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What did you tell people?!?!?
outwithbenjiboi replied to LeahJade's topic in POST-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
I don't care one way or the other if anyone tells or not. After hearing about some of the people ya'll work with, I wouldn't want to talk to them either! I guess it just depends on one's personality and circumstances. Circumstances-wise: I have wonderful colleagues at work, and we all support each other with personal challenges. Several of my colleagues are overweight and walk together at lunch; we have a health/fitness directorate at work with a bariatric nutritionist on campus; we have an annual "Portion Off the Pounds" program and everyone in the CLASS shares their eating habits/goals; we have three gyms -- all free. Personality-wise: I was married to an abusive alcoholic for nearly 20 years. On top of that, I was GAY the whole time! With the help of therapy and Al-Anon, I came to see all of the secrets I'd been spinning/holding as TOXIC to me and my growth. So I started a personal policy of 100 percent honesty. Now, I'm very frank and open with everyone with whom I have ANY type of relationship; work, neighbor, family, volunteer, kids' friends, etc. My feeling now is: if they don't get it, I'm willing to invest the time in educating them about alcholism, domestic violence, equal rights, and -- yes -- bariatric surgery! If they're not interested in either learning something new about the world or about me, of if they just can't "stomach" it, fine. But if they are, then I've done some good in the world, expanded my circle of support, and opened someone's mind. All of those benefits are worth whatever risks I face. I am 100 percent me, honest, transparent and accountable 100 percent of the time. It's only made my life better and better and better. No "privacy?" NO PROBLEM! And no, I'm not stupid about cybersecurity/information security. In fact, it's part of my professional industry. BTW, I work for the Department of Defense with military officers from the Joint services and from all over the world, and I'm often the FIRST out gay person they've ever met. I get a lot of appreciation -- and a lot of disclosures from others! -- in response to my visibility. I'm sorry about my "shame" comment earlier. Obviously, that's not the case with everyone (although I'm sure it IS the case with some). But I never again want to live in fear of the risks of sharing ANYTHING about myself that's important to me. If I worked somewhere that imposed that risk, or had relationships with people who imposed that risk -- I wouldn't for long. -
RANT about perspective of coworkers
Rogofulm replied to valerie0822's topic in PRE-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
This thread made me go back and find my Easy Way Out post from a few months back. It reminds me that anyone who would say that has no freakin' idea. A message from someone who had gastric sleeve surgery, lost 120 pounds, and is now living below goal weight..... Is this the "easy way out"? Well, yes and no. Yes, it's easi–er because the smaller stomach helps me control my appetite and the amount of food I can take in. Initially (but not forever), calories are greatly restricted because of the lesser volume consumed, but good choices still have to be made every single time I put something in my mouth. and... No, it's not easy, because since making this decision I have: Taken nutritional counseling classes Attended bariatric support group meetings Been evaluated by a psychologist Been evaluated by a cardiologist Been evaluated by a pulmonologist Had an upper GI evaluation Had a complete physical by my primary care physician Gone through a two-week pre-operative liquid diet Gone through and recovered from a major surgery that removed 80% of my stomach Gone through a two-week post operative liquid diet Gone through a two-week soft food diet Eaten zero starches (bread, Pasta, rice, potatoes, pizza, etc.) Eaten zero sugary Desserts (cake, pie, pudding, ice cream, candy, etc.) Eaten very few fruits Had zero fruit juices Had zero sodas Had zero alcoholic beverages Completely avoided the Snacks and treats people bring to work every day to share Eaten 80–100 grams of Protein every single day Not had anything to drink for 30-45 minutes before eating Not had anything to drink with meals Not had anything to drink for 30-45 minutes after eating But still managed to drink 64–120 ounces of fluids every single day Taken a handful of Vitamins and supplements every single day Planned what I will eat every single time I leave the house for more than an hour so as not to get caught without something appropriate to eat and drink Made sure that acceptable food and drink will be available every day at work Always eaten protein first Always eaten non-starchy vegetables second (and there's never room for anything else) Exercised 5-6 times a week Logged everything I ate or drank for several months, and again whenever my weight loss slowed And through it all, I've watched my friends and family eat and drink whatever they want at restaurants, birthdays, dinner parties, sporting events, New Year's, Valentine's Day, St. Patrick's Day, Easter, 4th of July, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and so on.... Now, does that sound like "the easy way"? Not by a long shot! (Just compare the Yes and No sections above.) But weight loss surgery is a tool that makes the likelihood of long-term success much better than it would be without it. And now that I'm in maintenance, I have to eat, drink, exercise, and live in such a way as to not regain the weight I've lost – for the rest of my life! My "Honeymoon Period" is over now. I get hungrier than before, so I have to stay extra vigilant not to eat too much. And if a few pounds creep in, I have to muscle them back down before they find friends. The easy way? Yeah, right! -
Allergic to bandaids???
