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Found 17,501 results

  1. Having reduces my weight with gastric sleeve surgery i have now stalled and 15 months post surgery i am begining to put on weight again 4 lbs doesnt seem much but i can feel it in my clothes i now need to begin the hard work and make more if an effort up my walking and eat better.

    1. Kikikayaker


      Find something you’ll enjoy... I took up Zumba and yoga... the women their are Greta and I enjoy it more than lifting weights❤️. You can do it...

  2. Didn’t think I’d be Hungry ??? Anyone else have to walk away from ppl eating you favorites lol I assumed I wouldn’t care but it is frustrating
  3. Sleeved on 4/27. Down 10 lbs since then. However, I haven’t lost an ounce in 3 days. Did anyone else experience this?
  4. Hi folks. I had a revision from band to sleeve on 3/26/21. I'm on stage 4 and had some ground up gyro meat for dinner last night that was a little dry, but I did OK with it. Today I feel "off". My head has a dull ache, I've had off and on dull ache in my stomach/chest, and when I took my swallow able multivitamin, the underside of my jaw hurt a little. What did I do? Is it just indigestion? Any ideas before I call my doc? Anyway, in the meantime I went back to just shakes to let my stomach calm down a bit. Thanks in advance for answering. Sent from my H8314 using BariatricPal mobile app
  5. Hello all! My surgery went well, not feeling any pain. I follow all directions for diet. I eat the 4oz of high protein puree food and not even 2 hours later, I am starving. I am drinking my water and getting the daily recommended 65 grams of protein. Is this normal? What to do to stop the hunger? I want to be successful in this. Sent from my SM-G965U1 using BariatricPal mobile app
  6. Jacob C.

    Weight loss stall

    Hello , names jacob , I'm 12 days post op, I've lost 25 lbs so far however I I havnt lost weight in 4 or 5 days now when i was losing almost everyday, any suggestions ? Following diet strictly also Sent from my SM-G955U using BariatricPal mobile app
  7. Freaking out here. I had surgery 3/3 I went from 268 to 215.8. I’ve been at 215.8 for almost three weeks now. I only eat healthy and I walk everyday( I have not been cleared to do anything else yet). I’m getting frustrated because the scale won’t move. It would be nice to see wonderland.
  8. Hi everyone! Has anyone felt like they can eat more than others? Yesterday, I ate 2oz of cream of wheat for breakfast, lunch was 2oz of egg salad, snack was a protein shake and dinner was 4oz of Ricotta Bake - I thought I ate 2oz but turns out I ate 4oz. I am only in my second week and im on puree. Most of the time I can eat 2oz before I get full but I notice sometimes im able to eat a little more. This makes me nervous like im doing something wrong and, or that im going to gain weight eventually from this. I know it sounds crazy but it just makes me nervous. Any encouragement is very much appreciated. Thank you!
  9. Okay so I have a question. Why didn’t my surgeon not give me a full two weeks on the diet? I was called this pst Wednesday (4/28/21) at noon telling me my surgery is scheduled for next Wednesday (5/5/21) so that’s barely 7 days to diet. Is this a normal thing that can happen or has happened to anyone?? Any thoughts or ideas

