetime. 8 months later I lost 125 lbs without really being hungry. My blood pressure is back to normal without medication (110/58 with resting pulse of 56). I have lost 12 inches off my waist, I fit comfortable in airplane seats, and can stand on my feet all day! Most of us go through the "what did I do to myself" phase for a day or two. You will probably hit the "3 week" stall and then stall again as your body adjusts to the new normal on caloric intake. You will probably begin to want to exercise, as you won't have excessive eating as a stress reliever anymore. This operation won't fix your life or "make" you happy. But if you follow the program (you can read A LOT about folks NOT following the program on this forum) you will have a significant tool to lose significant weight. Complications, while possible, are extremely rare with this surgery. Make sure you pick a "bariatric center of excellence" for you surgery. I went to 3 different surgeons and I picked the guy who told me that he has never had a patient who had a leak. Best of luck to you.
  19. Do a search on this site for the 3 week stall. It isn't a stall that lasts 3 weeks, but one that occurs approximately 3 weeks post op. Extremely common. Just keep following your guidelines and weigh yourself only once a week. Once a month is what I did, but I'm a little crazy.
  20. SuperSparkly72

    No loss

    And don't forget the inevitable 3 week stall as your body adjusts to all of the changes. You might want to do some research in this regard. There is lots of information on this site about it and it's good to know what you are getting into ahead of time. There will be lots of stops and starts along the way. One week you'll lose pounds, the next you might lose inches and the next .... nothing. But every day you follow your plan, you will feel so much better than you did before your surgery. Excercise. Listen to your NUT and don't compare your journey to any else. We're all different but this wonderful tool we have been given works when we use it the right way. So excited for you and your journey!
  21. Butterthebean

    Question for Veteran Sleevers

    You're in the 3 week stall. There's not much you can do about it. Just ride it out and keep doing the right things. Here's an interesting read about it.... http://www.dsfacts.com/weight-loss-stall-or-plateau.html As for calories....at your stage I would think the real goal is to get in your Protein and Water...doubtful you'll have too much room left to eat excessive calories so my thoughts would be to not try to limit yourself to an arbitrary number. You're not on a diet. But from what I've seen, 600-800 is pretty typical. And as for carbs....I always aimed for about 30% of my calories.....but only after I was hitting my minimum protein requirements. So at 600 calories that would be 45 grams of carbs...preferably green veggies and no starches.
  22. Jack Fabulous

    Not Loosing/ Or High Expectations

    I think you are doing just fine. My dr told me that I should expect to lose 1 or 2 pounds per week. I said WHAT!!?? My initial weight loss was dramatic, but then I went on a 3 week stall where I gained 2 lbs. I'm back to losing again. I don't think you will see the dramatic weight loss others have seen because you don't have as much to lose. But keep in mind that if you follow the program, you will continue to lose weight for 12 - 18 months.
  23. 2bsmallagain


    From what I have learned by all my research on this surgery there is a 3 week stall that hits the majority of the people. It will pass but may take a couple weeks. Your body is trying to regroup and this is its way of doing that.
  24. Just keep on keeping on!!! You'll see a LOT of discussion of the "3 week stall"
  25. I can't believe I'm 6 weeks post-op. I have mostly felt good. Had a couple weeks with some real fatigue and a 3 week stall with no loss. Things are moving along again and I'm feeling pretty great and I made it to onederland - barely - but it counts. 199.7. I'll take it! 30lbs gone. I am so happy I did this. And I can have faith that I'll survive future stalls. It helped to stay off the scale for a couple weeks. Aren't we lucky we have this chance?!

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