kcarny replied to Nippz_7919's topic in POST-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
I have sensitive skin and am allergic to band-aid adhesive, too. It sounds like you still have some irritation since your doctor doesn't think it's an infection. I usually put some hydrocortisone cream on rashes like that. Ask your doctor if that would be ok. It helps me when I have a reaction. Don't try to dry it out with alcohol or peroxide. That will make it itchier! -
Alcohol tolerance...
jacee replied to soccergirl88's topic in POST-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
My alcohol tolerance is almost zero. I drank a glass of wine, and I am at my limit. And drinking that glass takes me a while. Kindove sucks, miss going out and taking a couple shots with my friends. Beer no way, I have had zero carbonation so I dont drink it. Im pretty sure hard alcohol would get me so drunk that I would be on the floor. Maybe all this happened becuase I have not had it in while, so my tolerance is lower, or maybe because it absorbs in my tiny stomache faster... Either way I hope thier comes a day when I can drink at least one drink without feeling so buzzed... -
My doctor has strict guidelines of no alcohol for eight months.
Doc says no fruit--EVER
SweetPotato replied to Whynotnow's topic in POST-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
yeah.... my program has us off of caffeine, alcohol, carbonated beverages, using straws, chewing gum, specific veggies (like corn and celery), yogurt, rice/pasta/oatmeal and discourages specific fruits (like watermelon, grapes and pineapple). They also highly discourage drinking calories, including Protein shakes... something that lots of programs highly suggest. Thats from orientation day out. After surgery we are supposed to do protein first, followed by veggies and, if there is room we can add a whole grain complex carb from a specific list and then fruit (suggested start with apples for lower sugar content). Every program is different... -
Taboo Question about Alcohol consumption....
hopeful11 posted a topic in POST-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
This question is for all you seasoned bandsters...So I know we're not supposed to drink after we've had the band placed...I wasn't much of a drinker to begin with so it hasn't bothered me in the least bit...however as many of you know there are times when a drink is almost impossible to refrain from (wedding toasts, etc) So my question is the event that we decide to partake in a drink, what's the best choice for us to make? I know fizzy/bubbly drinks or beer is not an option (I've heard it stretches the pouch!! . I'm only a couple of weeks out so haven't encountered this obsticle yet....any suggestions? -
Not that I am a heavy drinker by any means, but a couple times a year I like to get together with friends and tip back a few. I am wondering how everyone's experience has been with alcohol after the band and what types of drinks people are drinking when they do drink. That you for any advise.
I've got an upcoming business trip that will "require" some time to be spent "networking" at the bar in the evenings. I will be about four weeks out from surgery at that point and don't want to drink alcohol. I also don't want to drink Club Soda since I've given up carbonated beverages. These types of trips come up a few times per year - any suggestions? Thanks
Old habits are trying to come back!!!!