    Start of Week 4

    Long deep breath......... The last 3 weeks have been weeks of emotion. Week one discomfort wondering if its all worth it. Week 2 excitement because the pounds are coming off and the adding of full liquids. Week 3 excitement for purees and exercise, then moments of sadness and frustration when the scale didn't move wondering if I am doing something wrong. THANK GOD for this forum where just typing week 3 you she that the stalls are normal!! For those of you new to this take a few hours to just type in all your concerns questions or thoughts you will find something. I got the go ahead to start eating "real food" and go back to the gym so super excited. I am down 17 pounds and 10 inches since day before surgery. The rate of weight loss was 12# week 1 , 4# week 2, 1# week 3....now you see the frustration LOL. The surgery is definitely worth it! Tips that have helps with the mental aspect: On a piece of paper write your why, then 5-6 NON weight goal i.e shopping off the rack, walking up a flight of stars post it on your mirror and check off each one as you meet them. Remember the "old" you died on the surgery table. So what you did before is not going to be the same you are learning every day like an infant. This is a journey not a race Now I need help from the community: I am supposed to add veggies to my meals but still reach my 65 gm of protein but only eat 3 times a day with one snack...how the heck do I do that? I can only tolerate about a 1/4-1/3 cup of food. I asked the dietitian but honestly her answer was...just add then and take the food away..What the heck! ANY advice hot tips are wanted and welcomed! Thanks in advanced!
  11. I know stall threads are the most common type of post here, so I won’t delve too deep into my current situation other than I am 4 weeks out and have been exactly the same weight down to .2lbs for 8 days now. My question is: does anyone have a scientific answer as to why this happens? It appears that this would violate the law of thermodynamics completely. Are stalls a form of starvation mode, and if so, how are we to work past them given calories are barely increased on the “normal” section of the diet? I spoke to my NUT and was basically told there was nothing I could do but increase my cardio level. Considering I’m doing 30mins 7 days a week on a 650-750 calorie a day amount, this seems excessive and silly. I barely have enough energy to get through what I’m doing right now, and I know from past experiences that adding in more and more cardio does not work. I’m eating 75-85g of protein a day, taking all my vitamins, water over 70oz, and logging/weighing/tracking all my small meals. I understand I am not something special with this stall, I’d just love more info as to what is physiologically happening to cause this and how it is able to fix itself.
  12. I’m 15 days post roux en y and have been doing well and even running slowly, Ran 2 miles in less than 32 minutes yesterday including a hill! Last night I felt dehydrated and hungry and I’m now 15 days after surgery so I picked. Mushy meal of beef vegetable soup and I ate it. This morning had horrific bleeding stomach problems and had to miss work. Haven’t had this before- so I tried to eat eggs late afternoon and threw up. This is my first bad day. I am tolerating my medications, etc. but today my stomach is cramping and not very happy. also the weight loss stalled this week- not sure why. Today I finally dropped a pound. anyone have any comments?
  13. I had vsg 17 days ago. I am feeling great and have been since a few days after my surgery, which scares me a little. I didn't experience much pain other than discomfort when getting up from sitting. I hit or surpassed my liquid and protein goals every day from day 1. Also, I have been hungry (not emotionally hungry). I'm on my 3rd week post op diet of pureed foods. I'm logging everything on My Fitness Pal. I am scared I'm eating too many calories. Approx how many calories/ macro % should be my goal at this stage? FYI, I'm 5' 3.5" and currently 276 lbs (313 lbs start). TIA for your help!
  14. Question, I am 3 and a half weeks out of surgery and I was wondering how much of my protein shake I should be doing at a time? I noticed that the first week or so it would take me all day to drink all 11oz of a shake. Now I think I can almost finish an entire shake in maybe over 30 min. Is this normal? I do not want to stretch my pouch but I do not feel like my stomach gets like overloaded when I drink the shake. Also, do we still need to sip?
  15. Hey everyone! I am just over 6 weeks post-op and I read about stalls on here all the time. However, I have not yet stalled. I know, stalls are inevitable and eventually I will experience one, but are there others out there who haven't stalled early on? I hear so many patients stall around week 3 and I'm curious why I haven't stalled yet. I have been losing about 2 pounds a week since surgery - and I am definitely not complaining, just curious! ☺️
  16. Guys, I need some encouragement here. I had my sleeve done on April 6, and everything went as planned. However, after losing 21 pounds in fourteen days, I have been stalled for a week! I'm seriously crashing here, because it's like all my failures in weight loss are coming back! I am following the dietician's recommendations to the letter, walking 2 miles each day. . .HELP!!!
  17. Hi guys, I had my surgery March 17th, so I’m at the 5 weeks mark. I lost 22 pounds total, but in the three weeks alone I lost 6 pounds only. Is this normal? I’m not drinking or eating my calories, my food is completely on point and I’m beginning to worry. Last two weeks I lost only 2.5 pounds.
  18. Hello All, I'm looking for guidance on the best go-to liquids for week one that will fill you up and taste great. Product recommendations please and Thank you! I have surgery May 27th and I want to make sure I'm fully stocked with products that help me get through step 1.
  19. Stellagettinghergrooveback21

    Weight loss first two weeks

    I have lost 10 lbs since surgery two weeks post op today. I feel like it should be more, but I have not really started on walking yet and plan on that today. Should I be dropping more? I was on full liquid for one week and started purée the 2 week. I’ll be on purée for one more week then will be on soft foods. TIA
  20. Hi there! I'm 7.5 months post op from RNY. Since having surgery on Sept. 28, I've lost 85lbs ... averaging about 10lbs per month (with the exception of the first month or two when I lost 15-20). ANYWAY, I haven't lost a single pound in over a month! While I haven't gained any, it's still REALLY frustrating to also not be losing this early in the process. I eat anywhere from 850-1200 calories a day. Average 70-100oz of water. Keep my protein between 70-95. Walk 2-4 miles. Peloton 2-3 days a week for 30 mins. I also track every. single. bite. using MFP. I've had a couple stalls here and there, usually lasting 1-2 weeks ... but never a months long! Has anyone experienced this long of a stall this early on in their journey? How long did the stall last? Does anyone have any suggestions for breaking through a long stall? Thanks!
  21. Hello ! I am at 8 days before my surgery and I was wondering if any of you were asked to stop their multivitamins 1 week prior to surgery ? My surgeon did not say anything to me but instructed another patient (who is having surgery around the same time) to stop them... any thoughts ?
  22. CarbAlv

    11 Weeks Post Op

    I was wondering if it was okay to eat oranges at this stage and is eating 2-3 oz still okay, I'm almost going to hit 3 months and I get full pretty quick. Sent from my SM-N950U using BariatricPal mobile app
  23. Well I’ve had a rough deal with surgery, but it seems like everything my body rejects it’s hard to get enough protein and drink my liquids for the day . Most time I’m just to tired to get out of bed .....
  24. I am about 31/2 months post VSG surgery and have had a number of weeks in a stall.  I am ok with it, I know it's normal.  BUT...I've found the joy of alcohol again....dammit!  I stopped for 12 months in 2020, gained weight, had surgery in January this year, lost a shed load of weight...and stalling. I do think my alcohol consumption is contributing (doh, of course it is, it's empty calories) so I'm on a mission to knock it back for a while.

    It's never easy huh!  🙂

    1. XtinaDoesIt


      I'm with you on this! Im around 3 month too. Had 2 days of drinking on vacation 2 weeks ago but since then, I've had at least 4 more "occasions" to drink. I know its not the worst but alcohol was definitely a contributing factor to my weight gain and its too early for us to get off track. Let's go cold turkey together!

    2. Neensyb


      Done, stopping today. Let's check in together to stay on track. 🙂

  25. I am 9 days post op and have only lost 2 lb in the last week. I lost 20 lbs before surgery and am frustrated that I haven't seen hardly any loss this week. I am making sure that I get my protein in each day. What am I doing wrong? Or am I being unrealistic in my expectations? Going through all of this and not seeing the scale show much is frustrating.

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