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  1. I've done so much research on the Bariatric surgeries, especially over the past year... yet I never came across the "3 week stall", can't imagine how I missed it though. Boy I wish I had known about this last week, it would have saved me stressing. I couldn't imagine that I was eating too much to constitute a zero loss for 4 days- just 2 weeks post-op, though it sounds like stalls can last up to 2 weeks for some. I ended up reverting to my Phase 3 initial diet with super soft, mushy foods and protein drinks and the weight loss picked right back up immediately. Now I'm progressing back to more soft foods like fish, less mushy (but chewing 20-30 times), and I'm steady dropping .25-.5 pounds/day which is just fine with me. I'm 3 weeks post-op tomorrow. I'm supposed to be moving to Phase 4 on Friday, but I think I'll continue on my current, more gradual path, which my surgeon and NUT fully support.
  2. I did at least 80 g protein a day, about 800-900 calories and I needed carbs, so 75-80 g carbs. I got them in a higher carb shake or in my snacks between meals or just with careful meal planning. This worked for me. I was a very slow loser. Six pounds a month on average, losing only two weeks a month, no matter what I did. A couple 3 week stalls, a 6 week and a 9 week. To get through stalls I just pushed forward, making sure not to graze. I was big on water, using flavor drops or fruit to flavor. It's important. I'm awful about exercise. I moved more, still do. I take stairs, I'm active. I had periods of strength training. But overall, I'm an awful role model when it comes to fitness. Good luck. Keep plugging away. Sometimes our bodies fight us on those last pounds, but they will come off if we're dedicated. Cheri
  3. Look up the '3 week stall.' This phenomenon is so common it actually has a name. In addition, try to stay off the scale for several weeks. You didn't become obese overnight and you won't lose it overnight, either. When's the last time you lost 9 pounds in a few days? I'm guessing the answer is 'never.' You're doing wonderfully and I assure you the scale will start moving again. A fear of failure is common. Realistic expectations are imperative when losing weight. Due to your low starting weight, it's likely you'll never be someone who loses 30+ pounds a month. The sooner you embrace this reality, the better. My height and starting weight were almost identical to yours. I lost at an average rate of about 6 pounds monthly. Yes, I was a dreadfully slow loser and it took 17 months for me to lose 100 pounds. What matters is I eventually reached my goal weight and have maintained my weight loss. Good luck to you.
  4. Delete my account

    Am I crazy here?

    I also hit my 3 week stall which kinda threw me because I hadn't really paid attention to where I was since the last few weeks have been crazy! I had my surgery done 6/5 and it seems I may have broke the stall, but I'm not positive. I weigh every other day and yesterday I had lost 2lbs since the previous weigh in. I also felt the same as far as losing inches, my husband and I actually talked about that. I don't think you're insane. According to my scale(I know the weight is accurate) which measures body fat, muscle mass, water, etc.. I have gained muscle mass so it's possible I lost fat inches but gained some muscle too so there was not a big scale difference. Either way I hope you break your stall, maybe try and move some more? We were out all weekend from Friday to yesterday and while I thought I was gonna die on Saturday I made it and then my scale started moving again. I'm 6lbs away as of yesterday from being under 200 and I think I'm finding my motivation after also putting on clothes this weekend I haven't worn in 4 years! Danette RNY-6/5/2017 HW 240 SW 230 CW 205
  5. Introversion