thinoneday replied to Deedle Dee's topic in POST-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
I can so relate to what your saying and it's not fun. . .unfortunately we are given this sleeve as a tool only, what we do with it is our decision. . . since last october i've fallen off the wagon pretty badly and gained quite a bit of weight (not tons but enough to shock me) and i had to think about what it was that i had been doing wrong. . . i found that i've come under A LOT of stress both at home and at work. . . so being a emotional eater, guess what????? I was eating all the time not realizing what I was doing. . . it didn't seem like much at those times, heck a small bag of pretzels here and small bag of licorice there. . . pork rinds EVERYDAY up to 2 bags of them, lots of alcohol, going out to eat more often. . . you get the picture. . . well i would weigh myself and couldn't understand why the heck was i not moving off the same weight i was on for the past few months so I stopped weighing myself as well. . .(oh and to mention I stopped exercising too) well then here at the end of february I got up onto the scale after not being weighed for a few weeks and oh my god I thought i was going to die, have a stroke, or both but I had gained soooooooooo much weight (25lbs, no the scale was not wrong). . . but how was that possible? Well it is and it will happen to all of us if we don't get a handle onto it. . . the sleeve is only a tool it's not a miracle thing that will make us loose weight we are the ones who have to work with it in order to loose the weight. . . well i got back to basics (and let me tell you it's extremely hard now) but since i have i've lost 4 lbs in 3 days, i will continue to eat Proteins first and ONLY 3 meals a day without Snacks like it was recommended by my nut back in the beginning. . . This is a big set back for me, I was soooooo close to my goal and now have to work 2x as hard to get there but i will get there. . . I didn't spend $15,000.00 of my hard earned money to regain my weight! So I hope that this story helps you out a bit, maybe scares you a bit, but it's true and very real. . I'm living through it now and was really embarrassed to talk about it, but the best therapy is to realize what is happening and get it out into the open . . . so here I am telling you to be really careful. . . don't sabatoge yourself. . it's a lot harder if you do. . . good luck to you and to EVERYONE here. . . . -
i had to wait 6 months post-op before i could have carbonation and alcohol... after that i had no restrictions. you just have to always remember... you should NOT eat and drink at the same time. even almost 3 years post-op that is hard for me. when i go out for work happy hour, i have to choose whether i'm going to eat or drink... and honestly, i usually choose drinking lol it might make things more difficult when you travel... but you can start drinking again about 30 minutes after you eat! i'm a believer that you can have anything in moderation... but it might cause you to lose slower.
And she was allergic to the sugar alcohols anyway.
I Need Some Serious Help!
kakatlady612 replied to wishingskinni's topic in Gastric Sleeve Surgery Forums
Aw come on Pride of the Badgers, you know better than this. It is no longer your job to eat food just so it doesn't get away from you. You are not the world's trashcan, that was one of my failings, I'm a mommy, rather than refrigerating the end of the cassarole after casserole, i ate it. Now I have a rump that won't fit through the rabbit hole, shoot it barely fits through a metal drainpipe. I wouldn't say it's head hunger you aren't even using your head to think. You are suffering from terminal boredom and unconscious engorgement. You are abusing your new tool, it's like putting it in a vise grip and pounding it with a sledge hammer. You know you know better, there isn't anyone stuffing things in your crumb cruncher but you. Put the Reese cups down, no not down your throat, child. If you were in Texas Fluffy Chix would administer a b***h slapping and I might just let her.Now up off of your rump, drink some Water or chrystal lite, you are a foodaholic and just like an alcoholic trying to reform you need to stay on that wagon, even if it's an uncomfortable haywagon.Yeah food is all around you, it's trying to seduce you back into its clutches. I live 30 miles from Dublin Ohio, the home of Wendy's. You think I don't have a barrage of commercials headed my way? Buck up Buckaroo, don't sit and feel sorry for yourself, yeah you made a mistake, wonder you didn't get sick, but you can And should vow to nor do it again. Think you want a fry? A moment on the lips, forever on your hips. Think how greasy slimy cold frenchfry grease is.Get up and clean but do some knee bends, March in place, sing Go you chicken Fat Go. You can do it, take some of that resolve that got you past your surgery, nothing to it but to do it. You're having a pity party and catering it yourself. Besides I'm wise but I haven't had my surgery yet, you've got to get mentally stable so you can mentor me! Your Buckeye friend ME Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app -
Trying To Make The Up My Mind What To Do.
heathylife commented on disneynut1969's blog entry in disneynut1969's Blog
Sorry to hear about your pains...these things will drive emotional eaters to food for sure, and very understandable! For those who love me, I explained to them that I am a food addict. The same concept as an alcoholic and smoker, or even drug WAS my go to drug. I explained that as a child a snuck and ate after hours..and that I binge eat when I am stressed, sad and bored. This seemed to help those I love understand and support me. I have only told my love ones about my journey, as I do not owe anyone outside my loving circle, an explanation.. which reduces me having to hear unwanted opinions. The decesion is not east and is yours to make. However, as a mom, I was afraid of not being here with my little one. But after researching over a year and understanding the pros and cons! Best of luck in whatever you decide!! You have support here on this site for sure! -
Obediently Introducting Myself
jebtrek replied to DL88's topic in Tell Your Weight Loss Surgery Story
Hello, I live in Kansasville Wi. and went to a seminar on gastric bypass operations, by Dr. Chua, in Racine. I will probably be traveling up to Milwaukee for some appointments and such if I go thru with this. I wish you much luck and peace thru-out this process. Take Care, Janet Hi Lap Band People, I am just trying to get into this site because I believe I will need some support and information on my journey. This seems to be a huge and active discussion group. I am also hoping to find a local support group in Milwaukee. I got my band on Thursday, May 12, 2011, from Dr. Thomas Chua, Wisconsin Bariatric Clinic, on Loomis, in Milwaukee. My insurance excluded coverage so I bit the bullet and paid for it myself. It certainly cut the paperwork and got me on the fast track. Now I'm healing. Still sipping vicodin, but starting to get free of it. I changed my dressings. I got a food processor and little 4 oz cups to freeze stuff in. I have a kitchen scale (for foods). A couple of weeks ago I was 313 lovable pounds. Now I am 297, sore, disoriented, but no less lovable, I hope. I was crabby this morning with a person who works for me, who is also obese. I told her I didn't appreciate her assumption that every new idea would be a bad thing. My goal is 200 pounds, but maybe it should be 175, as I am 6', 61 years old. I am divorced since a couple of years ago. I have 6 children, 3 of which are in their 20's. One is 9. I wanted to stick around awhile to see how they do. I have a good primary physician in Milwaukee. He has watched my weight increase despite stringent efforts to overcome the problem. He watches over my asthma, sleep apnea, pre-diabetes, gout, high blood pressure, heart risks, etc. He mentioned the lap band surgery. I resisted by trying one last-ditch effort with a psychiatrist, who gave me prozac for 6 months. At first it helped. I stopped drinking alcohol too. But eventually the appetite reduction effect subsided, and I quit prozac and psychiatric visits and started drinking again, which certainly doesn't help anything. I don't think of myself as an alcoholic, but there is no question that alcohol lowers my resistance to sensible eating. I eat too much. It's a vicious circle. But I hope I am done with all that. I am doing well with the lap band. I have no desire to start drinking again. I am looking forward to feeling well enough to exercise. So that's me. I introduced myself. I will appreciate any support and try to be supportive in turn. -
Taboo Question about Alcohol consumption....
EspeciallyKK replied to hopeful11's topic in POST-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
Ya, I learned the "alcohol now hits us harder" rule the WRONG way. Last week, I was on a cruise and had maybe 4 drinks....and 2 shots. For me, this is normally not enough alcohol to have much effect, especially with dinner and over the course of an 8 hour evening out. Well, boy was I wrong. I was feeling ok, and then suddenly, I wasn't ok at all. I then vomited for 15 hours. Which was painful. I was pretty sure I would die. So I can say, wholeheartedly, that we can NOT consume alcohol the same way anymore. Not to mention we are eating a lot less so there is nothing to absorb it. And my doctor was adamant that there can never again be carbonation or beer. This all happened as a result of cranberry and vodka. -
Enabling addictions
southernsoul replied to gamergirl's topic in POST-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
I'm not sure I agree with you about tolerance and withdrawal not applying to food. Our processed foods have crazy amounts of hidden sugar in them (primarily from corn derivatives), so I definitely think that a tolerance can be built up without us even realizing it. For a person who has physiological or emotional responses to sugar intake, it makes sense to me that the person would then need to consume ever larger amounts in order to produce the effect they are seeking. Further, there is plenty of anecdotal evidence about the physical symptoms that occur when withdrawing from carbs and sugar...headaches, irritability, shakiness, etc. So, yeah...I believe that tolerance, dependence, and withdrawal can be applicable to food. When I first started this process, I was extremely concerned about determining whether or not I had a true addiction. I knew that could be the biggest challenge to being successful with WLS, so I really wanted to know if that was my problem. While I definitely enjoy sweets, other carbs like bread, Pasta, and potatoes, were my bigger concern. I ate refined carbs in some form every single day, and I love them. In addition, I drank alcohol every day. I fixed a vodka cocktail every night in a large