    Losing hope

    Look up the '3 week stall.' It's so common it has a name. And stay off the scale for a few weeks. When's the last time you lost 21 pounds in less than 3 weeks? I'm guessing the answer is 'never.' You're truly doing great and the scale will start moving again. Realistic expectations are important during your weight loss phase. Due to your starting weight, you most likely aren't going to be one of those people who loses 30+ pounds monthly. The sooner you face this reality, the merrier. I lost at an average rate of about 6 pounds monthly. Yes, I was a horribly slow loser and it took me 17 months to lose 100 pounds. You lost 21 pounds in your first couple of weeks, yet I never had a single month where I lost that much. What matters is that I eventually reached my goal weight and have managed to maintain my losses. Good luck to you.
  6. If you don't mind, what are your stats? I think you are a couple of weeks ahead of me. Everyone keeps mentioning a 3 week stall. I am starting that tomorrow. I am 47 and need to lose around 56 pounds.
  7. Hi. I was just wondering, is the "3 week stall" a DEFINITE thing? Does everyone experience it? I'm currently 17days post op. Sent from my SM-G930T using BariatricPal mobile app
  8. So something strange has happened to me tonight and I can't find it anywhere on google or perhaps I'm just not typing the write thing or using the correct terminology. Ive just hit 6 weeks since my gastric sleeve. Recovery went really well but I'm still trying to learn what I can and can't eat and what my limits are,sometimes throwing up. Tonight I had home made gnocchi, I didn't force myself and I ate probably about 10 (no extra ingredients, just sauce) and I ate it over two hours, so it wasn't consistent with maybe two sips of water in between. I've now realised while getting changed is my stomach is almost bulging out, so I hope is my stomach anyway... It's like a big lump, on my left side where my ribs are below my breast. Here's a photo. I'm slightly worried, usually things that have happened for example 3 week stall, I could find a lot on it in this forum but this one I couldn't find anything hope it just means I over ate, or just something new I haven't notice in my body - I don't know. Sorry the photo isnt great, wouldn't really show up in pics
  9. I've had two different 2-3 week stalls since my sleeve was done January 11th. HW was 251, SW was 241. But in all I've lost 54 pounds and am now in Onederland! My first stall broke when I added a few more calories I wasn't eating enough. Give it time your body is adjusting and if you're exercising you'll need to continue to adjust. Be patient with yourself...
  10. LiciKitty

    Post op stall wth

    I was sleeved on the 26th and have been in a stall for about a week now. I eat about the same amount as you. I hear its possibly the 3 week stall and that this is normal as your body tries to adjust and heal.
  11. MarinaGirl

    Surgery Date May 31st

    Have you read the threads about stalls post-WLS? If not do a search and you'll find lots of people have experienced a 3 week stall after surgery. What can you do? Continue to follow your surgeon's plan, get in your fluids and Protein everyday and don't cheat. You can do this; keep the faith!
  12. Lela's New Life

    New York City Sleevers NYC

    Hello everyone! I'm another Queens resident/native I got sleeved on 5/23/17 at Lenox Hill Hospital with Dr. Yatco ( him). HW 241SW 230CW 219 Currently pushing through the dreadful 3 week stall. *sigh*
  13. So Monday was day 19 post op and (with my surgeons blessing) I went back to Crossfit. I used to work out 5 days a week, but I wanted to ease back in and told myself I would only go Monday, Wednesday, & Friday. Well, after Monday & Wednesday I was so sore that I skipped Friday. Instead I walked briskly around a track with a friend (who is getting sleeved next month!) for 1.5 hours. After doing yard work today I had the urge to get my sweat on, so our family (me, H, & 3 daughters) went on a 1.5 hr walk/hike at a local wildlife reserve that has lots of hills. I was exhausted after but glad I got in 4 days of exercise this week. My alarm is already set for 4:30 am so I can go back to Crossfit tomorrow morning I'm officially in the 3 week stall, btw. The scale hasn't moved since Wednesday. I'm doing great with my protein & fluids. I'm keeping my sugar & carbs down (between 20 & 30) and tracking EVERYTHING in my app, so I'm just gonna have to wait this out. Also had my 1st NSV today - I wore shorts! I had these shorts for 4+ years but always had such a muffin top that I wouldn't wear them. On a whim I tried them today & they are huge on me. I had to constantly pull them up
  14. lovie dovie

    Hair loss

    I had sleeve surg Feb 22, 2017 weight wise down 45 LBS but I have hit a 3 week stall and last but certainly not least my flipping hair is falling out!!!!!! Has anyone found anything that helps fix this problem I am becoming a little obsessed with the hair loss issue. HELP Sent from my SM-N920V using BariatricPal mobile app
  15. Apple1

    8 days out!!