cup, so it was probably the equivalent of 3-4 standard drinks. Even though I didn't think my drinking was compulsive, I also knew that I could be wrong about that. I knew that if I had addiction tendencies in any area, those two areas would be the most likely to be problematic. I discussed my concerns in depth during my 3 month psych eval, and I even requested some additional substance abuse assessments. All of the results indicated no substance issues. Those findings have been supported by my behavioral changes both pre- and post-op. I follow my dietary guidelines, I haven't experience much in the way of cravings, or found myself triggered by certain foods or situations. When I have wanted to taste something sweet or carby, a small taste has been satisfying and did not leave me wanting more. Over the past 4 months, I have consumed alcohol 3 times, about a half glass of wine each time. I don't miss the daily drink & it wasn't a struggle to give it up. I know I'm not very far out, so maybe some of these choices will get harder for me. I'm trying to be prepared for that possibility, and to guard against complacency. I also know that everyone is different, so what's true for me will not necessarily be true for someone else. My personal experience tells me that genuine addiction was not a factor for me, but that doesn't mean it's not a factor for someone else. -
My old life
Diana_in_Philly replied to JoyandLight's topic in POST-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
I'm 13 months, almost, out. I'm down 102 pounds. I don't want my old life back. That was the life where I had to be sitting and could only walk short distances because of the knee pain. Where I couldn't help my daughter do college tours (or now move into her college) because I was tired and winded. The old me couldn't go ziplining in Jamaica, and horseback riding and tubing. The old me couldn't fit into size 8 pants. The old me couldn't be a competitive fencer in my age group. What the new me can do is all that and enjoy dinner and a drink, provided I've made an allocation in my calories for that alcohol, and enjoy the company of people. Went to a big picnic/party for my husband's running club last weekend - was able to eat a few things, have a glass of wine or two and enjoy the conversation. Give yourself some time - you are mourning the loss of a person you were and a time in your life to which you will never go back. You're doing great. Keep up with your plan and another six months from now, you'll look at that pre-op photo you did and go - crap - did I really look like that and feel that awful all the time. You've got this. -
I am going to Vegas next month and I will be about 2 1/2 months out from surgery by then. I would love to be able to have a drink socially here and there, but I don't want to harm my tummy. has anyone tried it that soon and if so was it ok? Thanks Sherri
I was emphatically told that I was to avoid all alcoholic beverages for an entire year post op...
I would not recommend having any alcohol that early, it can cause to much stomach irritation while you're healing.
@@Proud2BMe It makes me sad to read this! I'm sorry you're going through a difficult time. Thankfully you admitted this before it got any worse. Alcohol detox is dangerous. Please reconsider getting professional help - at least to detox. Whatever you do - please take care of yourself!!! You're in my prayers!!
Get PROFESSIONAL Help! In support group I met a woman who started drinking wine and became an alcoholic. She lost her husband and children in 2 years of this addiction and decided to attend AA Meetings to reestablish a relationship with her children. In the AA Meetings she polled the people and found out 15 in the group had WLS. 1 DIED a slow miserable death. So her warning to us was NEVER drink, it can cost you everything. Sent from my SM-G530T1 using the BariatricPal App
Your post was incredibly brave and admitting and accepting you have a problem is the hardest thing to do. I deal with a food addiction but I also have a mother that is an alcoholic. She never wanted to do anything about her problem and to live through the devastation of it personally was one of the hardest things. I will say it is one heck of a beast so I wouldn't suggest going it alone. You need someone that has been there done that. That's kinda what this place is for us. I would suggest going to some type of group meeting having a sponsor is the best thing you can do.
@@Proud2BMe - I wanted to say thanks for sharing your story. I am going to be sleeved on Wednesday. I only drink occasionally and don't have a drinking problem. However, addiction does run in my family. I haven't had anything to drink in two weeks now because of the preop diet. I know the recommendation to never drink again, but since I just have wine occasionally I figured it will be ok to have a little here and there in the future. Your story makes me seriously reconsider that thought. My brother in law had RNY about two years ago and seems to have a problem with alcohol now too. He also went through a divorce and I thought that might be more his reason. I do wonder though. My brother is an alcoholic and has been doing it for awhile. He's to the point where it seems nearly impossible to stop, even after a DWI and $10,000 down the drain. I urge you to follow your own instinct and seek some professional help. Stop it in its tracks. Don't let the disease leave you down and out, like it does for so many. A friend of mine did AA and said it really turned his whole life around. You faced WLS and lost all that weight. You took such a huge step at making a better life for yourself. Don't let this stop you. Get some help. You can tackle this too. Thanks again for sharing.