    Congrats!!! It is pretty dang awesome huh? Don't freak out when you hit the 2-3 week stall. It happens for most people some where in that time frame. For me it was in between weeks 2-3. I have started losing again this week and I am staying in this groove as long as I can ..lol
  16. Justjoan

    No Weight Loss

    I'm with you. Only I'm 15 days. Lost the first week. Now nothing since. But I'm guilty of not drinking my water. So I'm going to try doing that. I never measured myself so idk if I'm losing inches. Clothes are lose. So I'm sure I am. I've been reading all about the 2 and 3 week stalls. So I'm trying not to freak out. VSG 5/25/17 HW 216 /CW 200/ GW 155
  17. kejamess

    No Weight Loss

    Thanks. I'm actually only 17 days post op. In your opinion (& I will do the google search), could the "3 week stall" occur just after 2 weeks? VSG: 5/24/2017 HW: 234 Pre-op: 226 CW: 213.8 GW: 155
  18. Berry78

    No Weight Loss

    It's called "the 3 week stall", happens to almost everyone during the first month. You are doing nothing wrong.. the scale just doesn't move for a week or two. Stalls will happen regularly on your journey. And you'll notice your weight will fluxuate a bit too. Scale going up by a pound or three is normal. It soon goes back down.
  19. Greensleevie

    Stall at week 3 already?

    Nope. You're right on schedule. Google or search this forum for " 3 week stall" and you will find literally hundreds of questions and answers about it. 99% of is have gone through it and continued on to lose weight. You're not doing anything wrong. Just stay the course and it will pass.
  20. missymoo137

    Stall at 3 weeks???

    Try searching "3 week stall" on here... literally hundreds of posts about the same thing you're going through. It's not only common, but I think maybe even necessary for a lot of people, to give the body time to catch up to the changes. The bad news seems to be that the dreaded 3 week stall can last several days or even weeks. Skipping daily weigh ins and reading about others going through the same thing seems to be the best advice I found. Just keep following your plan and stay positive...it will pass. Good luck! Sent from my XT1585 using BariatricPal mobile app
  21. bostongirl55

    No weight loss in 7 days?!

    Me too had my surgery same day lost 24 pounds and nothing ....i was wondering am i eating too much only about 600-700 calories a day no sugar low carbs ...i have to start exercising everyone talks about a 3 week stall maybe thats it...
  22. Joann454

    Slow Weight Loss

    I lost 6 lbs two weeks after surgery but I had lost 15 lbs the two weeks before surgery. I was dumbfounded that it was "only 6 lbs" after two weeks of 500 calories a day. Then I thought I could already be in my 3 week stall. I hate the scale and refuse to let it dictate my emotions for the day (at least I'm going to try very hard!) In two weeks I'll measure myself and see what's happened there. If nothing else I've lost weight in my boobs. ☹️
  23. Hi there @rkbarnes7 welcome. I do believe you have hit the famous 3 week stall. Look it up with the search tool, as it is very normal in this journey we are all on. I would weigh less often if the numbers on the scale stress you out. For me I usually weigh twice a week, but I only use my Monday morning number for tracking purposes. If you are following your doc/nuts plan and hitting your protein and water goals then just relax, the scale will eventually move. I am not a veteran, but I have researched the topic of stalls and most are broken by changing up a little. Maybe try eating a few more calories, or up your water, add in a little more walking, ect... I think you are doing great and don't forget to keep track of the NSV as we are often losing inches even when the scale isn't moving.
  24. I had vsg on 3/31 and on surgery day was 227 today I am at 202 [emoji20] Sometimes I feel a little discouraged, but then remember everyone is different and everyones plan is different. My surgeons plan has us on soft foods within 2 day. Liquids are only in the hospital, I left the hospital eating greek yogurt, cottage cheese and stuff like that. The one thing I am hoping for is that since weight loss is slower but steady, maybe I wont lose much hair, lol. Just follow your dr's plan and let your tool do it's work. Just think in 6 months if you lose steadily you will be down at least 50 lbs. Dont sweat the stalls either, I had an almost 3 week stall about 9 days after surgery, that was a little torture on the mind, but it also passed. Good Luck on your journey!! [emoji4] Sent from my SM-N920V using BariatricPal mobile app
  25. 800 calories for 3 weeks out is perfect. If the lack of scale changes is the question.. it's called the 3 week stall for a reason Between 2 and 4 weeks out, most patients have a couple weeks that the scale doesn't move. It isn't a problem, and doesn't mean anything is wrong. It's just the body adjusting after a major operation. These stalls will happen throughout your weight loss journey, so it's just as well that it happens so soon so you can get used to it In fact, OutsideMatchesInside mentioned having a month where her scale never moved, but she lost 2 dress sizes. It is her experience that the greatest diameter losses occur during the stalls. It's interesting! Also, don't panic if you see a pound or 3 pop back up on that scale. Again, it's just part of the process, and doesn't mean you gained 3 pounds of fat.

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